#but i really needed to scry these guys as aethers!
meat-fr · 2 years
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Brown-Spotted Mith ~ Chocolate/Sand/Tarnish Primrose Mith ~ Cream/Rose/Cottoncandy Goldenplains Poodle Mith ~ Tan/Ginger/Tan Marshland Poodle Mith ~ Blackberry/Eggplant/Midnight
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saltmageelliexiv · 4 years
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Disclaimer: This story contains sexual/mature themes, please read with caution.
Added note: This story was originally written by @asterixkearn​, who has given me full consent to post on my blog. Please give them a follow; they are not only an amazing writer and roleplayer, but a very good friend of mine.
"Hold still." 
"I'm trying!..."
"You aren't trying hard enough."
"It hurts!..."
Asterix let out a soft sigh as she lifted her chisel from her canvas of pale skin. "No, it doesn't. It's just pricking you a little."
"How would you know?" The Miqo'te glanced back at the Xaelan woman, letting out a whine as her back began to throb softly, "You don't even have any!"
"Even if I don't have any, I'm more than capable of giving you one, especially a temporary one." She thwapped the chisel against the woman's skin softly, eliciting a yelp of surprise, "And I also know how much they actually hurt - which is to say, very little!...."
"So you don't think it's weird that a tattoo artist doesn't have any of her own?"
"If you wanna look at it this way; I've never had a tattoo because I'm far too invested in making sure all of you get the tattoos you want. I've even given your Madam some of hers."
"I know, I just- Ow!"
"I told you not to move." Asterix brushed off the woman's back, rolling her eyes.
The Miqo'te let out a soft whine as the Xaela went back to her work without delay, the rhythmic tapping of the tribal chisel filling the room, "You know there's machines for this now, right?"
"I do."
"And you don't use them, why?"
"I thought about getting one from the Ironworks, but I'm just more comfortable with my Tebori style."
"Tebori?" She inquired.
"It was a style invented in Doma some centuries ago. And if it was good enough for the ancient Domans, it's good enough for you." The pain finally ceased as Asterix pulled away from her work, nodded confidently to herself as a proud smirk flashed across her face, "Speaking of which..."
The Xaela reached up to a nearby desk, retrieving a mirror in order to expose the Miqo'te's back.
"There. How's that look?"
The Miqo'te's eyes lit up as she took in the sun-like pattern that now adorned her shoulders. Oh, how it glowed, just like the sun, it's candescent orange hue filling the room in a dim orange blanket of light.
"Here I thought the others were exaggerating..." She whispered in delight, "It's really glowing."
"Mhmm. Your aether has been concentrated and brought up near to the surface of your skin, which is reacting with the temporary ink. Think of it like a liquid lightbulb." Asterix placed her chisel on the tray that sat beside her chair, "It should last you about a week exactly, give'r take about half a day. If it starts burning, or the glow becomes disruptive, come see me and I'll settle your skin back down."
"Can do! Thanks, Ast!" 
"No problem. Oh, and...be careful," Asterix playfully flicked the woman's arm, eliciting a hiss of pain from the woman, "The skin will be sensitive for about a day."
"Hey. N'ara?"
"Huh?" The woman in question, N'ara, paused, turning back to the raven-haired woman.
"If you don't mind my asking, why did you come to me for this?"
N'ara only tilted her head in response, giving the Xaela a blank stare.
"You mentioned I don't have any tattoos earlier. You aren't exactly a well-decorated canvas either." Asterix rightly pointed out, eliciting a nervous smile from the Miqo'te, "So why the sudden interest? Temporary or no, people don't usually get tattoos on a whim."
"Oh." N'ara chuckled, rubbing her arm awkwardly, "I guess I just wanted a change. Show the world I'm not just any other Miqo'te."
"That's fair." Asterix paused just long enough for her companion to feel a sense of ease before arcing her eyebrow, "...And the real reason?"
"Is it really that obvious?" The Miqo'te asked, deflated.
