#but i will have you know my Xiao impersonation? spot ON
kdramacrybaby · 5 months
Falling Into Your Smile (2021)
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Genre: Romance, Comedy
Synopsis: Tong Yao is one of the best casual players of OPL in China. When a position opens up on the professional E-sporst team ZDGX, she takes a chance and takes the leap into the spotlight as the first pro female player. But earning her spot on a team who never wanted a new member in the first place is tough, and she has to work hard to prove that she is just as good as any of the boys.
Episode info: 31 episodes / Runtime around 45 minutes
Lead cast: Chen Xiao (Tong Yao), Xu Kai /Lu Sicheng), Merxat Yalkun (Yu Ming), Xiao Kaizhong (Lao Mao), Gao Han (Lao K), Sun Kai (Xiao Pang), Yao Chi (Lu Yue), Cui Shaoyang (Xiao Rui)
Link to watch: You can watch on Netflix and Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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So, I watched this without doing any rants, as it was a drama where I just wanted to turn off my head and not think too much about what was happening. I have actually tried watching it once before and gave up on it, but then it started showing up all over my YouTube shorts, so I decided to give it another chance.
I've seen both a lot of good and a lot of bad things about this drama - it seems you either absolutely love it or hate it. I'm somewhere in the middle, I guess.
It's cute and fluffy overall. Gives some decent commentary about being a girl in a male dominated sports, and also some pretty good comments on the relationship between fans and idols - and the boundaries that often end up being broken. There is a line that should never be crossed, and they do a good job showing how it can affect the idols when they are crossed anyway. Nothing groundbreaking, but not every drama has to be.
The graphics for the game scenes are really cool, and I liked watching that a lot. Wish they had done that just a tiny bit more, but I bet it was expensive.
I do have to say - I don't know if it's the actual lines or the Netflix subtitles, but a lot of the drama felt stiff and impersonal. Zero emotion at all, and sometimes it didn't even make sense. The subtitles also used the word r*tard a lot... which, is that not a slur? It felt very iffy to me.
The couples don't really seem to communicate that much, and I have to admit that the chemistry wasn't really all there for any of them. They had their cute moments, sure, but it's not the kind of relationship I would want.
So yeah, I don't hate this at all - I was certainly entertained and once I got started again, I did watch it all pretty fast. But it's not a fave drama of mine either, and I probably won't rewatch.
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xiaophilia · 3 years
[Btw I love your writing]
I'm glad you're enjoying my works! ^^ also really for the late reply I needed to use my brain for this aaaand I had some health issues (+ writers block) in the process of working on this so I couldn't focus so really sorry for that lol. Also made a scenario under the cut.
✎...Includes: Zhongli, Ei, Venti, Thoma and other characters that are only mentioned.
❬Information: mentions of getting cut, very little bleeding, uh beheading? Slight cult and yandere themes,❭
Intro! Honestly it be a miracle if that happened? Because considering how unhinged some characters are squints eyes at Childe—they'd probably kill you on spot if they ever lay their eyes on you. Their head isn't screwed properly for that kind of process. They see the impostor, they kill the impostor. Easy as that! But— if something like that does happen— let's just say the impostor is reaaaaallyyy screwed.
Also about the pricking your fingers kinda thing—I'd like to propose another idea where instead of needle pricking ( I'm assuming that's what u meant) The reader instead gets a cut by a sharp object — a sword, or a polearm perhaps? — that was pointed at them when they got captured by the Archons and the others.
The characters who helped you too get captured— (Kaeya, Dainsleif, the twins, Albedo, Itto, Xiao and Kazuha and Thoma). Pinned against the ground by the Anemo archon's strong winds— any attempts at escaping were futile— no matter how strong they were—they can't defeat an angered God.
More under the cut!
Inside Tenshukaku, just outside the shogun's residence and in front of the statue is you. Surrounded by weapons of all sorts and people of all kinds. Unable to do anything as you kneel head held down low.
The uncomfortable feeling of being watched by hundreds of people makes you shift, the tight ropes around your wrists and ankles doesn't help either.
There were hundreds if not thousands of people watching you—coming from different nations all gathering in one place just to witness the death of the person who dared to impersonate their God. And speaking of which.
You can see them. Standing proudly next to the electro Archon.
From the shape of their face to the color of their eyes. They looked exactly, exactly like you. The resemblance between the both of you was uncanny. The only difference was that smile, that disgusting smile they're wearing. It was as if they were taunting you.
And you hated it. And you hated the fact that despite having the literal world's favor- you still couldn't do anything. Captured like an animal waiting to be slaughtered. It was absolutely pathetic. Were you really a god?
Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. Who knows.
You were tired. So tired of having to participate in this game of catch. Maybe you should just let them win already— it's getting tiresome. And with your situation, it's seems that they've already won.
You know you should fight back— You've come so far! You have armies of monsters ready to die for you. You could get revenge. You could make them feel the pain you felt. But alas, it sounds too much of a chore to do such thing. After all what happened—you just want to rest and maybe death is the only way you can do that.
Yes, you still want to live but with this situation in hand... How can you do that?
"Any last words?" You hear an almost too familiar voice say. It was non other than Zhongli of course. He was his God's most devoted devotee after all. Ironic how he had to get rid of you, in your honor.
