#but it's nice that there are a treasure trove of different angles to view their relationships across the series
mirchloe · 3 months
i know it's easy to say "oh, x is like the team dad!" or "y is z's mom," but those interpretations in general never really stuck with me, especially when the characters are close in age like "vector is espio's dad" when he's only four years older.
for pn, i never really saw hollis as the mom of the interns - she's their teacher! their boss, too. she cares for them as a mentor and does everything she can to keep them safe. i think she draws a good line in the sand for them, and based on how she views family, she doesn't want to perceive them as her kids.
it's a similar, but different vein for morris and milla, where she's another treasured mentor figure, not really a mom. those cut lines serve as him wanting to impress her because he's thrilled to have her as his teacher (which is just another part i wish wasn't cut because those clips were very sweet for his character and smooth the "cool guy" edge that he has). milla definitely views the campers as younger than they are, just look at how she sees raz. based on her own trauma, she views any psi cadet or intern under her wing as a kid she has to nurture, but she doesn't perceive or present herself as their mother. same for sasha and raz, in which he sees himself in raz and wants to help bring out raz's potential and see him grow up because raz will, and always, have his real parents in augustus and donatella, in general, for all the interns, they can always be trusted adults in their life, people to rely on, without explicitly slapping on a label like "sasha's is raz's other dad."
and obviously, there are definitely dynamics that can be read as familial and earn those labels like, in a different example, the bond between sonic and tails is very clearly meant to be interpreted as brotherly. adam can be seen as a more positive big brother figure to raz, compared to the complexity that raz shares with dion, who harbors a lot of mixed feelings and anger for raz running away and their father suddenly dropping his long-running anti-psychic sentiments (that, you know, dion has been forced to hear all his life and internalized because of his father). it's definitely a nicer relationship because raz doesn't have any issues with adam, while he has a life-long history with dion. as such, both dynamics are equally unique when reading into raz.
of course, this isn't me saying, "you can never interpret them as familial." otto can definitely be seen as gisu's cool grandpa mostly because of how each character acts individually. maloof might be mikhail's boss, but there is a brotherly aspect to their mafia boss/henchman dynamic. i'm sure lili has come to see sasha and milla as extended relatives with how long they've been in her life, like uncle and aunt figures. raz still idolizes sasha and milla in the post-game, like a kid who made his "parents" proud, even though he doesn't see them that way. the psychic seven are quite literally the found family trope but without any labels attached - no one is the "mom" of the group, etc. fanon wise, the "you guys wanna split a cab?" group has a variety of interpretations. it's just nice that there are a multitude of dynamics presented in the series that can't just be boiled down to "oh, hollis acts like such a mom to the interns."
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the Angel's Dark Side
Warning NSFW and 18 or over content it also has doming undertones and some S&M so if that is not your cup of tea then don't read
what if the sweet Angel Mitsunari hand a darker side today I give you a nice story showing perhaps Mitsunari’s dark hidden side. as always I hope you all do enjoy it thank you for stopping by and reading
Daisy hand just rushed the last of the patrons out the door of the library. It was a small town no more than 865 people live there and on days like today, only 5 people hand found their way to the towns treasure-trove of books. As she locked the front door she sighed softly to herself and thought
“Not many books to reshelve today. “ she had spoken out loud her tough without even know it.
“Hmm what was that” came clam even words from  the reading corner at the back of the library and to her right
Daisy almost jumped out of her skin wan she heard  the voice
“Mitsunari “  she stated softly “I see you are in your favorite spot ”
“Mm I been here all afternoon watching you “ there was a dark sensual  glint to his amethyst eyes as he spoke the words
Daisy nibble on her lower lip she knew that look in his eyes all to well. Oh if only the world outside the two of them know about this sweet angles darker side then perhaps they would look at him differently than they do.
Mitsunari Ishida for what the world knew about him was the even-toned sometimes soft spoke pacifist. He was smart he held several degrees in several fields. Currently, he was teaching law classes at the University of Idaho alongside Nobunaga and Ieyasu. So Daisy was surprised to see him here of all days.
