#but i suppose iguess it's fine this way
miss-floral-thief · 6 months
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got this at the dollar store idk about a 'sleep mask' but i guessi can keep it on for a few hours while i'm playing a game/before bed
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wickedsingularity · 7 years
Bluebell [drabble]
wickedsingularity’s Christmas Stories 2017 Masterlist
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin x Female (if you squint) Words: 752 Warnings: Freezing
Summary: On a mission for the Order one cold December evening. Remus knows what to do to warm me up.
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Something seemed to be flickering in the dark. I refused to open my eyes to check, even though I probably should, just in case it was something threatening. But I instead wrapped my cloak tighter around myself and tried to stop my teeth from chattering from the biting cold. I scrunched up my eyes to keep the flickering light away, desperate to get some sleep.
"Here." Remus' voice drifted in through my cold haze, and now curiosity forced me to open my eyes. He had kneeled in front of me and in his hands was a big jar, filled to the brim with bright burning bluebell flames.
"Remus? What?" I raised myself up on my elbow and looked up at his face, lit in an eerie way from below. "I thought we couldn't use magic in this spot."
"Which is why I took a walk when you laid down." He set the jar down in front of me. "Hold this. It should keep you warm."
"What about you?"
Remus hesitated for a moment. "Werewolf, remember?" He tried to grin, but it was stiff and didn't reach his eyes.
"Silver lining." I tried to convey how okay I was with him being a werewolf, stared into his amber eyes and wished for him to understand. He never did, no matter how many times I tried.
"I suppose. Now, take the jar. I'll do one more sweep of the area, and then go to sleep as well."
I pulled the jar close and felt the warmth immediately. With a smile up to Remus, I put it inside my cloak and tried to curl around it the best I could, and with a chuckle, he stood up and walked away, his wand at the ready.
Slowly, the warmth spread through my body and drowsiness replaced the shivering, inch by inch.
Remus and I were on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix. In this particular area of the forest, the Death Eaters had put up spells and wards to detect magic, and we were only to use magic in self-defence. It was also the middle of December, and while there was no snow in the area yet, it was cold enough for frost to stick to the ground. Remus must have walked pretty far away to be able to perform a spell to conjure the jar and then create the Bluebell flames and not be caught. A different kind of warmth spread through me at the thought, and much more rapidly than the warmth from the jar.
I heard him rustling around, stepping over fallen leaves and broken twigs. He was by no means noisy, he knew very well how to be stealthy. But I was trying to listen. And I may even be imagining it, but it was comforting to even think that I heard him.
Feeling warmer and more comfortable, my teeth had stopped chattering, I felt sleep pull at me. But something made my eyes snap open each time they fell shut of their own accord. I felt annoyed but was too exhausted to do anything about it, having been on the move and on full alert all day.
Soon, Remus came back. I looked up at his figure in the dark, the slight shine of Bluebell flames seeping out from under my cloak did nothing to illuminate him. He was looking around the little clearing we had decided to settle in for the night. Always so cautious and alert. Then he crouched down to move away some of the debris on the ground, and – as if he could tell I was staring – snapped his eyes up to meet mine. The Bluebell light got caught in his eyes and made them glow almost ghostlike.
"Are you still awake?" he whispered.
"Go to sleep. There's no one and nothing around here to worry about. We'll be safe here until the sun rises." He laid down and wiggled himself into a comfortable position.
"Thank you for the Bluebell flames, Remus," I whispered.
He just waved his hand dismissively in my direction, before wrapping his cloak tight around himself.
"I'm serious. And if you're cold, I can share."
"I'll be fine. Sleep."
I didn't push. I had made the offer, and he knew he could accept if he needed to. Besides, I was finally feeling sleep pull me under, for good this time. I heard Remus' breaths slow down and then his whisper of goodnight and that was the last thing I heard.
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Permanent tags: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @geeksareunique @iguess-theyre-mymess @neeadinghugs
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chmergess4ever · 7 years
The Chmerkovskiy’s (Part 5)
Ahhh. So it has taken be an extremely long time to continue this story and for that I am sorry. I hit a writers block and I didn’t really know where I wanted to go but I think I figured it out. As a refresher, the story is mainly Sharna and Val but there is some Maks and Peta in here as well. I’m trying to work more and more in throughout the chapters. This chapter has a little bit of Peta and Sharna too for all you burgatroyd lovers out there. I plan on continuing so please let me know what you think. This is only the beginning! Please Like/Comment/Reblog. 
They had a week left before Sharna had to go back to resume the Hot Summer Nights tour on thursday morning. But they intended to spend as much time together as possible. They did normal couple things-go to the movies, mini-golfing, shopping.
