#but i wanna rip my hair out im so god damned bored at this office job
wizardcowpoke · 1 year
bad news wanna quit my job to go work at a local bakery again
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Sugarboys 2
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Genre : Comedy/ Smutty/ Playboys baek and chan ruinin yo panties
Summary : Say goodbye to your daughter she’s with me now.  Let’s just say the ladies are squirrels and we’re the finest nuts they would ever find.
Two shot (Bang bang)
                     “Call me daddy!”
                 “Fuck yes, wait, what?”
My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion when she screamed out her random request, as i pounded harder into her. There’s no god damn way i’m calling her daddy. But then again it might get me an extra thousand. I’ll have to think about that one. 
“Baekhyun! Focus!”
I snapped out of my thoughts when the feisty lady gripped on my ass cheeks harder to drill me deeper inside her entrance. All this extra aggressive activity might scar me one day. I would have taken control by now if she didn’t ask me to let her do it tonight. Note to self, never agree to that again, 
Shit i can feel myself getting softer. 
“Fuck harder, you piece of shit!”
Sweat beaded on my forehead as i tried to block out her words and give her the orgasm she’s been bitching about since i stepped foot in this condo. 
“You like that!? You like when i degrade you little bitch!?”
Okay. This is not my thing. If i don’t end this now i’m going to go completely flaccid in her pussy. Which is sounding better than continuing, at this point.
“Yes daddy.” I said softly when i leaned into her ear. We! *clap* Will! *clap* Never! *clap* Speak! *clap* Of! *clap* This! *clap* Again! *clap* Okay?
She made a loud whimper sound at my words. Her pussy tightening around my half hard condom clad dick. “D-daddy, i-i think im going to cum.” I spoke to her in a sweet and shy voice as i pretended to stutter out of pleasure. Im not even close. But she doesn’t need to know all that.
She moaned loudly and squeezed the shit out my ass. “Cum with me, baby!” An animal like yell rushed out of her mouth and barged into my ears when she came. That’s my cue. I gripped the sheets and pushed inside of her, whining as i put on a show. 
I faked out of breath as she rubbed my cheek in admiration. “You’re such a good boy.” I giggled at her, flashing a cute smile. Mostly because i don’t know how to respond to that. “Seriously. i think im falling in love with you.”
Oh god. 
“Oh.” I said to her with a fading smile, as i pulled out of her and made sure she didn’t see the condom before i took it off. 
“I’m serious baekhyun. I can take care of you. I can make you happy. You won’t have to do what you do anymore. Just be with me and only me. I promise a perfect life for you and me. Maybe even a little baekhyun one day. Don’t you want that?”
I choked on nothing after hearing her suggestion of kids. She’s either really in her feelings after being called daddy or just sleepy. Me and her both knew what it was when we started this. I don’t see why she would even want to say something like that to me. I thought she would know me well enough by now. I guess it’s to be expected. This happens every once in awhile and i could say i wouldn’t be doing my “job” correctly if it didn’t. I guess i’ll just sweet talk her for now instead of being an asshole about it.
“Darling, you know in my heart i see us together.” I said as i grabbed her hand softly and rubbed my thumb over it. “But im not ready for a real relationship right now. You should know that. But, my heart truly belongs to you.”
She looked into my eyes desperately searching for shit that’s not there, and never will be there. I think we both know what’s coming next.
I picked up my phone when i saw her mouth fly open.
“Oh shit, i got to go. Bye darling. I promise i’ll call you later.”
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“Ahhhhh!” I screamed when i died against chanyeol in naruto. “You fucking cheated, asshole!” I said with an unintentional pout on my face. 
“How did i cheat?”
“I don’t know. That’s how good you are at cheating. Are you proud of yourself?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Why would i shut the fuck up? What did the fuck ever do to me?”
Chanyeol jabbed my arm and i laughed in his face while holding my arm. A tinge of pain remained in the spot but for some reason it made me laugh even more. 
“Anyways, I have an appointment, I can’t play anymore.” 
My shoulders dropped in disappointment. “Where the hell are you going?”
“Well, i’m going to an interview with one of my ladies.”
