#later u get to meet RUIS!!!
hcadlesshuntcr · 5 months
I do think the idea of Eirnin being a companion would be Funnie. Thinking about him going to Baulder's Gate to join the Harpers (I think he'd make a fine Harper). A lot of "Eirnin disapproves" when talking about helping the big three. Embracing the tadpole. Trusting the emperor. He has Kendrick level hate for THAT mf, a talk for another time. Doing tasks for certain randos without asking for money (unless the well-being of kids/those considered innocent is involved).
He's very helpful when dealing with Ethel in act 1. He picks up on her in the drove. Finding her again and passing that nature check that hides her comes easy for him. He tells your TAV/Durge to knock out her masked, so they can come back to remove them after they defeat her. Not to talk to that panicking drow. He's neutral to the use of the wand, being undead himself. He does warn the woman her husband won't be as she knew him.
In act two he's helpful when dealing with that pixie. He'll talk to her if your TAV/Durge is annoyed by her. He speaks her language and will hold onto the bell to activate it when it comes time. There is HEAVY disapproval that comes with making another moon lantern. He's very eager to meet Jaheira.
He comes through again with Ethel in act three. He's VERY excited abt that hagsbane recipe >:)). He'll offer to make it for you. You get approval if you let him. You'll also get approval letting Conner rest. Heavy disapproval when taking Raphael's deal HEAVY approval tearing through the House of Hope. He's been dying all over again to kill Raphael.
His good ending is him joining the Harpers. A romance ending varies, but it's ideally the two of you traveling together, either as Harpers together, or to be more independent contractors together. A bad ending with him involves him in service to a higher power. Maybe joining that thieves guild you find in the sewers, I fucking forget their names. That or that other group that I'm forgetting that dresses in yellow. He's good at stealing, and people already assume the worst of him when they know what he is. He either shows up at the end party with a lot to say or nothing at all.
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aroace-poly-show · 5 months
OK so I know it isn't a vocaloid song but I've recently been thinking... and "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men is a h☆w song to me...
Like. Hear me out. It's a conversation between h☆w members trying to comfort each other
(The second lines – the "replies", I'm putting them as the other hw member I feel would work the best for that, but it could be full unit or member + vocaloid too)
I don't like walking around this old and empty house
(So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear)
So the first line could be both Emu and Tsukasa but... if u think of the Wonder Stage as a place Emu felt at home at, and the fact that now it's old, broken, in need of repairs and, most importantly, empty. Because no-one is performing there anymore and it's abandoned and closed down. So while Emu loves this place so much, it must still pain her to be there and see the state it's at
But then h☆w come and oh. there's someone actually at her side telling her it's OK to be upset over that and are willing to be with her and comfort her and fight with her for her dream. I put this as tsks because of - as i understand it - his involvement in reclaiming the Wonder stage later and him being the one encouraging hw to try again and being there for them constantly if uou get what I mean. Like he's holding their hands and saying to keep going, I'll be here with uou to support you
The stairs creak as you sleep, it's keeping me awake
(It's the house telling you to close your eyes)
Hngnhhh imagine if tsukasa, aside from the normal hw night activities, has trouble falling asleep if he hears any noises at the house at night becsuse he instantly feels this anxiety rise up in him that Something happened again and that in a second he'll hear rushed steps and painful breaths and it'll be another late night hospital visit and–
Also smth about the house being so quiet u can hear these sounds and that making him feel like he's alone bc it's so silent
But then he's reassured and reminded that. It's okay now. He's not alone and there's nothing wrong (and also to take care of himself and get enough sleep hshfh) I like to imagine this line as emu because she seems like the type who would say something so sweet and also whimsical like "it's the house's lullaby!" about the creaking or smth if she ever hears him maybe complain about it on call or something
And some days I can't even dress myself
It's killing me to see you this way
OIYHHH HW RUINENE.... Nene struggling with her appearance (I imagine she has trouble looking in the mirror sometimes... especially with the hair and all... maybe its unbrushed often because she doesn't want to think about it...)
And also her being so demotivated and with so much anxiety that she switched to homeschooling and sometimes just having the same clothes for days, maybe even not dressing up at all, staying at home all day because she's too scared of going out and meeting people and being judged... especially during the worst days
And oh rui who's been there for her the whole time and who sees all this and there's nothing that pains him more than seeing his best friend like this and who doesn't know how to help much and just wishes so much he could do something to comfort and help her out yknow...
'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
This is just. All of hw. They're each others' safe space and they carry and support each other when one isn't strong enough to handle their struggles and no matter what might happen, this one fact doesn't change
There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back
Well, tell her that I miss our little talks
AND THEN RUI with his whole villanising himself because of all the rumours about him and what everyone around calls him, thinks about him that's made him give up shows because he's so scared of hurting someone else (im looking at u hw wonder halloween), so scared of dragging others into his mess, so scared of someone being treated wrong just because they're with him. Again. And he can't help this thinking and it's just completely freezing him
And again Nene. Who's also been there the whole time. Who remembers putting on shows together as kids and how happy they both used to be, how free rui was about his inventions and ideas, how fun it was just to talk and discuss their little plays and how she misses that. How she misses that Rui. But still she feels so guilty bc she blames herself for how he is toox and yet also wants to help him so so much too
Soon it will be over and buried with our past
We used to play outside when we were young
And full of life and full of love
Again ruinene kind of... looking back on how free and unbothered and they used to be in the past but how hard and empty it is now...and how much closer they were but now there's this rift between them because of this guilt they share and self depreciation and thinking they're at fault for everything and oughdhjh....
Also something about Tsukasa's dream – and himself tbh – being more "full of life & love" when he was younger bc he remembered the reason for his purpose. And his acting being more to play and make others happy than about not failing another audition and finally succeeding and being famous. And so he was more sincerely determined. And because he didn't experience all that failure yet so he was brighter. He didn't have all those darker thoughts and broken hopes and deeply etched loneliness making him unwilling to let himself open up about his struggles and let himself be loved too
Like he's still his enthusiastic self but. It's not the same as when he was younger. Am I making sense
Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right
Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear
I honestly can't decide
It could be. And this is the most fitting to me? Emu with the Wonder stage worrying if she's even right for trying to fight for it and grandpa's dream becsuse that's "not right for the business" and "stupid" and "childish" and all but then hw joining her and making her realise its not just OK, it's worth it
It could be tsukasa with his dream? And the whole "u don't have what it takes to be a star" thing making him doubt himself and if he's even right for this and what else is his purpose even and was he wrong for fighting for all of this. And then rui woukd be replying bc of whatever the ruikasa scene ure planning for main story is
Could also be ruinene and their whole thinking they don't deserve the other and were they even right to do what they did foe the other in thr past? Nene agonising over inviting rui to that troupe which ended terribly and he was just ostracised more, rui over "rubbing off" his bad reputation on nene and ruining her relationship with the troupe bc he tried to protect her. Yknow. And idk how u plan for them to deal with all that but I'm guessing emukasa somehow help so they could be the reply. Or they could be replying to each other really bc they both feel guilty but also both try to reassure the other they did nothing wrong
The chorus is mostly vibes and could be sang by all of them but
Don't listen to a word I say (Hey)
The screams all sound the same (Hey)
These are just. ALL OF THEM being Physically Unable To Talk About Their Issues and brushing off the concern of others and thinking the others have it worse and they don't need help and everything. I hate them so much
But then
Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore (hey, hey)
Already covered this but. Even despite everything they're still trying to support each other however they can and slowly helping others and also letting themselves open up and accept help
You're gone, gone, gone away, I watched you disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
EMU 👏 AND 👏 HER 👏 UNPROCESSED 👏 GRIEF 👏 and pxl and the Wonder stage being the only thing that's left of her grandpa but all that still being taken away from her and on its way to disappear too. Like a ghost she can't touch or feel and almost doesn't feel real bc of how it's almost dead
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do
Just let me go, we'll meet again soon
Just. Ruinene. And their screwed up relationship. And both thinking it can never rly be fixed bc they'll always feel too guilty themselves and like they'll just ruin it again bc they don't deserve the other and HNNDNFJKFOUTGHHJJFJHH
But still the last line makes me think like. That they'll "meet" again soon with like. Their true feelings. They'll face each other with what they really feel and learn how to mend it all and they'll focus a bit on themselves too. Learn to also let go of the other a little bit to also think about themselves and what they need too yknow. Am I making sense
Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around
TSUKASA. Tsukasa who hasn't given up on his dream as the last one. Tsukass who hopes to tell them "don't give up on your dreams yet", tsukasa whos trying to say "if you wait I'll show you it can be done" but he needs time, he just needs to succeed for once, so please hang around and I'll show you and give you your hope and dreams back (also again smth about not wanting to be left alone. "Please wait for me (don't leave)" even when he fails again and again even though they dont know that)
I'll see you when I fall asleep
This isnt anything special really its just. Hw meeting at night HAHDHAH... maybe it could work for their sekai too as a metaphor or smth...??? but anyway basically just that. They all sing it
Then the chorus just repeats and I already talked about it so... yeah...
That's it hdhshd it's been on my mind a lot I love this song and it's just so comforting when u think about hw... them all supporting each other....
I love your au so much thank uou for making it sorry for the long ass ask HASHH
i am going to explode /pos KERI THIS IS SO GOODDDD URBEDBAHBDBANA i dont have like. additions here really. this is great ty. although. something abt the “now wait wait wait for me please hang around” line and hw being Abandonment Issues: The Unit JNFKSNDKANJDJWK
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pharaohbean · 7 months
Hey, saw your Prsk Unit Shuffle AU and am very interested in seeing more.
In particular, I'm interested in hearing more about how the groups formed. It's always neat to see how these characters first meet and interact under different circumstances. And, as a little bonus, maybe what their "Untitled"/theme song is, because I feel like that's a very key part of a unit's identity that tends to be overlooked.
(Not sure if you're still interested in asks about this AU. If not, sorry for bugging you about it)
GASP HELLO I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY UNIT SHUFFLE AU im so sorry this too forever to get u back on!! schoolwork is a pain and then i went SHOPPING (which takes forever :sob:)
okok so i haven't really thought about all the details of how they get together? so bear with me this is a rough draft lol
SSS: the idea at the core of this group is that its a family with different strengths coming together to make music. so tsukasa is the scriptwriter, saki is the lyricist, toya is the choreographer, and kanade is the composer! the group is headed by tsukasa, who's actually been putting on these shows for all of them since he was a kid. as he got older, he started taking stardom more seriously (leading into canon), but an incident in middle school ended up with the tenmas legally adopting toya, so that definitely shook things up for tsukasa (in a good way!). so i think that (+ l/n not reforming, which does happen in the SSS main story) allowed tsukasa and saki to consider banding their strengths together, since tsukasa loved putting on shows and saki loved seeing them, but she would also help put them on for toya (and later kanade, when she joins them not long after toya does). the two of them very quickly realize that they need more hands, and although recruiting kanade as composer is easy (bc 25ji never forms- dont ask why im still figuring that out lol) toya is a lot harder bc he's still active under BAD DOGS with akito. however, with akito picking up AWR around the same time (+ hatsune freaking miku appearing to toya), toya does join under their choreographer as for their untitled, their song is Wonderland and the Sheep's Song by Hachi, but I worked out their line distributions to this lovely KYO cover! you can see my color-coded lyrics for them here if you're interested :)
R/l: im gonna be 100% honest with you SSS and AWR are the only ones with any semblance of a plot rn LOL but here's the base idea around R/l: mizuki and rui both congregate on the kami school rooftop bc, yknow, loners (mizuki is never reached out to by kanamafu, so not 25ji on their part. tsukasa doesnt end up applying for phoenix so wxs doesn't have a chance of forming). at some point, i imagine they got talking about music, but never did anything concrete. but not long into the main story (probably the very start) an also joins them, her dream of surpassing rad weekend getting weaker as she struggles to find a partner (koha will be explained later) so she goes to hang with her friend on the rooftop. at some point, mizu and an both accidentally enter sekai, where they meet miku and len. those two tell them that there's still two others they need to find because they also made the sekai. mizu and an get.... maybe a little too excited over this. an takes this chance to invite her friend haruka over to kami (so she transfers) and join the group, but in their search for their fourth member they end up accidentally alienating rui (ironic). they fix that tho-- although HOW i dont know lol their untitled was one i went back and forth on (tbh only SSS and AWR i didnt lol), but i eventually decided on Untitled Hymn by shaito! their color-coded lyrics are here (i just realized you can barely tell where an is in lines but ehhh)
ATD: okay so. ATD is the group thats given the most gosh-darn trouble. ive revised their cast motivations like, TWICE now. but basically it goes like this: shizuku and mafuyu are both members of the archery club, with mafuyu trusting shizuku so much that her public mask slips a couple of times (against her will). shizuku's not dumb, but she doesn't say anything bc i think she understands that mafu has her secrets. after shizuku quits being an idol (on more of her own terms), she still wants to find a way to share the light she had before that seemed to reach mafu a few times. enter: accidental sekai trip! this trip both gives shizu the idea for an online group (which could sorta count as MMJ but i think the big distinction is they do more streamer/vtuber stuff and less purely idol stuff?? im still working on that) and lets her see mafu with her mask fully off. eventually, shizu drags nene into the business (nene never attends kami here, workin on that) bc shizu and mafu have no idea how streaming works and nene does, but nene likes hiding behind the camera but is still a part of the group bc who can say no to shizu? and hona joins at shizu's request bc they're both beautification members (and apparently hona+mafu are both honors students so i wonder if they have some overlap?? can you tell ive never attended public school lol) their untitled gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE. because ATD is supposed to be a weird mix of 25ji and mmj? but all of their songs get swiped by either R/l, AWR, or even SSS, so it was hard to find something that i thought could be specifically them. eventually, i finally decided on Common World Domination by PinocchioP! Their color-coded lyrics can be found here :)
MxC: oh boy this one's a doozy. so the idea here is like... there are underground music rings? which sounds wild but like if music is vaguely the lifeblood of this world i DONT CARE it can happen! i don't wanna make it life-threatening tho so its more like... you get blacklisted from everything. which for shiho--who got sucked into this world in an attempt to find bandmates--is VERY BAD. but shiho's given a little bit to find a band before their first performance, but with l/n definitely gone their separate ways (and she never wanted to involve them in the first place) she's kinda stuck. enter: airi and ena! both of them had been watching the music battles, unsatisfied with their current lives (airi having just quit idol/tv work, ena just frustrated over her art), but airi knows shiho thru miya, and when she heard about shiho's impending doom, she resolved herself to very quickly learn guitar and join her group, roping ena (who has a little bit of drum experience from akito and mom) into it as well. meanwhile, while all of this is going on, kohane (being the sweet soul she is) has been trailing shiho out of concern, but then is entirely horrified at the underground battles bc shes still pre-canon meek. but she really wants to help shiho, so she agrees to try and learn keyboard. after clearing the first battle, shiho and her group are safe--for now. they'll have to clear a lot more battles if they want to escape the underground their untitled is Hello Builder by UtsuP since i wanted them to have harsher rock songs than l/n (bordering on metal-ish)! color-coded lyrics here :)
AWR: funny story--all of the above units were made in the order listed! so i got to AWR and... i have ichika, minori, emu, and akito. and im like "NONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON". and then i went. "WAIT. THATS IT!" so here's how AWR goes: ichika still tries to reform l/n, but fails; minori is still trying to become an idol; and emu is still trying to revive the wonder stage. all three of them, all attending miya ofc, end up bonding over this and they start thinking. is there a way to satisfy all three of their dreams (band, idol, and show) at once? and at FIRST the answer is "no lol" so they go exploring. and somehow someway (workin on that) word finds out about this and some guy on vivid street dares akito to try and fix em into shape in a week. akito--being akito--accepts quite hotheadedly, then quickly realizes that maybe this wasnt a good idea?? because EVERYONE has a different music taste and its almost impossible to keep up with them all!!! but eventually they do figure it all out, and by the end none of them wanted to split apart or anything. AWR is i think the group that has the least amount of direction which might be on purpose. i think (again im rambling rn so) part of their story is figuring out what their direction is going to be! their untitled is Lip Sync by DECO*27, written as a part of holo*27 (hi no im not rlly into vtubers i just like their music) but i count it bc its written by a voca producer and this would not be the first time a non-vocaloid sung a unit song (cough cough mafumafu and tuyu). you CAN find my color-coded lyrics here.... but i did the translations. which means they're pretty much 98% google translated then bonked around to make sense. i dont know japanese please dont sue me
i hope you enjoy my indepth explanation!!! im always happy to talk about these guys :D
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fyodoro · 2 years
Could you do Rui with a s/o that’s personality is like ena? (from nightcord) so like not Ena herself but the s/o is similar to her personality wise if that’s ok !
