#but idk how to do that yet we're workin on it
lady-ika · 1 year
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im love them your honor
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day 103-104: IDK MAN are things going okay? i guess! i can't read other people to save my life. and my group has decided the girl from not our vet school is being lazy/offloading cases/complaining too much. and it seems like some of that might be legit, dunno, she hasn't done it to me yet. but at the same time, i feel bad that 1. we're bad mouthing the one girl from the island school and 2. that so easily could be me! i'm frequently the weird guy! and also 3. it makes me feel guilty. anyway my very sick lamb is still alive but not doing great and working it up i felt bad bc i didn't realize it had already been taken in/ was alive and that the resident was rushing to get it support. also my one boarding horse is acting up bc they switched up his bandage, and he was rearing. even when he switched back he was kinda actin funky. also lol @ the surgeon who made me glove up just to be scissors guy. thought i was gonna get a suture in there but Nope! didn't even say thank you which is real Surgeon Behavior.
day 105: i hate workin in isolation, it's so easy to spiral. also i don't know how to do many patient care tasks, i'm not a good nurse! also i feel insanely guilty bc a horse was gettin a little stompy with me changing his ice boots and i smacked him to get him to stop and it was uncalled for and worse i don't even really understand my motivation for it other than being in not the best physical condition (sweaty, dehydrated, skipped breakfast). maybe i was posturing in front of the small animal girl who was kind of giving me weird vibes? maybe i was frustrated that my glove disintegrated and i probably touched salmonella? idk but i feel like a bad guy who doesn't deserve to be a doctor and also like that girl is gonna talk abt me. sorry to the horse you deserve better i will remember that lesson.
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thelesbiancitizen · 3 months
I think that people think I'm mean i mean people in real life who see my face and body are like oh I need to be on my best behavior when they see me LMAO I can make people stand up straighter when I walk in the room.... and I honestly love it... I scare all the teenage boys at my work and am learning how to be besties with all the women and girls... several are already besties and am working with more we're not there yet but every day we get to know each other better... it's fun workin with so many different personalities & I get to test out different approaches, every day is a social experiment... and idk I used to obsess so much about making sure people like, "know I'm different" and it's like LMAO ppl know I'm diff the second I walk in the room bc it's just in my presence. I literally project it in the essence of who I am and it's not something I can stop even if I still wanted to. I act differently than most anyone expects of a female young adult and when I am strong in myself in that, it makes all the women who are in my presence feel they can relax in a different way, all because I am aware of my presence in the world, and I stand firm and confident in myself... idk it's just fun to do this and see how once more and more women are doing this, that's actually literally how a movement is built. And us doing this one by one, we find each other, and then our presence can become not just doubly powerful but exponentially so, bc we can build on each other's energy.... anyway this is what I think abt pretty much all the time
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bamteam2023 · 1 year
UPDATE!!!! - 21/08/2023
Hi! So... uh.... how's it goin?!
Right now I'm like in the other side of the pond, the You Ess Ayyy or how it's called in spanish "los Eh Eh Oo Oo... duuuuude", for family stuff and all that jazz! So that means I got busier! And I have to adjust to jet lag! And as such, art's slowin down for a bit. BUT I'M STILL WORKIN ON ART AS WE SPEAK!!!
THE SECOND PART - why did I decide to split these in par-
As I'm writing this, I am currently workin on a comm that I'm SUPER excited about!! Of which you'll probably see... in a bit :3
And speakin of comms, wow and I mean WOW that's been piling up! I was honestly shocked by how quickly the initial 10 slots were already sold out! And I recently opened up 5 extra slots and we're already down to 2 SLOTS!!!!! So if ya haven't gotten your slot yet...
In my spare time, if I'm not dealin with family or talkin to friends or the sort, I've been playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk and MAN OH MAN OH MAN, THAT WAS WORTH THE 3 YEAR WAIT HUH. No spoilers (yet) please. I'm plannin on finishing Pikmin 4 after I'm done with BRC, and then FINALLY finish Zelda ToTK (i still didn't finish the main story lol) (then maybe i'll actually gain the courage to finish Pikmin 2) BUT WAIT, THERE'S SAMBA DE AMIGO ON THE HORIZON, IN LIKE, A WEEK OR SO, WOW... I... am not gonna be able to do that side project on time huh
So that kinda concludes the update! Just know that art is still cookin, just under a slightly slower pace! I'm sure you'll like what I'm cooking up! In the meantime, maybe I could write more blogs here more often! Maybe make a lil silly videogame discussion blog of some sorts IDK.
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