#dimi needs a rant
valleynix · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Ethan? Like I see a lot of people say he’s the bad guy for killing all of them but like me personally??? While I hate killing the Dimi’s and Donna (sometimes Moreau, I fucking hate Heisenberg tho and I could not tell you why) I don’t blame him.
His “wife” was shot down in front of him by a trusted friend and then same friend takes him and his baby. Then baby ends up missing and in the hands of “monsters” he then tries to get his CHILD back and proceeds to have his fingers chewed off, and arrow to the leg, blood sucked, hung by his hands, etc like bro is having a bad day. So yeah I’d say killing the people who hurt you, stole your child, and just keeps making your life hell is warranted. He’s not just gonna stop and ask them “hey wanna stop trying to kill me and talk about this” LIKE HELLO???? He’s not just gonna know what type of person you are just by one interaction (and that interaction was cutting his wrist open and drinking his blood) like bro is gonna assume you’re mean and defend himself. AND THEN HE FINDS OUT HIS BABY GIRL WAS SPLIT INTO FOUR PIECES AND SHOVED IN JARS!!!! ID LOSE MY SHIT TOO NGL
just my rant for the day, because I find it so weird that people assume the protagonist is the problem, and the character that were WRITTEN to be evil, are the victims lolz (I love the dimi’s dont get me wrong but I’m pretty sure Capcom didn’t intend them to be head cannoned as anything else but just mean, but the sapphics took over and made them “human”)
i don’t hate him! i preferred empath Ethan more in Biohazard but he’s pretty good as a protagonist. really my only gripe with him (but mostly capcom) was his plot armor bit and the fact he was a LOT different (to me) in Village than he was in Biohazard
but like… dude’s traumatized and went through literal hell 😭 i don’t blame him at all for what he did to get his daughter back, but i’m more frustrated at capcom for giving us these really powerful characters and then just… killing them so easily??
it always irks me when people try to say the lords were victimized by Ethan and it’s like… no? they were victims of Miranda and her grief, but they’re all still very much terrible people and they got what was coming to them
it’s also funny when people try to say he should’ve teamed up with Heisenberg 😭 dude literally wanted to use his daughter as a weapon to take down his mom, why would he agree to that???? some people do need to learn some media literacy
ANYWAYS. i don’t hate him :D i would’ve gone about RE8 differently but i still enjoy the game and the villains within. i think sometimes people need to be reminded that they ARE villains, even if they’re tragic
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Eternal Diva Fic (Part 11)
So this part requires a little context. The idea for this came from my friend @dimikissme when he was watching Eternal Diva and a prediction he made. I liked it so much, I told him I was going to make it a reality here. I won't say what it is here because, you will very quickly realize when you start reading. Thank you Dimi, this is for you royal
Trigger warnings for explosions and falling from great heights (neither die)
Word Count: 1.1k / Previous / Next
Descole readied his fingers to play, and I took a couple of steps back.  He pressed down on the Detragan’s keys.
Some notes played… others didn’t.
“What…?  WHAT?” Descole kept pressing, but no matter what he did, sound just wouldn’t come out of those particular keys.
And the ones that did play… didn’t sound like they had before.
I looked up at the Detragan’s instruments and quickly realized the problem.  There were dents and shattered parts all over the music machine.  Some of the horns were partially collapsed from large dents, harp strings were snapped, chimes were missing.  The Detragan had certainly seen better days.
“Um… Descole…?” When he didn’t respond, I tugged on a little corner of his cape.
“What?  What is it?!”
“I don’t want to make bad news worse but…” I pointed and glanced up.
Following my gaze, the masked man just about exploded about seeing the state of the music machine. “THE DETRAGAN!!  No, no, no, NO!!!  WHAT’S HAPPENED TO IT?!”
“If I had to guess, maybe having it go through a collapsing wall and then get jostled around on top of a giant robot wasn’t the best thing for its durability…?  And for the keys, well… you did slam down on them pretty hard.  Twice.”