“Sounds boring. You should ditch it and hang out with me instead.”
“Uhmm, last time i checked, hanging out with you doesn’t pay the bills of this expensive ass condo, so, i’ll go with a no on that one.”
“Whatever.” I said with an even deeper pout. What a party pooper.
“Shouldn’t you be with that se-rin lady right now anyway?”
“Nah, i’m ignoring her calls and texts for right now.”
Chanyeol made a noise of understanding and walked away to his room. I huffed when the urge to follow him came up. It’s time like this, when he has shit to do other than hang out with me, i realize that i have no friends in my life other than him. No real friends at least. I have been with him 24/7 ever since middle school. Now that we’re getting older, and busier, us being apart from each other is happening a lot more often. The only thing is, i’m still not all the way used to it. I’m still myself when he’s not next to me. But i just feel stronger when he is. I guess i need to learn how to deal with that. 
I pushed the urge away and took the controller in my hands. Time to whoop some akatsuki ass.
My eyes are covered in black when my phone goes off randomly. 
I groaned realizing i fell asleep at some point in between ripping itachi a new one, and watching girls do butt lifting work outs. Gotta love fitness. I snatched my phone and answered reluctantly after not being able to adjust to the light of my phone and not seeing the numbers well. 
“H-hello?” I hesitated purely because of my voice being little hoarse from sleep and it surprised me a bit.
“Hey baekhyun! Are you free tomorrow night?” A loud clear voice barged into my ears and i looked at my phone as if it was my enemy. 
“Yeah, man. Who dis?”
“It’s miss yes! were you expecting someone else or something!?”
“N-no, i-”
“Ahah! I’m fucking with you!” Her laugh rang through my ears and i felt a groan coming on. ”Anyways, i want you to come to a party tomorrow. I actually told you about it already. Do you remember at all?”
“Yeah, i do.” 
I don’t.
“Well, make sure you’re on time. okay? And remember to tell chanyeol.”
“Uhmm, alright that’s doable.”
I won’t be on time.
“Okayy thennn, oh and it’s a tie occasion, so dress accordingly.”
“No! I hate those things you know that! H-hello?” I looked at my phone with scrunched eyebrows and confused eyes. Who hangs up on someone like that. Just for that, i’m probably not going to go anywhere near that party. 
Fuck that. 
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“Bloody hell.” I said under my breath as i looked around the room of high class assholes. I definitely don’t want to be here right now but here i am. Chanyeol tapped my shoulder to show me that miss yes was waving at me during her business conversation with some random dude i don’t care about. I waved back as if i actually wanted to then took a sip of the expensive champagne filling my glass. 
“Dude, lighten up. We’ll be able to get out of here soon.”
“I want to leave now. Right now.” I said with a pout.
Chanyeol chuckled and tilted his head to look at me better. “Fine. We can disappear for an hour or so. What could it hurt?”
“I hope it does hurt something. Maybe someone will try and put more effort into making these things more fun.”
“True. Wanna get cheap beer?”
“I thought you would never ask!” I said while fake crying and gripping his suit jacket. 
“Stop, you might wrinkle it.”
I mimicked him childishly as we walked off towards an exit out of this shit hole. We’ve always been like this. Running away from everyone together. Getting drunk on cheap shit somewhere random and joking around.  For some reason it’s always much more fun when it’s just the two of us. I never questioned why. But i am thankful for it.
I placed my hand on the handle of the door while laughing at something chanyeol said and before i pulled, it swung into me, making me stumble backwards into chanyeol. 
A jet black haired girl walked in with an annoyed expression on pretty her face. Her perfect s line adorned with a tight velvet black dress and a few diamonds here and there. She ran a hand through her hair and huffed before walking off. Never even apologizing for her rude behavior. 
My kind of girl. 
“Sorry chanyeol, our plans have now been cancelled.” I spoke as i tapped his chest with the back of my hand. 
Chanyeol gripped onto my arm harshly before i could even make one step. “We’re not doing this tonight. That girls dad is really really important. This is literally his building if you haven’t noticed. Not to mention, He’s also super protective over her. It’s surprising to see her without body guards actually.” 
