#but i've seen fuckers complain about how tanjiro is just Good and therefore boring or that later characters is presented as tropes like-
zehecatl ยท 2 years
it's so sad that people nowadays expect everything they consume to be The Literal Bestest Thing Ever
like with video games it's super apparent, with A Lot of people expecting longevity, and for the game to reinvent the genre, and if that's not the case, it's just not worth your time or money. and i'd argue this is also a problem in other things, where it's like- there's no room for 'just good shows'
like i've seen the weirdest complaints about KNY, and it's like these people have to find something to nitpick, because it can't just be good!
Snake Eyes: G.I Joe Origins isn't a particular clever movie, but it's a fun time, and yet i saw nothing but complaints about it, and it's so sad, because it feels like people can't just enjoy things anymore. like who cares if the writing isn't the best thing ever, it doesn't have to be!
this one game, Haiku the Robot, is a super cute and pretty fun metroidvania. and yet, because it was heavily inspired by Hollow Knight, it had numerous reviews calling it 'a worse Hollow Knight' and therefore not worth your time
and that's just. why would you not want to play a game like Hollow Knight? like yeah, it's not gonna be HK, it's a literal fucking masterpiece, but who cares! don't you just want to have fun?
people have such high standards for media these days, and it's just kind of sad. like isn't the whole point about consumption to have a good time? to enjoy yourself? why are we expecting everything to be the new Shakespeare, or the new Dark Souls, or the new Hollow Knight, or so on and so on
can we not just have fun
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