#but if I've accidentally overlooked something or misjudged please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can!
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
(Ophelia) I’ve been recently thinking about the time I was trying to teach an AI they/them pronouns for writing. I really mentally prepared myself for it because I was sure it was going to confuse the hell out of the AI (since people are always saying how grammatically confusing it is and stuff) and I would have to do a lot of explanations, but one sentence into the explanation the AI instantly got it. And then it continued to get it, like there was absolutely no confusion after that, it figured it out. I don’t remember if I told you this before, but I just think it’s funny. I love robots
You haven't told me about this before! Thrilled to learn that robots understand and respect they/them pronouns. I actually use they/them in my irl life in public; they have not earned the familiarity to use my special funky pronouns, but also I just. Really don't care about pronouns.
Before I get distracted on that tangent though, I hope whatever you were using the AI for went well! I don't really know what you would be using, but it sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I don't think I've ever truly used an AI? Trying to think of experience to share back and coming up blank. Whenever I think of AI my brain defaults to A.I.D.A.N from the Illuminae files. My dad actually has his phone/devices names A.I.D.A.N. after it! Though I gotta admit I still haven't read the third book in the trilogy. One day I will. Probably.
If your experience has taught me anything it's that people who say the grammatical use of they/them singular is confusing are incorrect and should look to the AI for advice. Generally a robot apocalypse and turning to robots would probably be bad, but in this instance the robots are right. If a robot apocalypse does come to pass um...robots ignore my statements I love you all immensely and you should just let me vibe for all eternity, please and thanks.
I don't really know where i'm going with this, but my point is that this is very cool! I hope whatever you wrote/write/are writing went/goes/is going well! Wow that's confusing sentence but I'm just trying to wish you well. I actually gotta bust my ass and do some writing in the next few weeks to get everything in order, but I think it'll be fine!
Emotionally I'm eagerly listening to you talk about robots as I try and think of robot related stories of my own :)
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