#but it sounds like everything else riot has made in the last 4 years. bye
umbane · 4 months
the more I listen to paranoia, the more disappointed I am tbh
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ladyamandapanda12 · 7 years
The King and I Chap. 4
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Chapter 3 here
Warning: Adult situations
@sergeantmistress @myluvislikewow @devikafernando @daisykane535 @theycallmebecca @toc1985 @smilexcaptainx @thaniya82 @emilyevanston @evansscruff @alievans007
Announcement: Chapter 5 Will be the last chapter of this story.
Chapter 4
It was to be a full day today. Tia had a lot of equipment to set up, numbers to run, and just a full day of errands. However instead of returning phone calls and text messages like how she would normally start her day. She was at the dining room table, answering for her absence at the first night’s dinner.
“Look guys I’m sorry. Y’all know I wouldn’t have missed a dinner unless I was totally swamped.”
Henry and Sebastian looked at each other unamused and unconvinced. Just as they were about to read Tia the riot act, Chris appeared in the dining room to join them for breakfast. He was wearing a navy blue suit, and holding a cup of black coffee. The coffees aromas alone filled the room instantly. And glasses did I mention he was wearing glasses?
“Boys leave Tia alone. She had a long day yesterday, and its to my understanding a long day ahead. Am I correct?” Tia nodded while Chris kissed both boys on the head and sat in between them.
“Daddy you forgot to kiss Tia too.” Sebastian pipped out. Chris and Tia exchanged glances remembering the two lust filled kisses they had had a few short hours before. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart my hair is dirty Ill get my kiss next time.” Sebastian shrugged her response off.
Maurice came out with a huge stack of waffles. As they dug in Tia noticed that Chris’s gaze rarely left her, and he wasn’t eating.
“Dad what’s wrong? You love waffles! Aren’t you hungry?” Henry asked as he stuffed a forkful of waffle in his mouth.
Chris caught Tia’s eyes with his and responded. “I’m starved, just not for waffles bud.”
“Then what do you want for breakfast daddy?” Sebastian asked.
“What I want is too sweet for breakfast. I’m hoping that Ill get it for dessert tonight.” Chris tossed a wink at Tia that made her blush.
Quick on her feet Tia thought on how to respond. “I don’t think we have any ice cream left in the fridge. But I will make sure Maurice has some to satisfy your sweet tooth.” Tia stated with a giggle.
Breakfast continued for another 20 minutes then Tia excused herself. Before she could leave the room, the boys bomb rushed her. She leaned down so they could attack her with kisses. She kissed them both on the forehead and left to get ready to leave. The boys excused themselves up to their rooms, which left Chris sometime to enjoy his breakfast without someone trying to steal his bacon. As Tia was heading towards the front door Chris stopped her.
“Yes your highness? What can I do for you?” She said with a smirk.
A smirk grew on his face as he first looked around as if to make sure they were alone. Then he grabbed her hands in his once the coast was clear. “First, you can call me Chris. I think that is the second time we have had that discussion young lady. If I must have this talk with you again there will be consequences. Secondly I wanted another one of these..” Chris moved his hand under her chin, and lifted her mouth to his. The kiss was brief but sensual. The kind of kiss that made your toes curl and lit your core fire to spark on all in the same moment. After the kiss ended Chris leaned down to Tia’s ear and spoke. “I have to leave tonight to go on a political tour, but I will be back at the end of the week. I expect you naked on that big faux fur throw on our bed when I get home Saturday night.”
“Our bed?”
“Considering you won’t be let out of it until Sunday afternoon… Yes, our bed my sweet queen.”
Tia was gob smacked. I mean mouth open, wide eyed, and all. Chris had definitely received the reaction he wanted out of her, and she knew it. It was written all over his face, he didn’t have to say a word.  Once Tia finally picked her mouth up off the ground. She pressed the back of her hand to his forehead, and on his cheeks as if she was checking for a fever. He looked at her quizzically. “I’m just checking… Because the man that I have known for the last couple of years up until yesterday despised me.” The smile that had planted itself on Chris’s face had left hastefully. He was suddenly filled with sorrow and guilt. Tia could see it, but before he could try to mend it he interrupted her.
“I never hated you Athea.” Tia looked at him eyes wide again. Shaking her head in disbelief. His smile had returned. “Yes I know your real name, I’m the king remember? Plus that’s how my predecessor had you down in the guest book.”
“No one needs to know about that name. Every time someone learns I get to play 20 questions. That’s just between you and me understand?”
“Are you threatening the king?”
“I am the queen, I can do whatever I want.”
“So you will join me this weekend then? I mean since you already claimed the title. I am more than happy to initiate you in to the roll.”