“I thought you hand classes and a study hall today Mitsunari,” she said without missing a beat or showing she hand caught the look in his eye.
Mitsunari smirked at her knowing she was just bating him, Boy he loved it wan she played this game with him, it always made things more interesting as well as unpriceable. And if there was one thing he didn’t like it was unpriceable and mild manner Daisy was a wild card he never knew what to expect with her.
Like him, her outward apprentices was of a sweet mild-mannered Librarian. She was smart like he was she hand degrees in creative writing. English Lit, and book restoration, as well as she, spoke Japanese, French, German, and Gaelic fluently.
She was soft spoken most of the time but she had her moments where she could be like her twin sister May. Outspoken and blunt to a fault but unlike her twin, she delivered it in a way that sounded sweet and kind not blunt and bitch like May was. But both twins shared one more thing in common that's how he found out about Daisy kinks, May was an open book Daisy she was a true hidden treasure he had to plunder and did quite often. one would never guess by looking at her, that like him she delights in some of the things one would read in fifty shades of gray and the books that followed after that one.  Yes, Daisy and May might look like a carbon copy of one another but that's as far as it went.  Daisy had class and heald herself as a lady at all times and that's what he loved about her.
As he thought about all of this Mitsunari watched Daisy reshelve the few books that had been returned. He knew full and well he had yet to answer her question about why he was not teaching this afternoon and he let it hang in the air unanswered.
Daisy turned to look at him the library’s control and catalog tablet in her hand. She was just about to dim the lights and arm the security system when he took it from her.
His purple hues scanned the tablet and he pressed the iCone that opened up the library's security, lighting and windows control system.
“ I didn’t install this state of the art window, lighting and security,   system in my library for it not to be used, “  he said the words as the windows from the outside tinted so that no one could see in but anyone in the library could still see outside.
Daisy arched a brow at him a knowingly lovely smirk on her lips
“Why Mr. Ishida I use theme all the time wan I close the library down for the night “ she chided back at him her tone playful with that hint of her naughty side showing through.
As she had said the words she had plucked the tablet back from his hands and started to saunter off to the library’s check out and returns counter. She even threw an alluring look at him from over her shoulder as she spoke.
The counter sat at the center back of the library and one could look out and see all but one corner of the library and that corner was Mitsunari’s. And wan he was in it he had the full view of the short stacks of books and shelves. Daisy turned her head to that part of the library her lips pressing to gather. And Oh how they puckered into a full plump lip pout that always brought Mitsunari to his knees wan he saw it. Softly he cursed to himself if he didn’t take control over her soon he have to become the brat tamer not his favorite thing to do or at least not what he was thinking for today.
Mitsunari’s footsteps were silent as he moved,  he watched Dazy stop and freeze in her tracks. Once she caught him on the prowl, Oh and prowl he did in a nice circle around her, his gemstone eyes of sparkling purple Sapphire now a dark deep dusky shade of purple showed her  just where his mind was at that moment.
There was a rough gravelly tone to his tenor voice wan he spoke.
“I'm not in the mood for this game today Dazy” he plucked the table from her hands and placed it on the counter his eyes never leaving her as he did so.
Without missing a step even after taking the tablet from her He kept moving around her like a hunter stalking and toying with it pray. Daisy’s blood started pumping and rushing through her veins. the beat of her own heart filed her ears as it began to beat just a little bit faster. Her breathing picked up slightly her breaths becoming just a bit heavier now. She watched him her eyes only ever leaving him when he rounded to her back. Dazy had a small blinded spot she could not see from the ether corner of her eye even if she turned her head.
Oh, and he picked just that spot to stop right at her back. One of his hands reached out with long elegant fingers to brush whisper soft up the back of her neck. His fingers crept their way to her bun. She felt his nimble fingers find the bobby pines and slip theme free. It was only a few pines today seeing as she hand braided her hair and coiled it on her head. She felt his hand working to uncoil the braid of her dark cinnamon locks. if he would have let the braid fall it would have come to just about her waist. Then she felt him wind the braid about his wrist.