"Did you not hear me?" He asks but you say nothing only looking at him before shifting your gaze to shoot your friends a smile. You refuse to waste your voice talking to lowlifes someone like him.
"I guess not, very well then. Prepare for a wordless death."
Just as he raises his pole arm (funny how it was the same pole arm you remember grinding for) ready to strike you down, a loud shout of someone was heard taking everyone's attention— yours included.
It came from one of your friends.
And in a blind panic thinking that they have been hurt you quickly turn your head, forgetting about the weapons that were surrounding you. The sudden action of course caused a few weapons to graze both your cheek and neck, cutting them in the process. The cuts weren't deep but they were still enough to draw out blood.
You didn't even notice it, clearly more concerned about your friends well being— but they surely did. Well, how could they not? That shining golden liquid was something worth capturing everyone's attention. It was something that only one person possessed. Their God. But that doesn't make sense? How could someone like you—a fake possess such attribute that not even Archons have?
Everyone had the same thought. Well.. Not a thought. But a question, one they were scared to be answered.
Were you truly a fake?
Ah.... At this point should they even question it? That blood is more than enough to prove who you truly were. You were their God! You were their precious deity—and the person they were worshipping was actually a fake.
Disgusting. How disgusting.
To think they had placed an impostor on a pedestal—worshipping them day and night while they harmed, starved and goodness almost killed their God?
They were fooled. And it made them mad. Really, really mad.
"Fools. Untie them!" You could hear Zhongli's voice shout, right after, you could feel the knots around your wrists and ankles loosen before disappearing completely.
Well, looks like you're gonna live after all.
You stood up, your lower half was too sore making it hard to keep balance. Just as you were about to stumble backwards you felt a pair of well built arms wrap their arms around you. It was Thoma.
"Are you alright, your grace?" He asks, eyes scanning frantically around your figure. You could also make out the others surrounding you as well. Looks like the Anemo Archon has finally freed them. You smile. Good thing they weren't harmed.
"I'm fine"
Shifting your gaze from them, your eyes land on the Geo Archon. Despite being in an inappropriate situation to feel it, you were a bit embarrassed. Was he staring at you the whole time? You inhale.
"What's this? Finally came to your senses Morax?" You taunt, voice loud, eyes glaring at the former Archon. Embarrassment disappearing all together.
He says nothing, only kneeling, his head held down low. It was a funny scene. Was this really the proud man earlier who asked for your last words?
The rest followed his actions, all kneeling, well except Ei, who marched in front dragging the now disheveled fake. Hands gripping the back of their shirt, harshly throwing them in front of you before kneeling alongside Zhongli. You also noticed Venti had placed himself right beside the Geo Archon, of course he too was kneeling.
You sigh, looking at the trembling fake, you would've felt pity for them. But considering all that had happened before hand, you didn't. You two were both placed in this world taking two different roles. If they had helped you, you would've helped them too.
With a heavy sigh, you look back at the people.
"What are you doing? You said you didn't want anyone copying me didn't you?" The sudden question made them slightly flinch, it was something they didn't expect but it didn't take long for them to nod.
"Then, why are you still letting this......thing live hm?" You ask, feigning disgust, your eyes trailing back at the half dead now kneeling fake.
With your words the three Archons stood up summoning their weapons and in an instant the impostor's head was no longer there.
Their now headless body slumped and fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Blood. Red blood was everywhere.
The sickening shade of red was far from the gold you had bled before.
It was truly an ugly sight. It made you feel guilty and you hated it.
You know you shouldn't be feeling like that. You weren't even the one who did it! They did. It was your so called worshippers who did it.
But why does it feel like it was you? Why does it feel like you were no different from them? From the people who had hurt you?
It was such a bothersome feeling. But it was too late for regrets. As masters of such heartless creatures, you need to be heartless too.
I'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind? Like I can do a new version of it if you'd like? It'll take more time tho— also not really sure how this turned out? The ending might be a little rushed?
Also a little fact. The 'shout of someone' was actually supposed to be 'growl of something' since I wanted to add a part where rifthounds would come to the Reader's rescue but got cut out. Also how to title stuff.
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — July 03-09
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological (some may be slightly off this week due to it being done retrospectively.) My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. A glossary of names and terms often used can be found [here]. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
07-03 → LLD Fest day 3 prompt: A picture from the filming of Word of Honor that makes you go 🤔
→ Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun both trended on Twitter.
→ The second episode of Go Fighting! aired. [Multi-language subs here]
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted ten photos from the filming of Go Fighting! episode 2. (21:19, 1129 kadian) Caption: “It is everyone's responsibility to protect endangered marine animals! Come and explore the mysteries of the ocean with boss @ Gong Jun Simon!”
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→ Hogan reposted two of the photos, advertising their shoes that Gong Jun wore in the episode. 
07-04 → LLD Fest day 4 prompt: Stickiest (贴贴) photo of Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun. 
→ Gong Jun trended on Twitter.
→ A photo of “Zhang Zhehan” at a hotpot restaurant was posted by a popular solo fan, with several others photos spread by Xie Yihua and co. It is very obviously not him.