All Life is Ridiculously Pretty
Hi anon:] of course it’s ok! hope you like it
Rui with a reader similar to Ena Shinonome
Reader seeks validation (did u guys read on this blank canvas i paint… it’s one of the best event stories frfr), Akito is a shithead, brief mentions of both reader and Rui overworking
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How you and Rui met was… odd. It was at school but much later in the day. Him and Tsukasa were cleaning up one of his messes, and saw you, Ena, Toya and Akito.
Of course, Tsukasa had to join the group no matter how out of place he was. So Rui followed suit. And that’s when…
“I don’t want these two weirdos around my sister, they’re just going to make her weirder.”
“If you’re going to insult Ena you might as well insult me as well, there’s not much of a difference.” Oh?
Rui liked how straightforward you were with your words. He found himself chuckling at the conversation much to Akito’s annoyance.
“Face it Akito, you are what you hang out with! So that means you’re just as weird as the rest of us here. Sorry, Toya.”
Ena started laughing like a maniac when Akito stormed off with Toya, thanking you for putting her little brother in his place before heading to her night classes. Rui found your antics entertaining, you were so straightforward with your words and didn’t hold back, it felt refreshing.
“I don’t believe we’ve met before… who might you be?”
“F/N, F/N L/N. And I believe you’re Rui Kamishiro? I’ve heard about you from Akito and Mizuki. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
And that’s how it all started.
Tsukasa teases Rui about his crush often. He’ll call you over mid conversation with Rui just to see how he reacts. But he’s actually very smooth about it, carrying on a conversation with Tsukasa now including you very well and asking for your input.
When you tell Rui you do a lot of art, he starts asking for tips that can make his sketches of future projects look better. You’re slightly caught off guard that he immediately assumes you know so much, but appreciate it none the less.
Rui is always complimenting your art, even if it’s just a little doodle in class, he’s still telling you it looks perfect. You try to hide your embarrassment which barely works. His praise feels more important than other’s praise to you, so you try your best to make him notice any doodles you do in school or completed artwork.
You two also bond over how easily you can get absorbed in your work. Rui, who absorbs himself in all his robotic projects and you who absorbs yourself in your art. Both of you laugh at how much time passes without realizing once it’s finished. But in that same conversation, you remind each other it’s still important to take care of yourselves.
“As lovely as your art is, you’re needs should come first. Maybe next time you can set a timer to take a break?”
This is also how he finds out about your crave for attention and praise. You tell him that “breaks aren’t needed, but perfection is or else no one will notice.” He grows concerned by this, and promises that no matter how it looks he’ll be there to support your work.
That day you go home with a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest. ‘Even if it’s not perfect, he’ll still like it?’
After that conversation, you both came to realize how you really feel about each other. Rui wouldn’t simply always praise his other friends all the time for no reason, but he does with you. So why? Oh
You wouldn’t seek everyone’s opinion immediately after anything you do, Rui is always the first one you go to before anyone else. You weren’t like this before to anyone else, why now? Oh.
It took awhile, but you both realized!
You try to be subtle in your hints, lightly brushing your hand against his when you’re walking to the next class or slightly leaning towards him in a group setting. Rui however, is not subtle at all.
The hand brushes? He’s just going to take your hand in his. The leaning? He’s already putting his arm around you. And this guy keeps a straight face the whole time while you’re trying your hardest not to go red. It’s like a competition, who can make the other burst first?
On one of the days you’re both feeling bold, you’re practically glued to his side as he keeps an arm around your shoulder. Akito, Tsukasa, Mizuki, and An are all in the group as well while this is happening. And..
“So Rui, F/N, how long have you two been dating now?”
Mizuki’s question is what makes you both burst into red. Do you really look like you’re dating?
“Oh yeah, I’ve been wondering as well! You two just one day started holding hands and I kept forgetting to ask.”
Both you and Rui look at each other trying to think of what to say. Does this count as dating even if neither of you made it official?
“We’ve been together for a few weeks.” / “We aren’t dating.”
Did he really just say that? To everyone? You did not agree to this answer! Now what do you say? No matter what it’s going to make this a lot more awkward. You felt Rui staring at you as Akito cackled, getting the wrong idea that Rui just got rejected. Which of course, Rui knew this wasn’t true.
Rui swiftly leaned down to kiss you- right on the lips- which made everyone shocked, even Rui.
“Well it’s a mutual agreement now, yes? Akito, is it still laughing worthy?”
This feels so rushed I’m so srry but nywayssss… 22k crystals saved for Akito’s banner on Friday😮 skrunkly is getting dragged home by the bleached strand in his hair and I will spark him if I must
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dude i just came up with the most tragic life for someone's grandma
jk jk it's just daya's grandma
so basically daya has a grandma because she has a mom ofc ofc and we all know where babies come from BUT this is where it gets fun
silvia ibarra iglesias was born in Year 38 of the post-apocalypse which was honestly kinda hectic since people were still getting used to everything being new and shit and this poor little gal was just a baby transfem struggling to fit into her tiny little nomad group
and bascially she gets older yada yada yada has teresa (daya's mom) and then everything is great because her daughter meets a guy and he's pretty chill boom they're in love boom now there's a baby daya running around boom now silvia gotta take care of this kid bc by the way teresa is now In Charge of the nomad group (and Rui (daya's dad) is a supportive king hes the loml i adore this man) boom boom boom community shenanigans boom happiness
oh and then
imagine ur just some gal. just some girl. just someones grandma. and then ur nomad group starts traveling again when ur grandkid is 6
and so you become mute because of the amount of trauma that comes with being the alleged lone survivor of your ENTIRE FAMILY and you become the children's caretaker inside the nomad group
and then ur grandkid that got lost shows up again?? not dead?? asking hey what happened to mom. and also dad??? and you have to tell the child that is now NINEtEEN YEARS OLD that you believed to be DEAD that her parents, cousin and aunt died??? like just a few years after she got lost??
and then she leaves you again. fully willingly this time tho so u're left alone but ur happier now because at least she's alive. and u make her promise to visit. and she promises and with tears in her eyes holds out her pinky finger and whispers through cracked lips "pinky promise, abuela."
yeaj anyway i love silvia ibarra iglesias so fuckin much <3
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hana-the-ghostieee · 9 months
alrighty ruikasa nation! hii
uhm so in the footnotes of my i think it was Yoru Magai??? translation i said i was drafting an mv for my che che check 1 2 ruikasa cover idea concept thing. this is the thing i was drafting.
so without further ado. iiiiii preseeeeeeeent.
(under the cut cuz i'm a selectively considerate person yw mobile users)
Che-Che-Check, 1! 2! by 和田たけあき ft. Kamishiro Rui & Tenma Tsukasa
2DMV (Fan 2DMV i guess)
first of all. assume it's in a similar, but colored, style to the Chururira Chururira Daddadda 5-year anniversary self-cover's MV. okay let's do this!
[intro with epic guitar riffs] (チェッチェッチェックワンツー)
nothing much, just the title (+ credits)
[verse 1] (ねえ、先生、君の低い声が大好きね~)
<vocal: Tsukasa Tenma>
- switch between camera and tsukasa pov -
wxs hangeth outes. on the rooftop i guess. through most of the lines it's at camera pov but at the end of the lines, it's at tsukasa's pov and he's just. down. down BAD. for example, kossori tori tameteta no is just wxs talking. and then mp3 is tsukasa turning his head slowly to rui, realizing he may be falling hard for him.
[pre-chorus 1] (僕おかしくなっちゃった…)
<vocal: Tsukasa Tenma>
here he goes about flailing and squeeing over his crush/future husband boyfriend before hand-stitching a platypus plush. clearly that's a very good way to confess. insert shots of him hand-stitching a platypus plushy here. totally didn't steal this (honestly freaking amazing) idea from the best fanfic known to manz ever. it's called Kusanagi Nene's Guide to Matchmaking: For Dummies by mintgreyashes on ao3 please go check it out :333. okay okay and then at the line 「私への愛を囁く先生.mp3」 he sits on the carpet on the floor of his room, raising a slightly derpy platypus plushy with band-aided fingers
[chorus 1] (ずっと。ずっと!聞いてたいよ!)
<vocals: Tsukasa Tenma, + Rui Kamishiro at the end>
4 flashes of Rui (cute/sPiCy gacha cards???) syncing to the NOUNAI MOUSOU and KINDANSHOUJO (+ kira kira sparklies and effects) then a flustered blushing Tsukasa for the rest of the chorus, from SIMULATION! cuz Saki enters his room and asks what he's doing and who he's crushing so hard on. "your squealing could be heard downstairs, what the hell is going on--" she then sees the platypus plush. she evil smiles >:3c "*evil grin* hmm, i think i have a hunch on who you like" "*nervous sweating* UHH I DON'T LIKE ANYONE, WHAT DO YOU MEAN" "...it's him isn't it." "(HOW DID YOU--) *sigh* yep. it's rui." "HA. SO MY SUSPICIONS WERE CORRECT. *basically jumping down the stairs* I HAVE TO GO TELL MY FRIENDS THIS" "hey, be carefu-- WAIT WHAAA" and then for the Che-Che-Check part he puts up his index finger and you know. one. referencing the original mv. at the end he has one one pointing to his head and one one pointing to the camera, kind of like his one-star card
[verse 2] (ねえ、先生、あの子が大嫌いだよ!)
<vocal: Rui Kamishiro>
- switch to camera and rui's pov -
following the break where emu says goobaiii tsukasa finds himself talking to another person and rui? he's J E A L O U S. |||(ò.ó)þ. if you don't get the little kaomoji it's supposed to be angry peep sneaking around a wall. insert shots of him being jealous here. he groans for a bit/sighs and then sends a message to emu and nene individually to meet him at his house.
[pre-chorus 2] (君が僕を放っといて大丈夫思った?)
<vocal: Rui Kamishiro>
cut to later at rui's house w/ emu and nene. they're all hanging out in his bedroom, rui admits to them that he has a major crush on tsukasa and they help him find what to say.
[chorus 2] (ああ、救命病棟24時運ばれちゃう前に、君の温もりな声が聞こえたい!)
