#but it did and it’s so gooooood and raw and the fact that there are so many dialogue choices to ask what he wants
cathalbravecog · 10 months
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[High Roller dressed as Sardonyx to let my autisms (corporate) clash !!]
thisd rawing took me too long and i think im ready to die. im free.i can draw other things freely (TFW THIS WAS A DERAIL AS WELL)
also yeah that... empty space there KINDA sucks but..! im not doin shit abt it. so i hope you Fellas like it. will draw simpler hr art after this i needed to drop a banker after a while
if you read all of this uhmm ur swag . have these secret hr stamps i made months ago that i was too scared to post. My Treat.
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also fun fact the font i always use for watermarks is the crewniverse font lol
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dingletragedy · 5 years
It been a good life all in all with 5 years of robron. What your top 5 great moments you will never forget?.💞
i am so late with this but it got lost in my ask box and i can’t believe i missed it!!!! anywayyyy
1. the first reunion. i think anyone who knows me is aware of my utter love i have for that time. i loved (for lack of better word) the abuse era. it was the first full sl i watched live and the first in soap that ever made me feel such strong emotions. for the main part of that story line to be wrapped up with the reunion felt very fitting. it’s delicate and raw and so loving. the chat about wanting to be able to rely on each other? the nervousness from the pair of them? the way they breath each other in and settle in each others arms like they are finally coming home? truly beautiful. and then the follow up ep - robert’s unrelenting support and their little chat and cuddle outside the pub - was so bloody brillaint. it’s a time i’ll never forget and one i struggle to describe my feeling for!
2. super soap week 2016. ok firstly 2016??? that was so long ago what the HELL!!!!!! secondly: showstopping, breathtaking, dramatic, romantic, tear-jerking - that week was everything i have ever wanted and more!!!! and it wasn’t only the episodes that i look back fondly on, it was the build up and the reaction on here and the crazy little speculation ideas we all came up with! the robron-focused episode was so amazing and maxine couldn’t have done a better job! the writing and acting combined made it my favourite ever episode of emmerdale. but even so, the goodness didn’t stop their - the whole week was incredible - from rhona/pierce to emma/james and ashley/laurel - it was something else! we go to learn so much about our most loved characters, all whilst the drama was heightened to the max. AND we got some of the best ever dialogue from those episodes! (you’re not a disappointment, you’re amazing / no one else comes close….) 
3. the first wedding!!! the excitement and the build up for the big day(s) really made the whole thing ever more enjoyable! i mean remember the this morning interview they did? and sharon gave them rob & ron slippers? ICONIC !!!!! and then the actual wedding was so perfect - ok well no, it really wasn’t perfect - it was a disaster - but it was so them. from the comedy to the love confessions to the heart breaking honesty - it was beautiful. the scene outside the pub for example, going from ‘oi have you seen me husband, he’s dead grumpy but doesn’t look bad in a suit’ to the pair of them crying about leaving each other, was the perfect balance of fluff and angst. and then we got all those cut scenes and the whole thing seemed even more amazing!!!! 
4. reunion 2.0 - the long awaited episode of our dreams!!!!! again, maxine really couldn’t of given us anything more. it’s funny - so bloody funny - it’s heartbreaking - it’s tear-jerking and goosebump-inducing. it’s everything i ever wanted!!!!! and god, i was a mess! i remember it being 7:56 and robert had just walked AWAY from aaron and i honestly thought we’d been played and then THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SPEECH IN HISTORY OF SPEECHES CAME OUT OF AARON DINGLES MOUTH AND I CRIED. I JUST CRIED. A LOT. it’s one of those episodes that was pretty heavy on conversation (towards the ed, which i can often find boring but each conversation was so captivating and full of emotions that i rewatch those garage scenes over and over and over again. 
5. right i’ve just realised there is no affair era in this list so far and that is a CRIME!!!!!!!! as amazing as the first kiss is and i will always treasure it - i’m gonna go for the 26th of march episode in which they fight and robert tell aaron he loves him for the first time! i love some angst and this was gooooood angst!  danny and ryan’s acting in that fight scene by the LAY-BY was outstanding - the way in which robert is so conflicted in saving himself or saving aaron - and the was aaron is blaming himself whilst hating and loving robert at the same time? a MESS. and the ily? i know a lot of people don’t think robert meant that ily, but i do!!!! i don’t think he meant to say, i don’t think he ever wanted to, not really, but he did mean it. and then the fact he came back later and said it again? with aaron being the sassy grump he is? INCREDIBLE I LOVE THEM 
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Monday, March 27th, 2017
Finally. Cherry blossoms.