→ Gong Jun posted four shirtless pictures to his personal Weibo. (12:19, 1129 kadian) Caption: “Showing off a little” His studio Weibo reposted this with the caption, “Welcome to boss @gongjun Simon 's ‘belly’ time 😎.” (mtl) He also posted these and three of the jet ski photos (below) as a video on his Douyin, caption: “Staged results show”. The shirtless photos plus one more were also posted to his Instagram, caption “😜😜😜”, and his Xiao Hong Shu, caption “Wuhu Showing off a little” (12:31, 511 kadian). Fan Observations:  -  The time interval between the Weibo and Douyin was 5 minutes, then 11 minutes between the Douyin and Instagram.   -  One of the photos is from a different day judging by his pants and hat. The hat in that photo is the same one he was photographed wearing on 06-14 when he was wearing a blue mask. (As an aside, the hat says “mad piece” on it. A reference to a certain One Piece-loving 疯子 perhaps? 🤭)  -  The date was the anniversary of Gong Jun being spotted at a gym near Zhang Zhehan’s house, wearing a shirt that looked very similar to one of Zhang Zhehan’s. Addition 07-30: Sixth 浅, fourth counting only Weibo.
→ Bluebird posted translations of Zhihu user Silver Knight’s AI analysis of the 05-04 Instagram video, with finding supporting it being a deepfake.
→ Gong Jun’s studio Weibo posted six photos of him on a jet ski. Caption: “Closely following (behind) boss gjsimon's abs benefit, little studio's benefit has arrived too, please accept! ! !” [translation quoted]
→ #Gong Jun abs# trended on Weibo’s entertainment hotsearch.
→ A fan visited the location of a recent photo “leaked” (read: intentionally spread) of “Zhang Zhehan” and Wang Peiwen (the “girlfriend” from last year’s girlfriend rumors.*) The fan found and posted evidence showing that the body double used was at least ten centimeters shorter than Zhang Zhehan. *A reminder that there is evidence that Sophie has been the one impersonating Wang Peiwen for these rumors. The rumors have been resurfacing over the past couple weeks, clearly orchestrated by Sophie and co. I haven’t been including this in my posts because, as I’ve said before, this is not a gossip column—my focus is on news concerning Zhang Zhehan himself.
→ Colgate posted one of Gong Jun’s shirtless photos comparing the “inverted triangle shape” to their mouthwash bottles.
07-05 → LLD Fest day 5 prompt: Favourite interview or variety show moment.
→ The fan who posted the findings about the body double had her account deleted shortly after posting a followup.
→ A photo was spread around, supposedly of “Zhang Zhehan” from the Beijing Airport’s database dated to 03-01. The software UI shown is completely outdated compared to what is actually used. Posts debunking this were deleted from Chinese social media and the account of the “airport staff” whom the photo originated from was deleted.
07-06 → LLD Fest day 6 prompt: The way Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan look at each other. 🥰
→ Dragon TV posted a preview for Go Fighting! episode 3.
→ Youku reposted Gong Jun’s shirtless photos from the previous day to their Twitter.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun for their 30th anniversary. The post specifically tagged Gong Jun, asking him to “shout out” the brand’s new slogan. He did not acknowledge it in any way. (As a reminder, Hsu Fu Chi previously endorsed Zhang Zhehan but actively contributed to the slander against him after 813.)
→ Kangshifu posted another illustrated ad featuring Gong Jun and the “girlfriend” from the micro-movie, tagging it for International Kissing Day.
→ Dragon TV posted four gifs of Gong Jun from Go Fighting! episode 2.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted another photo ad featuring and tagging Gong Jun. He did not acknowledge it in any way. Fan Observation: Someone commented that Hsu Fu Chi is like a clingy ex lmao. 
→ A donation was made to Chengdu Southwest Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital’s autism charily project in Gong Jun’s fans’ name.
→ A photoshopped picture was spread of Zhang Zhehan(?) in front of a theatre in Hengdian. The original background photo has been found. 
07-07 → LLD Fest day 7 prompt: Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun mirroring/matching each other.
→ Sophie paid off Baidu to clear the search result from her past user IDs. 
→ Gong Jun reposted a post by CCTV in rememberance of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. Caption: “Looking back at history, peace is hard-won, pay tribute to the unyielding struggle of the ancestors, and the younger generation must be self-improvement!” (mtl) His studio Weibo also reposted it. Caption: “Remember the history, cherish the memory of the martyrs, live up to the mission, and forge ahead.” (mtl)
→ Another picture of Zhang Zhehan(?) wearing the same outfit as in the previous day’s photo was spread by a popular solo, this one of him and someone else (possibly Lexus) with his face covered.
07-08 → LLD Fest day 8 prompt: A moment that makes you laugh.
→ The official Weibo for Gong Jun’s upcoming drama Fox Spirit Matchmaker posted stills of him and the female lead. Shortly after, they also posted a promotional image of Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted an additional promotional image of himself for Fox Spirit Matchmaker. Caption: “The sun’s flames are in hand, I have the world.” This was reposted by his studio Weibo, caption: “Hold the fire to guard Tushan, and hold the world in a ruthless manner. The first taste of Dongfan Yuechu @Gong Jun Simon, waiting to meet you” (edited mtl)
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→ KFC posted two gif ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Fox Spirit Matchmaker’s producer posted a behind the scenes video of the photos to their Xiao Hong Shu.
→ Gong Jun’s studio Weibo posted an additional behind the scenes video of the photos. Caption: “Leader Dongfan uses the sun’s flames to subdue evil and eradicate evil, and the young man Yuechu guards his beloved with a pure heart. Boss @Gong Jun Simon unlocks the first Xianxia, ​​incarnates into Dongfan Yuechu, not avoiding troubled times, but for the common people.” (edited mtl)
→ Sophie’s Weibo account was deactivated for violating community guidelines. She has since relocated to Zhihu.