<vocals: Rui Kamishiro, + Tsukasa Tenma at the end>
a copy-ish of chorus 1. except here rui does the two, closer to the original mv and instead of being interrogated by a younger sister, he writes down his confession of love. kira kira sparkly tsukasa syncs to HINKOU HOUSEI, and then a flat on stomach, girlypop legs, confession drafting rui from SON BAKARI! onwards. emu and nene are in the back, being asked to see whether tsukasa would like whatever he said. making it seem more ✨rOmAnTiC✨ i guess, then helping him record whatever he wrote. idk i wouldn't know what having a crush on a real person is like (i have had uhm. experience with fictional characters. yuichiro kumada TwT) everyone at my school is either disgusting, a friend or a background character
[guitar solo]
<no vocals>
akin to the Chururira Chururira Daddadda reference in the official mv, we have a Chururira reference here too, with the tables and confetti on the floor featuring a guitar-broom playing rui in an empty classroom i guess
[sequence before final chorus] (だから悪事を働くの… 昼休み放送室に忍び込んであの音が再生!)
<vocals: Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro>
wwc going around, sneaking into the broadcast room during break and then plug in!!! the phone to play the sound thingy. finger hovers over something_something_<3.mp3 (star_confession_of_love.mp3 is under that)
[last chorus] ("ああ、くっそ!みんな、耳を塞いでよ!!!" - 類くん、たしか)
<vocals: both Tsukasa and Rui. at the end they do individual che che checks but at the VERY end they do the same lines again>
out plays the silly random noises. and then they get caught. but Rui forgot his phone. which was on autoplay. so he manages to end up confessing his love to him OVER THE SCHOOL INTERCOMS. cut to the che che check. this time tsukasa does the two and rui does the one and at the end they pose together or smthng, clearly in love >:D
[outro with epic guitar riffs]
(flash of verr embarass rui. head in hands. sleeves covering his face. wishing he would just disappear.)
(flash of tsukasa going over to him)
(flash of tsukasa comforting rui and rui's just. why are you comforting me. and tsukasa? he goes "because--")
credits (me for concept?? 👉👈)
(tsukasa turns rui's face to him all rizzy (sorry i couldn't find a better word) and then. they KIIIIIIIIIIIIITH. キーーーーーース。ON THE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPSSSS and miku and the rest of wxs and vs are there in the back, flailing about)
ooh omg what if it pans to Mizuki recording everything and posting it online. nah that'd be stalking
(did i copy paste this from my notes app? yes)
yesh das all iii am done speaking. i also made like a color-coded lyric thing in the nonexistent possibility someone actually wants to cover it but i ain't posting it now cuz well. this post is long already. this is enough text. this isn't the color of the sky. haveee a niceee daaaaay
(and here are the translations of the Japanese text thingies i put next to the headers! in order: "Che-Che-Check One Two" "Hey, teacher, I really love your deep voice~" "I've gone crazy..." "Always. Always! I want to listen to it!" "Hey, teacher, I really hate that kid!" "Did you really think I'd be okay if you left me alone?" "Ah, before I go to the 24-hour emergency room, I want to listen to your warm voice!" "That's why I'll do something bad... in lunch break, I'll go to the broadcast room and play that sound!" ""Ah, shoot! Everyone, cover your ears!" - Rui, probably")
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halcyon-wings · 3 years
Could you do this but with akito and rui?
akito and rui with a childhood crush !!
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AKITO AND RUI MY BELOVED?!?!?!?!?!?! dearest anon ur brain is so big look at u go!!!!!!! look at you having the biggest mcbrain ever >:D
features a gn!reader, the redhead dog fearer and the purplehead roaming around yet again /lh
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<3 cannot possibly comprehend how he’s been friends with you this long without ena making a joke about him dating you to embarrass her brother
<3 he’s genuinely serious about this. any time he remotely has ANY sort of relationship with anyone?? ena goes “haha future lover” and akito is :) he is this close :))) to punching the living daylights outta her :))))) (please don’t, ginger)
<3 you two met when he was around… six years old, maybe? at a park, if he remembers right. and how did you two meet, exactly?
<3 because he was running from a bulldog :) goddammit he really wishes he didn’t remember that itty bitty piece of information
<3 and the thing is? you, a small fellow six year old, had the GUTS to stand right in front of that dog and spread your arms out wide so he wouldn‘t get hurt. and then, by some MIRACLE, you literally tamed that dog in five seconds flat and had unofficially named it “Barkie”
<3 tiny akito was in awe of you omg,,,,, ur so cool,,,,,,,,,,
<3 he’s been friends with you ever since! he’s always downplayed how much he really adores you to hide how he actually feels keep up his cool guy image, but he‘s always found a way to send you a stray compliment at least once a week and keep it suave. by some miracle, you haven’t caught on that he likes you yet.
<3 maybe you will, eventually. he’ll be a bit mortified if you find out, but ena’s gonna have an absolute FIELD DAY afterwards.
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<3 you’re half the reason he likes building stuff to be honest
<3 rui was… really lonely as a kid. sure, there was nene, and she was great, really! sometimes, though, she didn’t want to play with him, which made him a bit sad :(
<3 so after a giant storm blew a chunk of his fence down on his fourth birthday, he learned that fences were not supposed to do that! he also learned that on the other side of the fence, there was another little kid… you!
<3 talking to you seemed really scary, to be honest. he didn’t know a single thing about you, and beyond that fence was a world he was too scared to explore. tiny you seemed really intimidating, and whenever you caught him staring, he immediately looked away.
<3 so while there were people rebuilding the fence, you hopped through an opening and marched over to rui, carrying a tub of legos the size of half your body. setting them down in front of him (you almost toppled over, but nobody needed to know that), you asked him to play with you.
<3 that’s how he learned two things. one, he really liked building stuff! it was a lot of fun and he liked seeing how things worked! two, tiny him was madly in love with you, and years later he still is.
<3 of course, it’s not like he’ll confess anytime soon, that’s completely out of the question! he’d have to think of how to do it right a billion times before settling on what’ll get him the best possible outcome…
<3 maybe someday, though. it’s a nice thought to have :}
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Becoming a Family With Him, Part 3 // Shuichi, Hikaru, Rhion, Luke, Eisuke
so this came out, as further celebration for the anni. VERY GOOD, much more appreciated than the prior story set lol that one was kind of boring but i get it
they made the kids for all the... kid-less ones, and the eisuke one that used to be VIP-exclusive is now here for everyone to buy (rip those ppl who gacha for it)
my rambling behind the cut (spoilers!!)
shuichi // as ud expect, shuichi has a literal hime ass looking girl (kikyo) for a daughter. she’s only 6, but is pretty calm and ladylike. She even calls her parents with –sama so... ok luckily shuichi does not strip down all the way in the presence of her daughter and only takes off his suit coat. thanks dad
anyway since shuichi has a break coming up, he wants to have a family trip how nice. but then the dang girl wants to go over to see eisuke WHAT when soryu exists and lives a block away? unrelatable, im closing the app anyway eisuke is her first love, which wtf he’s like 20 yrs older than u. even worse, mc says she’s been in love since she was like 3.
shuichi is reconsidering the benefits of democracy in his mind but eventually relents. but then they’re still following the fucc-days rule they set years ago. well, as he says in the story, RULES ARE RULES
blah blah i don’t want to go over everything bc then it’ll be boring reading the story when it comes out in engl right? also im tired bc it’s 1 am and i just want to play toontown in bed but nothing really bad happens. they are a v cute family bc shuichi is a pleasant and mature dad. kikyo and mc even do a little surprise for him at the end and it is very sweet. i feel like out of all the families, this is the most ideal
mad hatter // so they have twin sons named Rui and Kai. Rui is the childlike one that resembles Rhion in personality, Kai is the more mature one that resembles Al. man i forget that boy’s name but u get me i know they only can use stock bgs but it’s killing me that these dang kids get to sleep in what looks like separate king sized beds.
even though rhion is now a father of two, he still acts like... 10. i mean he still horni but it makes me feel weird
later it’s revealed that Ota teaches them both as an art tutor bc they both showed an interest in art. this is cute bc ota is bad with kids in this universe LOL
the ending on this one was weird cuz the kids didn’t show up in the entirety of the last ep bc it was about WORK. so uh... interesting
hikaru // so their son is named akari. haha get it because it means light. like how hikaru also means light. can mc name her kids unrelated to their father or is that against the Geneva convention
this kid actually acts like an actual little boy. like what hikaru would’ve probably turned into if not for the whole sad backstory. the story starts with akari just bringing a dog randomly home one day. he actually saved the dog (it is very cute bc he did not want the dog to cry), and then after a talk they decide to keep the dog as long as akari knows the responsibility of taking care of an animal.
so next day, the bidders come over to their house and everyone’s like woaw a dog. lol they come into their house as guests and eisuke and mamo still demand for beverages, they all suck
akari names the dog... “Light” (Raito) and i want out of this nightmare. Naturally bc Light is an abandoned dog it’s still kind of bad with interacting with things. But then Light suddenly be giving the ( ╹ਊ╹) to soryu bc remember, animals love him. everyone clowns on soryu for being an unintentional dog whisperer and then akari is like “soryu san pls make me ur apprentice” and he gives some advice like approaching it slowly, and talking to it from the front instead of back.
blah blah there’s a situation where Light goes YEET after a Doberman gets all angry and then hides bc then another dog is scaring it. hikaru swoops in to the save the day as the Real Dog Whisperer. ok it’s cute when hikaru actually gets to look cool  for once LOL
luke // luke is cute on the bc “pre-story” scene he’s actually pretty open to the idea of having kids; he actually goes “well imo we should think abt it pretty soon, but i wanted to hear ur opinion on it” but then he gets horni. and then he’s like “our kids are going to have your collarbones. awesomeee im looking forward to that” ....ok
ok cut to the actual story and they’re in Japan. Luke’s kid looks... strange versus the others. why are his eyes so big? omg voltage his eyes arent going to be saucers just cuz he half white also the kid’s name is Yuri (Or Urey). They couldn’t think of any other Brit-styled names? Like Harry? Henry? William? Wilfred? hey stan be my princess btw he’s pretty cute, though he gives serious “timid kid that gets bullied in the children’s movie” vibes. He calls Luke “daddy” and mc “mammy/mommy”.
so luke talks about his relationship w/ soryu and eisuke and then yuri is like “i want friends like that” wow cute but also find less ethically-complicated friends
so luke lets yuri meet a young patient of his (haru) so they can be friends. they get along so it’s good. haru gets in critical condition later so luke zooms outta there to do the operation.
LOL but at the end yuri is like, “i want to make more friends. (...) can i go to the bidder’s room from now on?” this boy works fast
And then he’s like “Eisuke-san... please be my friend.” HIS POWER. even eisuke was like :O so then eisuke orders a whole bunch of food and books up to the penthouse. But then yuri’s like “...i like eisuke’s eyes” and everyone’s like oh man that’s gonna be his fetish
Baba: why have u started to have an interest in eyes Yuri: I read it from one of daddy’s medical books Hikaru: wtf u can read that at 4??? (...) Soryu: wat Yuri: um... i want soryu to be my friend too Yuri: bc soryu’s eyes are also powerfully cool...
eisuke // ok this gets an extended ramble bc the more annoying the story the longer i must complain
so you might be thinking, “oh so this is gonna be a flashback in some in media res styled story with your 2 kids, u know in the style of the others” and well, no you just go straight to white screen into the flashback, back when eito was smaller and thus a little more cute. well it’s not really false advertising bc they did say “reminisce” in the description. but i wanted to see eito be a good big brother for a moment! or... less good? man i wanted to see kaito go waaaah like a baby idk i wanted to see him exist
so back to the story they cut to small eito. even as a smaller punk he does fight with his dad a little, just w/ a more narrow vocabulary to work with. tho at this point he’s still pretty sweet so clearly eisuke clowning him day and night was a negative effect on his development. (doesn’t treat his child like a child) (child grows up to a punk that doesn’t respect him) (surprised pikachu) being the son of a billionaire means that this child has to go study at a very young age and listen to MOZART. no child of eisuke ichinomiya will be listening to degenerate bops like lee taemin’s criminal next day they all go to the very fancy school that eito will be attending. eisuke does a speech, but then eito is all like “why is papa over there all the time” in reference to how all the other parents in attendance are having fun with their children, but eisuke is busy talking to other people for business and connections etc. etc. mc kind of has a hard time trying to explain it to eito bc... it’s honestly poor parenting... eiji shows up after arriving late, and he’s like “gramps is gonna be with ya today! instead of papa” which is cute but then she’s like psst thanks for coming and im like oh... so grandpa just didn’t randomly come to the open house for fun he’s just gonna be surrogate dad while real dad is busy... aw... and then at the end eito’s like FUC THIS KINDERGARTEN. eisuke is like “(smh) don’t yell in public. (despite everything) you are still the eldest son of the Ichinomiya family”
and so afterwards it’s clear that eito does not want anything to do with this school. he just sits in the classroom until mc is there to pick him up instead of playing in the courtyard or w/e, wanting nothing to do with the other kids.
so later there’s a hiking trip for the students and both of their parents, and mc asks eisuke if he’ll be available for it. eisuke is like, “i have a business trip that day, so I’ll have to adjust my schedule” and he’s been very busy in the opening of a new business or w/e. mc tells him to not do so much for something like that and that it’s ok if she goes alone with eito on the trip.
it’s the day of the trip, and mc goes alone with eito. she notes that a lot of dads did indeed come along for the trip. she apologizes to eito and says that she did talk to eisuke about the trip before, but he’s simply busy for this day. and im like... but girl, you were the one who told him not to change his schedule for the trip. yes a trip may seem less important than business ventures, but don’t make it sound like you weren’t the one who stopped him. lol. idk why im pressed abt this single line of dialogue bc later she does realize she fucced up there well eito is just like w/e about it and has pretty much accepted that sort of thing
anyway eito goes missing later and one of the kids said that he told eito that his dad (eisuke) didn’t come bc his dad thinks that his work is more important than his son. so eito got mad and ran off somewhere
and then mc finally gets the lightbulb moment that eito... wants to see his dad!! he ran off to go try to see him somehow??? !! wow so sweet
it’s raining like a mf but then in her search for eito eisuke randomly pops out of nowhere. He’s like “ho i did not remember saying that i wasn’t coming” and she’s like “im sorrryyy” and both me and him are like “just find the dang kid”
ok yea they find eito, he starts being a good student, and u start to see where he starts being antagonistic towards his dad LOL etc. etc. lol this story annoyed me so i don’t feel like doing the rest of the play by play orz
anyway thanks for reading my garbage LOL
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fierysafrina · 4 years
It’s for them | Saeran x reader
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Fandom: Mystic Messenger Rating: General Word Count: 2.800 Genre: Hurt | slight Comfort | Angst Summary: You tried, only to fail, so you did the only thing you could think of. Notes: I got this idea yesterday while listening to my sad playlist on YT and yeah.. I’m sorry asdfghjkl
There are also spoilers for those who haven’t played it yet or didn’t caught up with it.
