#but if you move in video game circles this shite is glaring
revived-ophelia · 3 years
The way men get an enormous ego about being horny for whatever the latest """unconventionally attractive"""" female character or should really show that receiving or inducing male sexual interest is not a form of power or privilege
Guys who manage to be insufferably smug about how wonderfully open-minded they are and also unfairly put upon by a cruel society because they get off to a different female sexual stereotype infest every inch of digital space and need to be annihilated
Their interest is barely in whatever woman they're salivating over, it's in themselves - how marvelously enlightened and progressive their erections are and imagining being the receiptients of their sexual object's attention. It is barely about the woman at the core, it's about what new tool serves their pleasure and ego
The amount of males I've seen lose their heads over "Bowsette" or Resident Evil Tall Lady or "MILFS" or "Goth Gamer GFs" or whatever and then start identifying as a woman is not insignificant. The women they say they are attracted to are nothing but hollow forms they fill with their own selves. They cannot "love" something without wanting to be it because they only truly love and worship themselves
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lovesdarkness · 5 years
Hard Mode
Summary -  Phoenix just wanted to relax and play a video game on her day off...but a certain sexy God of Thunder had other plans 
Pairing - Thor x OC
Warnings -  Smut, NSFW, oral sex (female receiving)
Word count - 2418
It was an oddly quiet day in the tower, which was strange to Phoenix. Usually there was always some sort of hustle and bustle going about but for some reason today it was quiet. Tony was off taking care of some company business with Pepper while Steve and the rest were away on a mission. Thor was off world taking care of business in some other realm, which one she had no clue. Phoenix looked forward to hearing about his exploits when he finally returned, which she hoped would be soon. He had been gone for a number of months and she was desperately starting to miss him. Her daily workouts certainly weren’t the same. 
Grateful that she had some time off Phoenix decided to take full advantage of the peace and quiet. It was nice to not have Steve barking orders at her, he seemed to forget that she was just on loan from SHIELD and not an actual Avenger. Having just finished a nice long bubble bath (which may or may not have included a glass of Tony’s expensive wine) she walked out into her room, hair still damp, and pulled on a tank top and a pair of underwear. It had been a while since she’d had the chance to unwind and do some gaming, in fact she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d touched her controllers, there had been so many missions and reports and paperwork. The last thing she had played was the new God of War game, did she even remember where she left off?
“Eh, I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” She muttered to herself as she propped up some pillows on her bed to lean against and flopped back, legs dangling over the edge of the mattress. Turning on the console Phoenix loaded up the game and fiddled around the area till she remembered where she had left off.
“Ugh that bloody Niflheim world.” she muttered, letting out an annoyed groan as she rolled her eyes. The level was the most annoying she’d ever had to experience, having to run around in a toxic mist fighting monsters and collecting items then trying to find a place to get some fresh air before the mist ate up all her health. Problem was the place was loaded with traps and they always ended up killing her, meaning if she died she had to start the level over from the beginning. 
Phoenix was so engrossed in the game trying to beat this blasted world that she didn’t even notice the clap of thunder that sounded outside signalling the arrival of a certain thunder god. She was deep in battle with a Valkyrie and had almost depleted her health when the blasted thing moved a little too quickly for Phoenix to respond and Kratos fell to the ground dead on screen.
“Oh bloody fecking hell! Feck you, you stupid piece of shite whore!” she cursed at the screen, tossing the controlled onto the bed beside her and reaching up to rub her face. 
“Those Valkyrie are quite difficult.” came an amused tone from behind her, causing Phoenix to jump and let out a gasp of surprise. Whirling around she saw none other than the god of Thunder standing there, hands on his hips and a smirk on his lips as he watched her, blue eyes full of mirth.
A huge grin cracked across Phoenix’s face when she saw him standing there and sat up. “Hey you’re back.” she cried as she jumped up, completely ignoring her lack of clothes as she ran over to hug him. He smelled of sweat, and earth, and metal, and lightning and she had no idea how much she had missed it till now as she felt his giant arms encircle her and she melted into his embrace. "I missed you!" She murmured into his broad chest.