→ The Instagram posted three pictures of Zhang Zhehan in a recording booth likely from June 2021, photoshopped to make it look like he’s wearing the brand’s merch. Caption: “Waiting for my voice 🎵” Throughout the week, Xie Yihua and co. also released several other similar photos which people found the originals of.
→ Gong Jun’s studio Weibo posted five behind the scenes photos of the Fox Spirit Matchmaker promotional photos. Caption: “Boss @Gong Jun Simon will give you the shooting tidbits 🤗, go to Tushan, protect your loved ones, and protect the common people.” (mtl)
→ Gong Jun trended on Twitter, and the drama trended #1 on Weibo in both the general and entertainment hot searchs.
07-09 → LLD Fest day 9 prompt: Favourite picture of The Hug.
→ We Are The Champions episode 4 is now available for free (also on YouTube, no subs), episode 5 is available with VIP access.
→ Antis manipulated Baidu autocomplete search results for Gong Jun and several other celebrities to try to paint them as Japanese sympathizers, taking advantage of it being a politically sensitive time.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Exclusive dialogue with Xiao Zhan: It's a real honor to bring strength to people
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"Don't be arrogant or impetuous, work hard to find your own problems, find where you need to improve, and forge ahead towards your goals."
Zhongxin Entertainment asked Xiao Zhan: What kind of state do you hope to be in the future? The answer he gave was: calm.
Xiao Zhan on this side is more tough. Some netizens said: "Like a military hero who came out of a novel, he has both civil and military skills." 
After the finale, Zhongxin Entertainment talked to Xiao Zhan, why did he take on the military drama, and does he have similarities with Gu Yiye? 
Taking over the role of Gu Yiye: "A little bit unconfident"
Xiao Zhan has always felt that a soldier is a very sacred and great identity since he was a child. 
Therefore, after receiving the invitation, Xiao Zhan was not only excited, but also nervous and "a little bit unconfident". Because for Xiao Zhan, acting in "Ace Troops" is simply a "dream trip" . 
 In order to get closer to the image of a soldier and let the audience see Gu Yiye, who "has a passionate blood forging the soul of the army, and who lives in the country to protect the river and mountains", Xiao Zhan silently did a lot of preparations in advance. 
He watched a lot of military-themed film and television dramas, interviews and reports in advance, and followed the crew to the military area before shooting, lived in the army, and trained with real soldiers . Participate in daily gun-holding training, etc. 
Xiao Zhan values such a real experience. 
He said that in fact he was familiar and unfamiliar with the PLA since he was a child: he will see it in the news and encounter it in life, but many people don't actually know the details of their daily life and daily training. But if you want to play the role as an actor, you must thoroughly understand all the work, actions, tasks, and experiences of the soldiers , so as to interpret them well to the audience . 
Talking about Gu Yiye: "Admired and distressed"
In "Ace Army", Gu Yiye was born in a military family, with solid military theory and excellent skills. When he first appeared on the stage, he stood in the train station where people came and went, quietly reading the book in his hand, and immediately let the audience remember him.
When Xiao Zhan was reading the script, his first impression of Gu Yiye was "too high and cold, too icy", and even thought it was impersonal. He laughed and joked, "I want to stay away from him."
But when he thinks that Gu Yiye was only eighteen when he first joined the army, Xiao Zhan feels that no matter how mature a person is, he should start from that age level and find some bright spots for this character at that age. So he and the director had an in-depth discussion for a long time, and injected a lot of details into Gu Yiye to make the character more vivid.
Everyone thought that when Gu Yiye was going to sing a love song to express his confession, he came directly to the song "My Motherland and Me". It turned out that what he expressed before was all his love for the motherland - this is Gu Yiye.
After entering the shooting, Xiao Zhan admired and felt sorry for Gu Yiye more and more, "He is responsible, responsible, and very strict with himself, so he always bears a heavy burden. Of course, I admire such a person very much, At the same time, I feel sorry for such people.”
"I didn't have any strength until the end of the crying scene"
From the beginning of the broadcast to the finale, "Ace Troops" has aroused heated discussions among the audience with its climaxing plots every day.
And the most out-of-the-circle scene was when Gu Yiye burst into tears after learning that the platoon leader who trusted him the most had sacrificed to save him.
In this scene, not only Xiao Zhan cried, but the director behind the monitor also cried, and the audience in front of the screen followed Gu Yiye to the point of crying.
Xiao Zhan still remembers the challenges this scene brought him. Because the filming of the TV series was all out of sequence, the first scene of the day was the scene of hugging and exchanging names with the female soldiers before going to the battlefield, and the scene of learning about the sacrifice of platoon leader Zhang began in the evening.
The overall emotional contrast between the two plays is huge. In addition, at that time, the shooting had to catch up with the sky, and the time was very tight. "The director told me that we will finish the shot, and I won't stop." So Xiao Zhan supported his heart in a short period of time and pushed his emotions to a breaking point. He remembered that he only passed the film after two or three times. Because he was too deep into the film, he had no strength at all until the end of the filming.