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Rika. That was the only name you read constantly. Rika this; Rika that. You should have expected this, hell, you did with how they reacted when you joined the chat. To say that it didn’t hurt, would be a blunt lie. It hurt, always being compared to someone that wasn’t there anymore. But you couldn’t tell them that. Not when they were still grieving.
“Are you okay?” Saeyoung’s voice woke you from your thoughts.
You blinked and looked at him, forcing a smile on your lips. “Peachy.”
It was funny how easy it had become to lie; to smile while deep down you want nothing more but to yell at them that you’re not her. But before you can, you pinch yourself hard or make a fist, knuckles turning white from it.
Saeyoung narrowed his eyebrows, worry visible in his eyes. “I’m here if you need me. So is everyone else.”
They think I’m her. What makes you think they’ll listen? “I’m fine, Saeyoung.”
He doesn’t believe you, but doesn’t push you. His lips pursued into a thin line as he nodded and excused himself.
Of course, You thought to yourself. You were at the party, your second party you were responsible for, with all members. You were looking around, arms crossed over your chest as you took in everyone’s expressions, actions. They were happy, glad, some slightly picky, but everything went as it should go. That made you feel better. Even if just slightly.
A small smile dared to spread across your lips, but it disappeared as quickly as it came when you spotted Jihyun in the crowd. You stilled, eyes widening as you watched him greet guests when he stopped beside Jumin. They exchanged a couple of words until his gaze fell on you. Your first reaction was to turn away. The next was you walking away, leaving the hall.
“I’m sorry…” Jihyun spoke quietly. “I care for you a lot.”
And there’s always a ‘but’.
You knew you couldn’t run away from him. Not when he’s the head of RFA.
You both stood on the balcony – both facing the city.
“How have you been?” Jihyun was the first to break the silence.
“Alright,” Your voice was quiet. “And you?” you glanced at him from the side.
“I…” he hesitated and an unsettling feeling spread inside you. “She’s alive…”
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You weren’t sure when you went wrong. You did everything you could. You followed their suggestions, thought of their reasoning, always taking them in consideration. You poured your heart out to them and yet it didn’t seem enough. Jaehee was still suspicious of you, always against you whenever you and Zen talked of his relationship. Saeyoung still ran a background check on you, just in case; to make sure. Yoosung always managed to mention her, comparing what you achieved to her; what he wished for you to do instead. It only seemed that Zen and Jumin were the only ones that stood by your side, but the longer you knew them, their true colours quickly came through; they never argued against them, always staying silent.
Eventually you reached out to Jihyun, admitting your feelings for him only to be rejected. You couldn’t blame anyone but yourself for doing it at the worst time possible. He was still grieving for her death, so you did the only thing you could; you distanced yourself from everyone.
You refused any meeting with the members unless it was related to the party. You rarely went online if it weren’t for the party. There was always that constant reminder for you to do better, to be like her. It was funny how someone, who wasn’t there anymore, could take a toll on you. You felt rather glad you managed to convince both Saeyoung and Jihyun to remove the cameras inside the apartment and only have protection on the hallway. It was a gamble you dared to take. That way Saeyoung couldn’t see inside; couldn’t see the breakdown you went through every day.
Hearing Jihyun telling you that she was very much alive was the final blow. You were speechless as Jihyun admitted that she was alive this whole time along with her story as to why it came this far. You couldn’t do anything other than listen and he asked—begged you to not tell anyone, especially Yoosung. It hurt you and you had trouble breathing, but you still forced a smile and promised him you won’t tell a single soul. You couldn’t leave the party earlier, not without a good reason, not when you were the coordinator, the main guest of the party.
Glass after a glass of wine you drank until you felt arms holding for your elbow. You wanted to cry, you wanted to leave, but you were stuck there. Jumin and Saeyoung were both forward enough to tell you that you couldn’t leave the organisation without certain consequences even if Jihyun never said it directly. This whole place was suffocating.
A voice called out for your name and you turned your head to see a replica of Saeyoung but with blue eyes and white hair with pink tips.
Your chuckle was hollow when you pushed him away. “’m not for your games, S’ven…” You mumbled.
He snorted, but he grabbed for your elbow once again, his grip just a bit tighter. “I’m not him, princess.”
His voice was different than Saeyoung’s. Narrowing your eyebrows, you tried to free yourself once again, but winced at the pain that spread where he was holding you. “I-it hurts…” you whimpered, eyes growing teary.
“Now it hurts?” He mused and leaned closer to your face. There was something odd about him and a moment later, his tight grip lessened, his gentleness coming forth. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, expression turning softer. He raised his other hand and caressed your cheek. “Come with me, [Name]…”
It was so loud, so so loud, yet you still heard yourself speaking; “Why?”
He blinked before a smile spread across his lips. A chill ran down your spine at the sight of it. “You don’t need to be beside someone, who doesn’t care for you.” He stated, his smile widening when he saw you flinch. You averted your gaze, eyes immediately falling on Jihyun, who was busy talking with Jumin and Rui. “They don’t care if you go home now or later. They just wanted to see you appear, to see you’re okay so they can continue to delusion themselves that you’re Rika.” Your eyes widened at the name. How did he know about her? “But I? I know you’re not her after all it was me, who led you to them.”
Your head snapped his way, eyes growing even wider. You gulped and took a step back. “Y-U-Unknown?” you stuttered and you realized you were shaking.
“One and only.”
You looked around, for the members only to see them all chatting without a care in the world. It felt like a bucket of cold water poured on you. They really didn’t care for you. They just wanted someone to fill her place, to pretend that she was still there.
“You know, I really started to feel bad for you.” His voice was abnormally close, and you found him standing behind you. His hands ran up your arms, sending another wave of chills down your spine. “If I knew how badly they’d treat you, I’d take you for myself instead. I always kept a close eye on you. Was always there, hearing your confession, seeing your breakdown, seeing you distancing yourself from them.” His warm breath brushed against your ear as you stared at Jihyun, begging in your head for him to look your way. Just once.
“I know where Rika is.”
Something was odd about that sentence, but you couldn’t bring yourself to question him.
“Don’t worry, I won’t bring you to her.” He continued and you unconsciously leaned into him. “I learnt to become independent just so I can protect you. She doesn’t know that, doesn’t know I’m here to get you to safety instead. I’d care for you, like they can’t. I’d give you anything you want. Anything but them. You don’t want them beside you. They only care for themselves, for their needs. You don’t need those kinds in your life.”
You gulped and forced yourself to look at him. Your noses brushed for a split second, with you being the first to pull away. “I can’t.” you shook your head.
A simple question that took you by surprise.
“Then let me propose something.” He continued. “We leave right now and if by the end of the party anyone notices, you can stay. If not …” he trailed off and you looked at Zen, who was standing beside Yoosung and Jaehee, the three talking to each other, looking ever so friendly. “Hm?” he hummed, smiling softly. “Want to bet?”
You weren’t sure why you agreed when you already knew the answer.
Unknown reached out his hand and you put yours on top of his. He held it rather gently and led you towards doors. Just before you left, you turned back inside and saw Saeyoung looking at you. Your eyes widened, heart almost missing a beat that maybe you won’t get far. That maybe they actually cared for you. That just maybe Unknown is wrong and that you won’t have a reason to leave.
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Who were you kidding? It was already past midnight, but you stood near the building. Your eyes were teary as you refused to cry. Unknown stood not too far away, watching you closely. You were holding your phone in your hand, gripping it tight.
Not once did you get a message.
Not once did anyone call you.
A tear streamed down your cheek, but you quickly wiped it away when you spotted Jaehee and Jumin leaving the building. Jihyun wasn’t too far behind and the three talked for a while more. You spotted Yoosung, Zen and Saeyoung left earlier, neither of them bothering to search for you.
“See?” Unknown spoke, walking to your side. “Aren’t they cruel? They depended on you so much and you gave them everything. You left behind your family, relatives, just so you can appease them. You gave them your whole free time. But what do they do when you’re in need?” He reached his hand forward and held yours. “They don’t care that you left earlier.”
Closing your eyes, you turned his way and Unknown was quick to embrace you. You don’t know what to say. You expected this outcome. Yet there was still a smaller part of you that hoped you were wrong.
How disappointed you were at yourself for thinking this way.
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How funny it was when you appeared in front of them months later. They were visibly distraught, dark circles beneath their eyes, but the relief you saw in them made you want to laugh. And you did. You laughed before Unknown stopped beside you. You saw how Saeyoung and Jihyun’s eyes widened, neither wanting to believe. He wrapped an arm around your lower back and pulled you closer to his side, nuzzling his nose in the crook of your neck.
“W-what’s going on?” Zen stuttered, looking from you to Unknown, uncertain.
You tilted head to the side, but looked at Unknown – or should you say Saeran – who smirked instead. “What should we do, Saeran?” you asked.
“Throw each of them into a room? Lock them in the basement?” Saeran thought aloud.
Your lips turned upwards in a smile and it widened when you spotted Jaehee and Yoosung shiver. “Aw, is Yoosungie scared?” you cooed and leaned down, grabbing his chin tight. He flinched at your contact.
“Stop it!” Jihyun called, but you didn’t look at him.
You continued to stare at Yoosung.
Saeyung called for your name, but it fell on deaf ears. “Why are you doing this?” he looked at you and then at Saeran. “H-how? Why?”
“Shush, darling,” You murmured, sparing him a glance before you looked back at Yoosung. “Should I call Rika to comfort you?” It was so quiet in the room that you could cut air with a knife. A smirk grew on your lips and you gripped your hold on his chin, making him wince. You couldn’t miss how hopeful his eyes became.
“W-what do you mean by that?” Zen whispered. “Rika is… Rika is dead.”
Releasing Yoosung’s chin, you straightened and looked at him. “What? Don’t you know?” You scoffed, walking to Jihyun, whose eyes were wide from fear and regret, like he wanted to apologize to you. “Rika is very much alive.”
“She can’t be!” Saeyoung exclaimed.
“Why are you doing this?” Jihyun asked.
You could see how afraid he looked. Not just him. But everyone as well. How funny it was when they tried to appear strong only for their body and eyes telling different stories.
“Why?” you scoffed. “I’m not Rika.” You began. They looked confused. “Even after spending those two months with you, you still treated me like some outsider. You didn’t trust me, then again why should you.” You glared at Saeyoung, who gulped. “You saw me leaving, but did nothing. I waited for your call, message, anything, but I got it quickly. I was only Rika’s replacement.”
“No!” Jihyun exclaimed, shaking his head. “You weren’t!”
You looked at him. “You say that now,” you scowled; “but who was the one that told me she was still alive?”
All eyes turned on Jihyun.
Realization dawned on you. The corners of your lips turned into a smirk. “You didn’t tell them?” you raised an eyebrow before you took a step back. “I’ve decided.” You turned to Saeran, who was looking at you. “Why don’t we tie them and put them all together into a basement? Wouldn’t it be marvellous to see them argue, but be unable to do more?” You reached for his hand that he took without hesitation and intertwined your fingers.
“That does sound like a marvellous idea.” Saeran agreed. He turned his head and looked at the guards that stood by the door. “Tie them in the basement.”
Without a word, the men went into action.
“Wait!” Yoosung called.
You looked at him.
“Where’s Rika?” he asked, eyes wide, begging to you. “Where’s my cousin? I want to see her!”
You turned your head, ignoring his calls. Jumin, who was quiet the whole time, was the last to leave. But before they managed to walk him out of the room, you stopped them. Saeran looked at you confused and Jumin noticed the quick exchange with your eyes, assuring him it was okay. You walked over to the man and for a moment Jumin could see sadness in your eyes. It confused him.
“I’m sorry.”
It took you off guard. “It’s kind of too late, don’t you think?” you sighed, stopping in front of him. “You and Zen were …” you averted your gaze.