“That.  Was a rhetorical question, Clare.” He was seething.
“A-Alright, so we can’t use the Detragan--”
“So how on EARTH are we going to use the songs now?!” Descole slammed his hands down on the keys again, then ranted to himself.
I glanced back at Layton, Luke and Melina.  Leaving right now would be too risky.  Descole was a moment away from completely losing it; who knows what he would do next?
I stared at Melina… and then got an idea.  Layton caught my eye and nodded.  He understood the risks in leaving too, and I had his support in my plan.
“...Well, there’s… one way we could still use them.”
Descole whipped around faster than I could comprehend with an expression I could only describe as rage-elation.  He gripped me by the arms. “WHAT?  What is it?!  Tell me right now!!” He started to shake me around a bit.
“H-Hey, calm down, Des--!”
“W-Well--!  You already had Melina singing A Song of the Sea!  Why can’t we just sing the other two songs?”
He froze as the idea settled into his mind.  Then he started to laugh, a great big hearty laugh.
“Ah, dear sweet Clare,” Descole finally said after he calmed down a bit. “You sell yourself much too short.” He hooked one of his arms around one of mine and dragged me to the center of the platform. “Melina!  You’re needed on stage!”
Melina panicked for a moment and looked over to the professor for guidance. “Go,” was all he said.  She hesitated, but went to join Descole and me.
“Professor..?” Luke asked.
“We must put our faith in Clare,” Layton replied.
“But… isn’t the Detragan broken?” Melina asked the masked man. “How--”
“The answer to this problem is surprisingly simple, Melina: each of us is going to sing one of the songs.  You will continue singing A Song of the Sea.  Miss Clare will sing A Song of the Sun, and I will sing A Song of the Stars.”
“Eh?!  Will that even work all the way up here?” Luke gawked.
“Of course it’ll work, you foolish boy.” In a more hushed tone, Descole added: “It has to.”
“Melina, you’ve got the Song of the Sea, which is the main melody--”
I was cut off by Descole starting to sing A Song of the Stars.  …I didn’t admit it out loud, but his voice was perfect for something like this.  He sounded like he could’ve been the lead of a particular Broadway show.
Melina stepped up, starting to sing A Song of the Sea.  Of course, she sounded great; she made a career out of it.
I suddenly felt… very self conscious!  But I had to push on for everyone’s sake.
I stepped up last and started to sing A Song of the Sun.  And when all the songs combined together-- singing like harmony like this-- my whole body got shivers.  This was the right answer; I felt it from my head to my toes.
And the city recognized this.  Out in the distance, green circles of light started to appear under the water.  They slowly got more numerous, larger and brighter until they formed a giant band beyond the strange white rocks.
Then the city truly began to rise.  Those rocks turned out to be pipes of something like a giant stone organ (just without something for them to release any sound).  Partially unearthed and flooded were the rest of the buildings: small and simple, made of the same white stone.
It took my breath away.  I only realized after a beat that everyone else was silent as well.
Descole spoke up first. “It’s… It’s…” He didn’t finish his thought before he started to laugh.  A big, boisterous laugh that transitioned into a gleeful cackle.
But before he could say anything else, an explosion abruptly rocked the platform and sent us all on our feet.  It had come from the Detragan, and it wasn’t the last.  Soon, the entire robot was being coated in fireballs and thrashing wildly out of control.
“Wh-What’s happening!?  Why is--” Descole was in shock, but Layton cut him off.
“The Detragan’s been slowly deteriorating all this time!  Everyone, RUN!”
We didn’t need to be told twice; we all ran for Layton’s helicopter.  Layton and Luke hopped in first, followed by Melina.  Descole and I pulled up the rear, rushing as fast as we could.
Just as we were a few steps away, the music machine shattered into millions of pieces from a gigantic explosion.  Descole and I were forced to stop and try and regain our footing, but the masked man wasn’t so lucky.  He stumbled one too many times and tripped on the edge of the machine.  My stomach sank like a stone watching him fall and scream into the night.
