#but i think i've just been a wimp and not gone far enough
navibands · 10 months
may have gone a bit too far with my box cutter tonight but i can't tell anyone about it because any way i phrase it will sound concerning
yes i do feel a little woozy no it is not worthy of any intervention i am a totally fine 24 year old who definitely has her shit together and isn't 5 seconds from a complete fucking breakdown
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enstaries · 7 years
Hello! I've read your scenario when Knights was in haunted house so can you do Trickstar's? Thanks!!
oooo thank you for readin g!!! i went with something Similar and hopefully Spooky, so here’s the kira kira unit~
 This is a culmination of two things: Trickstar having to film a new and unique PV, and the Producer having very wild ideas for said PV.
  "Okay, so in the second verse, the four of you will be wandering around in the darkness looking for something," they say, tapping the screen which displays the song lyrics. "The idea is that you'll be lost and tired and confused, but still helping each other along as you look for that something. So we'll be shooting it using camcorders in this abandoned building I found online."
  Hokuto nods. "Should be alright."
  "Huh?" Mao goes. "Abandoned building? Do we have to go so far?"
  The thing is, the only one who could act in the group was Hokuto, and compared to him, the antics of the rest were like monkeys. For an authentic experience, the Producer felt that the four Trickstar boys should venture into the building alone and without hints to where 'that something' lay.
  "I don't really think this is a good idea anymore," Makoto whispers as the door shuts behind them. The entire mansion reeks of eeriness, as if something bad had happened, and will happen. "Can we, uh..."
  "Man up, Yuuki," Hokuto tells him off. "This is the only way we're going to film something properly without your horrendous acting."
  "Y-you don't have to be so mean about it!"
  Subaru wraps his arm around Makoto, grinning from side to side. "It's okay to be scared, Ukki! I'll protect you, just hold my hand!"
  "I'll pass on that too, Akehoshi-kun."
  Mao looks around, swivelling his camcorder about to take in the interior of the building. It's barely lit up by their dim flashlights, and that alone offers a sight of chairs strewn about in the main entrance, and the wallpaper peeling off. "Even so, this place really does give a really creepy vibe. Producer said that the treasure is nearby, isn't it? Let's get enough film for it, find it and leave as soon as possible."
  "I agree." Hokuto smiles at Mao. "Producer went here all by themself to hide the treasure, so there's no reason for us to wimp out. Heard that, Yuuki?"
  The camcorder is on Makoto now, who forces a smile and waves at it. "I-I know."
  They walk in, taking in the mansion slowly and steadily. The gloom presses down on them, and with each turn they make, the sense of unease only intensifies.
  "It shouldn't be too far now," Mao muses. He walks next to Hokuto, arm around his neck as Subaru films their proximity. "I didn't expect this place to be so big, did you?"
  "Guys." Subaru stops dead in his tracks, and Makoto jolts next to him. "Did you hear something?"
  Hokuto and Mao turn. "What?"
  Subaru had been joking about teasing them on their way to the mansion, yet his face was now etched with solemnity. "You didn't hear that?" He pauses, just as a far-off noise infiltrates the area, like a howl of some sort. "There. It's there again."
  "W-w-w-what's that?" Makoto squeaks, fumbling around for his flashlight as if it doubled as a weapon. "I heard it, I h-"
  "Yuuki, calm down. It's probably the w-"
  "Wait, Hokuto. There's something here too."
  Hokuto turns to face the wall Mao stares at, and the blood drains out of his face. In dark crimson, the words 'GET OUT' are slashed across the wall; it's a threat, a warning, an order.  From somewhere within the mansion, the noise plays again, louder this time. Makoto whimpers, and Hokuto turns on him fiercely.
  "It's nothing, Yuuki! Someone's just trying to play a prank on us!"
  "I don't know, Hokke..." The stars are gone from Subaru's eyes. "Where did the Producer say we are at?"
  "I'm not sure, something like 246 Fushimoto... Akehoshi?"
  "Hey, I know that place too!" Mao chimes in. "Isn't that the building where that wealthy old woman died in a few years ago? And when her family tried to move in, some weird things happened?"
  Makoto yelps, leaping onto Subaru. "I don't want to know about this anymore! Let's get out, let's get out!"
  "Yuuki..." Hokuto tries to exude exasperation, but even he is clearly spooked out. "Let's at least find the treasure first. Didn't Producer say it's definitely shiny, right Akehoshi?"
  The trick fails to work on Subaru, who resembles a lost puppy with his tail between his legs. "Hokke, let's get out of here... before the lady ghost comes."
  "Wha- Akehoshi, don't tell me you believe in ghosts too?"
  A distorted tune begins to play, and the hair stands on Hokuto's neck. He turns one last time, to look at the empty halls inviting him forward, and whatever had pushed him to step ahead has dissipated in a flash.
  "Fine, let's go then," he concedes, but when he turns to face them again, he finds that... they're not there.
  "Oi, Isara! Yuuki! Akehoshi! Where are you?"
  There's no reply but a dark, dark chuckle. The walls are narrower now, and if you listen, just listen closely, you will hear it; Hokuto will hear it.
  "You're next."
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