“I know,” Jumin nodded. “We’re as much to blame as everyone else.”
“Glad to know we’re on the same side.”
“That still doesn’t excuse your actions for doing this.”
“What do you expect me to do?” you glared at him. “I tried to gain your trust. I tried to be someone you can call a friend. It’s only been two months after I joined, but not once have either you or Zen stood up for me. Always remaining quiet, passive.” You hissed. “I tried, but I’m not her. I’m not Rika.”
Realization seemed to dawn on Jumin, because his eyes widened.
“But when Saeran came?” You continued with a softer voice, which he noticed as well. “He was always there for me. Pulling me back up when I was struggling. He helped me, by showing me I don’t have to be someone else. I can still be me and succeed.”
“Succeed in what?” Jumin asked, narrowing his eyebrows.
You caressed his cheek, tilting head to the side and smiled. There were screams that reached you, making Jumin still. “We can help you be rid of her oppression. Soon, you won’t be under her charm anymore. I can help you.”
“[Name]!” Jumin called when he was pulled out of the room. “Stop this madness! This isn’t you!”
Your smile only widened as you relished in the screams. Saeran walked to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Where is she?”
“She’ll be joining them after they receive the punishment they deserve.” He answered. “Just a bit more and we’ll be able to help them.”
Your shoulders slumped, feeling relief wash over. Saeran leaned in and pressed a kiss on top of your head.
“You’re doing well, my love. You must be strong, to show them how deep under her wraps they’ve been.”
“Yes,” you nodded agreeing; “after all, everything is for them.”
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moonlit-manifesto · 5 years
Heartbreak Red Takeover 2019
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Like last year, Heartbreak Red took over the Tsukista twitter account (@tsukiuta1) as part of April Fools’ Day for a little bit to respond to fans’ tweets. The categories are Advice, Requests, and Messages. 
His catchphrase is loosely translated as “Your heart will beat BA-DUMP!” (HAATO ga kyun to kite dokkoisho!). The black text next to his picture in the above photo says “Your heart squeezed? ...That’s just heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)” LOL 
Below are the funny or interesting replies he gave! (Some were just regular advice so I skipped those...) There’s a lot of cameos from the other Reds and the other idols~ It’s long, so read after the cut!
[REQUEST] I want to know the color of Shimotsuki Shun’s underwear that he’s wearing today or I won’t be able to sleep tonight, please help me!”
Heartbreak Red: “Shun-san, some perv has a request for you.”
Shun: “Today’s color is... (glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “...(glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “It’s my color (red)!!!”
Shun: “My underwear is red!! What a visit*!!!!”
Curry Red (You from Procella): “I think you confused that with ‘disaster*.’”
*both the words 参上 and  惨状 are pronounced “sanjou”
[OTHER] Please summon “Come, My Sunshine”-san and “First-Love Rose Princess”!!
Heartbreak Red: “Come on out!!”
Curry Red, as “My Sunshine”: “Your smile has a hint of magic! Come, my sunshineeeee!!!”
First-Love Rose Princess: “I hope you have a romantic dream! I’ll wrap you in a gentle fragrance! First-love Rose Princess!!”
Curry Red: “I need to talk to you later about all the crap you’re putting me through today.”
Heartbreak Red: “Okie dokie.”
[This tweet requires some context lol. So, during the Halloween tweets (Oct 2018) Rui blurted out that Kai uses body soap called “First-Love Rose Princess” and they teased him about it. Then Yoru blurted out that You’s soap is called “Come, My Sunshine” and Yoru knows that because he’s the one that bought it for him xD]
[ADVICE] It’s been three years, but I still haven’t given up on getting Mutsuki Hajime of the Afterlife’s piercings. Should I try aiming for Heartbreak Purple’s piercings instead?
Heartbreak Red: “Purple or Hajime-sannnn!!!”
Hajime: “I don’t know who this “Purple” guy is, but I won’t see you when you get your ears pierced. It’s better to properly meet [so I can see them then].”
[ADVICE] It’s painful for me because I like someone named “Uduki Arata.” What should I do?
Heartbreak Red: “Ain’t that great!!! You can stay in pain like that then------!!!!!
[REQUEST] Heartbreak Red-sama! I want you to pick a fight with Pool of Blood Red-sama! 🍅 [Someone asked for this last year too lol. Also it’s a tomato emoji because Pool of Blood Red holds a squashed tomato]
Heartbreak Red: “This time, we caught him up in something even better!! [they dragged Ryota into being a sentai ranger for April Fools Day] Pool of Blood Red!!! Come on out!!!”
Pool of Blood Red (Ryota from Growth): “I’m Pool of Blood Red. I don’t actually dislike tomatoes. I will impart some words to the person who recommended me to be here. ‘Next time, it’s your turn.’” [I can imagine him saying this through gritted teeth with his cold glare lol]
Heartbreak Red: “Coooooool.”
[REQUEST] Please spin around three times and yell “BA-DUMP (DOKKOISHO)!” 
Heartbreak Red: “Your heart will beat...”
*spin spin spin*
Heartbreak Red: “BA-DUMPPP------------!!!! Did you see that? You saw me right!!??”
[MESSAGE] I’m glad we get to see Heartbreak Red today! I’ll keep on supporting you!!
Heartbreak Red: “Thanks. And when I’m not around, please support that guy whose last name starts with “U.” [referring to himself, Uduki Arata]
[REQUEST] Please call on Desirable Prince!! [”Mote-ouji is apparently Heartbreak Red’s rival]
Heartbreak Red: “Prince! Prince, get over here!”
Desirable Prince (Aoi from Gravi): “I knew you’d drag me into this (dry laugh).”
Heartbreak Red: “All right, Prince, how about you tell us a joke~?”
Desirable Prince: “What!? (completely unexpected)”
Heartbreak Red: “3 - 2 - 1...”
Desirable Prince: “I-I’m the eighth ‘Eighth Prince**!’”
Heartbreak Red & Curry Red: “Don’t sweat it...” [because his pun was bad]
** He said 俺が8人で八王子 and the word “Hachiouji” is a proper name but also means “eighth prince”
[REQUEST] Please summon I Love Red Red!
Heartbreak Red: “I Love Red Red~!!!”
I Love Red Red (Issei from Quell): “Good evening! My Red [referring to Ichiru] is so cute!! I’ll burn*** with energy today, too!!! Thanks for summoning me!!
Heartbreak Red: “You’re so cute, too!”
***this is that Quell/kuberu(くべる) pun they do
[REQUEST] Have you seen Mikazuki-san lately? I want to hear about any fun stories you have to share!!!
*ringgg ringg* (phone dialing)
Heartbreak Red: “An assault through the phone, Mikazuki-san is out there!!”
*other end picks up*
Mikazuki: “’Your heart will beat, ba-dump.’ I’m busy right now, so maybe some other time.”
*hangs up*
Heartbreak Red: “He’s half sugar, half salt!
[REQUEST] Please give some praise to me, who goes to work every single day!!!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Eh, really, you’re amazing! You were born into this world! I should tweet grandly like this! Look at you, working hard by yourself and earning money! Are you a god? No, maybe a miracle? I’m glad I could come into contact with you even like this.”
[ADVICE] I’m in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, but I haven’t seen him in over a year. I want to meet up with him, but it’s hard to contact him because I’m bad at initiating conversation. How do men say they want to meet with someone?
Heartbreak Red: “I want to meet up. But I only have 10 minutes.”
#I want to meet everyone too~
[REQUEST] I want to hear a conversation between Heartbreak Red and Takamura Shiki-san who have a similar kind of energy!
Shiki: “We’re similar?”
Heartbreak Red: “Yeah, we’re similar. To test it, try saying my catchphrase.”
Shiki: “Your heart will beat......BA-DUMPPPPPP-------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “See, we’re alike.”
[REQUEST] I want to hear a story about Heartbreak Red-san and Minaduki Rui-san getting along well (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Heartbreak Red: “Ruirui~”
Rui: “’The cat goes meow, ba-dump.’ Minaduki Rui (and Yamato) have arrived.”
Yamato: “Meow ♪”
Heartbreak Red: “Yamato looks quite cute in a red bandana.”
Rui: “Yamato likes it too.”
[INQUIRY] Did any Six Gravity or Procellarum member tell a lie for April Fools Day?
Hearbreak Red: “What say you, Kakerun?”
Kakeru: “In the morning, Koi said ‘I evolved from koi [type of love] to ai [another type of love]!!’ but he was just referring to his younger sister, Ai-chan.
Heartbreak Red: “So Ai-chan is the evolved form of Koi...”
[REQUEST] Pick a fight using all your strength with someone you haven’t interacted with yet!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Who!? Uhhh, hey Pinkie!!!”
Koi: “My name’s not ‘Pinkie.’ I’ve evolved from Koi to become... Koi King.”
Heartbreak Red: “I wonder if there’s a monster in your pocket. Let’s see... I choose you: Heartbreak Green!!!” [reference to Pokemon (pocket monsters) so he’s calling out for Green like in a Pokemon fight]
Heartbreak Green (Haru from Gravi): “I want to be shaken like pollen!!! Heartbreak Green!! Glasses sparkle!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Also, Yoruyoru~!”
Yoru: “S-SOY YAAAA----!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Thank you, my comrades!!!”
#they kept up the momentum
[REQUEST] I want you to make me fall for you with all your strength!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “I love you.”
Heartbreak Red: “Saying that made me a little embarrassed.”
[REQUEST] Blushing Red, come on out!!!
Blushing Red (Ren from SOARA): “I think I’ll manage to get through it this time! B-Blushing Red!!!”
Blushing Red 2 (Dai from SolidS): “... Blushing...Red.”
Heartbreak Red: “THAT------WAS------SO-------CUTE.”
#thank you very much
[REQUEST] Please do your signature pose together with Warrior Red!!
Heartbreak Red: “Warrior~!! Warrior, come over here~~~!!!”
Warrior Red (Haruto from ROCK DOWN): “You called, and I popped out like a shochiku plum. WarriorRedWarriorRedWarriorRed...”
Hearbreak Red & Warrior Red: “YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
[OTHER] Please tell us your favorite saying in a few words!!
Heartbreak Red: “Cheer up, I’m here. Because everyone is loved.”
Heartbreak Red: “Alrighty, my work here is done!! Ah~ That was fun!!!”
#thank you
#I hope you sleep well
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theatricks · 5 years
A Sincere White Day Recipe - Chapter 5
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Video here, translation below!
Tamao's Heart
[Sunday] Tamao: Everyone, I'm going to clean the living room, so could you... Oh? Tamao: (How rare. It's Sunday but no one's here. Usually, Ichie or Yuyuko-chan would be relaxing.) Tamao: Oh, but, Yuyuko-chan is returning home today, so she might be in her room getting ready. Tamao: Ichie's probably skipping about somewhere again. Tamao: (But, it kind of seems like everyone's been going out more often lately...?) Tamao: ...It must be a coincidence. With everyone gone, I can focus on cleaning.
Tamao: (Usually this would take some time, with Yuyuko-chan moving around and Ichie talking, but...) Tamao: (Today I finished cleaning already.) Tamao: (I could do individual practice with the remaining time... but, I guess shopping is okay occasionally, too.) Tamao: (That's right, we've been immersed in lessons a lot lately. Maybe everyone else is looking for a change of pace, too.) Tamao: (Yuyuko-chan will be leaving the dorms in the evening, so I'll return before then.)
Shopkeep: Thank you very much~ Tamao: (Flower seeds that bloom in summer... I'll look forward to watching them bud.) ????: Fumi, hurry up~☆ Tamao: (Huh? That sounded like Ichie's voice just now.)
Fumi: You don't have to be in such a rush. We still have ten minutes until the meeting time. Ichie: I just want to hurry up and practice!
Tamao: (I knew it. She was on an outing with Fumi. My shopping is done, if I keep going I'll meet up with them... Huh?)
Karen: Ichie-chaaan! Fumi-chaaan! Nana: Sorry, did we keep you waiting? Ichie: Nope! We just got here, too! Fumi: Well, shall we? Today we'll be practicing earnestly!
Tamao: (Why am I hiding...?) Tamao: (No, nevermind that, those two are Aijo-san and Daiba-san, right?) Tamao: (They mentioned practice, but are all four of them practicing together?) Tamao: (I didn't hear anything about that from Ichie or Fumi, though...) Tamao: (---I'm sure they just forgot, right?) Tamao: (I can ask them later, maybe I'll plant these seeds when I get back.) Tamao: (...If Rui-chan's there, I'd like to plant them together.)
Tamao: (There we go... Once it gets warm, the flower bed will be bustling with summer colors.) Tamao: ......... Tamao: (What is this feeling, I wonder...) Tamao: (It's a bit lonely, almost like I've been left behind...) Tamao: (But, if they're interested in practicing with the girls from the other schools, I can't interfere.) Tamao: (Though when I saw the four of them talking happily, I... I felt lonely, or rather, shocked...) Tamao: (I started feeling sorry for myself---) Tamao: No. I can't fill my precious time with these thoughts. Tamao: I have to pull it together. If I'm curious, I can just ask them myself. Tamao: (I guess I'll practice today, after all.) Tamao: (For everyone, for Rinmeikan... And, for myself... I have to get better...!)