She gasped softly as she felt him tug back just a bit. About half of her braid was snaked around Mitsunari wrist and lower arm and she could feel the heaviness of it like a weight drawing her down. As he softly pulled on her hair he spoke by her ear.
“ remember what we talked about a few days ago “  the words where smoothly purred but there was a commanding edge to hem.
Her peridot eyes widened with his words and she had to bit  her lip  from gasping out her excitement  
“yes “ the word was breathy when she spoke  it
“Good “ was all he said as he used her braid to pull her back and to his chest.
Without saying a word his free hand found its way to her waist to take a firm grip on her Then he guided her along to a set of vintage old schoolhouse desks. Once there he sat on the top of one of the desks he pulled her into his lap.
“ you have been bratty today Daisy, “ he said as he let  go of her hair and position her in his lap so that she  was sitting across it
Daisy gave him a pout but that didn't stop him for what he did next he patted what little open space on his lap he had.
“ lay across my lap Daisy on your tummy “  
it was the most commanding Daisy had ever heard that man speak.  un tel now she didn’t know he could muster a look and tone as equal, if not more so than Azuchi houses ver own dictator  Nobunaga. God that man was like Mussolini in the way he ran the towns only boarding house and bed and breakfast.
Daisy was liking this side of Mitsunari it suited him well. SO  she couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice wan she spoke.
“ yes Mr. Ishida as you wish “
She said the words as she laid over his lap,  wiggling her tight nicely rounded backside she could not help being bratty she just had to, her excitement and anticipation were too high. And then she felt his hands sliding up her white, black and red plaid skirt. His hand started that at the hem of her skirt, witched came to just half an inch blew the crook of the back of her knees. Ever so slowly his hand inched its way up to her plump well-shaped backside.  
She giggled softly knowing what was coming she even tried to hide it. She couldn't help it was a nervous habit both her and her sister shared. And that she was nervous with building anticipation. Daisy hand to bite her lower lip to the point she almost drew blood so as not to further make Mr. Ishida think she was just being bratty.
Mitsunari palmed both the cheeks to her firm round ass, kneading each cheek in his hand before pulling it back. There was a loud smack that rang out and echoed off the library walls.  And oh was it a satisfying sound to his ears that good hard smack to Daisy's backside.  the sting in his hand was the most exhilarating strangely erotic sensation he had ever felt.
Daisy gasped as soon as his hand met her well-toned derriere before she felt the sting of it, witch hand her now whimpering softly and wiggling slightly in his lap. It was like her backside was on fire where his hand come down on. It was hot and ohhhh the sting of it hurt so good, it made her toes curl while her tummy fluttered with worm swirls of dark delight. Then she felt another spanking than another and more still, each one with a swift firm hand. And she moaned in lustful delight with every one of theme she even thanked Mr. Ishida wan she could.
Mitsunari blood was pumping with sinful delight from speaking Dazy and his lustfulness showed in his words wan he spoke.
“Stand up Daisy  and face me “ he  commanded of her
“Yes  Mr. Ishida “ she simply stated on a breathy lustful gasp
Daisy did as he asks her to and was now facing him
“good girl “ he purred out “now call me  Professor Ishida until I say otherwise “
Daisy’s peridot green eyes went wide and she made a soft sound as if his very words had given her a small orgasm.
 “ Yes, Professor Ishida” came her words to let him know she was going to comply with the demand.
Mitsunari leaned back slightly his eyes roaming over Dazys lovely shape as he turned the words she just spoke over in his mind. He drank in the sight of her, How her pale cheeks were slightly flush with her hot running passion and desire the rises and fall of her chest in her heated state.
A finger came to his lips and he taped theme in thought  
“On second thought  just call me Professor “ he liked the sound of that more
“and take your blouses off as well it’s hiding what I truly like to see” he added that command to the other one he handed just handed out.
“Yes Professor “ came her words with a sinfully naughty sultry look as she unbuttoned the first button on her red blouse
Mitsunari watched Daisy intently as she oh so painfully slowly worked to undo every button. She stopped every one to give him a coy sultry smile and wan she got the ones that were right in the valley of her overly voluptuous breasts, she stopped to softly push theme to gather. Oh, and one almost popped out they were that large. Daisy and her sister May could put  Dolly Parton to shame, they both were  5 foot nothing like the country singer and built like her tiny little waist and so topheavy you'd think they fall over.