"I don't have to be that lunatic Hildibrand to see that you've been acting strangely."
"Something I should neglect to mention to the Madam?" Asterix asked carefully. She had never been one for keeping secrets from her dear friend, but there had been times in the past where one of her girls had come to her, hoping for a confidante. 
"No, no!... I've just been preparing is all. One of my friends is getting married this weekend, and she's always been a fan of tattoos like this." N'ara shrugged nonchalantly, "I don't have the courage to get a permanent one, and some of the girls mentioned you could give temporary ones, so-..."
"Well, if it starts fading before th wedding, just tell me. I'll bring the aetherical charge back to where it needs to be." Asterix offered the woman a warm smile, earning a hopeful grin in return.
"Sure thing. So, how much do I owe ya?"
"You're one of Ellie's girls, which means you're family in here. Family's free." Asterix jerked her thumb towards the door, tilting her head in the same direction, "Get going. Your friend'll be eager to see your work."
N'ara seemed in no mood to argue with the woman, only leaping to her feet as she struggled to contain the excitement bubbling violently within her.
"Thank you again!"
She rushed out of the room with a single wave, skittering past the shoji divider that separated the makeshift parlor from the rest of the brothel without delay - that was at least until she found herself impacting against another.
Another very important individual.
"Oh!" N'ara sputtered as she hastily dipped into a respectful bow, refusing to meet the amber gaze of the woman she’d run headlong into with reckless abandon, “G-good evening Madam!..."
"Is Asterix in there?" The woman in question, Madam Eliceyn Birch, idly inquired, barely acknowledging the Miqo'te's presence.
"Yes, Ma'am. She's just recently-"
"Thank you." The black-haired Hyur interrupted without a hint of hesitation. Clearly the woman was in no mood to tip-toe around with her usual formalities, “Why don't you take the rest of the night off?"
"...I apologize, I don't believe I caught that?"
"We're to close earlier than usual tonight." The Madam clarified as she began to toy with the hem of her robe, glancing past the Miqo'te into the makeshift parlor Asterix had carved out for herself, "We have a new client soliciting my services and I've a mind to keep his visit my top priority. As such, I've decided that remaining shut for the night is in our best interest."
"I understand, Madam. Should I inform the other girls?"
"Please; thank you, N'ara."
"Of course. Best of luck, Madam."
She waited for the Miqo'te to scamper off out of view before she turned to enter the parlor, her talon-like fingernails idly tapping against her robe as she hummed quietly to herself.
Her voice was softer than usual. More subdued. Even so, it still retained enough of it's usual gusto to commanded her friend's attention.
"Huh? Oh, Els. Good evening," The Xaela's replied carried the same lack of enthusiasm as she went about stowing away the rest of her supplies, sparing naught more than a glance towards the Hyur.
"There will be a client arriving in just a few hours that has booked me for the entire night." Eliceyn explained simply as she strode further into the room, only halting her advance once she was no more than an arm's length away from the Au Ra.
"Alright?" Asterix hummed, continuing to put away her tools, "I can watch the place if you need me to. I’ve been meanin’ t’fix-...”
"I'm not finished."
Asterix finally found herself taking pause, rendering her full attention to the taller Hyur woman, "Okay?... What's wrong?"
"He's a noble from Ishgard." Eliceyn continued, idly plucking Asterix's tatau chisel from it's stand to half-heartedly examine it, "The man deigns himself a purveyor of only the finest courtesans, and is traveling here to sample what the East has to offer."
"Well, I might be biased, but I'd say you're one of the finest." Asterix offered the woman a reassuring smile. The sort of smile that seemed to radiate warmth, even on the darkest nights, "Don't tell me you've started doubting yourself."
"Not to worry, he's been assured as to my skill... However-..."
Her hesitation provided Asterix with all the excuse she required to speak up, her tone carrying the same anxiety that Eliceyn felt building up in her chest.
"What exactly has he commissioned you for?"
"The services of both myself and my best courtesan from sunset to sunrise." Eliceyn admitted with a sigh, locking her - suddenly quite determined - gaze on her Xaelan friend.
