#but i'm just praying i can pee soon omg
nc-vb · 2 years
Almost four in the morning and my toilet decides to flood, hahaha.
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jinhyun · 2 years
Hi, may I respectfully ask what happened to the baby [cat]. I'm really worried but I don't want to pry just in case you aren't comfortable but I hope your cat recovers and I understand what you're going through as I too have 3 cats and one of them usually goes in and out of the animal hospital due to his heart condition but based on experience if you take them to the vet the moment they show symptoms, they recover very quickly. I hope your cat comes home soon please don't worry (easier said than done) 😭😭😭 but I'm going to pray for you and your baby
heyy, it's okay! they're running a few exams on him on monday so idk what exactly happened yet (and i'm hoping it's nothing serious) but yesterday he became very distant and would hardly walk, and then at like 10pm he hid in one of my drawers and when i went to check up on him he screamed. like literally screamed. and that's when i realised he was in pain from the waist and down bc he wouldn't be able to even clean himself up and it hurt him to sit down/lay down. he was screaming in pain all night long and when we took him to the vet apparently his bladder was really really full and he was unable to pee so that's why he was hurting so much. they had to drain him (? idk how to say it in english omg that sounds so bad tho i'm sorry) and hospitalize him to have him in observation until he can go to the restroom on his own again and until he can eat as well, since he had been puking everything he ate since yesterday...
i hope your cat is doing okay regardless of his heart condition :( send him and your other babies lots of love from me 💖
thank you so much for your kind words, i hope he gets better soon and this ends up being nothing but a bad anecdote.
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