#but i'm going to try to focus on the program notes and the baroque stuff today
the-music-keeper · 1 year
Last to-do list of January!
So here's what I learned yesterday. I cannot, under any circumstances, abstain from taking notes in my notebook when I read these readings.
Which means I'm going to need more notebooks. Sigh.
Schumann Seminar
1. Schwartz reading. (Pretty straightforward.)
2. Hallmark reading. (I greatly enjoyed this reading, actually.)
3. Ferris reading. (From a book on the Eichendorff Liederkreis.)
4. Study some assigned poems by Chamisso and Eichendorff. (Our professor was very insistent that we should NOT listen to Schumann's settings yet.)
Baroque History
5. Hill reading. (Okay, so the reading was short, but taking notes took forever.)
6. Strunk reading. (Taking notes wasn't so long.)
7. Bianconi reading. (I'm going to have to figure out a shorthand system.)
8. Score study. (I even found recordings for some of the assignments!)
9. Consider a topic for the final paper. (Found two potential leads!)
Piano Practice
10. Choral rep. (Good thing I got some good practice in over the weekend!)
No adulting on the list because I already did my adulting over the weekend!
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