He watched Daisy with great delight as his pants got tighter even with the loose boxes he hand on. Mitsunari hand to undo his belt as well as unbutton his slacks and it still wasn’t enough . in a breath he pulled Daisy to him and stopped her from fully slipping her arms out of her red blouse, which now hung just off her shoulders.
He placed his head in the valley of her breasts and breathed in her he sweet scent. she smelt of amber frankness and Muar and there was a soft rose floral note. he groaned on a breath as he breathed her in. he could not hold out much longer he was already throbbing aching with a carnal need.
Mitsunari took a ragged breath before he feathered kisses on the rounds of her breasts.  His hand came to both her oversized mounds and kneading theme before his finger hungrily pulled back the lacy fabric of her bra to reveal her large erect nipples. greedily he found one and took it into his mouth sucking on it and rolling his tongue over  the stiff nub  
Daisy's hands came to his head her fingers softly gripping at his silvery locks as he worked magic with his mouth on her luscious breasts. And  Oh  God,   he took his time in lavishing her full ripe melons drawing the sweetest and sinfully naughty gaps and moans from her. By the time he came up for air she was clinging to him her fingers so tightly threaded in his locks he knew if he moved from her she wouldn’t be able to stand on her own.
Mitsunari smoothly guided Daisy and laid her out on top of the set of schoolhouse desks. His hands sliding down her ribcage than her hips before he picked up one of her legs and locked it about his waist. With a hot carnal need he pulled her burning heat so tight agents his throbbing member he could feel how wet and ready she was for him even  though her panties  and his boxers
“Good god Daisy “ came his words filed with his passion and burning lust to have her.
He leaned down over her and took her lips in a heated needy kiss stealing any words she was about to say. Mitsunari drank from her lips like a man lost in the desert without water that hand just found an oasis. His tongue darted from his mouth and teased her lips to part so he could plumb it’s depths and coxing her tongue to dances with his. He groaned with delight into her mouth every time her hips would rock and grind agents his rock hard throbbing need, yet he never broke that claiming demanding kiss.
Daisy’s hands worked to pull his light plume color button-down dress shirt free of his slacks.  Mitsunari without breaking the kiss worked his elegant fingers nimbly down the row of buttons to reveal this well-toned chest. By the gods, her hands were like magic as they dance over his pecs and shoulders. Ahww the way her nails raked over his skin or how they bit in leaving little crescent moons on his shoulder blades this only pushed him deeper into sinful wanting.
The power and ferocity in which he kissed her left theme both breathless once he broke it. They both were panting and gasping for air. it was on a long soft moaned  that  dripped from Daisy’s  lips that shot  right through him like a wildfire
“Oh professor” it was just two words but what they did to him and his senses it was Madness and torture all in one. And he was lost in it
In one quick breath, his hands were pushing up her pencil skirt, hiking it all the up to reveal her black lace panties. her breath hitched and back arched when he feather soft, brushed a finger over her heated core through the lacy fabric covering it . and Oh how very very wet with need she was.
“Oh so needy whatever should I do “ came his words that sound more like something Mitsuhide would say, but coming for him they had a more devilishly sinful note to them “whatever you wish professor” Daisy panted out the words which tremble with her state of need.
Then there was that delight full gasp of plusher. God he so loved to hear that gasp from her wan he slipped a finger under the fabric and pushed into her hot wet core. Yes, he took his time in finger her twisting and turning a finger sometimes he added one more just to extract the right sounds from her he wanted to hear. And Oh when she cried out professor and yes he would reward her with teasing kisses on her inner thigh. He took his time in removing her panties before he went to write lyrics of love with mouth and tongue on her hidden pearl and the soft petals of her flowered core.
Daisy’s hips bucked as she found it hard to catch her breath and harder still to form words. Her hands once more found the silvery locks of  Mitsunari’s hair. Her grip on them so tightly she was pulling him closer to her sex she could feel him moan into it. Soon he hand brought her to the edge and sent her over it on a crashing tidal wave.  she cried out in her release praising him and all the gods in the havens.