“DESCOLE!!” My body made me run towards the edge before my mind could keep up.  Just as it had started to occur to me that this might’ve been a rash, stupidly bad idea… another explosion shook the robot and I slipped right off the same edge.  It took me a second to realize I was shrieking.
Somehow, I managed to catch up with Descole as I plummeted down.  When he saw me there in the sky right there with him… I could’ve sworn I saw a look of horror twist onto his face.
That only lasted for a moment though; we hit the tree line right after.  I didn't know about Descole, but I hit a lot of tree branches on the way down.  When I finally hit the ground, I didn't die thankfully, but it wasn't long before I blacked out.
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blaiddydbrokeit · 2 years
Here's a list of some of my tags if anyone wants to blacklist them for any reason (no hard feelings, just an option because I know some people prefer curating tags rather than blogs)
#dimi breaks the silence - general talk tag, nothing too special
#dima in the deep end - I get introspective here, sometimes philosophical. Things about personal growths also happen.
#dimi SCREAM - vent/rant tag, but mostly griping about mundane things like unfortunate weather circumstance
#mitya memories - sometimes I kinpost, so I recommend blacklisting this if you're uncomfortable with it
#dimi doodles - the occasional art piece, also see: @doodle-lions
#meaty monologues - I work at a butchery. I am slowly falling into insanity.
#mitri mirror - Sometimes I post pictures of me. They may be in cosplay.
#the lion's log - My daily journals. Blacklist the tag if you like, it gets long. Also tagged by month
#the cheeseboi costume project - Updates on my attempt to make Allan's uniform.
#the girl of hresvelg costume project - Updates on my attempt to make Edelgard's uniform for a friend
#allan montgomery blaiddyd - I post all my Allan nonsense in this tag. All hail cheese boy.
#fredrike esmond fraldarius - The still-new and relatively unpopulated tag for Fredrike. May contain uncensored swearing.
#hechz von vestra - A tag sparsely populated for another of my OCs, Hechz.
This post will be updated with more tags as needed in future, but for now this should suffice for curating a majority of my original posts.
(By the way, my own 3H specific longposts are reblogged to @loogvonblaiddyd for archival - if you can't find them amidst all the cat videos and swords I reblog for Felix, you might find it there.)
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kmp78 · 1 year
They would think I'm trying to defend their son and future daughter-in-law against you fucked up scums. ✋Stop fancying yourself some kind of hero. They would think you are completely ridiculous speaking about people you do not know and never met because you are. Now anons who speak their minds about Dimi and VK are scum but you can lie and badmouth JL and Mars all day and night but you are not fucked but an angel, a comedian and a hero? 👀👀🪞
You can rant at me all you want but VK still got JL and traded him for a better specimen.
I mean...
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Do I really need to say more? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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farasha-effect · 5 years
Reya wants to have a petty rant on her frustration so you can ignore this my lovely viewers (Reya is very sorry 😔)
Ok so I know people say to always ignore things you don't like, and I totally understand and always do my best to do that. But then is it wrong to expect the same courtesy back? I'm just happily reading some interesting analysis on Dimi and then this freak starts ranting about how much he hates Dimitri and how much Dimitri deserves to die and I'm like WTF!? And then people are telling him politely in the comments like we know you hate Dimitri but you don't need to come crying about your hatred in a Dimitri centric post. And then this guy just goes like oh I don't hate Dimitri I'm just stating my opinion, why would you think I hate him. What the hell!! And then I find out he also goes writing hateful comments in fanart people draw of Dimi....like ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Gosh just stay in your lane you jerk, you monstrosity of evil! Leave Dimitri and his fans out of your stupid hate filled self!
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gaystationplus · 7 years
Just saying, but gun-supporters constantly insulting minors because they wanna have guns up their ass 24/7 is honestly a bit upsetting. It just goes to prove the point that they're ignorant. Like, people have considered gun laws and considered the possible upsides to allowing people to have them but.... Does a 45 year old man REALLY need an AK47? Does a stay at home mom of 3 REALLY need a MP5?
