#but im going in order so 1.5 is next. luckily 1.5 is short so it wont take long
mokeonn · 2 years
I need to watch g3 soon so I can definitively say which mlp generations are actually communist. I see too many people say g4 is communist and it is not. G4 takes place in a monarchy (there are also capitalist undertones) . G1 is communist as it takes place on a litteral moneyless commune. G1.5 takes place in early 90s Canada. And G3 I don't know enough about to make a statement on.
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h-200-decloth · 6 years
This one time i almost got kidnapped. u/ForgottenLiquidSmoke This is long and im sorrybout that. BUT, all of this happened to me and i remember it like vivid as hell. It ends well. And i dont drink in public because of this. Im also not their friend anymore as they judged me, but they are alive to do so and that is good. This happened about 6 or 7 years ago back then I was young, hot and stupid and an un-admitted alchy. But everyone i worked with in travel drank every time they were off work. So i was in california on business and i had gone out with 2 coworkers and we were smashed but coherent enough to check out we left. Though we needed assistance to get a cab. The sushi place ordered us one. Someone tipped them and all three of us sloshed in the taxi. I had drank since was 17 so my tolerance and drunk awareness was honed. My friends nodded off in the taxi. Drunk. Lights out. I was trying to stay awake as the designated directory because this guy “barely knew english” but lil short spoke fluently and gave him address and directions. And said we would tip him well when we got there safe or something like that as she laughed. We were drunk girls staying in le mesa but kinda near tijuana, I guess (important) even though he had gps he was “avoiding” the highway. I also had my gps up, it was a drunk girl safty measure I learned somewhere. I noticed it kept rerouting and searching via my gps. Now I know. Now I know that (he knew where he was intending go was not where we ordered) but back then me listened to him say detour and traffic and short cuts. With a 20 min drive from food to the hotel turned into like a 2 hour drive by 1.5 hours drunk me was having trouble maintaining consciousness, and telling him wrong turn via my maps gps. I had drank so much, he would get us there I prayed. He turned on the heat too. It was warm and id roll asleep but jerk awake. My drunk mind wanted the sleep my friends had lulled into. But my fight or flight said wake up b*tch!! He got a call and I nodded off to the ringer song he had that was trendy back then. It was some American country song I knew too. Though that didn’t clue me in. I awoke to him saying in clear english that like scared me to my bone. Not because he was innocently bilingual. But, because he seemed shy and acted as though he only spoke spanish when we got in his taxi. So him speaking english made me wake up but not cue him in. As fight mode brain needed to clear the drunk fog and make a plan. I observed my surroundings without alerting him. So i became squinty eyed and listened like a hawk!!! He said in english after acting like “no english, piqueno” “”YEAH I KNOW. IT TOOK(looked back) it took a while for the one girl to fall asleep, she had gps talked to bf on phone or faked it, her phone died. all drunk yeah, potato sacks, ones a two manner. The other two are shoulder bitches” Silence (other person talking maybe). Driver again “2 minutes maybe 10 theres a cop and lights and a wreck ahead here. (Quite other person maybe) “NO, NO, NO, IM AT A RED LIGHT! YEAH, YEAH… WELL IM A TAXI. NO, NO THEY ARE DISTRACTED, ACCIDENT okay shit” and some mumbles and a flip phone snap. Well I saw blue lights and then the cop car. It was there like magic. Drunk brain Safety magic. I saw the red street light and drunk brain decided; make scene get cops!!!! SOOO I started gagging like i was gonna throw up. I wanted the driver distracted. And i kind of did a throwup mouthful on the center console and on his baggy shirt. Which was a feat for me, from the right side of the back seat since i had to push my friends off me to do it. But I grabbed the door handle and lock and jiggled and tug but they wouldnt budge and it wouldnt open. I started screaming “ima throw up more, open this” and my friends were awakened and in a drunken stuper like "hold it its a short drive we are almost there” as they were passed out and had no clue of the two hour reroutes even after i woke em up. one brushed my spittle splash of throwup and started throwing up in the same spot and she had eaten and drank alot (the larger girl) now we were all gagging from the smell for real including the driver. The light we had sat at had turned green and we were about to pass the cops and he the taxi driver in english mumbled hed “charge us extra to clean it, an arm and a leg.” And he laughed I started banging on the window cus he wouldnt let me out and a cop was directing traffic around whatever accident. The cop who thankfully saw us beckoned us stop and got other cop attention. There were a few cop cars because whatever accident near the border i guess. It was the tijuana border as i saw an orange diamond sign that said that city name tijuana and border detour. And there was an accident with cops tending it. Under and underpass and driver was mumbling only road or whatever. So a cop stood in front of his car directing traffic where to go but had stopped us and one right next to the passenger side,directing traffic very slow, he was standing in traffic he was almost against my window on the passanger side, a cop showing people how to avoid accident rubble and the cars. I turned into an animal looked straight at the cop banged on the window with my almost dead phone and my hand, pried at the door knob and looked terrified in hopes he would stop this taxi. Luckily the cop in front and the cop on side somehow communicated and i heard tire spins. Not us. A fast acting cop pulled in front of him. They made him pull over into parking lot and I’m screaming get me out and my friends are like calm down we are drunk and police but i wanted out police were safer than whatever his phone conversation was about and an officer was talking to him and he “didnt speak english again and needed a translator” and i only know that cuz the cop said it would take a while to get a translator was he sure and that i needed to settle down. And the guy must have said hed wait but the cops were busy and discussing lettin him take us home… I wanted to get the cop mad so i said NOOOO. So now i started screaming “hes a kidnapper get a promotion get me out of here” and just going bonkers because we were covered in vomit the police had been trying to talk over me for a few minutes with this guy who “ didnt know english” and i said “he fucken knows enlish and speaks it!!!” And they said something like settle down we are busy that they didnt want to book me for being a silly drunk girl. Some pussy card bullshit. So i freaked and said “no no fuck it arrest me.” My friends were now angry and worried but i wanted safety even if my record was shit. I didnt want to be potatoes. So they again tried to calm me and said they were gonna let him go drop us off. So i left the door alone and started hitting him! I was hoping violent smacked would make the cops question our situation we were stuck in. I screamed i was violent and going to off him…drunk and illogical or not who cares. More cops had now circled the taxi to watch and more cop cars kind of circled us. and I started crying and my friends were now fading against the other door and crying too and judging me. and I kept slapping him in the head and he screamed in pure clean english “BITCH!!! YOU’RE DEAD. hit me one more time your dead. your dead.” Then everything went fast cops pulled guns and made him unlock us. I jumped out throwing my heels first. We got out and i hugged the cop that was originally next to my window he seemed scared of me. But i hugged the shit out of him and cried. My friends stood there awkward. He finally hugged me back and petted my hair. The cops decided to take us to the hotel and were gona have me/us file a report the next day but said it might not be needed because so many cops saw. I wasnt asked to write a statement or to show up anywhere. I was just asked to sign a mostly blank paper stating he was a kidnapper and had a long phone call i told them about. Also my friends signed a completely blank statement paper. We never saw tickets or charges on our names and we never even wrote our names aside from cursive sinage. I never heard from the cops but that guy was fighting the cops when we left His taxi. And the cops used a shock gun/tazer thing cuz he pushed someone and tried to run. And he was saying weird shit in english!! Which was funny because he had first made them think he needed a translator because he ‘knew’ no english. BUT we were safe!!!! My former coworkers were safe. To the cali taxi driver and your flip phone friend lets not meet ever ever again. https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/a07n8e/this_one_time_i_almost_got_kidnapped/
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