#but i wont add him to my f/o list. thatd be....embarrasing
demonmaid · 4 years
YOU AND RODRICK ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER WTF these punks are gay good for them. how did you two meet and when did you know you really liked him?
i actually..have an answer to that but if i go into too much detail this’ll be too long so. um. yea uuhh..... he’s 19 but im 17 and still trying to finish my last year of high school SO when i finish my classes one day and get out of school he’s at the entrance giving ppl flyers cos his band’s looking for a NEW GUITARIST!!! cos they didnt like the old one and idk they had a fight and kicked him out maybe (i dislike him).. ANYWAYS he’s also there to pick his brother up so he’s distracted talking 2 him and i bump into ro and hes liek oh sorry here take this! and he gives me a flyer and keeps walking and!! i can play the guitar!! and rodrick’s kinda cute SO i make some time to go to the audition and they LET ME INTO DA BANDD (i was..the only one auditioning<3 they suck) and then um um..i think hes vewy cute AND stupid (my type)..and one day we go out for dinner to some shit fast food restaurant cos we’re friends! and um. stuff happens..we kiss by the end of the night..im scared of my parents getting mad at me for getting home late (past midnight) nd hes like do not worry i will sneak u into my room(stupid idea and decision. his head has beans inside) AMDD we sleep together<3<3 wake up sleepyhead vine the next morning
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