#but it will be better than a 100% anonymous message HEHUEUHUEE
xpc-web-dev · 2 years
typical sexism from you females.. Every girl with pronouns on their bio is so toxic bunch of hypocrites. Stop dividing against men. your paranoia and fear isn't a reflection of the reall world. youre just brainwashed and brainwashing other girls on social media spreading misinformation. typical stigma towards men on tech. none of yall take responsibillity for your own actions. not our fault not many of you are in this tech field. hypocrites.
Girls, in today's class we have a living example of what I said this week.
Never let a sexist, male chauvinist and misogynist man make you feel inferior, because he will definitely be stupid.
We even noticed that in addition to not knowing what sexism is, he has text interpretation problems, he is exactly what I said, because I didn't make a generalization (at no time did I say ALL MEN), if he offended is because he is exactly sexist, sexist and misogynistic.
And girls this makes a lot of sense because he is LITERALLY everything he said I am.
Soon he is talking about himself in 3rd person and I can prove it HUEUHUHUEUE.
1- He called me and called other women who put her/her in the bios of toxic and hypocritical, and it was precisely him who took the time to send me an aggressive message and probably with the intention of making me feel bad. Is this not toxic?
2- Then he says "you don't take responsibility for your own actions", BUT HE IS the one who sends me a 100% anonymous message, after all he doesn't want to ASSUME the RESPONSIBILITY of the consequence of talking shit to me. Too easy to text me aggressively but not allow me to return a reply on your dm, right?
3-Says I'm brainwashing you because I'm turning you against men and that's so sexist, he subjugates women to the point of indirectly saying that whoever reads what I said has no critical sense/cognitive ability to think for themselves only.
+ Besides, brainwashing is nothing less than manipulation, which is exactly what he's trying to do, make me feel bad and he's the owner of truth and justice.
+ And this is also so egocentric, the person has to be very mentally unbalanced to think that his opinion will manipulate a mass.
I'm just a regular person with a blog.
+++Guess someone's parents didn't warn them that the world doesn't revolve around their shitty little opinion UHEUHEUHEHUEHUE
4-Finally, the coolest thing, he is a hypocrite, because well, although I think he doesn't know the meaning of the terms he uses, he is a beautiful hypocrite.
He condemns certain actions and instead of having an aversion to them, he reproduces them.
Here in Brazil we have the meme " Finally the hypocrisy " and I think he would love it
Here the meme:
Tumblr media
Now I want to give some advice:
- I usually ignore this kind of thing, when I notice that the person's problem is self-centeredness/want to attract attention with hate because their life is shit I ignore it because being ignored is a stab in their emotions.
But here, I wanted to answer because First I was like, Why is someone bothered by me??Then I laughed and I understood that he was very hurt just by my saying not to bow our heads to stupid men.
And what do men like that hate? Women smarter than them.
So why not show all the logical flaws in your argument?
IAnd also to show other women that we should NEVER shut up when someone wants to make us feel inferior, stupid or villainous/bad. Even more so if it's from a stranger on the internet or and especially someone from your personal life.
Insecurity and fear may exist, but I wish you can always have courage!
Be well, drink water and women you are amazing, capable and smart.
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