They were at the mall on a Wednesday afternoon shopping with Maks and Peta. Sharna needed some new summer clothes for tour, and Peta wanted a few more dresses to wear out to fancy occasions. Maks and Val were just along for the ride. Sharna went to Pacsun, American Eagle, Forever 21 and many other stores and was able to get what she needed before she and Val met back up with Maks and Peta who were in Express. Peta was in a changing room and asked Sharna to wait, so she could see if she thought the dress looked good. Sharna obliged, laughing and leaning against the wall opposite the changing rooms with Val by her side, as Maks went to look in the Men’s section of the store. Val looked to his side at her, “I really don’t want you to leave.”
She looked at him and grinned, “I don’t want to leave either.”
Val moved so he was now standing in front of her facing in. He played with the edge of the leather jacket she was wearing and pulled her into him so they were extremely close to one another. “I’m really going to miss you.”
She looked up at him, “I’m going to miss you too. But we’ll facetime all the time. And visit. It won’t last forever.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and they stood rocking back and forth. “You promise?”
She giggled of course, I do. She pooped her arms under his, and wrapped them around his back, pressing her head to his chest. He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter.
“I love you.” He thought. Not the right time. Not yet.
Peta interrupted them. “Oh sorry.”
Sharna broke from him, “No no it’s ok.”
“How does it look?” Peta asked.
‘Sexy af.” Maks said as she walked up behind them. Sharna looked back at him and laughed the turned to Peta, “you look amazing. As always.”
Peta sighed, “Thank you. I’m done then!!”
“Yes, we’re done?” Maks said excitedly.
Peta laughed and rolled her eyes, “We’re done. Lunch anyone?”
Sharna looked back and Val who shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
“Cool. Let me change, and pay and I’ll be ready. Want to meet us at that Mexican Place on the outside of the Mall?”
“Fine with me.” Val nodded as he put his hands in his pockets. He took one out and put his arm around Sharna. “We’ll see you there.”
Sharna rested her hand on his stomach as they walked with his arm still laced around her.
They soon after arrived at the restaurant and sat at the bar as they waited for Maks and Peta.
Peta and Maks walked to the cash register. Peta pulled out her wallet which was swatted away by Maks’ hand. “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked her.
“Buying my dress.”
“I pay. Your my wife.”
“I can buy things, Maks.”
“I know, but not today.”
Maks paid and took the bag from the cashier, handing it to Peta. He took her free hand and they started walking towards the restaurant.
“What do you think about the whole Sharna and Val think?” Peta asked.
“I think they’re very cute together. Not as cute as us though.” He joked.
“I think it’s awesome that they’re together. I know she’s happy. It’s the first time i’ve seen her like that in a while. That relationship with Paul destroyed her, time and time again.”
“This will be much different, that I know. He a mini-version of me.”
“And you’re more than incredible.” Peta got up on her tiptoes and kissed him.
“You really think you’re not going to get to see this gorgeous face while you’re on tour?”
Sharna laughed, “No, I do. I hope I get to see a lot more than your face too.”
Val grinned. He wrapped his arm around her with his hand resting on her hip as they waited. The bartender walked up with a 2 Margaritas and 2 Sam Adams. The beers for the guys and the margies for the girls. “You’re going to pay for both rounds? Or are you waiting for the other couple to get here?”
“I got them both.” Val gave his credit card to the bartender.
Sharna looked up at him, “But, really. I want to figure something out. So we don’t go too long without seeing each other.”
“I already have a plan.”
“What?” “Shhhh.” Val leaned in to kiss her but just as he was about to close the space between them, Sharna’s eyes widened.
“What? I’m not allowed to kiss my girl?”
“Paul is here.”
“What?” “Paul Kirkland is here. And he’s walking this way.”
“Sharna!” Paul walked up to them with a drink in his hand. He had obviously been drinking for a while before they went there but he still had his wits about them,  He leaned in for a kiss on the cheek.
“Paul. You remember, Val.”
“How could I forget? He’s the guys who banged my girlfriend.” Paul laughed as he patted Val on the back.
Val looked at her, “What?” She looked him in the eyes indicating that they would talk later.
Sharna tried to be cordial, “How have you been, Paul?”
“Ya know. Alright, been picking myself up since a certain someone broke my heart right before I was about to propose to her.”
Val laughed, “Doesn’t seem like you’ve picked yourself up at all.” He said under his breath before taking a sip of his beer. Paul shoved him abruptly. “What did you say you ass?”
“I said-”
“Guys.” Maks walked in between keeping them at a distance from each other. It’s as if they entered right on cue. He turned to his brother, “Let’s go have lunch. He’s not worth the time.”