Mitsunari slowly pulled himself from between her creamy thighs his lips and chin gleaming with her sweet nectar. His eyes were smoldering hot as there bore into her yellow-green hues. With his eyes locked on hers as he licked his fingers clean then his lips.
“My My Daisy you tasted delightful “ came his gravely husky words as he slowly prowled his chest over her exposed breasts.
His hand deftly pulled her panties down as he took her lips in a feverish kiss letting her taste of herself. With one hand he took hold of his throbbing shaft and guided to the opening of her slick wet love tunnel but he didn’t enter her just yet.
“I want to hear you begging me for what you truly want Daisy “ he purred out smoothly his eyes never leaving hers.
“Hnaw” she whimpered as her hips rocked up and pushed agents the  head of his throbbing shaft
“oh for the love of all that's holy fuck me already “her words were labored and spoken with gasping pants showing her eager hungry need to have him take her.
“Is that how you beg Daisy like a shameful slut and wanted whore” his words where a lustful growl as his hand came to her neck.
Mitsunari took hold of her neck his long fingers splayed out over her throat  He didn’t fully choke her but he applied enough pressure to give the feeling of it without cutting off her air supply. The power and control he felt right now were to his liking and he felt his own cock as it throbs in his hand in response. “Please please fuck me Mitsunari “ Daisy begged of him her hips rolling and bucking wildly under him
That was all he needed to hear from her before he barred himself hilt deep in her tight warm wet treasure chest.
Mitsunari took her with a fevered fury pounding in and out of her so fast and hard the desks he hand laid her on rattled and banged agents one another. And oh the things that came from his mouth the words he used he would never in his right mind say or call a lady. But he knew Daisy got off on some of the degrading things he was saying. And never once did his hand leave her throat that gentle but tight hold he had on it a reminder of his establishes dominance in control over her.
He railed here until they both came, and when he did find his release he buried himself so deep into her he knew he had hit her innermost wall.
Daisy arched her back her hips digging into his as her head lolled back she cried out his name with the hardest orgasm she had ever felt. Her hands where clutching tightly to his back and shoulder her nails having dawn blood she had been holding him that tightly. She felt his hand leave her neck and his lips softly kissing where his fingers hand left light red marks.  
It was a long while for both of theme to catch their breath. They both were panting and gasping hard. Every sweet soft kiss Mitsunari left on her came with him gasping for air until his breathing went back to normal.
Mitsunari took his time with some aftercare for Daisy, showing her that sweet loving side of himself that ever one knew so well. That said everyone thought he was.    
--- Hideyoshi hand walked in from the library’s back door to Mitsunari putting his hand on Daisy's neck to the moment the  mild-mannered angle of the group started to railed her like a sadistic spawn of the devil himself
Shock was not the word to describe the thoughts running rampant in Hideyoshi mind. Disbelief. Anger but not at the sweet angel that was now a devil in disguise. Oh no, he was going to have a nice long talk with Mitsuhide about this, then, then he was going to sit Mitsunari down and talk to him. It was a full ten minutes before  Hideyoshi realized he was watching theme like some peeping tom and a bright red blush came to his cheeks as he turned to leave. Thank god, that neither theme didn't hear him come in or leave.
---   At least an hour past as Mitsunari sat on the floor Daisy between his legs, her back pressed to his chest as they cuddled to gather. There clothing was full righted now shirts and blouses all buttoned back up and tucked back into place they exchanged some of the sweetest hugs and kisses before Dazy spoke up
“It’s late and if I know May she going to worried about me”  her words were spoken in her normal sweet soft tone
  Mitsunari nuzzled  the back of her neck “and what if I want you to stay the night “ he asked
Daisy  moved her head to his shoulder and look up to this face “mmm is that an offer form more “ she  asked
He  just chuckled softly as he spoke “and what if it is “
“I'm sold, “ she said with breathy words
The smile he gave  was blinding “ than let me get your coat and my things “
he offered a hand to her as he spoke and helped her to her feet before going to fetch her coat and putting it around her shoulders. He then gathered this briefcase blazer and navy style winter coat
Daisy locked the back door to the Library before taking Mitsunari’s arm and walking home with him for some more after-hours experimenting and fun with him...  