“Yes, I have returned.” came Thor’s voice, soft in her ear making electric shivers go up her spine. “And I am sorry for being away for so long. Discord had broken out in the realm of Vanaheim and fixing matters was not an easy task. I will tell you about that later though. It seems you’ve been dealing with some discord of your own.” he said as he pulled away and cast his eyes over to the TV where the world had reset. 
“Yeah, this feckin' area is being a giant pain in my arse.” Phoenix said as the two of them walked over and sat on her bed where she picked up the controller and left the spot where the Valkyrie lived, deciding to try and level up some more before taking her on again. “Are Valkyrie normally this annoying?” she muttered as she resumed her previous position, leaning back against the pillows with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed.
“Verily…” Thor murmured as he watched her, eyeing her up and down. “They are Asgard’s fiercest warriors, one does not go into battle with them lightly. Even in a virtual world.” Her lack of clothing was distracting but appealing to him, especially since it had been months since he had shared the pleasures of the flesh with her. He needed her, bad.
“Well they can suck my dick.” Phoenix muttered in response as she went back to searching for treasures and fighting monsters, just narrowly avoiding getting sliced in half by some giant whirling blades. 
She was once again completely engrossed in her task, flicking the directional buttons around as she controlled the character on the screen, and it was starting to annoy Thor. They had been separated for months, normally when one of them was away for an extended period of time when they returned they immediately were consumed with need and fell into bed to partake in every carnal desire they could think of. So why wasn’t she pawing at him with need now? How was she so consumed with this virtual world when he was sitting right next to her?
Phoenix was completely oblivious to Thor’s pouting as she made her way around all the traps in the area. She was starting to notice a pattern to when they would appear, and was getting giddy at the thought of being able to finally finish this world. She hadn’t even noticed Thor move till suddenly he was kneeling in front of her spreading her legs. “Huh? Wait...what...what are you doing?” she said, eyes going wide and confusion written on her face as he reached up to loop his fingers around the fabric of her panties and a moment later the sound of fabric ripping was heard as he pulled the offending fabric from her body and tossed it aside. 
The look Thor gave her then made her mouth go dry and her pulse quicken as she suddenly realized what was going on. 
“I’m hungry…” he said, his voice a low growl making Phoenix shiver. He smirked at her as she sat there looking at him with wide eyes, her hands shaking as she looked between the controller and him as if trying to decide what she wanted to do more. He could smell her sudden arousal, knowing that the choice wasn’t going to be a hard one.
“Let’s make a game of it.” he continued, his thumbs trailing circles along the soft skin of her thighs as his hands slid up to grasp her by the hips, pulling her down till her ass hung just off the edge of the mattress. “You keep playing your game, and while you’re doing that I’m going to devour this sweet pussy of yours like I’m a man that has been starved for weeks.” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to the inside of her thigh as he reached to slide a single finger into her wetness. He curled his finger against that spot he knew drove her mad and stroked her for a brief moment before pulling out again.  Smirking as she let out a soft whimper he reached up to lick her wetness from his finger, letting out a pleased hum.
Leaning in till his face was right in hers, lips barely brushing as his breath teased her he continued. “But here’s the rules. I will use my tongue to bring you the delicious sweetness of release as you play. But if you die, I’m going to stop.” He pulled away slightly as she tried to kiss him, letting out a loud laugh at her whine.
“No faiiiiiir.” she whimpered, looking at him with a pout. She glared at him as he laughed, raising an eyebrow at her. “You think I’ve never had someone go down on me while I try and focus on a game before?” she asked. “I call that playing on Hard Mode. Bring it on.” 
Thor let out a hearty laugh at her determination as she unpaused the game. Taking that as his sign to begin he quickly buried his face between her legs, sliding his tongue up through her slick folds. Gods she tasted amazing. 