“Guy that knows how t'party, eh?" Asterix mumbled as her eyes widened, a wry grin appearing on her face as her mind's eye attempted to conjure that image, "And you’re worried you don’t have anyone that would live up to his standard?”
"No. I have someone like that." Eliceyn gingerly placed her hand upon the Auri's shoulder, eliciting a soft hum from the shorter woman, "...You."
Her cheeks growing seven shades darker was about the only response Asterix could muster as she stood there, watching the Madam carefully - almost as if she were attempting to scry through some elaborate ruse or conjuration.
"Do you mind?"
“I’m sorry, I'm just making sure I heard you right." Though she shook her head Asterix clearly seemed more stunned than offended, "You want me to join you as a your second courtesan?"
"Of course. You're probably the closest friend I've got in the brothel. Certainly among my girls. You've taken clients in the past, even if it was more or less freelance - not to mention every client I've seen you take on has left with a grin a mile wide on their face."
"Why me, though? Your girls would be-..."
"Frankly, you're the only one I can turn to." Eliceyn's frown only deepened as she pulled her hand away from Asterix's shoulder in favor of bringing it up to pinch her own chin, "This man - this noble - has traveled from Ishgard. He's paid a small fortune in Gil. I trust my girls, don't doubt that for even a moment, but this...this is different. Far too important to leave to chance. My brothel's reputation in Coerthas could very well depend on this man's gratification. If he suspects for even a moment that the courtesan I select to accompany me is less than exceptional, our establishment's reputation will no doubt suffer."
"Because he'll no doubt speak of his night with other interested parties, and his word may make or break our reputation in a city that's just learning to throw off the shackles of the Church." Asterix paused as she let out a shaky breath, "In other words, the word he brings back of our services may give us unfettered access to the most lucrative developing market on Hydaelyn...just as his word may shut it off forever."
"...I need someone I trust in there with me. Someone that will take pride in the service that they'll provide."
The edges of Asterix's lips began to tilt down, her eyes settling into a soft glare as she stared up at the Madam, sending a fresh wave of anxiety through the woman. 
"Like I said, they're paying a!-..."
It seemed as if a panicking Eliceyn was the extent of the Xaela's will, as her frown suddenly broke - driven away by a veritable cascade of laughter that filled the parlor like a nightingale's serenade.
Was...was she even taking this seriously?!
"Wh-... Asterix?! What?!..."
"I-I don't think I've ever seen you so flustered, Els!" Asterix replied as she finally got her laughter under control, "I'll go and get a shower'n get ready. Should I wear a Doman robe, or just those beads you showed me a few weeks ago?"
"Excuse me?"
"Our client is a noble, right?" Asterix reached up to point at the black rag that covered her hair, "Last thing we want is for me to walk in looking like I've been working in my tattoo parlor all day, right? So... Robes or beads?"
Eliceyn raised an eyebrow, "Robes. Just some loose robes."
It was only once Asterix gave the woman a confident nod that she spoke up once more, her amber eyes carefully watching Xaela.
"You're...sure about this, Asterix?"
"Course. That's what friends are for!" Asterix chuckled as she strode out of the parlor room, loudly exclaiming; "Let's show him a night he'll look back on for years."
What surprised Eliceyn most about the Ishgardian Lord was just how...'normal' he seemed.
She had been half-expecting some doddering old Elezen with more money than sense, sauntering his way into the room talking himself up as if he were the only virile man left in Kugane.
But no. What walked through the shoji, lead by one of the few girls remaining in the brothel for the night, was a rather dashing young man. Even so, he was a slave to his genetics; gracing him with the selfsame pointed features of any other Elezen and a frame lankier than a ladder, with slicked back blonde hair and striking blue eyes that easily betrayed his Ishgardian heritage. 
Blond hair, Ellie idly noted, a rarity in Doma.