Rui: Ah, Ta-Ta-Ta-Tamao-senpai! Tamao: Oh, Rui-chan. Tamao: That's right. I was thinking of practicing now, do you want to join me? Tamao: I think Yuyuko-chan is getting ready and Ichie and Fumi are out, so it would just be us, but how about it? Rui: A lesson with just the two of us!? Of course, absolutely! Tamao: I'm glad. Then--- Rui: U-Um! But, before that... Rui: T-Tamao-senpai, there's something I need to tell you...! Tamao: What is it? Rui: The truth is, this has always been on my mind, but as the 14th gets closer, the feeling's gotten stronger... Rui: Oh, but there's not really any connection to the 14th being, uh, White Day or anything...! Tamao: Rui-chan, calm down. Rui: Y-Yes. Um, the...the truth is, I... Rui: ...I'm sorry, Tamao-senpai, I... Rui: Nevermind, it's nothing, I'm sorryyyy!! Tamao: Ah...! Tamao: (Rui-chan seemed really troubled... I wonder if it's related to the reason she seems so busy lately.) Yuyuko: Ah, Tamao-senpai. I'll be heading back home soon. Tamao: Yuyuko-chan. It's already that time, then. Yuyuko: Yes. By the way, I just saw Rui making a crazy run for it, did something happen? Tamao: Well... I'm not really sure myself. Tamao: She said she had something she wanted to tell me, though... Do you know anything about it? Yuyuko: Now that you mention it, she was mumbling while staring blankly at the ceiling. Something about how the birds were watching... Tamao: Birds...? Tamao: Yuyuko-chan. If I can I'd like to counsel Rui-chan, but how do you think it'd be best to apporach her? Yuyuko: Aaah... Right... I think leaving her alone for now would be best. Tamao: I-I see... Tamao: (To not even be able to have a discussion with my kouhai...) Yuyuko: Tamao-senpai? Tamao: Oh, it's nothing. Sorry for holding you up, Yuyuko-chan. Yuyuko: It's fine... Well, I'll be going, then. Tamao: Okay. Let me know when you find out what time you'll be returning the day after tomorrow. I'll have a delicious meal waiting for you. Yuyuko: I'll look forward to returning for that alone. Well, then... Tamao: Take care, Yuyuko-chan. Tamao: ............ Tamao: (Okay, I have to start practicing!) Tamao: (I have to build up the strength to bounce back from this worthlessness...!)
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thejonzone · 4 years
Jon Writes a Year-End List
My favorite songs of 2020, alphabetically by artist
Bedouine (Margo Guryan cover)- The Hum
The original Guryan version is good but Bedouine’s take is cleaner, all the better to emphasize Guryan’s blissful songwriting. I could listen to the chords in the chorus forever.
Bob Dylan- I’ve Made Up My Mind to Give My Heart to You
It’s nice to hear Bob sing a yearning and clear-eyed love song. And the way he stretches out his words gives the whole thing a confidence that’s easy to get lost in. 
Boldy James- Giant Slide
Boldy had a great year, and it’s The Price of Tea in China with Alchemist producing that stood out to me. 
Empty Country- Becca
I don’t go to music festivals anymore, but listening to this album makes me dream of hearing it live, while being dehydrated, sweaty, feet hurting, holding in a p*op, a late afternoon sunburn loading. I want the whole thing!!
fawning, Rui Gabriel ft. Jack Riley- God
Toss it on the cloudy day walking playlist!
Frances Quinlan- Went to LA 
Great cathartic yell in this one. Quinlan builds up a palpable tension here. It rocks.
Judy ft. Jack Dolan, jommis- Say What U Mean
You’ve got to imagine these fellas knew they had put a few catchy melodies down while trying to out-croon each other.
Kurt Vile ft. John Prine (John Prine cover)- How Lucky
A Prine acolyte with a feature from the man himself. RIP.
Lala Lala, Grapetooth- Valentine
Kind of like a slow-dance song at nightmare prom. I love the percussion and Frankel’s villainously-low voice.
Lil Durk- Street Affection
The range of emotions Durk can access and scroll through is impressive.  
Miranda Winters- Little Baby Dead Bird
Scuzzy guitar and violin create a hypnotic effect in this evocative dirge. Miranda Winters is such a good singer. Check out her main band, Melkbelly-- they put out a great album this year!
Nap Eyes- Mark Zuckerberg
Two guitars: one is pointy, the other is chugging. That is the correct way to do two guitars.
Noname- Song 33
This song is 70 seconds. 70! Noname casually negates J. Cole and the song isn’t even about him. She’s so great. 
Ratboys- I Go Out at Night
Julia Steiner is on her The Hours shit in this melancholic fantasy of leaving and not returning. 
Rio da Yung OG, Lil Yachty- 1v1
I like how Yachty comes in on his verse! It’s been fun to see him back in action with his new Michigan friends. Rio is the star here, though. And Enrgy too. 
Soccer Mommy- yellow is the color of her eyes 
Sophia Allison’s delivery of “The tiny lie I told to myself is making me hollow” might be my line of the year. 
Swamp Dogg- Memories
The whole of Sorry You Couldn’t Make It is great, but for Swamp Dogg, who has covered John Prine, to work with the man before he died is a special accomplishment, and we’re better off that it’s recorded. 
Tall Juan- Irene
One of my favorite 2020 releases. And I’ll be a bit vulnerable here folks….when I am walking outside and this song comes on, I push my butt out a little bit and walk like I have rhythm and purpose. 
Tierra Whack- Dora
I’m so excited to see what Tierra Whack does, from her beat selection to how she jumps between flow and cadence. She understands herself so well. 
Non-2020-specific Music I Enjoyed, in Superlative Form
Group Vocal Performance Most Likely to Pierce Your Heartless Facade
Yesu Ka Mkwebaze
Best Song to Listen to if You are an 1850’s-era whaler in Your Feels
Mary Ann
Favorite Duet (Not Blood-Related)
Emmylou Harris and Herb Pedersen (but mostly Emmylou) create such an intricate and gorgeous melody on “If I Could Only Win Your Love”. Pedal steel heads and mandolin freaks, eat up.
Favorite Duet (Blood-related)
The Louvin Brothers- When I Stop Dreaming
Any longtime friends of the show know I’m a big fan of the singing duo The Louvin Brothers. They’ve got that golden country tone but it’s the blood harmony that turns these guys into something else entirely.
And here’s the kicker, folks. Emmylou covered When I Stop Dreaming! How coincidental for all of us reading this End of Year list…. The Louvins are my preferred version, but Emmylou, that you could help me make this connection is enough, dayenu!
Most Surprising Use of a Song in a Network TV Show
"Yama Yama" by the Yamasuki Singers, Fargo Season 2
When I was a dishwasher at St. James Cheese Co., late 2016ish, this CD was in our back of house music rotation. It is a magical album-- a Japanese children's choir with French pop production (think a bunch of bells and shit). I never learned the name of the album while working there and it fell out of my mind until years later when, after remembering how much I loved it, realized I had no idea how to find it. The pain of typing different spellings of “japanese children’s choir” into google for days on end.....I literally yelled when Fargo used this in its Season 2 big boy shootout. *chef’s kiss*
Best Album by a Spiritually Hungry Musical Genius, Lapping Her Contemporaries in Arrangement, Theme, and Songwriting, Gone Before Her Time
Judee Sill’s self-titled debut. 
Best Use of a Second Keyboard in A Keyboard Solo
Fountains of Wayne’s Red Dragon Tattoo
Do I mean to say synthesizer? Not sure. RIP Adam Schlesinger and long live FoW. What a loss.
Best Vibes/ Song I’d Most Want to Show Ezra Koenig so That We’d Bond & Become Friends
Best Lyrics Written by a Jew in 1920’s NYC Being Sung by Willie Nelson
Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea / to the open arms of the sea
Favorite TV Shows
-Second season shook its focus on the titular character and oh am I thankful. Not that Ramy himself isn’t great, he is, but the entire cast here deserves attention. The Uncle Naseem episode. The Uncle Naseem episode. Ahem. The Uncle Naseem episode.
Joe Pera Talks with You
Lovecraft Country
-Small gripes and complicated plotlines aside, this anthology connecting gothic horror, racism, and American history is phenomenal. 
Small Axe
-The second installment in this series, Lovers Rock, which takes place at a party, is the vicarious shot in the arm you deserve, you little extroverted thing you. 
I May Destroy You
The Last Dance
-The first Bulls game I ever went to was the first game *without* Michael Jordan, at the beginning of the ‘98-’99 season. Bad timing.
The Chi
Schitt’s Creek
-This show was never about the plot. Am I allowed to say that? I’ve never cared less for a plot and more for a cast. Catherine O’Hara is in her own league above us all.
Jon Writes a Year-End List
In 2019, my roommate June and I took a road trip through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I was out of a relationship, happily or unhappily I wasn’t sure yet, but along the way I downloaded Tinder hoping to meet a local who’d be excited to make out with me. There wasn’t much bite on my line, but by the time we reached Marquette, largely due to my good looks and charisma I’d orchestrated some type of group date with June, me, a girl from Tinder, and her friend. 
We met at a dingy karaoke bar and drank for cheap. Nobody wanted to hear me sing, but I got on stage anyway and gave “Willin” by Little Feat a go. Some guy at the bar in a maroon work shirt looked at me, scoffed, and left to smoke outside. The four of us weren’t hitting it off, even with alcohol. I and the friend made a plan to sing “Mommas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to Be Cowboys'', but she quickly abandoned the duet after we had begun, citing a lack of vibes.   
But we kept singing and drinking and hours later I was leaning against the bar, waiting to order, standing next to maroon-shirt guy who had so easily shrugged off my existence earlier. What caught my eye as I stood next to him was a Star of David tattoo on his forearm. And sure enough, the name tag stitched onto his shirt identified him as “Isaac”. Well I’ll goddamn be-- this guy was frickin Jewish! I was shocked-- I assumed he was goy in the same way I assumed everyone I ran into up there would be. 
For just one unconscious assumption (I’m the only Jewish person in this Marquette karaoke bar) to be wrong felt great. My assumptions are really awful. I assumed maroon-shirt hated my guts. I assumed these two girls we were drinking with thought I was a loser too. I assume people don’t like me or respect me or have any interest in getting to know me. I tell awful stories about myself to myself, and my assumptions about the world are limiting and boring! With patience, “guy at bar who kinda scowled at me” had all of a sudden turned into “my new friend Isaac” who, after a few minutes of conversation, I “asked to bum a cigarette from.”
One of my favorite shows of 2020 was Joe Pera Talks With You. I still remember watching Joe Pera’s stand-up for the first time, and then rewatching and rewatching, savoring his cadence. He dressed and spoke like a grandpa, replete with pitch-perfect, kinda-gross mouth sounds, stutters, and low-but-driving energy. It’s a good bit, and Joe has morphed it into probably the funniest, sweetest, and least-pandering show of 2020. What I love about this show is its foundational belief that anyone can surprise you, you just need to give yourself time to notice.
I didn’t end up making out with anyone but I did wake up the next morning with the worst hangover of my life. Wake up, barf, whimper. As June drove us out of Marquette, I could barely keep my eyes open. I did notice, however, a massive, wooden structure jutting out into Lake Superior.
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It is this same Lake Superior structure that Joe Pera Talks With You fixates on for its first shot of Season 2. Yes, this is an Adult Swim show that takes place in none other than Marquette, Michigan! Which is weird. Think about other movies, shows, or books that take place in the U.P. You can’t! Even zooming out to include the larger Upper-Great Lakes region leaves us with an almost-empty net: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot and titular Gatsby’s origin story on Lake Superior. These are stories of hard living and life and death on the dangerous Great Lakes. But neither of those are specific to the Upper Peninsula.   
Regions are an easy if reductive lens with which to attempt to view and understand people. In 2020, broad and sweeping generalizations about large swaths of people continued to gain power. There was the movie adaptation of JD Vance’s ahistorical Hillbilly Elegy. Woolly-eyed liberals trotted out fake maps of a preferred America that holds only the “good” blue states, not at all engaging in the history of racism and voter suppression that got us here. Besides the fact that Georgia went blue. And Democratic strongholds like California, New York, and Chicago betray any notion of a “better” America. The sins of this nation are not cordoned off into one section or time zone, no region is monolithic, and most importantly, no person can be explained away with a quick sentence.
There is no regional monolith more widely misunderstood than the Midwestern gestalt. Fargo (the show) does a great job of serializing this one type of Midwestern character-- they say “oh sure, happy to help” and they’re murderers. So for Joe Pera to settle his show in the U.P. is a fun choice. Most Americans are probably hard-pressed to conjure an accurate mental picture of who the U.P. is, so Pera creates his own flavor of a seemingly-recognizable small Midwestern town.
In the first episode, Joe walks us through the bean arch he’s growing. Why grow snap beans? “Beans are straightforward.” Straightforwardness, or the appearance of, is central to Pera’s charm. Pera’s shtick is walking the audience through a basic task that can serve as a metaphor for a larger existential question. This conceit isn’t new to Pera, but it has been en vogue recently, with shows like Andy Daly’s Review and the new HBO show How To with John Wilson. These shows present a simple stated goal that obfuscates a larger, more complex grapple. 
Joe Pera Talks With You is incredible and endearing because of the genuine tone Pera gives his tight-knit Marquette. We’re getting deranged lunatics like Conner O’Malley and Dan Licata to write jokes for 70-year old Michigan grandmas at a salon. The show trades in the perceived Midwestern folksiness for a punchline, yet doesn’t lose itself in irony or resentment. 
