#but i miss my phone friends !!!! sadposting at midnight instead of brushing my teeth which. i will tell you. is significant
oloreandil · 9 months
i don't wanna discount that logging off is useful in a lot of cases, but being too tired to even be on tumblr, something which didn't take up inappropriate amounts of my time, makes me realise how much i miss the people in my phone and the genuine connections (wordless or otherwise) that form on here. especially for disabled people, i don't think we acknowledge enough the IMMENSE social inclusion and participation it creates
art, knowledge, jokes, conversations !!! i can see it all without forcing myself to go outside (health risk) or direct interaction (in cases of no energy). i can see it from friends i know irl and from total strangers who long deactivated their blogs alike. it's not "pretend life in a digital world" just like you're not waiting to become an adult to live the "real" life, it's just... life. another facet but not less important or true. i'm so grateful to everyone that ever posted on here
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