#but i think the idea of coryo regretting it and helping sej flee is kinda insane
seraphseye · 7 months
ヽ ⠀⠀* ₍   𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞,   accepting.   ╎   ♔.     a kiss in the rain filled with a foreboding of a goodbye … from @lyctoralsaints, coriolanus and sejanus.
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he is a silly , foolish , impulsive thing and he's afraid he'll never be able to change his ways. he doesn't even know why he'd had the thought of pressing record , how or why he'd let himself send that stupid jabberjay off to dr. gaul before the realization had fully set in. sejanus always found a way of getting in his head , getting in his  way , and at the time , it had seemed like the solution to all of his problems. the panic had set in only when he'd been alone mere hours later , when the idea that money couldn't fix everything had first crossed his mind. money versus treason to the capitol ⸻ which  would  win ? in hindsight , the answer seems glaringly obvious. silence can only be bought for so long , and  knowing  sejanus'  track  record , it'll only be a matter of time before he's getting stuck in another situation like this one and coryo can only save him so many times. save  him , yes , that's what he has to do ; save sejanus plinth from his own mistakes , made in blinding fury and selfishness.
❝ go as far north as you can , and once you think you've gone far enough , go  for  another  day  or  two. ❞ the pouring rain has turned the forest floor to mud , making this escape from district twelve in the dark of night more difficult than it needs to be , and there's too many times where he nearly loses his footing and narrowly avoids being tossed to the ground. his movements are hurried as he leads him through overgrown weeds and tall pine trees , a messily thrown together bag of sejanus' belongings at his back , with as much food stored away as he could get his hands on. when they reach the lake , he pivots on his feet until he's facing the other boy. he hopes the moon peaking out from a gap within the clouds isn't enough light to show the regret in his eyes , the  shame  that  lingers  in  his  very  heart. ❝ i'll explain everything when i catch up to you in a few days , okay ? ❞ and he wonders if sejanus can hear how unsure he is of himself as he speaks , if he can hear the internal battle between wanting to uphold such a promise yet knowing a life in the wilderness is not one he could ever be content in. perhaps he will get caught anyway and awake in the morning not knowing it'll be his last  day ; maybe , sejanus' disappearance will somehow get linked back to him and they'll know he snuck the traitor out to safety.
hands are uncharacteristically gentle as they reach upwards to frame the other's face , brushes back dampened curls that stick to his forehead , leaning forward to press a dizzying kiss to his lips ⸻ he allows himself to pour every ounce of emotion into it that he has not yet allowed himself to feel. the sorrow , the longing , the regret of having wasted their time together by being too caught up in constantly being forced  into  the  plinth  boy's  shadow. the kiss leaves him feeling as though his heart has been ripped from his chest when he pulls back. ❝ i'm sorry , sej , ❞ whispered into the already heavy air between them in one final moment of weakness , before coriolanus is shedding the bag from his shoulders and shoving it into the other's arms. ❝ now  go. ❞
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