#but i still want fic where cedric survives gof
impishtubist · 1 year
Why yes, Draco did let the Death Eaters into Hogwarts. He let dangerous criminals into a school, with students as young as 11 inside, to murder the Headmaster. More, a battle breaks out, other students were in danger because of what Draco did. I get that he’s suffering that year and all, but it truly reads as a spoiled boy discovering for the first time that actions actually have consequences because shocker, the movement based on the idea that some people should die because of their births is full of morally awful people who hurt others. We know Draco was happy with being a Death Eater initially, it’s only later that he changed his mind. Plus, he tries to use the Cruciatus on Harry that very book, he’s attempting to use an Unforgivable on another student
Damn, he did a lot of crimes in that book that I forgot about and everyone else apparently did too 😂 He truly IS a spoiled child learning about consequences for the first time. Also he is the worst and Harry could do better. Harry's got George, he's got Oliver, he's got Bill, he's got Charlie, he's got SO MANY men to choose from! Do better, Harry!
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impishtubist · 3 months
the hedric anon here again :) to your previous post, YEAH, we're balling. new canon has arisen!!! you are so right about harry not becoming an auror!! all he wants is a loving family; he's already lost enough chasing dark wizards, and he would not sacrifice any time he could be spending with them... he also has The Money, you know. a shit load of it... and i can imagine him just casually buying the newest broom on the market on a whim even if cedric's team's regulations forbid using a personal broom (unfair advantage all that) because harry would so obviously overcompensate for the negligence he had to survive through as a child and spoil his beloved rotten.
and YES, cedric being a bit oblivious, but still a voice of reason would do the whole golden trio much good during their 5th year (funny thing, for the longest time i thought cedric was a 7th year in GoF, so i was kinda shooketh with all the fics where he returns to hogwarts the next year). imagine him getting to know sirius (harry has talked so much about him that sirius already loves the boy) and maybe introducing a few diggory family traditions to sirius and harry, because they had no time yet to form their own. and his dad's face when he's introduced to harry's godparents??? an ex-convict and a werewolf, who somehow work wonders as parental figures. mwah.
Not me learning through this ask that Cedric was only a sixth-year when he put his name in the goblet 😂 Now I am also shook. But omg yes that would make so much sense for my OOTP AU! Harry is in fifth year and Cedric is in seventh and he's like "wtf Harry just use the damn mirror that Sirius gave you! I love you so much but you are so dumb."
And YEAH Harry going to the cave to visit Sirius, but instead of talking about important things like Karkaroff and Voldy and the tournament, he just can't stop talking about this cute sixth-year, and Sirius catches a glimpse of Cedric during one of the tasks and is like "ah, I see it now." He figures Harry could do worse than date a sweet Hufflepuff who is also a Triwizard champion.
(Also lmao the mental image of Harry taking Cedric to meet the parents, but he takes him to a cave with an escaped convict and a hippogriff.)
And yes, once Sirius gets his freedom, there are lots of formal dinners and meeting the Diggorys. And yes!!!! Harry using his money to spoil Cedric!!! Cedric has plenty of his own, but it brings Harry so much joy that he can't say no.
(I also can't help but give everyone babies, so I will say that the Potter-Diggory babies are spoiled rotten by both their dads AND the grandparents. Sirius is especially bad about it, and Cedric has to build a second shed out back for all the toys Sirius keeps buying the kids lmao.)
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