#but in shiori’s defense it’s mutual
saionjeans · 4 months
“why do we only ever talk about shiori in the context of her feelings for juri” because we literally never see her take a single action that isn’t motivated by her obsessive feeling for juri. she might have a life outside of juri, but we, the audience, are certainly not privy to it. the only times we ever see her chatting with friends are either when juri is around or when she is talking about juri. the only times she tries to get a boyfriend are because she knows that they have feelings for juri. she joins the fencing club for, you guessed it! juri. we have no reason to believe that there is any time in shiori’s day where her brain is not going “juri juri juri juri juri juri juri juri juri juri” ad infinitum. so that’s why.
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amatsumugi89 · 7 years
BlazBlue Variable Heart chapter 11
Bell is staring at Ragna, in which Ragna responds with that Bell shouldn't get the wrong impression, that he is only prioritizing dealing with Fuzzy over her. Fuzzy thinks that it seems like Mai has a plan, but it will probably be useless. Kajun throws a bottle against Fuzzy and Fuzzy cuts it, but after cutting it Fuzzy realize that the bottle was a smoke bomb and his sight have worsened. Taro then throws Mai up into the air and which Shiroi takes Mai hand and throws Mai towards Fuzzy. Mai tries to strike Fuzzy, but Fuzzy dodges the attack. As Mai is about to fall towards the ground Taro and Shiori appears and catches her, and Mai uses the momentum to successfully strikes Fuzzy
After making a successful strike, Mai is about to make one more strike towards Fuzzy, but Mei-fang appears and blocks it. Kajun is in shock over seeing Mei-fang stopping the spear with her bare hand and says it shouldn't be possible. Mei-fang says that she only used strengthen ars magus on a small point, about the size of the spears edge. Mei-fang also says that Kajun shouldn't be so worried since the spear had big enough effect on herself as Mei-fang's arm gets wounded.
Mei-fang is being happy over the pain she feels, but feels like it isn't enough yet. Fuzzy apologizes to Mei-fang over being defeated, but Mei-fang tells Fuzzy to not worry about it, and Mei-fang still needs Fuzzy to be of help to the Imperator. Mei-fang later turns to Ragna and says that she didn't expect the azure grimoire to be here. While Ragna recognizes Mei-fang, Mei-fang says that she has no interest of knowing Ragna's name and is simply calling him Azure Grimoire. Ragna isn't being happy over Mei-fang calling a person like they are a thing. Ragna then tells Mai to step down, but Mai is against it since Mei-fang is after her. Ragna says, so what about it, and says that Mei-fang isn't only from the library, but also the leader of the zeroth squadron. That it's good enough reason for him to crush her. Mei-fang says that she has a slight interest in seeing the power of the azure grimore, but she tells Ragna to not get so full of himself. Suddenly the group is being surrounded by zeroth squadron, and Mei-fang tells them to collect Mai, the prime field and the azure grimoire. And as for the rest, kill them. Let them taste the best “hell”.
But before they could do anything, Rachel appears and teleports the group away. Afterwards Taro, Kajun, Shiroi, Mai and Bell is in a grass field and Kajun is being in shock over that this many people could be teleported at once. Bell then looks up to a distance place where Rachel, Ragna Jubei and Valkenhayn is at. Ragna angrily asks Rachel of what is she doing, but Jubei smacks Ragna on the head and angrily screams at Ragna and says that whenever Ragna get's involved everything goes out of hand and says that he told Ragna to leave it to him. But Ragna screams back to Jubei saying that it was Jubei that failed. Rachel thinks that Ragna is being noisy and tells Valkenhayn to just throw Ragna away to somewhere, and Valkenhayn teleports Ragna away. Jubei apologizes to Rachel for getting her involved, but Rachel says that it was a good way to kill time and that this kind of intervention will probably not create a big distortion. Rachel then asks Jubei what will he do now. That Bell is the model of the Mutual Observation System “LunaSena”, and that in an emergency it seems to have began to self-recognize a self defense personality. Jubei says that it's probably due to interacting with Mai, and asks if she is an observer, but Rachel says Mai isn't. However Rachel says that if it's stays like this, “those children” will not wake up. Although Rachel wouldn't mind that, but Jubei would, and Jubei ponders what to do next.
Trinity then appears and asks if they could leave it to her. That in the first place, this is her responsibility. Jubei agrees and tell Trinity to say if she needs something. Rachel then looks down towards the group and wonders where things will be heading towards now, and she looks forward to see it.
There won’t be a chapter in the June issue of Dragonage(9th of May), next chapter will be in the July Issue of Dragonage(9th of June)
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