Recalling the past of filming, Xiao Zhan admitted that the atmosphere of the crew was very good, "I am very happy to work with Jing Yu and Chu Xi to complete a work that we like very much, such as "Ace Troops". The three of us are very happy every day on the set. Everyone is a very serious actor, and when we are on the set, everyone will talk about some of their ideas, and they will discuss with the director to rationalize each scene."
"It's an honor to bring strength"
Since his debut, Xiao Zhan often looks back while moving forward. He feels that he still has many shortcomings and believes that he will become more and more calm in the future.
As a young actor with a certain influence, Xiao Zhan believes that he should take on the social responsibility of delivering positive energy. Everyone learns something useful from it.”
Just like the sincere and natural camaraderie in "Ace Troops", many viewers are very moved. This is the greatest significance of the existence and growth of the role of Gu Yiye.
Some time ago, his interaction with the Chinese women's basketball player Han Xu was very warm. Han Xu said that he felt the "power of idols" from Xiao Zhan, and Xiao Zhan reposted and encouraged her as soon as he saw it.
For bringing strength to many people, Xiao Zhan bluntly said that he is very honored, "In the future, I will pay more attention to my work, be more serious, and will be more active in passing on this responsibility, responsibility, and strength to Everyone."
Xiao Zhan said that he will try his best to do everything better, and hope to pass on this spirit to more people, "I believe that as long as I do my best to do what I like, all my time and effort will be paid off. It pays off."
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stellartales · 4 years
Xiao — Call My Name 04
Chapter 04  — He Stands Alone
My fics are kept within Tumblr (@savagetrickster​ @justgenshin​ — I am both.)  and nowhere else but if you do see my works outside, please notify me.
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The way to Liyue Harbor was a lot faster on the cargo carriage a regular merchant of Wangshu Inn offered Paimon and her to ride on. 
The herbs Verr Goldett worked wonders; her leg could walk so much better now with barely any pain. Thanks to the lady boss’ care, her last evening in the Inn were spent making his favorite food in Smiley Yanxiao’s kitchen
As Verr Goldet had mentioned — one would only find the Guardian Adeptus if he wants to be found. 
Indeed, on the balcony, that night was the last she had seen of Xiao. Day or night, he was nowhere in sight. Even his usual place, the balcony, stayed empty with no sign of the adeptus. 
However, the missing box of the almond tofu she made that was gone along with her little handwritten note, ‘Eat well! :) Do you happen to know an adeptus named Starsnatcher?’ the following morning told her something else. 
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 Liyue Harbor has always been a bustling port city for as long as he could remember. He was , afterall, the one who made sure it flourished. 
The faint aromatic whiff of Jueyun Chilli Chicken coming from Wanmin Restaurant just down the street was instantly recognizable to anyone who had stayed in Liyue Harbor long enough. Laughing children and energetic chatter about anything and everything was accompanied by the distant hollers of the shipcrews down on the port.
Wise golden eyes idled on the scenes around him.
Particularly, on the loaded carts rolling along the streets and the enthusiastic merchants they went past. 
This ever-going vitality was the very blood that kept this city port bright and running, and the Qixing its brain. One he knew Liyue Harbor could depend on when he decided to put his duties as the Geo Archon to a permanent rest and experience the world in the form of a mortal, just like now.
A satisfied sigh quietly slipped past his lips as Zhongli cast his gaze onto the view of the sky beyond the shimmering horizon the location of the tavern he was sheltered under offered, the edges of his lips curling mildly in contentment.
The curt flutters of an opening paper fan turned the thoughtful gaze back to the storyteller, “ We last left off, with ancient Liyue, beset by an ocean demon and a mountain dragon.”  
Elegant, long fingers curled around the steaming teacup on the table before him. 
“ Rex Lapis mustered his adepti,” The wispy steam from the teacup was blown away as it drew near to his lips, ” to restore peace into the land.”
A sip of the hot tea disappeared down his throat with a gulp and as he was lowering the cup to the table, golden eyes swiveled to the left.
The cup was placed back onto the table and he was on his feet, leaving the storyteller to tell his tale.
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The crowd on the street of Chihu Rock parted like a flowing river as she maneuvered through the boulevard with eyes glued to the intricate words on the book — Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti . 
Perched on her right shoulder, another pair of eyes were equally engrossed in the content.
The pages in her hands fluttered lightly to the ocean breeze as they broke away from the busy street and onto the wharf overlooking the vast sea beyond the harbor. 
“It’s so tragic…” Paimon’s hands were held to her chubby face.
Brooding sadness brimmed in their eyes as they settled down on the neatly piled wooden planks. The shadow of the huge dockyard in front of them was the perfect shade blocking them from the afternoon sun.
Lumine nodded with a deep sigh, “Oh how they had suffered…” She shook her head.
“—Indeed, and terribly so.” A deep voice interjected.
Both jolted upright with a surprised gasp, lifting their heads sharply to find themselves being gazed upon by a familiar pair of wise eyes.
Lumine winced at the volume Paimon released from her shoulder. 
“Do you mind?” A smile played on his lips as Zhongli gestured at the spot beside her.
She shook her head.
His long brown coat fluttered behind him as he moved to sit down.  
“Interesting choice of literature you have there,” The wood beneath them shifted to his weight as he took his spot beside them. 
“Is it true? Is it true?” Paimon flapped her arms eagerly, “Is it true that this tragedy happened a long time ago? The lady at the bookhouse told us this was just a theory spun by historians.”
