#but i thought itd be cute to add some music with my journal enteries!
celestestelescope · 5 years
Okay, so maybe my decision was a little impulsive. But can you blame me!? Life’s just been so dull lately. It’s been hard to connect to anyone, and it just feels like anything I do to get involved makes me feel more isolated. It’s so hard to live in the moment, and it’s something I’ve always had a problem with, but wow has it come back with a vengeance. So it has to be fate I ran into Nook again, right?
It was a totally normal day when I saw him just chilling at that desk at the mall, and I pretty much immediately ran up and gave him a hug! I haven’t seen Nook since I worked at Nook’s Cranny years ago. Sure he was my boss, but it was a small store with few employees, and we became fast friends. But eventually, he moved onto bigger things, a department store, then real estate- his dream. And well, you know it’s hard for me to keep in contact with old friends.
After catching up, Nook explained he’d inherited a totally barren deserted island, and he wanted to find people to help develop it seeing as design wasn’t his strong suit. He had a couple in mind, but still wanted to see if he could nab anyone else before he departed in a week.
How could I not agree!? A gorgeous island with a dear friend when I was between jobs and feeling lost? It was meant to be! My plane comes tomorrow, and I’m as excited as I am nervous. I didn’t pack much. Nook’s always been the prepared one. Hopefully this log will be a place to document the highs and lows of my new life. And knowing me, there’ll be a lot of both.
~ Sammy, aspiring beach bum
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