dorkbending · 7 years
@thebriarfieldchronicles: you absolutely did not have anorexia for a week. you TRIED to give yourself an ED for a week which is... No. Please refrain from phrasing things like that. Ur hurting people who have actual ED’s. Sorry to sound harsh but like. You Didn’t Have An ED.
@snarkingonfatlogic: I made this post bc I actually did have an ED when I was 12. One that was mostly encouraged and enabled bc I was a chunky child. Something that wasn’t my fault (my meds, ones i needed to be on? made me gain weight like crazy despite an otherwise consistent diet and exercise). At one point I’d lost almost 15 lbs in a month by starving myself and obsessively counting calories. The only person who cared about my health was my english teacher. He made me stay in at recess every day and drink a bottle of odwalla juice (260 calories) ever single day. and it was torture but it kept me from, idk, passing out.
the responses to this post are literally FULL of similar stories.
why do you seem like someone who yells at fat girls for eating fries and laughs at them for eating salads?
skinny ppl: we just care about your health is all :)
fat person: starts losing too much weight too fast in a BLATANTLY UNHEALTHY way
skinny ppl: yESS!!!!!! 💕❤💕💕 BABE!!!!!!!🌟❤🌟 IM SO PROUD OF U!!!!! 💖💞🖒💖UR FINALLY BEING ~HEALTHY~!!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
i wrote this post bc when my ED was at it’s worst people actively supported and encouraged me bc i was always a chunky kid, yes, kid. I was 12 at the time. But go off I guess.
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skinny ppl: we just care about your health is all :)
fat person: starts losing too much weight too fast in a BLATANTLY UNHEALTHY way
skinny ppl: yESS!!!!!! 💕❤💕💕 BABE!!!!!!!🌟❤🌟 IM SO PROUD OF U!!!!! 💖💞🖒💖UR FINALLY BEING ~HEALTHY~!!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
How much do you weigh ? toodles xx
enough to get stupid ass questions like this
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
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self care is drawing ur favs in the most sapphic thing u can find 
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
this blog is mostly inactive btw find my ass over at @cryptidtorbjorn :0!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
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i love my lesbian daughters keep them safe!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
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i love my trans gay daughter!!!!
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dorkbending · 7 years
god that trans fareeha hc tho!! what a metaphor!! what a metaphor!!
because fareeha ???? wouldnt have been her name before she came out?? so like??? her chosen name is happiness??? TRANSITIONING WAS HER CHOOSING TO BE HAPPY???
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dorkbending · 7 years
I vividly remember the scene in like the second movie where the Weasleys were looking at their school supply list and Molly was like “I really don’t know how we’re going to afford it this year” after they had just risked life and limb to rescue Harry and Harry was sitting there eating their food like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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