Zhongli chuckled, lifting a hand to return a greeting from a passing dockyard laborer along with a curt nod.
A serious look swept over his handsome face.
“Time is a powerful force. Stories passed along the passage of time are like the stone spears which I had left behind as the Guyun Stone Forest. I made sure what happened then still lives.“ 
The pensive stare on Zhongli’s face lingered even as he turned back to her, but with a slight frown. 
“Just like those spears which were roughed out by wind erosions, what is left to be seen today is what you get. Fabrication by the imagination of those who weren’t there to know what happened is inevitable, but the truth remains.”
Zhongli raised his gaze to the sky with a quiet look, a hand reaching up to cup his chin as how she would always see him doing when reminiscing something from the past.
“The yakshas, this book told of, after fighting the wrath of the gods for thousands of years, became bound by karma.” 
His deep voice dipped with a sad tinge, “Poisoned by the hateful thoughts of the gods, the yakshas would often descend into indescribable fits of terror, rage or agony…”
His long fingers left his face and curled into a tight fist. “They were a big sacrifice for the greater good. All for the peace you see now.” 
A dark look almost like wistful and remorse settled on Zhongli’s face.
“Then the yakshas…” Lumine mulled over his words for a moment. “The book says that their battles broke their souls and made them turn against each other.”
Sadness fell over her eyes like a grey cloud. “...most are no longer here, are they?”
“Some succumbed to darkness.” Zhongli stared forlornly at the book in her hand. “Even I don’t know where those went. But as of today, one still remains.”
He sighed.
“The age of gods and monsters is over. And so is my first contract with Liyue. This is no longer my Liyue to protect but the common folks.” 
Zhongli shook his head. “The moment I ended my contract with Liyue, so did his, but he still battles till this day.” 
“Hold on a second!” Paimon jumped in, waving her hands frantically, “What do you mean one remains? Aren’t there still two yakshas left?”
“Two?” Zhongli blinked calmly at her. “There has always been one   —  Xiao. I’m sure you know him. He was there in your battle against Osial, wasn’t he?” 
It was his turn to look puzzled.
Lumine frowned. “But what about the Starsnatcher—” Her face fell as realization dawned upon her. She ran a hand down her face with an exasperated sigh. “Oh nevermind, it’s clear now. ”
“Huh?” Paimon scratched her head, “Paimon doesn’t understand! What’s clear now?”
“There’s never been an adeptus with the name Starsnatcher.” Lumine narrowed her eyes at the book in her hand. “He’s a fraud!”
Paimon elicited a gasp. “Xiao needs to know that someone is impersonating the adepti!”
A knowing look from Zhongli was all before the Archon let out a chuckle. “And I trust that you three are capable enough to deal with this...imposter.” 
Long legs uncrossed, Lumine’s eyes were drawn to Zhongli as the man rose to his feet. 
There was an elegance even in the way Zhongli turned around to face them. One that she couldn’t help noticing whenever he was around. 
“You bet we will!” Paimon nodded her head enthusiastically. “Leave it to us, Mr. Zhongli!” Her hands curled into chubby fists as a determined glare scrunched up her cheeks.
Amusement danced in his wise golden eyes as Zhongli responded to Paimon with a light chuckle. “You’ve proven yourselves countless times, my friends, I’m sure this obstacle would pass like a smooth breeze.” 
Zhongli turned as if to go, before glancing over his shoulder. 
“Oh yes, before I go, please do me this favor and give these painkillers to Xiao.” He held out a small green pouch. 
“Painkillers?” Lumine said nearly in a gasp as he placed the pouch in her hand. She looked up at him with a worried frown. “Is Xiao in pain...?”
Then it hit her.
Xiao...with all he had gone through, why wouldn’t he? 
Lumine felt her heart clench with an ache at that thought, remembering Zhongli’s words and what the book had mentioned. 
A bitter feeling sank her heart, at the same time, a strange sense of greediness and yearning tugged her heart — to understand the yaksha behind his piercing eyes, to learn about the pain he hid underneath it all.
“I’m afraid so. Constantly and especially so after his battles.” Zhongli’s face held nothing, but there was gloom in his eyes. “That boy…”
Zhongli sighed heavily. “This may be too much to ask. Xiao will not like this, but please look after him.”
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PREVIOUS  |   NEXT (coming soon)
— published on 16.03.2021
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
okay, maybe i'm just dumb, but i didn't know that genshin had fansongs??? i'm just a big idiot i guess lol
venti and xiao sound so good and the lyrics are so pretty ;-;
when your hair is tousled by a gust of wind, that's me thinking of you from afar
shajdvekhajshxhsj my brain is malfunctioning rn, i'm gonna think of venti ever time it gets windy now
if you are holding on to the events of the present and don't want to move on, i will quietly keep a record of this story
hear that? that is the sound of my sobbing as xiao sings so prettily
and qiqi and klee are so adorable, my heart is melting
when it suddenly starts to rain heavily, that's me bombing away the dark clouds for you (klee)
even though i hate warm things, i could like to hug you. can i? (qiqi)
could you tell i have a soft spot for them?
