#but if it's just a character/interpretation/au/faceclaim/idfk
zapasnoysoldat · 2 months
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Sometimes I hop onto a largely inactive blog to just check some tags or whatever, and I see someone I follow posting something discourse-y and "look at my moral high horse"-y and I'm just like "oh. oh, no". Because like, if there's one thing I've learned in my 10+ years on this hellsite, it's that I am just here to write and ship fictional characters and that's it. I don't need dragging into "if you do x you are z" kind of stuff. The real world is already full enough of people wanting to yell at you, I really don't need it here as well.
I've literally blocked mutuals over this before. I'm almost 30 fucking years old, guys. I've got a heavy af job with lots of awful shit happening every single day. Along with staying aware of all the other bad shit happening out there. The last thing I need is yelling and hate and discourse about silly little fictional people who fly on dragons or fight supervillains or can do magic. Sometimes, it's just really not that deep.
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