#but it's not eased with killing like it is when hes a Durge. just regular undead hunger pains
hcadlesshuntcr · 5 months
I do think the idea of Eirnin being a companion would be Funnie. Thinking about him going to Baulder's Gate to join the Harpers (I think he'd make a fine Harper). A lot of "Eirnin disapproves" when talking about helping the big three. Embracing the tadpole. Trusting the emperor. He has Kendrick level hate for THAT mf, a talk for another time. Doing tasks for certain randos without asking for money (unless the well-being of kids/those considered innocent is involved).
He's very helpful when dealing with Ethel in act 1. He picks up on her in the drove. Finding her again and passing that nature check that hides her comes easy for him. He tells your TAV/Durge to knock out her masked, so they can come back to remove them after they defeat her. Not to talk to that panicking drow. He's neutral to the use of the wand, being undead himself. He does warn the woman her husband won't be as she knew him.
In act two he's helpful when dealing with that pixie. He'll talk to her if your TAV/Durge is annoyed by her. He speaks her language and will hold onto the bell to activate it when it comes time. There is HEAVY disapproval that comes with making another moon lantern. He's very eager to meet Jaheira.
He comes through again with Ethel in act three. He's VERY excited abt that hagsbane recipe >:)). He'll offer to make it for you. You get approval if you let him. You'll also get approval letting Conner rest. Heavy disapproval when taking Raphael's deal HEAVY approval tearing through the House of Hope. He's been dying all over again to kill Raphael.
His good ending is him joining the Harpers. A romance ending varies, but it's ideally the two of you traveling together, either as Harpers together, or to be more independent contractors together. A bad ending with him involves him in service to a higher power. Maybe joining that thieves guild you find in the sewers, I fucking forget their names. That or that other group that I'm forgetting that dresses in yellow. He's good at stealing, and people already assume the worst of him when they know what he is. He either shows up at the end party with a lot to say or nothing at all.
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