Phoenix gasped as she felt the heat of his tongue slip through her most sensitive spot, sending a shiver through her. She shuddered and swallowed, doing her best to focus on the game as she listened to him grunt his approval as his mouth devoured her. 
There were a few times where he’d almost got her. His tongue had pressed against her clit which sent a jolt through her, and she moaned as the character she controlled just barely missed getting squished by a wall that had suddenly sprung out. Biting her lip she leaned back more, panting as her hips started rocking up and down with the movements of his tongue. She looked down when he let out a warning grunt, casting his eyes up to her as his hands gripped her hips and held her down. 
A group of monsters popped up suddenly as she felt his tongue probe at her entrance and she couldn’t help but cry out. “Dammit Thor…” Phoenix gasped, biting her lip as she forced herself to focus on the battle, but it was hard. The things he made her feel were exquisite, but it was hard to enjoy while she was forced to pay close attention to the task at hand. She had only just barely managed to get out of this battle, she had hardly any health left but was lucky that some of the monsters had dropped a number of green health crystals. If she had died and he stopped before she was able to cum it would have been the end of him. She’d have killed him with that damned controller.
The tension forming in her belly as his mouth continued to work it’s magic made it hard for her to concentrate, and the next thing Phoenix knew she was back at the area with the Valkyrie. And it was attacking something fierce, much like how his mouth was fiercely attacking her core. “Oh god dammit...Thor…” she whined, mashing the buttons with her thumbs as he mashed her clit with his tongue, and he chuckled at the frustrated growl she let out. He was enjoying this far too much, the sounds she was letting out and the smell of her aroused him to the point that it took everything he had not to pin her down to the bed and have his way with her. 
Her thighs were starting to tremble and her eyes went out of focus and she couldn’t take it anymore. She paused the game, tossing the controller aside as her hands went down and laced through the strands of Thor’s hair as her head fell back and she whined his name. “Thor...please…” she panted, biting her lip as he brought her closer to the edge.
Despite the fact that she had given up on the game, Thor couldn’t bring himself to stop. She smelled and tasted so damn good and he wanted so bad to bring her to release. The way she moaned his name aroused him in ways he could never explain and he needed to be buried within her more than anything. He knew she was close, so damned close. He wanted to stop and strip off his pants and bury his cock in her, desperate to be engulfed by her heat. To feel her throb around him as she came. But that would come soon enough, he would bring her to release multiple times tonight before taking her for his own. 
“Come, my dove,” Thor murmured as he looked up at her, her eyes glossy as she was lost in bliss. “Come for me…”  
Feeling his tongue slide through her once more sent a jolt through Phoenix, and she threw her head back and cried out as she came with a vengeance. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her as she screamed his name, gasping for breath, hips bucking against his mouth. Thor’s tongue continued working her through it till the waves ebbed away and she was left panting, a pleasant tingling starting at her core and spreading through her arms and legs.
“Mmmm yes baby…” Phoenix breathed, her eyes closed, body listless with a sated smile on her face. “You always make me feel good.”
Thor let out a chuckle as he pulled away, wiping her juices from his beard he climbed to his feet and enjoyed the sight of her splayed before him. “I’m glad you enjoyed that.” he said as he slowly undid his pants, pushing them down as they had become uncomfortably tight. “You failed in concentrating on the game though.” he said as he climbed onto the bed, looking down at her face as he hovered over her.
Phoenix let out a weak laugh, opening her eyes to look up at him and smiled. “Well...it’s called Hard Mode for a reason.” she murmured, reaching up to cup his face in her hands as he leaned down to press his lips to hers. She moaned into the kiss, letting out a content sigh. “I love you…”
“That’s what I was hoping to hear.” Thor murmured against her lips as his hands moved down to grasp her hips, lifting them up he slowly sank his cock into her, groaning at the wet heat that enveloped him. “Now I'm really going to make you feel good.” he murmured, determined to make her cum many more times before he was finished. He was just getting started.
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