What was not so rare in Doma, however, was what the young man arrived garbed in. A fine silken robe of far eastern style, no doubt purchased at some ridiculously inflated price at the markets earlier that day.
And speaking of unexpected developments...
Her eyes were drawn to the woman to sat beside her on the tatami mat, idly playing with a loose section of the covering.
All things considered, Asterix cleaned up well when she wanted to. No longer was her hair stuck in that old bandana, instead in it's usual manner, hanging down past her shoulders. Her sleeveless shirt had been replaced in favor of a tasteful eastern robe that mirrored the Madam's own, tied loosely in a clear effort to expose a tasteful yet significant portion of her torso.
Good. Nothing could go wrong, she thought as she brought herself to her feet, motioning the Xaela to follow in turn - both offering the Ishgardian man a graceful bow as they drew to their feet. 
"Greetings, Lord Fauxmá. I am Madam Eliceyn Birch, proprietor of this establishment," She motioned to Asterix casually, the woman giving a second subdued bow in response, "And this is Asterix Kearn, my dear friend and protege. She'll be assisting me tonight to ensure you leave, having had the most enjoyable experience possible."
"Oh!... Well, I didn't suspect I'd have the company of both the Madam and her personal protege. Here I thought I'd be focused only on the madam and a random courtesan. I've never been so happy to be wrong." To his credit the noble was at least humble in his response, offering back a similar bow as a grin drew to his face, "I must say, this will be a night I shan't soon forget."
"Hopefully not," Eliceyn let a soft giggle pass her lips, before motioning to a small lap-height table situated just a few feet from a rather impressive queen-bed, "Though I'm sure we're all eager to see where this night may lead, might I suggest you rest your weary bones? I'm sure you've heard tell of Doman tea."
"To put it mildly." The Noble chuckled as he strode further into the room - the accompanying girl leaving with a silent nod - plopping down onto one of the cushions lining the outside, "I've been told Doman tea is as if sipping from the gardens of Kugane." 
“You’re too kind." Eliceyn replied as she and Asterix joined the Elezen at the table, "We Domans may have the upper hand in the tea and spice trade, but you Ishgardians are known for their masterful artwork.”
“Nonsense. The Domans have fine examples of immaculate artwork. I sit before two incredible examples, even now.”
Oh, a smooth-talker, Eliceyn chuckled inwardly. No doubt perfected his craft on the gormless noble women of Ishgard.
"It's kind of you to say so," Asterix finally piped up for the first time since the Lord had arrived, "Though I'm often referred to as the artist, rather than the art. I do hope you'll enjoy the fruits of my work tonight."
She motioned to the Madam, who in turn nodded, “Yes, she’s quite adept. She’s given me a few of my tattoos.”
“Ah... So, you've studied in the art of tattooing, Miss Kearn?”
“Oh, I have. I carry what little knowledge I retained of my home with me, but most of my skill, both with a needle and a lover, I’ve learned from the Madam.” Asterix spoke with no small amount of respect - a far cry from her usual snarky self. Thank the Twelve. Still, even if her more polite demeanor was an act; it was certainly clear at the very least that her admiration for her friend was genuine, "I prefer to wield the brush, rather than lay as the canvas. Here-..."
With no small amount of care, Asterix's hands found the opening to Eliceyn's robe, pulling the garment away from the Madam's body gently as Eliceyn turned away from the man - revealing the veritable portrait that the Xaela had inscribed upon the woman's back.
"An example of my work."
"My... Your work is certainly impressive, and, I must say..." The Elezen looked damn near ready to drool at the sight of the Madam, "I've heard stories of your beauty, Madam Bitch, but to see it in person is something akin to a dream."
"With the trouble you've gone through to be here, my Lord, I can assure you that all of this is real."
Just as the Ishgardian seemed to formulate a response to the Madam's quip, the shrieking cry of a finished kettle from the other room filled the air, prompting Eliceyn to snap to attention.
“Ah, that should be the tea finished. Just a moment." Eliceyn mumbled as she hiked her robe back over her shoulders, before pulling herself to her feet. 
