#but i'm genuinely so scared to contact anyone i can find/the number she gave me askjdfdhfg
daz4i · 1 year
blegh. it's been a few years but i'm still so mad at my old therapist for screwing me over this much in the long run
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‘I'm saluting to your lips’ ~ Kim Woojin Soulmate AU ~ Part One
I know this took ages, I'm sorry, but here is part one, it was getting way too long, so I thought I’d split it up, otherwise it would have ended up really rushed at the end. and no one needs that. I also proofread this like 6 times so if there’s a mistake I need to be taken out. 
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Not a lot of things are certain in this world, but of the few things that are, finding my soulmate was the most exciting. Knowing that someone somewhere was absolutely made for me? That was the most incredible thing I could ever think of.
I used to be teased in school, kids told me that I didn’t have a soulmate, and if I did they would take one look at me and want nothing to do with me. But I knew I had one, somewhere in this world.
See, I have proof, the squiggles and weird lines that pop up on my arm every so often, they’ve been existent since I was 13, that’s when they start showing up on everyone, your soulmate writes on their own body you get to see it too, in the exact same place the exact same handwriting, and size, its all the same.
Some people find their soulmates straight away, they’re lucky enough to have their soulmates live close by or even be someone they’ve known forever.
My friends Bailey and Felix found each other on Felix’s birthday, Bailey couldn’t see her own drawings yet, but Felix could see his, and what he had written on her arm just seconds before in class, “if you let me copy your homework I’ll love you forever.” And sure enough, in his slightly messy handwriting on his left knee, as it was on hers, was the same phrase. To keep the story short, he squealed like a little piglet and ran out of class, later showing Bailey why, and they cried together, their soulmate was their best friend.
That’s usually everyone’s dream, that its someone they know, that way they don’t have to learn everything about a new person. But that’s sort of what I dread, there are only three people in my life that I can stand, the first being Felix and Bailey who are already soulmates, and then Chris, he’s two years older than me, and been my best friend since I could remember, I used to have a massive crush on the guy, but then I realised how great of a friend he was, and how much I needed o value him as my best friend rather than my crush.
That and on Chris’ 13th birthday drawings started popping up in his arm that weren’t mine, and that’s when I knew there was no chance anyway.
On the day of my own birthday I become indescribably excited, I woke up that morning and before I could register it was my birthday, I looked at my hand and saw tiny symbols on my palm, not remembering writing them, it suddenly clicked in my head, these were my soulmates symbols, my soulmate wrote this, they did this. I screamed. I quite literally screamed, my mum came into my room, looking panicked wondering why I was screaming, I showed her my hand and she screamed as well, then raised the question. What was it on that was on my hand?
I asked everyone I could, everyone that might have an answer, anyone I could find, and no one had any idea. No one except Chris.
I hadn’t seen him that day, not until the night of my birthday, going out for dinner with my family, Chris, Felix and Bailey, who basically counted as family anyway. New symbols had appeared throughout the day and I still had no clue what they were or what they were supposed to mean or represent. Chris sat next to me, and took one glance at my hand, and asked, “since when did you know Korean?” and suddenly it made sense, they weren’t weird little drawings, just a different language. Oh no, it’s a different language.
“its Korean? Like? From Korea, Korean?”
“yes Y/n from Korea, Korean,”
“my soulmate is Korean?”
“it seems like it.” 
The weeks went on, the Korean continued, and I began trying to learn the language, Chris tried helping translate, since his family spoke Korean at home, but he couldn’t be around to translate every word that was written, so I had to start learning myself. It seemed that my soulmate had also begun to try learning English, throughout the weeks I saw messily written “hello” and “I love you” because obviously that was an important phrase.
 It went like that for 5 years, we both bettered our second languages, each becoming better and more fluent, I started seeing reminders pop up, some in Korean, some in English, I was starting to understand his lifestyle, they’re training for something, but I can’t figure out what yet. Felix, Bailey and I were still friends, and still trying to decipher everything.
Chris and his family moved to Korea after my 14th birthday, he kept in contact for a while and then he just sort of faded away and only Felix had been graced with his presence, and even if it was apparently the equivalent to passing words and phrases, at least he had some contact. At least I knew he was doing well.  
Apparently, Chris had started “training” as well, and went by ‘Chan’ now. Felix said that he was trying to become an Idol, which was like a celebrity for us, he was getting into the kpop industry and so our friends got into it too, Bailey and Felix became devoted to it, they kept up with all the latest news just waiting for a glimpse of Chris, or Chan I guess. It made me wonder if maybe my soulmate was doing the same kind of training.