“Whatever, I’m leaving anyway. Sharna, when your ready to be with a real man, you give me a call.”
“In your dreams.” Maks called over his shoulder as the waiter escorted them to a table.
The rest of day was quiet after the havoc before lunch. They were able to recover and have a nice time with each other but it was obvious it was something that was still lingering.
Val was sitting in his bed, scrolling through instagram when she came out of the bathroom in her pajamas. She climbed into the bed next to him, “So that’s it. I’m off tomorrow.”
He put his phone down and lifted her chin, pressing his lips to hers. He then took a beat, “Listen, can we talk?”
Sharna exhaled, “Yes.”
“What happened today. Was he always out of control like that? You never really told me what happened.”
“I mean, yea. He’s passionate I guess you could say. But at one point it got to be way too much for me. It was a fight with everything. And It wasn’t a good relationship.”
“He says he was going to propose to you.”
“Yeah, iguess he was. We dated for a while and I really did love him but I didn’t love him enough to have the rest of my life be like that.”
“Why is he under the impression that I slept with you?”
“I told him that.”
“What? Shar!”
“He couldn’t grasp why I didn’t want to be in a relationship with him. He had no idea what could have possibly been wrong other than supposing that it was someone else. He asked me if there was.”
“Someone else?”
“Yea, and I just kinda ran with it. It was wrong, I get that. But in that particular case, it didn’t really seem like it would be that bad.”
“You know I would never treat you the way he was acting today.”
“I know. I don’t think you’re capable of hurting me in anyway.”
“You’re right.” He readjusted so he was hovered over her. He kissed her letting his tongue inside her mouth, fighting for dominance. He lowered himself to kiss at her pulse point, “You make everything so much better” he murmured.
She rubbed his back in circles, before he began making his way down her body and kissing her stomach. She moved back up so they were face to face, “What do you say? One last night before you leave?” She nodded as she pulled him down on to her. She pulled Val’s shirt over his head and threw it to the side. Peta bursted in the room without knocking, “Sharna, I just-” She cut herself off as she looked at what was happening, “Holy shit!” She ran out of the room and closed the door behind her. She talked to them through the door, “I am sorry. I am so sorry.” Val rustled his head in her shoulder and started laughing, he rolled off of her, before she got up. “Let me go make sure she is ok.”
Sharna got up and walked into the hallway, “Peta?”
She found her sitting in the kitchen with a glass of wine, “I am so sorry.” She said slowly.
“P, It’s completely fine.”
“I don’t know what I was thinking. I wasn’t. I guess.”
“Pete. You didn’t see anything. We weren’t having sex. You’re fine.”
Peta raised her head and looked at her friend, “You were about to.”
Sharna chuckled and put her head down, “Yeah, ok. We were but we weren’t at the time. Things could be a lot worse right now.” Sharna took Petas glass out of her hand and took a sip of the wine.
“Shouldn’t you get back?”
“I’m pretty sure that plan is over for the night.”
“Oh God, I’m sorry.”
“Peta, it’s not important. There will be plenty of more opportunities. It didn’t need to happen tonight. Please stop apologizing. Now what did you want to tell me?”
“I just wanted to say bye, before you left for tour in the morning. Thank you for everything, watching Shai.”
“No problem, Pete. I’d say I got something good out of it, wouldn’t you?” She winked. “Come on, Let’s watch Gossip Girl”
“What about, Val?”
“Val can wait. We’re gonna have a lot of time in the future.”
Sharna went back to the room two hours later. Val was asleep on the bed. She gave him three kisses on the cheek and went to bed. He rolled over soon after and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him.
The alarm went off the next morning at 5. She hit the snooze button and he grunted. “Mhmmm.” Then when he could muster the words, he said, “Noooooooooo.” He pulled his closer to him, as they were in the same position they fell asleep in. He pressed a kiss to her neck and then she turned her head and kissed him. His hand began wandering downwards but she caught it and stopped him, “No.”
“What? Just quick.”
“I don’t want our last time before I leave to be a quickie. It’ll be so much better if we wait.”
Val nodded and sighed, “Ok.”
“You’re going to drive me to the bus?”
“You know it.”
Sharna got up to get ready as Val rested for a little while longer.
An hour later she had all her bags lined up at the door. He helped her carry them to the car and drove her to the studio. When they got there everyone was getting on the bus. Artem saw him when they got out of the car, “Yo. You coming, Man?” Artem dapped him up.
“Nah. Just seeing my girl, off.”
Sharna stood outside with him until the last possible second. He pulled her into him as they gave the two minute warning. “I promise I’m going to see you soon. Sooner than you think.”