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iamsielow · 4 years
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They Fell Carol Burnett, TV and stage star of the late 20th century, used to tug on one of her ears at the end of her TV show to signal to her watching family that things were well. It is said that after years of doing so her tugged ear hung an inch or so lower than the other.
One of the things I've always felt was good about bras, especially sports bras that, besides eliminating bounce (+/-), they also slowed down sag. Many were the topless photos from strange lands we've see as boys where the tits hung down, down, down the woman's body while in today's world, either by the lifelong use of restraints or via plastic surgery -- I do not know for sure* -- there are 60 even seventy year old breasts (or rather breasts on 70 on women years old, since the breast is never the age of the person) which still have a perkiness about them and do not, not always, hang to the belly button and beyond.
For men, and as an overweight, older man, I used to credit my tight shirts with preventing my belly from developing AND falling! The pressure of one size too small T-Shirts, either by accident or design, kept me looking trim and the effect carried over even without the T-shirts worn 24/7. The fat did not freely travel as much so my shape remained, more or less, boxy than apple.
In addition to this, my preference of briefs over boxers also kept things in place. My entire body, from stem to stern, lashed together like the riggings on a sailboat; preventing anything from shall we say, falling overboard.
Then came the COVID-19 virus scare of 2020. As civilization fell and people were confined to their homes (I had nowhere to go anyway) I found my clothing slowing disappearing. "Who needs shirts and t-shirts when this nice fuzzy robe is warm and never needs washed?"
Eventually, it seems, I also lost my underpants.
I am not quite sure WHEN it happened; I only remember a rare knock on my door and thinking, "Opps! No underwear! Keep the robe closed!"
Thus I became, for a time, that reclusive gent down the street who lives in the dark house and is only dressed in a robe -- for a time -- hopefully ending soon. But then something bad, bad, bad happened.  A warning from those who had lived before me finally arrived!  A warning of something that should have happened back 10-20 years ago but never really occurred so I forgot about it.
This last weekend -- they fell.
Yes, THEY.
I went to sleep in my robe, a normal, happy man-thing and woke up a Brahma bull.
Oh my goodness!
You notice this the moment you get up to pee. Where yesterday you hopped out of bed -- as much as any 240 year old man can hop out of bed – to take that morning whiz as happy as anything to have survived the night terrors, and the next day you hope out of bed and say, "DAMN! What did I run into?" It doesn't take very many steps until the answer comes back, "Yourself!" WHAT??? WAIT A MINUTE! Correction, pee first -- CAREFULLY pee first and THEN: "WHAT??!!?! What is going on here?"
You look down and suddenly realize you do NOT have four knees -- the two you have loved all your life and two new, smaller ones, but rather the long predicted has happened and the boys have fallen in the battle of life. Woo-wee (and not in a nice way), what a change this brings into your life! You think to yourself, “No longer will I be able to use the phrase, ‘I’m just like you.  I put my pants on one leg at a time.’.”  Nope!  Now it will be:  “First leg first, careful with the load!, and last leg last.” No long will I jump into my pants on the floor -- outer, inner or under -- as I did in the past.  Now I shall have to jump into the pants on the floor and wait for the swinging to stop before pulling them up. I now have an appreciation for slowly walking along the beaten path, rather a quick, beating walk along that same path. Now the beating I take when walking fast has a lot more notice than in the past!
A few years back, a precursor to this was given to me when I discovered that, for some reason, riding my bike reminded me more of those ancient toys, the Clackers more than the fun times I had a small child.
These days, if you see me sitting with my legs angled like a pretty girl showing her ankles, pray you do not see possible ankles from the bottom of my outerwear. My outerwear!  I had forgotten!  In days past, ratty underwear was not an issue even while in gym shorts.  But now gym shorts will need to be paired with complete, secure underwear.  Otherwise, any exercise could be one where the looks I am getting shall not be in admiration of my hardened “guns” but of my need for longer gym shorts!
