#but i've grown weary of the bitter hatefulness that seems to be inescapable in this community of late
blaiddydbrokeit · 2 years
Perhaps this is out of line to say, but I've been thinking. It is quite frustrating that the primary factional conflict in Three Houses/Hopes has become a real and lasting divide within the community, particularly with regard to that of Edelgard VS Dimitri.
I am not saying that it is wrong for anyone to side with the lord and route of their choice, or that we should all simply be chummy best-of-friends, because that is entirely unrealistic an expectation. I am saying that there is no need to aggressively preach one faction over another as superior, especially when it comes to matters of opinion, personal interpretation and perspectives. Nor is there need to attack others to justify your perspective as the 'one correct indisputably factual view' that they should subscribe to.
If you like Edelgard, good for you. She's cute, and she's quite an orator. I will stay in my lane as a Faerghus fan and not interfere.
That said, if you so choose to actively target us for having less than stellar opinions of her or Crimson Flower, you are the aggressor. We do not take kindly to having our side of the community invaded, and most of us would rather simply co-exist with your side in peace left undisturbed.
If you choose to attack, and you raise your flag against us, you do not have grounds to be offended when we raise our own in defense to hold our established space in the community. We have not lost for simply safeguarding our own interests by closing off, and should you have to convince yourself it is your victory to celebrate, then I pray you find some hobbies to bring you joy beyond petty verbal skirmishes on the internet.
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