“Oh, I’m sure you would. However, we have 2 problems. One the kids. Two my show is this weekend, I leave on Monday, granted I’ll be back in a week, but nevertheless I have a show.”
“Well it’s supposed to rain, and if it rains you will post pone and stay. Won’t you?”
“Maybe…. But its only supposed to rain on Friday not Saturday.”
“Then I shall will it to rain because I would like to show you just how much I have NOT despised you the last few years.”
Chris had snuck another kiss in before the horn from the tour bus blared; Informing Tia it was time to go. Tis looked back at Chris in that moment she didn’t see him as the king. She saw a life with him and the boys. Having dinner together most nights. Spending the holidays wrapped in their love. Not to mention Chris’s arms. Going trick or treating in disguise, and being woken up on Christmas morning by to very excited little boys. Sitting in between his legs, around the tree next to the fire. While the boys teared into the presents. I could get used to that. She thought. Interrupted by another blaring horn. Tia realized she had been daydreaming a moment to long, and that Chris had been doing the same.
“If it rains, Then I will be waiting for you on Saturday night. If not then…. We’ll rain check for next week.”
“Sounds like a deal.” Before he could say anything else her lips were on his again. This time she slipped her tongue passed his lips just so she could taste him. His strong Earthy dark roast coffee tasted so good coming off his lips. And once again before he could process, the taste of her tongue was gone.
“Bye my king.”
The rest of the week went by without a hitch. The boys stayed busy with all the activities that James and Chris had planned. Tia had learned the new sound board in record time, and everything was ready to go for Saturday. The rain came Friday as forecasted, and quickly cleared after showering all day. Tia was excited, and bummed she wanted to have this concert. But she also wanted to taste her king.
Saturday was going as planned. Breakfast with the boys. Then straight to the yep everything was going great. Until an hour before the show and the master breaker in the arena blew. Tia had no choice but to cancel the concert. She waited, and prayed that the onsite electricians could fix it. When they didn’t show any promise, she had to send everyone who was waiting outside. Mostly everybody took it well. Except a few, but that’s to be expected. Two hours, one massive breakdown, and 3 packed to the brim sound and equipment busses later Tia was finally walking back into her bedroom thoroughly exhausted. She presumed that the boys had already fallen asleep as they normally would be. Too tired to make it to shower, she chopped this incident to fate, and crashed. She got a full half an hour of sleep, before the smell of herself got to her.
She Stumbled to the bathroom, stripped her clothes and began to shower. She realized that she still had her make-up on, and reached outside the steamed-up glass door for her facial cleanser. Blinded by the water streaming down her face when she finally got her hands on something it wasn’t the cleanser that she was reaching for but something else. It was long, warm, thick, and veiny? Nervous she let go and wiped the water off her face. What did she grab, but it wasn’t in this case a what that she grabbed, but a who that she grabbed? Chris of course. He was standing outside the stall in the process of taking off his Military style uniform, with his dick out, and most recently in Tia’s hand! Before Tia could say anything, it was his turn to make the move. Once he was completely naked he stepped in the shower with her.
He took her sponge from her and as her back was pressed against his chest he washed her. Admiring her skin with every slow stroke. The curve of her body drove him wild. He made sure she was thoroughly clean before he gave up the sponge. She motioned for him to turn so she could wash him. She took good care in washing his body. Rubbing the sudsy sponge from his shoulder to his hand and repeating with the other arm. She had forgotten that he had tattoos. She took extra care around them. His most infamous one on his collarbone got the most love. It was her favorite.
“You know I thought we were going to have to reschedule, and then I heard that a breaker blew?” Tia gave a single nod in response and simultaneously letting out a long sigh from the frustration of the memory. “As soon as I heard I told James to let the boys spend the night at Coopers house. When I got home and you weren’t in our bed I figured you would be in the shower or sleeping. To be honest I’m surprised to find that you weren’t sleeping.”
“Oh I was. I’m wiped.”
“Well we are all clean now. Why don’t you come back to my room with me. It’s freezing in the palace tonight, and I have an electric blanket.”
“You just want me in bed for easy access.”
“That too. But I’m exhausted too. I’ve been dealing with idiots what feels like all week. When in reality it’s only been a few days. I promise tonight all I want is to cuddle in bed with my queen naked.”
Tia reached down and turned off the water. She stepped out of the shower to the moss rug and grabbed a towel for Chris. They helped each other dry off in silence. And in silence she let him lead her to their bedroom.
Copyright © 2017 LadyAmandaPanda12. All rights reserved. Intellectual property of LadyAmandaPanda12
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