#but i think our current behavior toward ctommy doesn't line up with how we've acted before
snailsnfriends · 2 years
I'm thinking over the ctommy finale some more and meta that's been written by myself and others in the past and the two don't necessarily add up. in the past, we've allowed tommy to make bad decisions or judgements. exile, bedrock bros and tommy's treatment of wilbur post revival are all good examples of this. tommy couldn't be held as liable for his poor actions or thought processes because he was struggling, either in the moment or as a whole. I don't think the events of the finale should be seen differently. tommy was placed in a situation where he knew that he was going to die, surrounded by people who have betrayed him or killed him in the past. he accepted his death, but it was the final option. and realistically, if he was in the right headspace to accept death, something he feared, he clearly wasn't in the right headspace at all. he knew that his friend was going to have to be the one to kill him. the one adult who was in his life with any sort of consistency was gone. it's very clear that tommy was under a lot of stress before their plan was even enacted; he was not all of a sudden better once he talked over his plan with tubbo. he was just more confident.
this isn't to say that you can't criticize the finale or be super upset with it. I agree that it wasn't all that great and was pretty cheap. I think it should've gone differently. I think tommy and tubbo deserved a happy ending. but I don't think tommy's decision to apologize to dream, or, really, his decision to apologize for all of their deaths, should be super heavily scrutinized from a character perspective. like any other time he's been under stress, he made poor decisions and judgements that would not have been made if he was under more merciful circumstances. the strain he was put under should be taken into account more when it comes to his actions during the finale.
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