Shoot!  As I consider my new life, I cannot but wonder if there is some sort of “confinement” type of garment I am supposed to wear from here on out. I keep imagining some sort of “backpack” but worn a LOT lower and perhaps in the front.** ** UPDATED:  Turns out there is.  It’s called a “Mankini” and if my abs looked like his I wouldn’t mind the need to wear it. But they don’t so I do. ... My only hope is that when I go in for my last operation in this form, a few years from now, in addition to ridding the excessive skin (as they did in a previous surgery) they might be able to lessen my hang time by a couple of inches as well. Until then, I guess I’ll just walk more slowly and with greater care as well as keeping my undies as whole as possible so that the carrying aspects continue. Who knows?  Maybe if I start wearing underwear again, the nature absorption of skin will occur (it really does) and my luggage rack will go back to a carry-on rather than the check-in it currently is. *Note from above:  When speaking of some of the benefits of bras, there is a secret that possibly not even all women know about. I had some “plastic surgery” years ago. After some drastic weight loss, I had some excess skin removed. I was given a pamphlet disk (CD) of before and after views of what plastic surgery could do for a person, man or woman. As I explored the disk outside the programmed presentation, I was surprised to discover a treasure trove of before and after photos included on the disk for different presentations. Gentlemen, and possibly some ladies, you have NO IDEA the shaping and maneuvering a bra gives to some women.
I am, and have been, beyond the giggle and pointing phase of life for most of my life.  Many are the physical mutants and people of “different dressed” activities who are surprised when I treat them like people and not the various aspects they either possess or display. Thus it was that when I stumbled upon the giant collection of “before” photos on the plastic surgery disk, my eyes widened and my mouth went “Oh my god!” Oh, this goes WAY beyond one breast hanging a foot down further than another.  This goes WAY beyond an “innie” breast that is almost belly button in aspects. No, no, no.  There are breast out there that are pyramid in shape.  Some that look like poorly constructed balloon animals, and others that ... even to this day I cannot accurately describe.  Let us just say that “All breasts have NOT been created equal.” and leave it at that.
I also learned that plastic surgeons also correct a LOT of stomach deformations I never would have imagined existed outside of science-fiction make-up department. So let’s just also say that if having children does not fix the issue, or if the issue comes AFTER the children have been weaned, please, go to a plastic surgeon for a consult.  After viewing these endless examples, I can assure you, there are very, very few oddities a plastic surgeon has not seen, even if only in pictures. **I Am Sielow, These are my words.If you like what you've read, PLEASE hit the SUBSCRIBE button!  I’d like to know I’m reaching you.  I’d also ask you to share the post and recommend my works to others.If you'd like to see other items I've posted, look for my blog at: https://iamsielow.tumblr.com/archive If you like what you have seen and read, please consider supporting me at: www.subscribestar.com/IamSielow I am also (soon to be) on YouTube as IAmSielow.