It was a only a few steps before she was in reach of the shoji that parted the room from the rest of the brothel, though as her hand rested against the paper surface of the shoji, she found herself turning back to her companion with a knowing smile, "Asterix, be a dear; keep our guest entertained for a moment, will you?”
“Of course, Madam," Asterix nodded obediently, before she turned to the Elezen, pushing her hair gingerly behind her horns, "Would you mind removing your robe, my Lord?"
Eliceyn was quick to offer the Elezen a respectful bow as Asterix helped him out of his robe, giving the Madam ample time to saunter out of the room, a silent breath of relief passing from her lips; though its silence would go unnoticed, as the noble let out an audible suspiration of his own.
Thank the Twelve she had been able to catch her friend before she had gone off Hydaelyn-knows-where. Sure, she wasn't exactly the ideal companion for a drawn out discussion regarding the geopolitical state of post-liberation Doma, but if you needed someone at your back for anything, she was the woman who would be there - and she would do her damnest to make sure that whatever needed to be done was done.
And if the Elezen's hoarse breaths from the other side of the thin wall were any indication, she had all but certainly tossed all of her proverbial chips in Eliceyn's corner on this particular night.
Still, she idly pondered as she retrieved the teapot from the fireplace, she would have to think about how to repay her friend for kindness. A kindness that would have been shown by very few. 
When she returned, both Elezen and Xaela had long since freed themselves of their garments, the noble's hands drifting along her lithe form to and fro, seemingly without a care in the world, leaving the Xaela to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand as she spared a reassuring nod to the Madam that conveyed a clear message.
'If the man had been possessed of even the slightest hesitation before, that hesitation had long perished.'
"I see my friend is to your linking, my Lord?"
"Without a doubt Madam." The noble seemed all to eager to express that sentiment with more than just words, pulling the shorter woman into a heated kiss, a kiss which was eagerly reciprocated for the fleeting moments it lasted, "She has been so kind as to offer me a taste of her talents; and yet that only stokes the flame of desire I feel for this night to come."
Eliceyn chuckled, gently setting the tea pot on the table, "I see... I'm glad that you approve."
The room was nearly as silent as the Madam went about pulling her garments away. There was hardly any use for them now, especially given that her companions had found it fit to dismiss the thought of clothing so early into the night.
“Tell me, Madam, do you receive many visitors from Ishgard?” The noble asked as he watched - with no small amount of lust in his gaze - Eliceyn disrobe, a smile softening his otherwise rigid jawline.
"Oh, no. Though we hope to change that in the near future," Eliceyn's arms traveled down her front, separating the final binding her robe - which soon found itself laying uselessly upon the floor, "The citizens of Ishgard may not be a common sight in these lands, but you can rest assured that you'll leave these chambers as happy as any Doman."
"Speaking of which, mayhaps its time to experience this Doman hospitality I've heard so much about." 
"In that case, may I interest you in a massage, my Lord?" Eliceyn gestured towards the bed, her mouth tilting to a smirk, "T'would be a tragedy for a muscle in your hips to disobey you on the eleventh hour."
"A massage? I would hope from you, Madam." He brought himself to his full height, unperturbed by his lack of dress as he glanced back at the bed laying in the middle of the room, "Your protege has welcomed me quite spectacularly, but her presence may wait until the main event. I've booked not one courtesan this evening, but two."
Eliceyn offered the man a single nod, turning to the Xaela, who lounged patiently upon the tatami, "Why don't you take some tea, Asterix?"
"Of course, Madam. Say the word and I'll join you." Asterix replied with a small bow of her head, pulling herself to her feet to saunter over to the teapot.
It was barely three strides to the bed, which had been immaculately made by the two women only moments before the Lord had arrived. Or at least, it had been made immaculately after Eliceyn had relegated Asterix to cushion placement after a good 10 minutes and 4 failed attempts at fixing up the poor bed.
Quite honestly, it made her worry for the possible state of the Xaela's bed at home.
