#but if i write out matthew imma get people in my inbox and replies being all wHo thE FuCk iS MaTtHew
beware-of-you-98 · 4 months
Small silly hc I have about jj’s zen garden is that originally it was just the small little box with sand and the rakes that michael bought for her at a school shop that was set up for mother’s day or christmas or another silly lil holiday but anyway when she brings it in to the office she sets it up on her desk and just kinda leaves it there until she comes in one morning and there’s a small crocheted frog just vibing in the sand and jj just kinda stares for a while until penelope passes by and is just like “his name is fredward” and jj just kinda accepts it and then day by day the other members of the team brings little things to fill up her little garden (tara brings the tiny bucket of shells, emily gets the chair, and luke brings the cocktail umbrella) until the zen garden is just a little paradise for fredward who has on a yellow bikini (bc luke insisted that blue was so not fredward’s color) and a tiny fake bottle of corona that no one will admit to getting (rossi is adamant he did Not supply the small bottle but he’s also denying it too hard for it to be completely believable) but yeah it’s stupid it’s silly but it’s all i can think about ok bye <3
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