I’d always assumed it was something sporty, but now I understand why “drink more water to help voice” was written almost every day for 3 years.
I started looking into kpop too, waiting, and hoping that one day I might see someone who I feel could be my soulmate, but no one ever made me spark like I thought I would. I started to lose hope, realising tat there were many different obstacles in the way of us being together. I was a broke uni student now, I had no means of getting to Korea, and it seems as if my soulmate had no intentions coming here either.    
 But still I remained optimistic, I had to be, I’d been dreaming about my soulmate since I could hold a comprehensive thought, I would fine them one day and that is a promise I made to myself and my soulmate. I couldn’t give up and I wouldn’t.
The day it happened is a day I won’t soon forget, I was in the middle of class at university, when I got hit with a sudden sharp and almost unbearable pain in my wrist, I saw words start to etch themselves across my skin, forming words I was yet to recognise, my squiggles never pained me like this before, it felt like something was wrong, this wasn’t a common occurrence, in fact I don’t think anyone on record, has had this happen before.
The professor stopped the class since I was making so much noise, he took one glance at my wrist and sent me straight to the office to find the nurse.
She sat me down on one of the plastic chairs, looked over my wrist, poking the other squiggles, asking me what language they were, whether the rest of them hurt as well, to which I replied, that no they don’t, she grabbed out her phone headed to google translate and did her best to translate the other words on my arm, in hopes that maybe there was some sort of clue.
She translated the last one, fading on the palm of my hand ‘오늘 오후 1시 30 분에 문신’
“well love, it looks like this might be the answer, it still doesn’t make any sense, but by the looks of things, your soulmate got a tattoo today.”
She was right, that didn’t make sense, usually tattoos didn’t affect the other half, but that came to be the genuine outcome. There truly was no explanation.
I called bailey to tell her about what happened, but as soon as she picked up the phone she was ahead of the gun and already talking.
“oh my god y/n you’re not going to believe what I just found out! Chris found his soulmate, apparently, he was out travelling in Seoul and this girl bumped into him, he accidentally spilt his coffee all over her white shirt, she ran before he could even say anything to her. Anyway, so he gets back to his dorm and sees a new note on his hand, that says, “reminder: call Carmel about cute guy who spilt coffee on me,” and then Chris was like well that’s me I guess and wrote his number on his hand just below I with his name! who knew that dork would be so smooth right?”
My world felt like it was crashing down around me, not because Chris had his soulmate but because he didn’t call to tell me. He promised, ever since his 13th birthday that he would call as soon as he found the person, and he didn’t. I suddenly felt betrayed, I told bailey that I would have to call her back, and then immediately bombarded Felix for Chris’ number. He gave it over almost immediately, I must have scared him because he’s never been that easy to break before.
I sat there contemplating whether it was a good idea or not, he hasn’t spoken to me since I was 14 but he is the person is known longest, I decide to call later.  
Later ended up being 30 seconds later, soon I was met with the ringing, and then someone greeting me in Korean, I heard Chan and I started ranting.
“listen here prick, you promised me that would message or call me as soon as you found your soulmate, and I had to find out from Bailey? What the fuck is up with that? Come on Chris, you’re the one who made that promise, you’re the one who told me it would be okay when you moved away, you told me that you would still talk to me, that it would be the same. And now I haven’t heard from you in almost 6 years, I don’t even recognise your voice, who even are you?”
There was silence, for a little too long, and then the person cleared their throat on the other end.
“I am really, really sorry, Chan is a dick for doing that to you, and I didn’t know he was even capable of being rude, here’s not here right now, he left his phone when he went out with Jamie, ahh that’s his soulmate or whatever. Umm I’m Woojin, I’ll yell at him for you when he comes back, what’s your name so I know who I’m defending?”
“oh um, I’m so sorry for going off at you for that I’m, I’m really really sorry, my names y/n but you don’t have to go off at Chris for me, I’ll just call back later, but thank you.” “that’s okay Y/n it was nice talking to you.”
”You too Woojin thank you for listening to me rant even though you didn’t have any choice”
I hung up the phone, smiling and annoyed at the same time, I looked down at my wrist again and noticed words that weren’t there before.
“reminder: tell Chan about call from y/n, ask him when he got mean.” 
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