#but i think kit could be fun to play dollies with his fashion sense is very different from nanami's lol
graysongraysoff · 7 months
i wish you could have more than 4 muses on fashion dreamer anyway having a nanami muse has been fun but i kinda wanna turn him into sparrow's bf now
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thecoolkidsbasement · 4 years
Let's go one for each, if you don't mind! :D 🍔 for Harriet, 🎹 for Glasgow, 📝 for Sumner (he seems like the type lol), 🛒 for Dolly, and 🎒 for Winnie!
🍔 Favorite food - Harriet Harriet is a meat eater through and through--nothing beats a fat, juicy brahmin steak and a bottle of gin because yes alcohol should be considered one of the essential food groups. she’s a lady of simple tastes LOL 🎹 What’s their favorite song and/or radio station? - Glasgow Considering the only two radio stations in-game are the Enclave station and Three Dog’s the only one who actually played music, I don’t think our resident raider was a huge fan of the disc jockey... x,D it’s hard to say what would’ve been a ‘favorite’ song of his solely because a lot of what we hear on the radio in-game would definitely get on his nerves, but I like to imagine that back where he’s from (Louisiana, close to the border of Arkansas) he would’ve heard various radio stations playing Johnny Cash and Swamp Blues because of their rock’n’roll tones. It’s more his speed than the flowery orchestra of ‘A Wonderful Guy’ that’d send him absolutely rabid at the first note LOL 🎒 What are ten things they always have in their bag? - Winona In no particular order! 1- Combat knife 2- Wet wipes (for quick baths when they’re out on the road) 3- batteries for her inventions! 4- Widget :3 5- Her tools 6- A mini sewing kit that fits into a mentats container for easy travel 7- a roll of duct tape because duct tape fixes all 8- after Sumner’s opened her eyes to spices, she’d carry around small containers of salt, pepper, and something spicy to kick up her food because she’s still a vaultie at heart 9- rope because you can always use some good rope 10- HOMEMADE SMOKE BOMBS BABE-YYYY Winona would definitely have a mix of ‘essentials’ and ‘non-essentials but want these things with me’ in her pack. Batteries and tools may not be wholly necessary but to her mind it’s a ‘you never know’ situation (or that’s her argument anyway haha) 📝 Do they keep any journals or records of their travels/events in their life? - Sumner I definitely agree that Sumner did at one point because as hardened as he is, deep down he’s still a sentimental old man LOL but I think as years went by he stopped putting his thoughts to paper just because he’s extremely nomadic, and so much has happened in his life in the day-to-day that he’d probably be toting around journals upon journals with him in his pack that could take up room for more essential things. However I do see him picking it back up again when he officially retires from the Talon Company! Mainly to find something else to occupy his days. 🛒 Do they collect anything? - Dolly Anything in the way of Pre-War femininity! Make up, jewelry, beauty mags, and pre-war outfits (even if she never gets to wear them because Vault dress code and whatever)! For obvious reasons, make up is in short supply in Vault 101 and doesn’t preserve very well so I’m sure Dolly has a lot of make up she found scrounged up around the vault or shops, or even made at home (reminds me to look up any 50′s recipes for home made makeup, if there are any out there)... jewelry to show off some sense of identity given 101′ers can’t do much in the way of the fashion department. She adores Pre-War garments and beauty ‘rag mags’ for the much of the same reason as well, in idolizing an era that she’s sad she never got to be apart of. Thanks for the questions~! :D These were fun to answer and think about for sure!
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