#but it still doesn’t hold sweat like gc2b does
tea-and-charcoal · 5 years
The Big Comparison of Safer Binding Options
So I’ve been binding a while and have tried a number of different products. I’ve seen a lot of posts on one or the other or even a couple, but I’ve never seen a real head to head comparison. So I made one. 
BELOW CUT: Comparison of regular sports bras, trans tape, frog bra, and an actual binder with pictures for reference. If there’s something else you think I should try and add to the list, let me know.
Before we get started for real, a quick note on the methodology: I am wearing the same plain white t-shirt in every picture because I felt like it would give the best comparison (because t-shirts and light colors both make boobs more obvious, and graphics might obscure or alter the way my chest looks as well. BTW, if you want to conceal your chest, I’d highly recommend waistcoats if you can pull ‘em off, button downs with jackets if you can’t). I am also a bigger guy (about 250lbs, 44DD chest), so if you’re a smaller guy you might have a slightly different experience. 
Also, I only chose what I consider to be reasonably safe. Of course no form of binding is completely safe, but some are more likely to cause damage than others. So I’m not doing ace bandages or duct tape because, if you haven’t heard, those are very bad and can easily lead to passing out or even permanent rib problems. I did not include double sports bras because I’m not sure how relatively safe those are, and at that point you honestly might as well just buy a binder since you aren’t supposed to wear two longer than 8 hours, last I’ve heard. 
Anyway, let’s go. 
Control (no bra): 
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What kind of scientist would I be if I didn’t give a control for comparison? TBH this looks less feminine than a bra so maybe if you’re very small it would work, but bouncing everywhere and underboobs sweat sucks. 
Sports Bra (APT 9 Powercore):
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Actually does a surprisingly good job, all things considered, especially from the front. My main issue with it is that it both keeps some of the roundness as well as the jutting out. But it’s not too awful for a starting point. TBH I have gone to work with this on if I wear enough structured clothes. 
Trans Tape: (not to be confused with duct tape, this is closer to that KT/athletic tape)
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Mixed feelings on this one. This is what I’ve predominantly used since I started working 9 hour days. Even if in the front my chest is still too round for comfort, it does a good job of flattening by moving the breasts further apart. The main issue I have with it is even if you follow their instructions about how to lessen your skin’s reaction and take weekends off eventually I start getting blisters and have needed longer breaks. Also you can’t shower in the morning since your chest will be wet for like 30 minutes.
Frog Bra: 
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I am actually incredibly happy with this. I just found out about it like a week ago. Damn does it hold those puppies down. Because it’s made for long distance runners, it’s fine to exercise in and wear for longer periods of time, and if you live with people you’re not out to, it’s easier to brush off because it’s for women and doesn’t look like a binder. The main issues with it are that at $39 plus shipping, it was actually *more* than my favorite binder (below) and doesn’t work quite as well, and that it only goes up to an XL (which is technically too small for me, but it doesn’t feel too-too tight and hopefully I’ll be able to break in the elastic a bit), so it might not be a real option for a lot of bigger guys.
Champion "The Vented Plus”
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EDIT: I found out about this one a lot later. I actually really like this one. It’s a bit cheaper than the frog bra normally (and i found it on a really good sale). This one actually goes up to a 4XL, so I didn’t have to break it in on a milk crate like I did with the frog bra, which is nice.
Proper Binder (GC2B half tank) 
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Obviously, this is the most effective in terms of giving me a flat chest. If I’m wearing a t-shirt outside, this is what’s under it. The downside, of course, is you can only wear it for 8 hours. GC2B is generally considered the best binder, so that’s what I showed off. I do have other ones that work about as well, but sadly it’s been a few years and I can’t remember where I got them.
Hopefully this post can help some trans masc folks figure out what they want to start binding with or maybe introduce them to some new options they might not have heard of. If there are things I missed, like I said, feel free to send me a message and I can take a look and possibly add them in. 
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