The driver called out the door, “Ok. Sharna. It’s time.”
“Ok. One second Bernie. Thanks.”
They could feel the states of their friends looking out the window. This was the first time they had actually seen them together as a person.
She stood on her toes and he craned down to kiss her. “Call me in a little bit.”
“Will do.” She kissed him again and then got on the bus. He watched her through the window. He heard the engines turn on and both buses start warming up. Val started towards his car but then stopped in his tracks, and turned around just as it started rolling. He called out “Wait.” He ran towards the bus she was on, “Wait.” He hit the side of the bus. “Wait.” The bus stopped and opened its doors, Val climbed on out of breath, “Sorry, Bernie.”
He looked at her and tried to find the words.
“Val, what are you doing?” She asked as she started walking towards him. He heard all the girl chatter about what was going on.
“I need you for a second.”
She walked to him and lowered her voice, “What’s the matter?”
“I love you.” He said through tears, “I’m in love with you. And I wanted you to know that.”
After the shock settled in she smiled, “I love you too.”
He picked he up and kissed her. “Ok. I’ll see you soon.”
He held her hand until he couldn’t anymore and then stepped off the bus taking a breath of fresh air.
She sat back down and smiled, she was in love and happier than ever.
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scrmngtts · 5 years
Some highlights i wanna point out and remember.
1. He called me friday at 11:20pm and 11:24pm. I didnt pick up bc i didnt see i was busy doing something. I saw it at 11:30?? I saw there was an unknown number that missed call me. I deleted his number for me to prevent on texting him first with nonsense. But my laptop is connected to my imsg so i went to check my laptop if its the same number. It was. I froze for a moment idkwtd. My heart was racing so fast. So thats what it feels like? It makes my heart so painful i think i was shaking in and out. I tried to msg u but accidentally hit called back btn. Idk if it called u right away but i cancelled it. And msg u immediately at 11:35pm. I still cant believe u actually took the initiative to call me back. I was just expecting a msg. So yeah thank u.
2. He said he wanted to ask me for some milk bc hes drunk. Wtf right? So hes drunk calling/txting me now? I was so confused. I said he was so random. He said he needed milk so bad that he would come over with a cup to ask for some milk. I wanted to point this out bc then he is aware that i live nearby. WE ARE NEIGHBORS! Fuck! I said ill give him tmr since im sleeping (a lie) he said its fine now oof his neighbor gave him milk already. I then said good for him.
3. I didnt reply back at him bc he just said “exactly” like wtf do u reply to that right? But i cant stop thinking about how he called me first. broke the awkward silence and once again gave me confidence to flirt to him. Im actually thinking does he like this at all? Does he like seeing me go crazy and gets his attention? Idk. Yah.
4. Saturday, i msg him back. I was planning the whole day if im gonna initiate first and so i did. I asked him how is he and if he is sober. I also wrote what im gonna say on my notes on iphone bc im so anxious i would fuck this conversation up. Well first msg i already fucked up i was supposed to tell ask him if he is sober but i added how are you? Im gonna dieee ughh. Well he responded pretty fast that made me happy. He said he is good.
5. I told him i wanna talk to him he said he was fine yesterday too. I said no, bc he wasnt. He was drunk calling me. I was expecting earlier this day he would actually msg me and be like im so sorry about last night. But he didnt haha. So clearly he knows what he did last night and didnt forgot about it. Thinking that he thought of me to ask for some milk at the middle of night points out that he is aware we live nearby. FUCK RIGHT? Bc i dont have the face to show myself again after what i did.
6. Anyway... i finally told him what i wanted to tell him since i did that incident. I let it all out and now i feel like i dont owe him anything. He said it was fine and to not worry about it. Idk so does that mean he is single? I wanted to say sorry bc what if he has a gf and theyre really happy and im like fucking it up. I also said im sorry for being annoying but he just said its fine dont worry. So i guess im done im not gonna overthink things and let it all slide.
7. This is random but i really wanted to know how to pronounce his name. So i asked him, he said its kind of hard to explain thru txt so i told him to tell me when i see him. AAAA FUCK RIGHT? he then responded ok with 3 lol emojis. So thats the end of the convo. That i wanted to point out.
Honestly i feel like documenting this whole thing helps me in some way. Like it calms me down. I dont have anyone to tell this story so this really really helps me a lot. Thanks tumblr iguess. I also hope this isnt the last time were having a conversation. I hope he does message me again, i hope he will ask me more questions too i hope well have some topics to talk about. Idk. Idk if i want a next time? I just want to cherish and document the moment so i can relive it in the future. Thats all!!
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