#but im certain its 100% incorrect if you want THE correct theory go visit @apodemus-sylvaticus
thesherrinfordfacility ยท 1 year
running commentary masterpost on scene predictions/plot points that now that ive recovered and regained my composure im finally able to write it down
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idk I just need to get some stuff exorcised the braincells are getting rowdy from the friction/electrical interference:
(under a cut bc a. length and b. cant not mention The spoiler)
- crowley ends up getting evicted from his flat because he's now unemployed and doesn't get to keep the perks
- ends up living out of the bentley/moving his material possessions (read: plants) around in the bentley, doesn't tell aziraphale bc idk pride? that's a sin, right? or bc it would prompt to az to offer house room but that would be making aziraphale go Too Fast?
- during all this, aziraphale has called him "there's something urgent I need to talk to you about ๐Ÿ˜ญ"
- so i reckon crowley has popped by the shop, lil chit chat w/e, brought along some delicious eccles cakes, and then found out about goob etc cue jump scare
- i then think (and this is entirely my head just filling in the blanks) he's actually said to aziraphale that they need to off him and just give him back to heaven, it's nothing to do with them anymore (not knowing that the goob/az/box conversation has happened ie the something terrible) and therefore aziraphale can't just yeet goob into the ether
- let's face it, communication is NOT our boys' strong suit, so this leads to a spat, crowley feeling like aziraphale is still caught up in being a proper angel, not on their side, and all leads to crowley summoning force lightning (that coincidentally hits the coffee shop with both maggie and nina inside... ๐Ÿ‘€)
- after having flounced off, crowley zoom zooms through london at night (slaloms around buses), pulls up at the bookshop
- comes to the shop, aziraphale is ignoring him reading his lil jukebox articles, and then rings the bell, "I'm back ๐Ÿ˜ " | "yes, i can see that ๐Ÿ˜’"
- im guessing aziraphale then tells him about this little jukebox mystery, and crowley offers to help him look into it, AND help him hide gabriel bc aziraphale manages to finally convey that there's a bigger issue at hand and maybe the jukebox thing is linked? "we'll do it together ๐Ÿ˜" | "together? ๐Ÿ˜ถ"
- aziraphale's LARP of poirot begins
- muriel (aka baby) comes to investigate gabriel's disappearance, and turns up in the full Met Police uniform (ie from the trailer), has/looks at a cuppa with aziraphale, and then crowley arrives
- crowley apparently comes in carrying a plant (im guessing because bentley conditions are rather sub-optimal OR he needs the backseat space, and he needs to surreptitiously offload them into the shop)
- now i need to work out where crowley would have been re: "why didn't you go by train? you love trains ๐Ÿ™„", but im guessing he's been off having a look at stuff surrounding the jukebox mystery, because that's based in edinburgh?
- cue the clip with muriel and then where aziraphale and crowley are trying to not let muriel know that they know she's come from heaven, and then "word with you angel? in private? ๐Ÿ™ƒ"
- i think this is where they surmise that she's come for gabriel, and is possibly when aziraphale then reiterates that "he's in trouble ๐Ÿฅบ", and they need to protect him/hide from both heaven and hell because they need to work out what the something terrible is first
- they exit, find that goob has very happily been chatting with muriel for the entire duration, but he's just dusting the bookshelves and being Helpfulโ„ข so obvs he's just aziraphale 's assistant!!!! nothing fishy here!!!!!
- so muriel reports back to hq, but maybe michael and uriel cotton on? and send muriel back down to look into it further, to get between aziraphale and crowley because obviously they are together and will be weaker divided, so muriel starts doing her reconnaissance on Human Relationships (ie decides to ask nina bc that's just diligent field research)
idk that's all ive gotten so far and yeah is pretty inconsequential on its own and will only be like a small part of the storyline but i just want my thoughts memorialised so i can look back on them four weeks from now and laugh
bonus bit:
honestly pls discuss this with me im dying here
- The Kissโ„ข stems from aziraphale finally noticing that crowley has essentially been homeless, and grills him on why he didn't say anything, of course he could have moved in with him, he cares about him of course he was welcome, why are you wearing your glasses yada yada yada, "i didn't want to go too fast for you, i didn't want to push you", "i think by now i can keep up, crowley" and BOOM snog
edit: oh and another bit I forgot to mention:
- i highlighted that muriel is in the full Met dress above, reason being because in the promo pic of her, she's suddenly without her jacket, and just in a shirt and tie, so this would indicate she comes to the bookshop more than once?
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