“Ooo, a challenge.”
“No, baekhyun no.” Chanyeol continued his protest against me as i struggled to get out of the mans strong hold on me. 
“Fuck yes.” I said back at him while gripping his his suit jacket for the second time tonight.
“Excuse me.” The girl from before interrupted reluctantly.
It’s destiny.
“Y-yes?” Chanyeol stuttered and let go of me to straighten himself up.
“Have you seen my father anywhere?”
“Uhmm, yes, actually, i think the last time i saw him he was talking about going to his office.” The big guy smiled and spoke politely to her.
“Yeah, i heard him say that too. I could take you there if you want. I know this place like the back of my hand.”
“No you don’t-” Chanyeol spoke before i made quick work of stepping on his foot with the heel of mine and twisting. 
The girl held her hand out and sighed. “Okay, just make this quick, and don’t talk too much.”
Oh, i like her a lot.
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“So, Come here often?” I asked with a slick smile on my face. 
“Ehhmygahd, i thought you weren’t going to talk.”
“I lied.”
“I can see that.” She huffed and ran a hand through her hair again, just like before. It feels like a shot to the heart every time. Sending vibrations straight to my spine. 
She’s so beautiful. 
I want to destroy her. I want to make her never be able to forget about me. 
I want to live forever in that pretty head of hers forever. Is that bad?
“What’s your name?” i asked trying to hold myself from spilling all my thoughts.
“Mind your business.”
“I’m baekhyun.” I said as i looked over to the elevator numbers. I don’t have much time before we reach the top floor. 
There is only one way to get to a girl like her. And i have to work fast. Or else i’ll never be able to call myself a player again. 
I can’t lose this one. Not this one.
I looked her in the eyes before i stuck my hands into the pockets of my dress pants. “I guess i’ll call you what i want then.”
“I don’t think so.”
“oh, i think so babygirl. Because i do what i fucking want.”
She tilted one eyebrow and crossed her arms. “And just who the hell do you think you are?”
“Don’t worry about that, just come closer.”
She licked her lips before scoffing and looking away. Im not expecting words at this point. I can tell she’s waiting for my next line, or move.
Too bad i won’t make one until she does.
I unbuttoned my suit jacket and leaned onto the rail in the elevator. “I think you need a little attitude check, darling.”
“Oh? And who’s going to give it to me.”
I smirked at her and tilted my head. Her feet finally led her closer to my body and she stared into my eyes harder.
The game is over now. I already won. There’s no escaping me anymore.
I lifted my hand to place it softly under her chin and looked into her eyes as if i was staring at her soul. But i’m not. 
“You’re driving me crazy.” 
She bit her lip and put a dangerous claw over my jawline. 
“Kiss me.” She whispered into me.
My lips crashed into hers, not being able to hold it anymore. My hands ran down her sides and around her waist. She groaned into my mouth when i entered my tongue into hers. Her hands twisted into my styled hair, making it messy and i did the same to hers. I gripped any part of her my hands touched which made her get rougher with me. She tastes like champagne. And her smell reminds me of a hundred dollar bill that’s been sprayed with expensive perfume. I fucking love it. 
Before i could get any more into this moment the elevator bell rung in my ears as a notice that we’ve reached our destination. 
The girl backed away from me, looking dizzy in her eyes. A smile crossed her lips as she held onto my tie and twisted so that her back is facing me. We walked like that towards the hall that led to her fathers office. 
I had no idea what this floor looked like to be honest. This is all new to me. I’ve actually only been in this building once. 
But she doesn’t need to know all that. 
“Wait, My dads secretary isn’t here. Hm, she must she down stairs at the party.”
“Most likely, but where’s your dad?” I asked as i pointed at the big office with all the lights off.
The girl walked over to the place with a look of confusion. 
“Where the hell did he go?” 
I switched on the lights for her as she put her hands on her hips. Obviously giving up on her quest. 
I walked over to the desk in determination to put a smile back on her face. 
I’m sure her dad is somewhere around here. She doesn’t need to worry.
My ass filled the mans seat and i put a stern look on my face as if im a serious ceo man. 