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5 Methods to Make Marketing Far more
As Advertising departments are having a bigger function in buyer encounter management, a more holistic point of view will permit your business rise to the best of the area. Supporting the total consumer lifecycle, for case in point, is a purpose that most Advertising and marketing organizations are still grappling with. Everybody acknowledges that buyer retention is far more cost-effective than acquisition, yet Marketing and advertising tends to put the vast majority of its methods in awareness-building and income conversion. Sources committed to submit-obtain client encounter management have a tendency to be repurchase strategies and loyalty programs. There'€™s so significantly a lot more possibility to be reaped, and so a lot far more nurturing that can be done, yet it is not just a make a difference of throwing much more methods at it, but instead, controlling Advertising and marketing far more holistically via-and-by means of. Advertising can easily get trapped in the weeds of executing plans, fire-preventing sudden dilemmas, and leaping on new suggestions. In the continuous treadmill of day-to-day lifestyle, entrepreneurs could be lacking substantial-value options. What'€™s essential is far more than high-degree pondering, or creating your once-a-year plan, or pondering out-of-the-box. '€œStrategic' merely means something is immediately aimed at achieving what a whole business, system, or undertaking relies upon on. It is steering the ship, foreseeable future-oriented, and extensively empowering. Listed here are five methods Marketing and advertising can boost strategic affect. It is all about connecting: ambitions, men and women, metrics, processes, and info. 1. Link to Enterprise Ambitions Context is the mantra for generating something strategic. When absolutely everyone sees a obvious connection between what you are undertaking and what the business desires to turn into you'€™ll be seen as introducing strategic worth. Just take a appear at your corporation'€™s strategic aims and find a way to articulate the relationship amongst every single thing Advertising and marketing is performing towards them. If you find it a bit difficult for any Advertising endeavor, which is probably a sign that things are turning into tangential relatively than benefit-including, at minimum from the viewpoint of essential stakeholders who hold Marketing'€™s purse strings. Maintain the strategic link front-and-center for absolutely everyone so they'€™ll increase to the celebration in that strategic context. 2. Connect Folks Men and women will always be the source of innovation and efficiency, and men and women working in silos is not strategic, specially when silo work outputs are mis-matched, duplicated, reinvent the wheel, or get scrapped. Just take a appear at who'€™s undertaking what, maintain your ear to the ground for opportunities to introduce men and women to every other, and help them uncover simple methods to coordinate and collaborate together. It will always be less complicated and far more effective when you recommend folks connections in the context of striving for business targets as common floor and shared vision. 3. Link Metrics Metrics shape perceptions and behaviors, so they are strong toward helping the company turn out to be what it needs to grow to be '€” or not. A single of the most neglected opportunities to get more strategic price from your metrics is to hook up them throughout a Marketing approach. Consider a search at a Advertising region which is intently tied to organization objectives, and dissect what that Advertising region does: tracking outputs may be obvious, but how about monitoring the inputs that area depends upon? And what about the early warning alerts that tell you whether or not that region is on-course or in threat of veering off course? Join these metrics from inputs to warning indicators to process outputs to industry overall performance, and you'€™ve received a strategic equipment that is eye-opening and empowering to doers and stakeholders alike. 4. Link Processes Procedures that are nicely-made and connected can totally free-up methods, enhance work-flow, and preserve everybody accountable to 1 another. Damaged processes lead to tons of squander: cherished time and funds, patience, lost possibilities, turnover, blind places, and so forth. Silo procedures face the same risks. Get a look at every thing Advertising and marketing does as a flow, and see what epiphanies emerge. For case in point, the Marketplace Analysis function'€™s outputs could supply crucial inputs to the Need Gen function'€™s processes, which might give important inputs into Sales procedures, which could supply essential inputs to the Market place Research function. Not almost everything is circular, but a great deal of factors could most likely have a lot more connectivity and stream than your recent processes are enabling. Link processes inside of each functional location, and in between useful locations, and you will uncover new methods to develop strategic price. 5. Join Knowledge Data spells electrical power when it'€™s related to paint powerful pictures, to see insightful designs, and to present connections between X, Y and Z. In and of alone, any data level might be useful, but when you connect info, the value can become exponential. Consider a look at different resources of related knowledge and see what emerges when you join disparate sources to see a lot more angles on the info. Consider a search close to the firm at other purposeful regions that may possibly have information that could increase yours. For instance, design groups typically collect specified sorts of customer data, and the branding groups collects relevant consumer information: why not share throughout groups? There'€™s a treasure trove of strategic course to be acquired by busting knowledge silos. Conclusion Indeed, busting silos is an awesome route towards generating Marketing strategic. It will propel others'€™ perceptions of you as currently being strategic much more speedily than anything else, brief of being crowned winner of a strategic initiative per se. Silo-busting in the ways described over is anything you can do with no waiting around for a formal decree. Make it your purpose this year to link targets, individuals, metrics, processes or knowledge, and you are going to uncover big pluses in efficiency, morale, staff tenure and career paths, accolades from your stakeholders, and most importantly, large strides with buyer romantic relationship strength. Connecting the dots is crucial to keep your Advertising and marketing business flourishing, and clients purchasing and evangelizing.
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