#but idk 60mg of prozac isn't cutting it and tbh never really has
queerhawkeyes · 1 year
I only have two more sessions with whitney, my therapist, since my student health insurance ends this month (and she’s at the student health center--when I decided to go with someone at the university I didn’t think I would end up staying in the city after graduation). we talked yesterday about whether I want to immediately look for a new therapist once I have health insurance through my job or not, and also maybe finding a therapist who specializes in OCD, since that’s always kind of been on the back burner but has gotten worse over time. like I don’t want to go home to visit next month for a variety of reasons but one of the biggest is because I can’t touch anything there without getting anxious, which is an understatement actually, and my family has never taken my anxiety about this seriously or even tried to do the bare minimum to accommodate me. I am really only relaxed about contamination in my own apartment, and even then a bunch of new compulsions and issues have cropped up, including not wanting anyone to touch me at all ever because of contamination. I’ve also gotten more anxious about smells but have tried really hard to shut down those thoughts because I really don’t see a way to counter that anxiety other than extreme avoidance of like literally everything. anyways it’s potentially an actual problem now rather than just being another thing to work around, so maybe it’s time to do something about it.
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