#but i'll give the clown birds another chance
allpromarlo · 2 years
god bless pat mahomes jalen hurts and justin herbert they would NEVER do this shit to me
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wild-houseplant · 1 year
HELLO!! I AM COMING BACK AT YOU!! With questions for Rhodri and Zevran!!!!! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
29. Describe their nighttime routine
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
I hooe you have a splendid day my friend!!! Let the asking games begin \OoO/
HI THERE HELLO 8D 8D 8D 8D I have been sitting here with my eyes on stalks at these questions because! As usual! There is plenty of rambling as I sort out a decent answer and I absolutely did not get out under a thousand words for these ToT condolences but THANK YOU plenty for these!! I'll stick it under the cut because by god it's another long one folks!
Describe their night time routine 
Ohhh I love this question because I love every opportunity to come in with my clown car full of headcanons and pull an implausible amount out of the passenger seat window. My thanks and condolences!! 😂
Ok so I will start by saying that for Rhodri and Zevran, night time is a large part of the day. In tropical Tevinter and tropical/subtropical Antiva, there is very little fluctuation between day-and-nighttime hours throughout the year. It’s dark from 6pm-6am, give or take maybe an hour down in Antiva. Which means, of course, that locals can coordinate their entire day according to light and dark on a very consistent basis (Rhodri, quite predictably, exults in this).
So, with all this in mind, if they have no special plans, these two are usually home by dark. First things first: a bath. Vints (and, to a lesser extent, Antivans) take their bath culture seriously: there are magnificent public baths (thermae) aplenty, and most houses/apartments have a communal bathing facility. Whether you’re in the home tub or the therma, the bath is a place to socialise, cool down, luxuriate– and get clean, of course. 
If Rhod and Zev aren’t meeting friends/family at one of the thermae, they’re bathing alone at home. That’s at least an hour down the drain (so to speak). Hair is washed and oiled, bodies scrubbed and moisturised. They will talk about their day, complain a little perhaps (for their health, of course). Zevran has a fairly detailed beauty regimen that he attends to while Rhodri floats close by (or, if they’re at the therma, he’ll get some fancy treatment package and rope his forbearing spouse into getting it done with him). They usually come straight home afterwards if they were at the baths.
At home post-bath, things are a little up in the air. There’s dinner, certainly, and that’s usually eaten with the entire family and 50/50 chance there will be guests, too. That can be another couple of hours at least, especially if the guests are great company, or if Revka and Aurelio open their mouths.
After that, though? Well, Rhodri’s an early bird, and Zevran is a night owl. Try as they might to make their schedules overlap in that regard, Rhod is almost guaranteed to be ready for bed first. If they’re not gasbagging with the fam and guests right up to bedtime, chances are Rhod and Zev will be off doing their own thing together: dancing, reading, doing extra paperwork in Rhod’s case. Usually it’s all in the one room, which is a sizable office next door to their bedroom, sequestered off in their quarters within the estate. 
I feel it’s worth mentioning that although I tend to portray Zevran as very clingy and fretful about being separated, Rhodri gets terrible at night. Too many nightmares about him dying helpless while he was away in Antiva, I suspect. Now, she gets distraught if she’s preparing to fall asleep and she can’t see, hear, or feel him. 
This reached a point where she was forcing herself to stay awake on the nights where Zevran was nowhere near ready for bed, just so they could stay in the same room. Sometimes Zevran would be able to transfer what he was doing from the office to the bed, but if he was trying his hand at, say, painting or playing an instrument, that was impossible. They ended up investing in a very plush chaise sofa, and now, when Rhod’s beginning to wilt, she takes herself off to get changed into her PJs (and inevitably to be waylaid as Zevran decides to ‘help’). When she’s dressed and her teeth are cleaned, she reclines on the aforementioned furniture with a book, and if Zevran even tries to say goodnight, she assures him she will not be sleeping. She’s just resting her eyes, dulcis. I was going to say it’s one of the only lies she ever tells, but it’s not a lie because she believes it.