— r. anon
I KNOWW!!! the only reason i found out about the fansong was bc it was in my yt recommendations and i had to do a double take bc i thought i was just hallucinating in a genshin induced daze. i came in thinking that one real creative player made a song and impersonated the characters but middway the song i was like... this sounds familiar... 🤔
XIAO SOUNDS HOT AND I TAKE NO CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ON THAT. and venti 🥺 sounds so freaking ethereal while qiqi and klee are just bursting in uwus. the song itself, the melody and the lyrics... all top tier and i feel so comforted every time i listen to it.
idk if you listen to vocaloid but circus-p (vocacircus) made a song abt genshin too! it’s entitled last words and it’s sung by len and fukase. it’s not ‘original’ in the sense that it’s not sung by va’s but!! i still think the song encapsulated venti really well! there are celtic themes and an overall medieval fantasy vibe and it’s just *chefs kiss*. the song itself has so much depth in terms of storytelling and im just.. oof!
not sure how anyone can live w/o having a soft spot for these four
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mulanzhou-blog · 7 years
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How seven years flew by, Mulan would never know.  She still remembered her first year, coming into the magic world as a muggleborn with no prior experience or knowledge of what it meant to be a witch.  It was in her first year where she discovered her joy of flying and the rush of Quidditch.  Hogwarts had presented so much to her, taught her so much about herself, that it was bittersweet to now leave.
The weeks leading up to graduation filled Mulan with excitement and nerves.  Not only did she have to figure out what she was going to do at the ceremony, she wasn’t sure which path to take toward her future.  Her family still saw little worth in flying and quidditch, but here were two opportunities calling for her because of her skills in the sport.  She knew she’d need to make a decision soon.  But now she was here at the graduation ceremony, waiting to be called up next to complete the final task.
Many people went before her as she reared the end of the student list.  The longer she waited, the more anxious she grew.  Once it was her turn, Mulan felt all the nerves just melt away.  If she learned anything, it was that she will go out confidently and believing in herself.  With her head high and a smile on her face, she moved up toward the stage with her hand gripping her wand.  However, the moment she reached the center, the world seemed to melt away.  Her hands were now balled up in fists.
“I’ve heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan.”  A regal-looking older man spoke to her.  His face was stoic but expressing a sense of displeasure.  His tone wasn’t exactly a good one.  Mulan cringed, her body tense but she bowed down in apology and shame anyways.  Did she land in some new realm just to be another disappointment?
"You stole your father’s armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese Army, destroyed my palace, and…”  Yep, indeed Mulan seemed to have landed straight into another scene where all she did was mess things up.  This Fa Mulan, who shared her name, had gotten into a lot of trouble.  But did he just say she impersonated a soldier?  Like… like the way she did for quidditch?  Something wasn’t adding up, but she had no time to calculate everything because every claim the emperor made felt like sharp stabs of shame.  Mulan’s eyes closed shut, bracing for the final blow.
"You have saved us all.”
What?  Her eyes opened slowly and she hesitantly moved up, allowing herself to glance at the emperor.  His face softened and he did the unthinkable; he bowed to her.  Stunned, Mulan’s back straightened and her eyes widened.  This can’t be.  But the moment the emperor had bowed, everyone in the surrounding vicinity did the same.  The emperor’s counselor, the soldiers and general next to her, all lowered their heads and planted themselves onto the ground before her.  Only then did Mulan realize the scope of her environment.  She was surrounded by crowds of people, all of whom were now also bowing towards her.  What had she done to garner such honor?
“I-” she didn’t know what to say.  When they all rose back, the emperor offered her a position on his counsel.  Politely, Mulan declined.  She had no skills in helping royalty or any experience in how to run a country.  The emperor nodded and gifted her with a pendant and a sword, gifts to honor her and her family.  She couldn’t help herself and she hugged the emperor in thanks before turning to leave.  Though she cannot understand what she had done, his validation in her made her heart swell.  But now, where was she supposed to go now?  How was she supposed to get back to graduation?
As she pondered her questions, the most high-ranking-looking officer approached her.  He seemed to want to say something, but his words choked up and all that came out was, “You uh fight good.”
Mulan frowned in confusion.  “Um.  Thanks.”  There was something very familiar about this man but she simply smiled and walked away.  Before she could even comprehend what to do next, the items in her hands melted away and now she was standing in a field.
In her hand now was a hoe.  More confusion filled her.  Where was she?  Was she supposed to farm the land?  She glanced from her hoe to the ground when a sudden shuffling noise caught her attention.  Her head whipped around to find the source of the noise, but she relaxed when she spotted a small child peeking from behind the tall grass.  The young girl, now caught by the very person she had been spying on, rushed over.
“Fa Mulan!  Fa Mulan!  Can you teach me to be a warrior?  Can you teach me to be like you?”
Mulan was taken aback.  Guess she was still stuck in this Fa Mulan’s shoes.  But was she still… a warrior?  But before she could process this turn of events, more young girls came out from the tall grass, all just as eager and excited as the first girl.  “Yes, Mulan!  Please teach us to fight!  Teach us how to be strong and confident like you!  You taught us so much yesterday but we want to learn more!”
This didn’t seem right.  Mulan knew nothing of fighting and her only skills were in flying.  Well she knew how to dance because her mother had forced her into dance classes, but fighting?  “Well, I…”
“Now, now children,” a young man called out with a chuckle.  “Lesson number two can wait tomorrow.”