Every character in the Joe Pera universe has the opportunity to be profound. Pera gives every character the patience they deserve; even O’Malley’s berserk Joe Rogan listening-caricature Mike Melsky gets incredible moments of vulnerability. It’s a rare comedy: self-aware but not self-obsessed, sweet but not gross, and uniquely funny.  
Nowhere else on TV are you going to see such consistently great acting. Some of the best working comedians are in this season. Conner O’Malley has found a way to tap into his unsettling grotesque that is a pleasure to watch, playing characters at the ends of their ropes, shrieking. Jo Firestone is hilarious and essential as Joe’s doom-prepper girlfriend Sarah. We get guest stars like  genius Carmen Christopher. Even one-line role players like Joe’s teacher-coworker, who says Joe and Sarah go together “like desk and chair,” knock it out of the park. 
The questions at the heart of Talks With You feel more pronounced in a year of death and isolation. How do we connect with people? How can we really be there for our loved ones? How can we feel comfortable in our own skin? The show came out pre-pandemic but Pera’s touch and pacing is universal.
It’s difficult not to compare Talks With You to How to with John Wilson. The two shows have a lot in common. Both protagonists are soft-spoken, and speak at an arrhythmic clip. John Wilson’s voice is affected just like Pera’s; both vocal deliveries are meant to engender trust by signaling to us that they’re lacking some social confidence. But I don’t buy Wilson’s shtick as much as Pera’s.
John Wilson’s show is not straightforward in the same way Pera’s is, and the show suffers under the added weight of pretense. Wilson’s tangents lead us to places that barely fit under the established thematic umbrella and feel forced. On memory, Wilson’s adventure with the Mandela Effect turns from fascinating to boring as the truthers devolve into sketch characters, viewing simple spelling errors with magnifying glasses. “How to Cover Your Furniture” spends an upsettingly long amount of time with an anti-circumcision advocate as Wilson works through the question of how much we are allowed to change parts of other people. Meant to appear as if they effortlessly fell into place, these characters feel shoe-horned in.
Both characters and shows are performative authenticity, and Joe Pera and John Wilson’s whole deal is their status as observer. This year, many of us have become observers. I know I have: unemployed, unable to see people, watching death counts climb, sending money to various bail funds and rent relief to people and organizations near and far. There is a responsibility to being an observer. It is not some callous task. Being an effective observer means allowing your subject the space they need to be as they are and not foisting your own nonsense onto them.
In Joe Pera’s America, it’s understood that everyone is weird. By virtue of being human, we are all weird, off, we do confusing things, and say dumb stuff that doesn’t make sense. Even you’re a weird freak. John Wilson’s subjects seem like circus animals, squeezed in front of the camera for their fucked-up little flip. I can’t shake the feeling that John Wilson is making fun of the people he’s observing. Pera’s observations are rooted in the fairness that comes from seeing humanity in people-- every person has an equal chance of surprising you with how weird they are if you just make them comfortable and let them talk. We owe that to each other.
To be fair, these shows are also very different. Wilson’s found-footage, documentary style is ingenious, hilarious, and completely not the vibe that Pera and Co. are going for at all. And region here is everything. Wacky stuff happening in NYC? Eh, isn’t that par for the course over there? Wait, a show set in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula? Ok...now that I’ve never seen. 
Obviously I was wrong about Isaac in Marquette, just as any broad assumption about a region and its people will be. I actually learned that Jews have a significant relationship to the U.P. And I found similarities between my own Jewish history, covering a similarly nebulous area of the Rust Belt/Midwest, and my U.P. cousins. Yes, home was closer than I thought, even across the length of Lake Michigan. Yes, people don’t just hate my guts. Yes, we can overcome lazy assumptions and we can even connect with people. We can make a better world. It just requires patience and listening.
Now, on to my thoughts regarding Fiona Apple’s landmark album Fetch the Bolt Cutters...
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: School Festival Day 2 of 2
>October 27
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(ignore the time stamp on the picture)
>Shujin Academy, Aoyama-Itchome. The last day of the School Culture Festival.
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Welcome to the Shujin Academy School Culture Festival!
Oracle: This is the last day, so whatever you wish to do, better do it now.
Queen: We also have Princess Crystal of Attilan (turns out we got it wrong the whole time) speaking today here to talk of the Inhumans in this school and pretty much all of Japan.
Joker: And at the end, we’ll be having a big dance party. So we hope you can... Get down.
Joker, Fox, Queen, Oracle, and Crow: Enjoy!
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Yeesh! Can those smiles be anymore painful? Even to the people coming here?
>We were greeting the Joes which at this moment consisted of Tunnel Rat, Duke, Scarlet, Roadblock, Ripcord, Flint, Lady Jaye, Breaker, Shipwreck, and (I’m not sure if he’s a Joe now or not) Vincent Hauser, Duke’s younger brother.
Queen: You’re here?
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We just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought we’d stop by and say hi.
Oracle: (unconvinced) I’m sure.
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Alright, alright, we’ll come clean. We’re here because, well, there is an Inhuman here... Actually, a lot of them.
Queen: I promise you all they’re not any trouble.
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It’s just a formality. A bunch of army guys and women appearing here. It will give them peace of mind.
Joker: The Avengers and the Future Avengers make everyone feel safe as well.
Crow: And a detective.
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It never hurts to be sure.
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That’s true. Even superheroes need help.
Fox: He has a point.
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I’d rather that we just get this over with. If the Inhuman want to go, they can go.
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Don’t be so negative. Some of these people have lived her their whole lives and they may not want to go with the princess.
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Although, I’ve heard that Attilan is quite the sight. They may get curious.
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Just have faith in them. You’ll see.
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Are you sure about that? It’s kind of hard to ignore royalty.
????: Indeed it is. I know this all too well.
>We turn to see Own Burnett, or rather Principal Burnett, coming to us.
Duke: (smirking) Why’s that? Xanatos proved to be too much for you?
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I wouldn’t say that. I just have great respect him... I just have some father issues.
Scarlet: I guess I can understand.
Owen: Anyway, I am glad that you all came. Please, enjoy the festivities while you are here.
Flint: We’ll do just that. Thank you.
Vincent: ...
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>With that, the Joes come in.
Owen: I think Mr. Amamiya and Ms. Niijima have done enough for now. We can begin that meeting you requested.
Queen: Very well.
Crow: We’ll handle things here without you for now. Good luck.
>With that, we go with Owen to his office. The student council president was waiting for us there. Let’s call him Sugi Meishu.
Owen: So, what is on your mind?
Sugi: Well, for starters, why is David Xanatos’s former assistant doing here?
Owen: If you must know, now that I am no longer of Xanatos Enterprises, I am in need of new employment. However, thanks to a book I read, I thought I could try my luck here in Japan.
Queen: Really? What kind of book?
>Owen takes a tablet out of his desk. He shows us what on it.
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I see.
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I’ve read that. Not sure what to make of it, though, it did give me a lot of Knowledge and Guts. Maybe even a little Kindness, too.
Owen: Glad to hear of it.
Sugi: I could never understand it.
Owen: However, my time as your principal is limited until they can find a more permanent one. They wanted to see if someone from over seas can safely run this school. Now they are convinced it can. However, they still wish for someone of Japanese origin to be here. But still, they were happy with the results.
Sugi: (a bit happy) That’s good to hear. I’m sure the school district would love to hear our opinions as well.
Owen: I will see to it that they do. Now off, I wish to speak to these two alone.
>With that, Sugi leaves. Now it’s just me, Queen, and Owen.
Owen: It was actually Master Alexander who suggested this book.
Queen: That’s good to hear.
Owen: Yes. I must admit, he knew for a awhile that something was happening here in Japan... Especially after your friend fell into that coma. And even before then, he knew.
Joker: Yes. But he’s awake now as you clearly see.
Owen: Yes... And Master Alexander didn’t have to do anything.
Queen: ... So he told you about the connection...
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And that we’re the Phantom Thieves.
Owen: He told me about the connection, yes... But it was you who told me that you were the Phantom Thieves. Just now.
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Shit, I can’t believe we fell for that. That’s the oldest trick in the book.
Owen: I can assure you that you have nothing to fear. Master Alex has asked me no to reveal your identities and I see no reason to reveal them.
Queen: I just hope you are right.
Owen: Anyway, I must go and prepare the announcement.
Queen: What announcement?
Owen: In time. Now I believe you still have some guests to greet.
>We nod and leave.
>Back at the entrance, Fox and Oracle leave Crow alone to take a short break. Then, Crow spots his neighbors, Yushi, Hase, Akira, Isshiki, Akine, Ryu, and Furuhonya. Also with them are the ghosts, Mariko, Kuri, and Shiro the dog, the human yokai, Sato and Yamada, a man with an eye patch known as the Antiquary, and, invisible to everyone but them, a pair of disembodied hands known as Ruriko.
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Once again!
Crow: (happy) I’m so glad you could be here.
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You have Joutou’s student council president to thank. She decided for the last day that our school and Shujin join our two festivals for the last day... Though I wish not all of our neighbors came.
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C’mon, Yushi, we never got to wear these uniforms the past two festivals. Now we have our chance.
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Is this still too short?
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I think it’s just right.
(I apologize for the next picture.)
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Akine: It sort of does.
Mariko: I see nothing wrong with uniforms being short.
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It’s a good thing you’re invisible to human eyes.
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Not this time. Look a that wall there.
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Seriously!? I thought they only did this in Shibuya.
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I had a word with the people there. They thought about it and said, “Just this once.”
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I’m also glad the Kuri can come with us this time. It’s nice to get him out of the apartment once and awhile.
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Yushi: By the way, I brought that package you told me about. It came in yesterday, but I already went to bed when you got home. Not sure why you wanted me to bring it here.
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(taking the package) Just wanted to make sure.
>Then, five more people come up.
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If you’re quite done talking, you’re holding up the line.
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Now, now, Rui chan. It’s just a quick drop off.
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Still, it’s hard tel believe that one of your neighbors, Yushi kun, is the Detective Prince himself.
Crow: (smiling) I’m honored to hear that.
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Indeed. And from what I’ve heard... You must suffering so much with your mother gone and your father being a disgraced politician.
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I take it you’re Haruka Aoki. Yushi san told me a lot about you.
Aoki: I am. And I just wanted to let you know that if you ever feel like crying, I’m always available.
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I am very fine with how things are now, thank you very much.
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(sarcastic) I see that.
Crow: My friends and my neighbors are all the best family I’ve ever had. And I am happy for that.
????: That’s the spirit, Akechi kun?
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Seta sensei?
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Good day, Akechi kun.
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It’s good to see you.
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I’d rather be going to the Culture Festival at Tokyo U with the others, but I guess this place will be great, too.
>Then, me, Queen, Fox, and Oracle return.
Joker: They keep saying that everyone is waiting to get in.
Yushin: Right. We better go in now.
Furuhonya: See you at the cosplay contest.
>With that, the group goes in.
Crow: Futaba chan, I know you need to get back to work, but can you check something for me, please?
Oracle: Is it something to do with that package?
Crow: Yes. It might be up your ally.
Queen: It’s alight, Futaba, we can handle things here for now.
Oracle: Thanks, you guys.
Crow: Let’s head over to 3-B. That class hasn’t come up with something, so it should be completely empty.
>With that, they leave... I’m curious, so I quickly take out my phone.
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Hey, Mona. Can you do something for me?
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What’s 👆, Ren? (👁🤔I'm getting better @ texting.)
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Try not to use so many emojis next time. Anyway, I think Akechi and Futaba are doing something and I would like to know. Just in case. They’re at Class 3-B. Good luck.
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I’m on it.
>Later at Class 3-B, Crow and Oracle sat the box down.
Oracle: What’ in here, Crow?
Crow: You’ll see.
>Crow opens the box and shows her what’s inside...
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This... This is... How?
Crow: If you must know...
>Flashback. Sometme after Peter/Spider-Man got his body back and Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus back in his. Otto awoke with a start... But he wasn’t in the hospital.
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Wh- Where am I?
>Otto gets up and find that he’s in a cell. Worried, he goes to the bars and looks out.
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>Then, the cell door opens and Otto goes out. Then, someone comes to him.
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Welcome to the Velvet Room. This place exists between dreams and reality. Mind and matter. Life and death. Only those who have agreed to a sort of contract may enter here. Yet you, Otto Octavius, have not agreed to such a contract.
Otto: But then, how...
Lavenza: However, the Velvet Room is inseparable from the fate of those who come here. Nothing meaningless happens here...
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So there must be a reason why one of our guests requested you come here.
Otto: (still a little confused) Requested? Here? Wait, how did I even get here?
Lavenza: You are here, and yet not here. Your body is still sound asleep in the real world. You are here in your dreams.
Otto: (getting it) I see. I guess that explains why I’m not groggy here.
????: Glad you’ve realized that.
>Then someone comes out of the shadows.
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Thank you, Lavenza, I can take it from here.
Lavenza: Very well. (steps asaide)
Otto: (a bit surprised) Akechi?
Crow: You probably understand why I’ve called for you here.
Otto: You’re angry at me because I took Peter Parker’s body... Or rather, Spider-Man’s body and completely ruined his life.
Crow: So you know.
Otto: Yes... And that you and your friends are the Phantom Thieves that took my heart over a year ago. Being in Parker’s life helped me figure it out... But after what just happened, I don’t see any reason to reveal your secret. After all, I’m a villain. Who would believe me?
Crow: Glad to hear that.