"Lay here," Eliceyn instructed as she gestured towards the bed; an instruction that was swiftly followed as the man lay down upon his stomach, letting his eyes drift shut as he waited for the Madam's work to begin.
And waited...
And waited...
And just as if it seemed as if her touch would never come, any budding inquiries were rightly silenced as the noble felt the unmistakable sensation of the Madam's hands against his back, kneading the stiff muscles with practiced precision. It seemed as if by magic that she worked, casting away a weeks worth of travel and stress with a mere touch, all as she whispered softly into his ear, melting away whatever ache - physical or mental - that may have otherwise escaped her notice.
It was a quiet few minutes, the only sounds filtering through the room the occasional groan of satisfaction from the Elezen as the Madam methodically massaged away every knot from his form. Though eventually that would come to an end as Eliceyn pulled away from the man, giving him ample room to rise back to his feet - no doubt feeling quite a bit lighter than he had even minutes before.
"I believe it's time, wouldn't you agree Madam." The noble surmised as the Madam made her way onto the bed, sitting against the side presses against the wall as her attention turned to her friend, idly sipping away at a small cup of the prepared tea.
"I would agree wholeheartedly, my Lord. Asterix," Eliceyn called over to her companion, prompting the shorter woman to rise to her feet, "I assume you've no qualms to receiving our guest first?"
"None, Madam." Asterix replied as she made her own way over to the bed, wordlessly laying herself upon the once immaculate sheets- resting her head and shoulders on the Madam's lap.
"Come, experience the forbidden pleasures of the East for yourself, Ishgardian." Eliceyn whispered as her pale hands trailed down her scaled companion's form, parting her thighs. A soft smile crawled onto the Madam's face as she watched the Elezen's eager gaze quickly fell to it's inevitable destination, "You shan't leave disappointed."
"No," His voice was hoarse, though his advance smooth as his hands joined the Madam's upon the Xaela's pale thighs, "I don't believe I will."
The next few hours were naught but a miasma of frantic lust. Neither women nor noble seemed all to eager for the sun to rise, their sense lost in a tangle of limbs and sheets. Not an inch of skin left unexplored, not a desire left unfulfilled. 
Eventually though, time would march ever forward, and the sun would peak over the crest of the horizon, signaling the end of what had easily become a sleepless night for the trio.
Still, a sleepless night just meant that she and Asterix still had time to get a drink before they retired, right? Right. That's how that worked; Twelve be damned if anyone dared to tell her differently.
"He certainly was spirited." Eliceyn mumbled as she nursed a small glass of wine, glancing over to her friend, who was happily doing the same to a drink of her own.
"Spirited? If you'd told me having my tail in his face dug up repressed traumas about the Dragonsong War, I'd completely believe you." Asterix chuckled, tracing the rim of her glass with her finger, "Remind me to get hazard pay next time."
"Speaking of pay-..." Eliceyn trailed off, hesitating until Asterix drew her gaze towards her friend, "Given the nature of the client, I can wave the usual 10% brothel expense. Is that fair?"
"Nah." Asterix answered simply, sipping her wine.
"No? How much is fair then? 60% of the pay?" Eliceyn arced a brow. Sure, the true prize of the night had hardly been the money, but Asterix never was much interested in profit-...
"I don't want money, Els," Asterix clarified rolled her eyes, letting a grin slip onto her face, "I didn't do it for money. You needed help, and you're my friend. That's all there is to it."
Eliceyn chuckled. She knew exactly what Asterix was playing at now, "That's all, huh? So there's nothing?-..."
Uh huh. Like clockwork.
"...I'll bring him in tomorrow." She replied, eliciting a small squeak of glee from the Xaela, who buried herself with silently fist-bumping the air like an overly-excited child, "I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you again."
"So... Can I count on you in the future?" Eliceyn grinned, waiting for Asterix to settle herself before she continued, "If a situation like this comes up again, I mean."
Her companion's smile foretold of her reply before a word could even leave her lips.
"Course! That's what friends are for!"
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