“Well? Do you have my boring paper work, or did you come in my office to just stare at me?”
She laughed and shook her head. 
“Come on, play along love.”
“Ugh, okayyyy.” 
I winked at her before snapping back to my character. 
“No sir, i just came to stare at you.”
“Oh? And why is that?”
She swayed her hips sexily as she walked over to “my” desk. “Well, you see, i find you irresistibly sexy when you’re working. Sir.”
She was leaning over the desk as her finger lingered around her mouth. her lips still plump from my rough kisses in the elevator. 
Can i just devour her? 
I stood up and walked over to where she stood slightly bent over. “Bad girl.” I said before smacking her ass one good time. “Focusing on me when you should be focusing on your work.” And one more to make my words very clear.
“You’re right. i-i’m sorry.” She spoke through an aroused tone. 
I placed my hand next to hers on the desk and leaned in her ear, breathing softly. “No, you’re not.” I spoke to her with a calm tone in contrast to the rough way i pulled her hair as she hissed.
She quickly turned around before ripping my button up dress shirt open and revealing my body to her. She bit her lip and began to unbuckle my belt too.
“No more teasing.”
“No more teasing.” I repeated after her as i picked her up and put her onto the desk.
“JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!” A deep voice entered my ears and i sighed. 
I was so close. 
“Dad! It’s not what it looks like! He’s just showing me his tattoos!”
I snorted in laughter before turning around, showing off the boner that his daughter gave me in my boxer briefs  “No i wasn’t, but i was about to show her how to be a good girl for me. She’s been so bad lately. Sir.”
“Shit! Run!” The girl jumped off the table before grabbing my hand and taking off which is very impressive because she’s in heels. 
We ran passed the furious man and his guards chased after us. I hit the button to the elevator harshly as she looked back and pouted when we reached the end of the hall. 
“I broke a nail.”
I deadpanned in reaction to her small complaint and then motioned to what’s in front of us. “Get your little ass in this elevator.”
Silence filled the air while i thought about the fact that i always get cockblocked whenever i try to fuck someone at one of these boring ass parties. Either karma loves fucking me over or no one wants me to have any real fun.
Maybe both. 
“My name is jina, by the way.”
“Pretty name.” I said with a slight smile.
She hit me on my exposed chest and crossed her arms. “I just thought you should know the name of the girl who’s life you fucking ruined. My dad is going to kill me because of you!”
“What? Don’t blame this on me. And trust me, i have a higher chance of getting strangled by your fathers bare hands than you do.”
“Yeah, yeah. You could at least thank me for saving your life.”
“I refuse your offer. Once again you can’t blame me for how sexy you look in that dress. Or how i could see part of your lace thong when you bent over your dads desk. I couldn’t help but take action” I said while undressing her with my eyes.
“Why don’t you come over here and take action again.”
“On second thought. Let’s just keep running. I’m too young to die.” I said before i ran out of the elevator with no pants. I busted into the ball room looking for chanyeol with my eyes while jina latched onto my arm. 
“Baekhyun!?” Ms yes yelled from across the room when she saw me in the state im in. “What the fu-”
“There he is! Get that Little shit!” The body guards from before yelled when they came from no where. I’m guessing they took the stairs. How the hell are they not out of breath?
“Baekhyun, don’t just stand there! do something!” Jina screamed as she looked at the big men run towards us.
Fuck it.
I made a run for it, gripping the girls hand harshly. Chanyeol finally laid eyes on me and made a run for the exit too. 
“I told you not to mess with her!” He yelled at me as we ran.
“And you also told me to shut the fuck up, but did i listen? Of course not!” 
I never do.
“You’re quite the trouble maker aren’t you?” Jina asked as chanyeol unlocked the car.
“Me? Noooo. Now, what would give you that impression?”
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AUTHORS NOTE : I am soooo sorryyyyy i got really busy and i had a bit of writers block T-T i really hope you guys accept this chapter of sugarboys as a way of me expression my appreciation for your patience and support. I hope you enjoyed this and if you did let me know :) 
Lots of loveee <3333 ~ laila
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