“It’s the General!” the young girls squealed, most of them now running to greet the new visitor.  They fawned over him, and Mulan could tell why.  He was tall, handsome, confident (though bordering on cocky), and he had a kind smile.  But his face also revealed a history of pain and loss.  Then she realized it was the very same man from earlier, the “you fight good” man.
“Can you all take care of this for me while I speak to Fa xiao jie?” he asked kindly to the young girls.  He handed them his impressive-looking helmet that clearly showed his status as a general.  Once more greeted with squeals, the young girls grabbed the helmet and ran off, fighting on who gets to hold it.  As they ran away, the General chuckled and approached Mulan.
“Something tells me you might not get that back,” Mulan laughed.  Though she didn’t know this man (despite having met him the one time earlier), she felt comfortable around him.  Like a mutual deep trust already existed between them, despite his awkward “you fight good” line.
“That is okay.  It’ll be worth the price to pay just to spend a little alone time with you,” he chuckled.  He wrapped an arm around her and laid a soft, gentle kiss on her lips.  At first, she was a surprised, but the comforting and familiar feeling of this man eased away that tension and she kissed back.  But soon enough, he pulled away, a small smile still curved on his lips.  “The girls love your lessons, by the way.  I hear the village rave about your teaching,” he chuckled.  “I’d expect nothing less from my best lieutenant.”  Mulan raised a brow but didn’t get to ask when he added, “I wish we could stay here a little longer, but the emperor needs us.”
“I- what?  Why does he need me?” Mulan frowned.  From her knowledge so far, this man was the general, not her.  The children did call her a warrior and he referred to her as his lieutenant, but that didn’t mean much.  She had meant to ask the man about that, why the girls were asking her for lessons, but she held back, afraid to ask a silly question that had an obvious answer to everyone but her.  Her mind raced back to the previous moment, when the emperor had said Fa Mulan saved China.
The General chuckled though at her question.  “Why you?  Because you’re Fa Mulan!  Hero of China!  If there’s anyone he needs to save China again, it’s you.”  There was something very sweet and genuine and full of pride in the way this young man spoke of Mulan.  It was a feeling she had never felt directed at her before.  The confusion on her face must have shown because the man’s features softened.  “I know you’ve been through a lot.  You’ve risked a lot.”  He brushed his fingers through Mulan’s hair, a comforting feeling.  “I’m still sorry that I doubted you and I’m sure your family is too.  But you’ve proven us all wrong.  You, the first woman in the Chinese Imperial Army, the one who saved her family and all of China!  You’ve brought immense honor to us all.”
“Wh-” Mulan’s words caught in her throat.  But that was Fa Mulan, not Mulan Zhou.  That sounded like some revolutionary woman, defying standards.  “Th-that can’t… you’re mistaken,” Mulan muttered softly.  “Me?  I’m no hero” she laughed.  Though she recalled the previous moment where the emperor and all the people bowed to her, it wasn’t for her exactly.
The man furrowed his brow.  “You know, you’re usually a little more confident.  Is being the hero so funny?.  What’s really on your mind?”
Mulan though for a moment, unsure of what to say.  So it wasn’t funny that she was some supposed hero of a large ass country.  Whoever’s shoes she landed in, well this Fa Mulan definitely was an impressive woman.  But she couldn’t exactly tell him the truth, that she didn’t belong in this world, that she was a witch about to graduate from Hogwarts, unsure of what to do and who to be.  She had her own worries to dwell on.
“I… I don’t know.  Do I follow listen to my family and live for honor?  Or do I listen to my heart and do what I know is the right path?” she asked, the questions plaguing her even in this new realm.  Her inquiries were vague, but perhaps this man had an answer.
The conversation seemed to turn a bit heavy, but the man was not taken aback; it seems this “Fa Mulan” also shared similar sentiments before.  “The Mulan I know said once that her duty is to her heart.  You have a good heart, Mulan.  You know what is right and you act on that.  All the things you’ve achieved, yes they’re massive, but they’re a by-product of your true heart.  You didn’t join the army to save China; you joined to save your father.  You didn’t save me because you thought I’d reward you, but you did because… well.”  The man stopped and his cheeks appeared slightly pinker and he quickly cleared his throat.  “You are a warrior with a duty to her heart.  I know you will do what is right.”
The words were enough to soothe her and Mulan smiled up at the man with a small nod.  “Thank you,” she whispered as she leaned forward to place another kiss on his lips.  “Now, you said the emperor awaits?” she chuckled.
He nodded and smoothed her hair once more, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.  “He does, my love.  We best be going.  I’m sure the girls will want you back soon to resume their training.”
“Hey, I just want to teach these girls to be themselves,” she laughed.  The man nodded his head, chuckling.
But before they could head towards what Mulan was sure was the Emperor’s palace, the scene once more melted away from her.  The sudden shift in the air dazed Mulan momentarily as her wand was still tightly gripped in her hand.  She looked around as faces stared back at her, waiting for her to perform her task.  What had happened in that split second where she blacked out, Mulan couldn’t remember, but she remembered feeling that she needed to follow her heart.
With a flourish of her wand, Mulan summoned small branches and transfigured them into seven brooms like the number of players on a quidditch team, enchanting them to fly patterns in the air before they soared out into the crowd and into the hands of whoever caught one.
Perhaps the road ahead was going to be rough, and she had responsibilities pulling her in all directions, but she was going to try her best to listen to her heart and do right by herself.
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