 Raw. Gotta remember to be raw. My first article did it. And that it became more facts because I wanted to remember the events of that day. No, best format is being raw. I'm writing this article on Wednesday for Monday. I will write as if it's Wednesday, not Monday.
 Monday was the day. Blossoms! Blossoms! Blossoms!!!!
 Rush rush rush! Everyone kept coming in.
 Ugh. I need help remembering and my dad is being uncooperative. Whatever.
 I do remember waking up at six and then everyone just kept cotming in.
 Everyone kept coming because they wanted to make sure I got to see the cherry blossoms. So grateful to have all these people make seeing the blossoms bloom possible.
 Unfortunately, cherry blossoms not in full bloom. Stupid snow storm. But something is better than nothing.
 We finally get to leave. I have just enough time to get all fancy pancy for the photoshoot.
 Yes, fancy pancy. I did all of my make up, wore actual clothes.
 I usually wear a shirt and diaper around the hospital because who cares?
 Potty. I gotta go. Nope. Just gas. Stay in bed. No need to go to toilet just to not have to go. Gas again. Wait, I think I'm going. Brb.
 Shit. I gotta go. Gotta go. Get out of bed! Ok, you're fine. It's fine. Just get to the restroom.  Shit shit shit. It's fine. You got this. Ugh ugh ugh. Ahhhhhhhh. Made it. Oh, I did have to go. Not a waste getting up. 
 To get off the toilet or no? Am I done? Puuuuuush. Oh there goes a little bit. Wait, nevermind. Nothing came out. Can get up now. First, message AAIV about blog. One sec. gotta find website name. 
 Oh shit. It's coming again. Puuuuuuuush. Nope nothing. Cramping. Definitely feeling like I still gotta go. Gotta get up. Ok, gonna get up and message in bed.
 Nope. Never mind. Still gotta go. Ugh. I can't just stay here. Decision time. Damn. Cramping. Puuuuushhhhhh. Ok, nothing. Get up! Going now.
 Back in bed. Still feeling gotta go. Focus on writing. Ignore it.
 Daddy making food for me now. Making sure I eat. Best dad ever!
 There it goes.
 Ok. I'm just gonna sit here until the urge passes.
 Ok, I'm back. Cherry blossoms.
 Where were we? Right, fancy pancy.
 So, I left for about thirty minutes. Had an episode. Just sat in bed and shit myself. For thirty minutes.
 Cramping again.
 We've decided that the madeline I had doesn't work. I eat a new food item. If I don't go crazy with symptoms (episodes, lots of urgency, lots of stool, etc), then I know my food item is fine to eat. Otherwise, hello no list.
 Now, we're back. So relieved.
 So, fancy pancy. I looked gooooood. Felt good. Ready for my photoshoot. :D
 Eylul texts and we get thirty minutes more. Got to relax a little. Cherry blossoms cherry blossoms!
 We go. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh! I couldn't believe we were finally seeing them!
 We get to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and guess what? Parking sucks. Of course. We knew it was gonna happen. Papa randomly keeps the car on the side of the road to get me a good spot to wait while he goes to park. There are blossoms EVERYWHERE. So beautiful. He wheels me over to the side of the Memorial. I get bored waiting. And I knew Eylul was gonna meet us at the front of the memorial. The entrance to the Memorial is on the side. People just have to make
 Gotta go pee. Getting up. You got this. Just get to the restroom. Breath. Aaahhhh. Made it. Oh, pooping. Peeeeeeeeee. Aaahhhhh. I'm good. Wipe wipe wipe. Going back to bed now. Need to ask papa for help. Pulled a muscle while trying to get from the restroom.
 So, I start wheeling myself to the front. But the wheelchair has these wheels that can't be pushed. I'm siting in this chair and start walking it over. While sitting. I look so weird but who cares.
 Pooping myself again.
 I start getting tired. Then, I see this woman in traditional Korean clothing. I need a picture with her. She looks sooooo pretty. I stand and start walking the wheelchair towards the woman. Nooooooo. Don't go! Wait for me! Noooooooo, come back! Oh, there she goes.
