#but idk if theres even a bodyshape that fits my visions
plumbogs · 9 months
dustindirk yuri???
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AHHAHHAH i still need to find clothes i like for them. specifically some more baggy butch tops for dustin... im pretty sure conversions exist of those baggy shirts that they wear in their original form but for now she's in a tank top because that bar doesn't have AC
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dustin (names subject to change) is the other half of the "turning streets into a racetrack crew". she acts like a tough bitch but she's actually sensitive and a little dorky. her gf is a lot more shy than she pretends to be. they're like the world's biggest bags of hot air. but they don't have to put up any fronts when they're alone which is so cute...
i'm also still finding a particular niche for dirk. sorta grungy punky gothy femme-ish and i need more cc jewelry to really get that through. and nails for everyone in general. and more tattoo overlays. they are a trashy couple but they're genuinely in love so much. ride or die. whatever i'm normal
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if that bar wasn't an empty shell for photo purposes they'd get kicked out. handsiest couple at any event they're at ever get OFF of that nasty dive bar you're getting grease on it
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