Once he's ready for bed, he'll stomp and make noise and flop extra hard on the chaise to get Rhod's attention (not to wake her because she was not sleeping), and they'll stagger off together. Rhodri rarely remembers the journey from couch to bed but Zevran reliably advises her that she will, without fail, mumble that he is to stay behind her please, dulcis, while she opens the bedroom door to check for god-knows-what. What, precisely, she could achieve protections-wise while in a state of twilight anaesthesia is anyone's guess, but Zevran always felt it's the thought that counts. He humours her, and for that he ends up in bed beside her, as safe as safe can be, night after night.
What is their relationship with each other’s friends/families like?
😭 Oh, Zev. I hate that he has no family for Rhodri to get to know, and he hates it too, but he makes the best of it.
As far as friends go, Rhod's old mates (Maevaris, Dorian, another friend called Phoebus, and the surviving old guard from the Fereldan Circle) are all very taken with him. Since he and Rhod aren't usually apart when they're around, he doesnt' get much one-on-one time with them, but they all get on like a house on fire. As for Zevran's friend, Isabela... well. I like to think that now that Isabela has shacked up with Tank, Rhodri's cousin, she won't be constantly re-trying her luck on Rhodri. I am probably wrong though, and she will likely give it a go once or twice a year, though these days mostly as a joke (unless she said yes, of course). Good old Isabela, always shooting her shot. Amuses everyone to no end.
As far as the Callistus-Amell household goes, Zevran overall gets along well with everyone in the fam, to varying degrees. It must be said that everyone had a moment where they issued a quiet but decidedly bloodthirsty threat to Zevran upon finding out his history as a Crow– or rather, upon finding out that it was in the context of Rhodri being said (former) Crow’s mark, now-spouse. Which, fair I guess. I think most of them moved on from it quite well, though. 
Revka and Aurelio consider him a sixth kid. He gets greeted the same way as the other kids. Aurelio gives him a nickname like he gave the other kids (Zevran’s is Caligattae– ‘little boots’). Zevran calls them Mother and Tata. When he made it clear he was open to it, he got the pats and the hugs and the kisses on the head like the other kids get. 
(In fact, that entire family LOVES kissing him on the head because he’s so bloody tiny next to the rest of them and they can’t resist reminding him of it by bending down sooooo dramatically. He takes it with his usual good humour, god bless him.)
Mazarin and Evander, who are both very noisy, filter-less, and have huge reserves of, and needs for affection, attention, and exciting things… well, they love Fun Brother Zevran to bits. It’s non-stop racing other people to sit next to him and Rhod (or on his/Rhod’s lap, if allowed), or squabbling over who gets to tell him the NEWS THEY WERE WAITING TO SHARE ALL DAY EVANDER IT WAS MY TURN TO TELL HIM THE NEWS! 
They’re the kind of people who will keep boredom at bay (something something untreated ADHD) by actively going and looking for parties to attend, or making up the wildest and most fraught games on the spot, and if Zevran shows even the slightest willingness to join, he’ll be roped in all day and night. It’s fun and incredibly exhausting, and Zevran is never going to be alone again, whether he likes it or not.
Bethann is the youngest (15-16 by the end of the Blight), and opens up Very Slowly. Initially she refused to interact with Zevran, mostly because she found the idea of being murdered by someone she’d been friendly with to be a galling one. She made him earn their friendship 😂
And Zevran DID! He was in it for the long haul. Learned Tevinter sign (she’s nonverbal) from the get-go, gave her all the space she wanted, genuinely engages with her on her interests. Never infantilises, but he meets her where she is. Took a Good Long While but he won Bethann hook, line and sinker.
And Bethann takes good care of her newest brother, too. She’s an observer by nature, and very interested in learning how to read people, and she’s got Zevran clocked as someone who is inclined to suppress themselves for the sake of others. He won’t let on that he’s an introvert, or how embarrassed he feels when someone does something nice for him that he can’t return, but Bethann knows it already and makes a point of stepping in when she feels it’s necessary. Sometimes that means saving him from the noisy twins/parents when he’s getting tired and Rhodri isn’t able to save him– saving, in this case, is dragging him away to the library and declaring they’ll be pursuing separate hobbies in peace. She has two empty shelves, one for her and one for him, where they know to put books the other might like, and they’ll do small tutoring exchanges on whatever topic takes their interest at the time. 
I think of all the siblings (aside from Rhodri), Bethann ends up being someone who really makes Zevran feel understood in his need for downtime and give-and-take, and he treasures that– and his youngest sister– hugely.