 I figure out it's easier to walk my wheelchair over. So I walk. It's always a good time for exercise.
 I get to the front of the Memorial. Lots of stairs. Elevator is broken. Can't go in Memorial. :( so I stand in the center to make it easier for Eylul to find me. While waiting I start taking pictures. This father and daughter are sitting on the steps waiting for the rest of their family. They're the best. When walking, I kept saying hi to visitors because it's a good day, life is great, why not just enjoy it. But everyone just looked at me weirdly. And then this father daughter combo asks if I need a picture of myself in front of the memorial. I end up asking for a selfie with them in front of the memorial. It was great. I take some pictures. Then their family returns. I tell the mother about how great her husband and daughter were to me. I almost asked for a selfie with her. So happy.
 Hands are shaking right now. Left hand won't stop shaking. Gotta pee. Brb.
 Eylul comes and I tell her of my lovely adventure getting to the front of the memorial. She's so cute. Has a beautiful Turkish accent. She's very attentive to me. Constantly asking if I need to sit.
 Papa shows up. Let the shoot begin! We take pics in front of the memorial, in front of the Tidal Basin, in front of any place that has cherry blossoms. Eylul had the best suggestions for locations and poses. Papa gets tired and doesn't say anything. He keeps touching my face in photos. I'm so pretty, stop blocking my face. Papa enjoys talking with Eylul about her turkish heritage.
 And then it's done. Anything but anticlimactic. Best day ever!
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lucynishen · 8 years
Okay okay I know I have been slacking on my blog posts, but I have no been slacking on my food!
I made a very scrumptious Avacado and Tomato on toast. I am not a usually a big fan of raw avocados but paired with Marmite, which is an English spread made it tasty.
Fun fact: I work at a French bakery. It was torture to not being able to eat all the pastries… but I did, however, eat Focaccia Bread that we make.
For dinner on Wednesday I got a little carried away and roasted peppers, carrots, celery, tomatoes, beetroot, and broccoli. I cut so much every each I was able to fill two trays full. I love leftovers though so I wasn’t worried.
  I made enough smoothie mix to drink enough for breakfast on the way to my first class yesterday. Since I had back to back classes, I had multiple King bars and veggies straws. Not the most nutritious lunch but it worked!
I think my favorite dish that I have made so far is Vegan Shepherd’s Pie. I love shepherd pie in general, so it was pretty impressive. The base was diced tomatoes, pepper, onion, garlic, carrot, but instead of lentils, I added black beans. Spiced it up with my three favorite ingredients basil, oregano, and parsley, (AKA BOP) Plus I added a great glug of red wine. For the mash, I kept the skins on the potato for nutrients but added a stick of butter and five slices of cheddar cheese. Let me tell you! It was soooooo gooooood!!! I’m pretty sure I enjoy this version more than my old one.
DAY 4 & 5 Okay okay I know I have been slacking on my blog posts, but I have no been slacking on my food!
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lucynishen · 8 years
Okay okay I know I have been slacking on my blog posts, but I have no been slacking on my food!
I made a very scrumptious Avacado and Tomato on toast. I am not a usually a big fan of raw avocados but paired with Marmite, which is an English spread made it tasty.
Fun fact: I work at a French bakery. It was torture to not being able to eat all the pastries… but I did, however, eat Focaccia Bread that we make.
For dinner on Wednesday I got a little carried away and roasted peppers, carrots, celery, tomatoes, beetroot, and broccoli. I cut so much every each I was able to fill two trays full. I love leftovers though so I wasn’t worried.
I made enough smoothie mix to drink enough for breakfast on the way to my first class yesterday. Since I had back to back classes, I had multiple King bars and veggies straws. Not the most nutritious lunch but it worked!
I think my favorite dish that I have made so far is Vegan Shepherd’s Pie. I love shepherd pie in general, so it was pretty impressive. The base was diced tomatoes, pepper, onion, garlic, carrot, but instead of lentils, I added black beans. Spiced it up with my three favorite ingredients basil, oregano, and parsley, (AKA BOP) Plus I added a great glug of red wine. For the mash, I kept the skins on the potato for nutrients but added a stick of butter and five slices of cheddar cheese. Let me tell you! It was soooooo gooooood!!! I’m pretty sure I enjoy this version more than my old one.
DAY 4 & 5 Okay okay I know I have been slacking on my blog posts, but I have no been slacking on my food!
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