#but im sure the people of palenstine had it worse
taus-inc ยท 4 months
people saying that blocking celebrities just means you're bitter abt them having money like... no ? it's not about people making money. it's about them not using their extensive resources to help people with none. then they wanna say it's an extension of cancel culture but again... no ? nobody is saying to outright cancel them but to understand that your attention can be put in a different place. these people have had so long to speak up and try to help the people of Palestine or Sudan or the Congo and they chose to put their time and effort into other things. now we will put our time and effort into other things !
and they will continue to be blocked by me even after they start raising awareness bc 1. ik their cult followers will stick w them no matter what anyone says or what they do so they'll always have some type of platform. 2. it gives me the ick that they only want to speak up when people start ignoring them like they ignored the genocide for so long.
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