Owen is by far the most difficult one. He’s nice to Zevran, don’t mistake me. They can talk and laugh and play games without trouble, but at the end of the day Owen sees Zevran, first and foremost, as the man who tried to kill Rhodri. And he and Zevran both know it.
Further complicating this is when Zevran departed alone for Antiva to take on the Crows. It was a huge social faux pas on Zevran’s part, because in doing so he implied to the whole of the Altus society that capable, dependable Rhodri was unable to manage the problems of her spouse herself, as is expected of someone of her status and influence. Or, at the very least, Zevran implied that he thought her unable. However you look at it, it was an enormous loss of face for Rhodri. Owen, knowing how proud Rhodri is, was ready to flay the hide off Zevran’s back for it. In fact, once he saw Zevran again in Kirkwall, he very much did the verbal version of that. Well, rather, he attempted to, but Rhod immediately shut it down.
On the other hand, Owen does know why Zevran did it, and it does engender a bit more confidence that Zevran isn’t, in fact, planning to off his own spouse. But you never really know, and so Owen is forever watching Zevran for any sign that he’s about to turn on her.
All this is hard on Zevran– more than he’d ever admit– because he likes Owen. They’re naturally very compatible: Owen’s a shy, retiring version of Rhodri, and he has a devotion to Rhodri that Zevran recognises in himself. He really wants Owen to like him back, and because of circumstances essentially out of his control, it’s just not happening.I think Owen wants to like Zevran as well. He does like him, really. But Rhodri was there for Owen when no-one else was (glass child, anyone? More on Rhodri and Owen’s relationship here), and he’s terrified this charming sonofabitch will harm the only person he feels he can trust. It’ll take a lot of time and talks between Rhodri and Owen before Owen really gives Zevran a proper chance, I feel.
Crumbs! that was really long xD And be assured I did a LOT of paring down for this because the rant on Owen and Rhodri's relationship was looking to go on for a good long while. Thank you again for this!! It was such a joy, as always!!! Hope you're having a gorgeous day with abundant misbehaviour >:)
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clochardscelestes · 1 year
Demain le soleil se lèvera à nouveau, demain il y aura un autre matin, et sans doute des centaines d'autres qui suivront, des matins froids, gris et sans saveur.
Please remember me, happily By the rosebush laughing With bruises on my chin, the time when We counted every black car passing
Your house beneath the hill and up until Someone caught us in the kitchen With maps, a mountain range, a piggy bank A vision too removed to mention
But please remember me, fondly I heard from someone you're still pretty And then they went on to say that the Pearly Gates Had some eloquent graffiti
Like 'We'll meet again' and 'Fuck the man' And 'Tell my mother not to worry' And angels with their great handshakes But always done in such a hurry
And please remember me, at Halloween Making fools of all the neighbors Our faces painted white, by midnight We'd forgotten one another
And when the morning came I was ashamed Only now it seems so silly That season left the world and then returned And now you're lit up by the city
So please remember me, mistakenly In the window of the tallest tower Call, then pass us by but much too high To see the empty road at happy hour
Gleam and resonate just like the gates Around the Holy Kingdom With words like, 'Lost and found' and 'Don't look down' And 'Someone save temptation'
And please remember me as in the dream We had as rug burned babies Among the fallen trees and fast asleep Beside the lions and the ladies
That called you what you like and even might Give a gift for your behavior A fleeting chance to see a trapeze Swinger high as any savior
But please remember me, my misery And how it lost me all I wanted Those dogs that love the rain and chasing trains The colored birds above there running
In circles round the well and where it spells On the wall behind St. Peter So bright on cinder gray in spray paint 'Who the hell can see forever?'
And please remember me, seldomly In the car behind the carnival My hand between your knees, you turn from me And said the trapeze act was wonderful
But never meant to last, the clowns that passed Saw me just come up with anger When it filled with circus dogs, the parking lot Had an element of danger
So please remember me, finally And all my uphill clawing My dear, but if I make the Pearly Gates I'll do my best to make a drawing
Of God and Lucifer, a boy and girl An angel kissin' on a sinner A monkey and a man, a marching band All around the frightened trapeze swinger
J'espère que tu te rappelleras de moi comme moi je me rappellerais de toi. Please, remember me.
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