Pistols? Sure I GUESS, you can't commit mass shootings with a lil gun like that and it'll make someone feel safe if they feel they really need it. But raising the age minimum to legally get a gun isn't going to change anything. Just like alcohol, cigarettes, etc, people can just get other people of age to buy the guns for them (similar to Columbine). Age isn't going to stop people.
Supplying teachers witth guns is also not going to fix the problem. Basing a person's goodwill based off of their status/job is counterproductive. You're still giving people GUNS. PEOPLE can commit crimes, no matter their background. A teacher can snap and lash out on students. What if they had a gun? There are violent people out there with ill will, no matter what background they have.
IMO If you really feel the need to joke and make fun of teens because their opinions oppose yours, maybe you need to look at the situation at hand and see who is REALLY being immature.
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Welcome to my blog! I’m Hannah, a twenty year old actress that decided it was a good idea to start a blog. Instead of the usual boring stuff I thought I’d make this short(ish) and snappy.
Who even are you?
Erm, I just said? I’m Hannah, I work as a sales assistant but I do get some professional work as an actress. As of September, I’ll be studying at a foundation acting course in London which is super exciting! I am just 5ft2 (hence the petite in the name) and am overall a very small person! I love all things theatrical: musicals, plays, spoken word, I love it all. I’m a total hippy and love nature, I’m currently a vegetarian but I am definitely thinking about going vegan! I love plants, animals, baking and wine (obvs). I hope that is sufficient.
Why are you starting a blog?
Because I thought the world needed to hear more of my mundane insights and this was the best way to do that.
What will be blog be about?
Anyone who knows me knows I ADORE the works of William Shakespeare and just theatre in general, so there will be a lot of that. I will be writing reviews on plays I’ve read and seen as well as any details about professional work I’ve been up to and possibly tips and tricks. There will be a few insights into life as a tiny person (this will mostly be rants about how certain shops don’t accommodate to people with little legs etc.) I’m also blessed to have a job at Lush cosmetics so I can talk about their lovely products and the ethics of the company. A huge part of my life is my dog named Demetrius (Dimi for short) who I love so so much and he will be making a lot of appearances on her). Oh and I am very into eco-friendly products so I’d like to review a few of those too!
I hope that’s enough to keep you happy for now. I’ll be back very soon with more! 
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blaiddydbrokeit · 2 years
If anyone needs to block my rant tag it's #dimi SCREAM, I'll make sure to use it consistently because I'm not here to subject people to laments of medical and psychological insanity
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blaiddydbrokeit · 2 years
Perhaps this is out of line to say, but I've been thinking. It is quite frustrating that the primary factional conflict in Three Houses/Hopes has become a real and lasting divide within the community, particularly with regard to that of Edelgard VS Dimitri.
I am not saying that it is wrong for anyone to side with the lord and route of their choice, or that we should all simply be chummy best-of-friends, because that is entirely unrealistic an expectation. I am saying that there is no need to aggressively preach one faction over another as superior, especially when it comes to matters of opinion, personal interpretation and perspectives. Nor is there need to attack others to justify your perspective as the 'one correct indisputably factual view' that they should subscribe to.
If you like Edelgard, good for you. She's cute, and she's quite an orator. I will stay in my lane as a Faerghus fan and not interfere.
That said, if you so choose to actively target us for having less than stellar opinions of her or Crimson Flower, you are the aggressor. We do not take kindly to having our side of the community invaded, and most of us would rather simply co-exist with your side in peace left undisturbed.
If you choose to attack, and you raise your flag against us, you do not have grounds to be offended when we raise our own in defense to hold our established space in the community. We have not lost for simply safeguarding our own interests by closing off, and should you have to convince yourself it is your victory to celebrate, then I pray you find some hobbies to bring you joy beyond petty verbal skirmishes on the internet.
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