Otto: Look, I understand what I did was wrong. I tried to be the hero Parker couldn’t, and I failed. Not to mention that you fell into a coma because of what I did. Believe me, if I could, I would turn back time and undo all of it.
Crow: But that won’t help at all. It won’t change the fact that you did do it.
Otto: Don’t you think I know that?
Crow: However, there’s nothing I can do either. I know that Peter wants you to have another chance to become the hero you can be. He’s seen your memories. About your father. So I will give you a another chance as well.
Otto: Well, I’m glad to hear that.
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But for me, this is your last chance.
Otto: !
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So let me give this one warning: If you ever do something like that ever again...
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It’ll be the last thing you ever do. I’ll make sure of it.
Otto: (now a bit shaken)... Y- (a bit of a voice crack there) Yes.
Crow: (back to his cheerful self) Good. Glad we’re on the same page.
Lavenza: It appears you have gained full control of your once dark self.
Crow: Thanks. I’ve been working on it while I was in my coma. Just hope I don’t have to use it the next time we have a heist.
Lavenza: I doubt that. You may have to use it at times. But only when you really have to.
Crow: I’ll try. Now I just have to explain it to the others.
>Crow has now gained Black Mask Mode.
Crow can now use Black Mask Mode.
Black Mask Mode is similar to Orgia Mode. When Crow enters it, his costume will change to his Black Mask one and his attack power and Persona Skills will double for 3 turns. When it passes, Crow will revert to his regular form and will enter a cool down state for three turns which will cost him some HP and unable to act.
Once in Black Mask Mode, you cannot exit it. You must wait until it passes.
Otto: Still, I wish you could make it up to you. I’ve made you miss so much of your life already.
>Crow thought for a moment. Then, he spoke.
Crow: Well, this is one thing you could do.
Otto: What?
Crow: ... You know that costume you wore during your “experience”.
Otto: My Superior Spider-Man suit? What about it?
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I would like to have it.
Otto: (a bit surprised) Are you serious?
Crow: I would like to have it as a reminder of what I just said.
Otto: ... Very well. If that’s what it takes to make up for what I did, I’ll send it to you.
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Thank you.
>Suddenly, a ringing sound came.
Lavenza: It is time to return to the real world. Return and regain whatever rest you have left.
Otto: So... See you around? I promise next time I won’t fail you... Or destroy you... What ever you don’t like me doing to you.
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Sure. Why not?
>Back in the present.
Oracle: I see. So you want me to check it just in case Doc Oct left behind any “nasty surprises”?
Crow: Pretty much.
Oracle: Well, alright. It should be a quick check up. I’ve always heard of stuff like this happening.
>After a few short minutes, Oracle was finished with her analysis.
Oracle: I’ve checked it. All good. I guess he even had it pressed. Though, some of the technology might still be usable. Including the spider arms.
Crow: That sound useful. How nice of Otto.
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Hey, you should try it on.
Crow: Alright. Just to make sure it was worth the wait.
>So, Crow changes out of his fancy suit and into the costume.
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Be brutally honest. How do I look?
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It’s... It’s certain way different from the one Peter usually wears. The one he gave you.
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But you have to admit, Otto does have some taste.
>Crow has received the Superior Spider-Man Costume.
Crow can now wear the Superior Spider-Man Costume. There are only two ways you can see him wear it. No matter which one you go by, Crow has to be wearing the Spider-Man Costume.
To see him wear it in field, go to a place that requires you to use a grappling hook or climb. Instead of a grappling hook, Crow will use Web Shooters. When climbing, Crow will use the costume’s robot spider arms.
To see him wear it in battle, simply enter Black Mask Mode. This, however, will not effect Crow in battle. When Black Mask Mode passes, Crow will return to his regular Spider-Man Costume until he enters Black Mask Mode again.
Crow: I see even the scanners working...
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Since I’ve noticed two people spying on us.
>Oracle quickly turn to the door and saw Mona... and Vincent.
Oracle: How much did you hear?
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Quite enough.
Vincent: ...
>Vincent quickly and quietly leaves.
Mona: I wonder what he’s up to?
Oracle: Anyway, I think we should tell the others.
Crow: I think it’s for the best that we do.
>With Vincent, he takes his phone out and begins typing something on it. Then, Duke arrives.
Duke: Is everything alright, Vince?
Vincent: (putting his phone away) It’s... It’s nothing. I’m just a little tired. Who would have thought a Japanese Culture Festival would be this much.
Duke: Maybe... Actually, you’ve been tired a lot these days. I’ve noticed you haven’t gotten much sleep.
Vincent: I’m fine. I’ll just go to the rest area. I’ll meet you up for the speech.
>With that, Vince leaves. Duke just stares, a little worried about his younger brother.
>Later, after Crow, Oracle, and Mona told us what happened with Otto, we were a little surprised. But we decided to let him keep the suit if that’s what he really wants. I just hope he knows what he’s doing.
>Later on, we finally finished greeting people coming to the festival for the day. Luckily, I have time before the speech, so I decide to check out the rest of the festival. So, after I changed back to my uniform, I check my phone to see if anyone wanted to spend it with me. I have three messages. One from Fox, one from my dad, and one from... Vincent Hauser. I decide to check Fox first. I wonder what my boyfriend would like to do?
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Ren, I would like us to check on what the Art Club is doing. Can you come?
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I’ll be there. I want to see, too.
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Thank you. And there’s something I want to tell you. I would tell you over the phone, but I think I should tell you in person.
>With that, I go to the Art Room.
>At the Art Room, everyone is too preoccupied with Akira’s “art demonstration” (and his uniform). Fox is also watching until he notices me.
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Ren, you’ve made it.
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I’m here. So, what is it you want to talk about?
??????: You’ll see.
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Aren’t you...
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I’m a distant relative of Yusuke’s... But that’s not why I’m here and what he was going to tell you.
Fox: He’s right.
Joker: What is it?
Fox: Well, as you know, if I had a mother...
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Then I must have a father.
Joker: (surprised) Are you serious?
Goemon: Yusuke’s mother entrusted me with his identity before she died. Since he’s almost finished with high school, I thought it was time to tell him the truth. His father is alive and well.
Joker: Why didn’t he come to find him after his mother died? I can understand why you didn’t come for him.
Fox: Goemon ojisan said he and my mother separated before learning she was pregnant. So I guess he doesn’t know I exist. The reason they left each other is because my father was still in his last year of high school when he met my mother who was his art teacher. At first, it was just tutoring because his grades in art were slipping. But as time went on, their relationship only grew until they ended up having romantic feelings for each other. They were only in bed with each other once. But not too long afterwards, the school found out and my mother was forced to quit her job so her student wouldn’t get expelled. He already had a promising future as a race car driver. Not too long after that, my mother found out she was pregnant with me. Since she had no job, she went to the only person left in her life. Her art teacher...
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Joker: I see. And your father?
Goemon: There was a DNA test. The student is definitely Yusuke’s father. But she asked that he never find out. By the time Yusuke was born, he was already famous for winning his first race. And learning that he was a father at such a young age and with an older woman would only ruin his reputation. So, we kept quiet. But now that Yusuke’s a man, the time has come to tell him the truth.
Joker: Does your father know about you know?
Fox: No. But I suspect that he has to know sooner or later. My mother didn’t want him to know. Though, I suppose she wanted to tell him herself after learning he would take part in what is known as the World Race on Highway 35, but she never got the chance.
Joker: Yeah, you were only 3 when the race took place and your mother died around the same time. And I’m guessing Madarame wouldn’t tell him either so he could have you to himself... Or rather, your art talent.
Goemon: I would have done something about it, but you know I can’t actually return to Tokyo.
Fox: I understand. You were already wanted by the authorities and your enemies. I would only be put in danger.
Joker: What will you do now? Are you going to go looking for your dad?
Fox: Not right away. I still have to finish school. Maybe after. And...
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Ren, I would like you to come with me.
Joker: Of course, Yusuke, you know I would do anything for you. And you would do the same. I’ll go with you to find your father.
Fox: Thank you, Ren. I know our love for each other is only fanmade, but thank you.
Goemon: That’s good to hear.
Joker: By the way, who is your father? We know he took part in the World Race. And he’s probably Japanese since he went to high school here.
Goemon: Technically, he’s Japanese American. He’s father insisted he go to school here. He’s... someone whose element opposes Yusuke’s.
Joker: That only narrows it down to one. You mean...
Goemon: Yes, Yusuke’s mother told me so... It’s Taro Kitano.
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You weren’t kidding when you said he’s a famous racer.
Goemon: Yes. During the first World Race, he was the leader of the Scorchers. Two years later, he left to join Metal Maniacs. However, and this was off the record until recently, things happened and he decided that being in the Metal Maniacs wasn’t working out for him. So he left and returned to the Scorchers.
Joker: Yeah, I heard. He claimed that only left because “the Scorchers were lost without me”... But in reality, we all know he was the one who is lost without the Scorchers. And after a year with them he regained leadership. They’re now all living in Los Angeles, waiting for the the return of the World Race. Which is going to be very long since the secrets of Highway 35 is now lost after the race’s creator, Dr. Peter Tezla, passed away. Even his old assistant robot, Gig, doesn’t know how to open it. So these days, most of the racing teams that were involved in the World Race, including the Scorchers, are just entering smaller races and street races.
Fox: Of course, we’ve seen impossible things happen before.
Goemon: That’s true. Maybe the World Race will return. It’s only a matter of time.
Fox: For him, I hope so. I know he would probably love it.
Goemon: Speaking of time, I should be going. It’s only a matter of time before someone recognizes me and calls the police.
Joker: Right. Well, see ya... And one more thing.
Goemon: What’s that?
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Tell my favorite cousin I said hi.
Goemon: (smiling a bit) I will.
>With that, he leaves.
Fox: (a bit surprised) Ren, I didn’t know you two were related.
Joker: Only in spirit. He knows that my Initial Persona and my Third Tier Persona are both based on his grandfather. So I like to play with the idea that we are family.
Fox: (laughing a bit) That’s actually quite clever.
Joker: Thanks.
Fox: Also, there’s something else I want to tell you.
Joker: What is it?
Fox: I’ve decided. After I’ve finished school...
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I’m moving in with you at the cafe.
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Are you serious? That’s... That’s wonderful.
Fox: Yes. I’m tired of having to only be with you once a week and holidays. I want to be with you always.
Joker: What about college?
Fox: We can still go. But I can no longer stay in the dorms and I don’t have enough for an apartment. And even if I did, it would just feel lonely without you.
Joker: I know. Mona said that he’s still trying to convince Ann’s parents to let her and him move in together now that he has a human form. Obvious they object to the idea, even Ann.
Akira: (who heard the whole thing after finishing his demonstration) That girl is definitely like her Persona. They are both free-loving spirits. Anyway, Akechi’s already spoken to Mona and he keeps telling him that he’s very welcome to move to our place which we would be happy with.
Joker: What did he say?
Akira: He said he’ll think about it. But I’m sure he’ll come around, but I doubt he’ll ever give up chasing that girl.
Fox: (laughing a bit) Good to hear somethings never change.
Joker: Anyway, I’m just so glad that we’ll be living together from now on.
Fox: And we didn’t even have to ask a magic counselor to do it.
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It’s just us.
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And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
>With that, we embrace in a passionate kiss. Everyone in the Art Room saw us and applauded us.
Joker: (finishing up) Speaking of fathers and family, I should check up on what my dad wanted.
>I check my phone.
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Hey, Ren, I want to talk to you about something... It’s... It’s about Adi.
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What is it?
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We’ll tell you at the counselor’s office.
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I’ll be there.
Fox: If you don’t mind, I would like to know what it is, as well.
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If you don’t mind, Yusuke wants to come, too.
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Alright. I think he might want to hear this too if he wants.
Joker: Let’s go.
Fox: Very well.
>At the counselor’s office, we meet with Dad and Adi.
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You made it. You as well, Yusuke.
Fox: Yes.
Joker: What is it you wanted to tell me?
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Well, you might want to sit down. This could be difficult to process.
>We sit.
Jonny: As you probably know about Ryuji’s relation to Makoto.
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Yes, I know.
>Skull told us the whole story just after Crow awoke.
>Flashback. Crow’s hospital room. We were gathered around with Skull’s mother.
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Years ago, when I was still a baby, Hydra had already begun workin' on what is known as the “Emerald Rain Project”. Makoto, or Hurricane, was born from it. But...
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They can’t just make a body with nothin'.
Joker: What do you mean?
Skull: That power still needed a body to hold it in. They needed genetic makeup that could handle it. So they searched all the governments in world and they found him... Alexander Paine, my father. However, gettin’ a DNA sample was difficult since Paine already workin’ as a double agent. So they had to settle for the next best thing.
Mrs. Sakamoto: (no serious picture available) They wanted our son. It happened when I was coming in for what I thought was our yearly blood test. That took Ryu kun’s blood and mine. However, after the examined our blood... They saw my blood had much more potency then my son’s. So they took my blood instead.
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They made someone from your blood.
Skull: Yes. They then combined it with the Emerald Rain...
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and created Makoto.
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Makoto was made from your mother? But, in a way, that would make him...
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Yup, that would make Makoto... my biological younger brother.
>We were all quiet.
Skull: But we’re not gonna let it completely change our lives. We know that we’re related, but we’ll continue livin' our lives. But won’t be distancin’ ourselves. He’ll be visitin’ us a little more often, but his home is in New York with the Avengers and the Future Avengers.
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Why are you telling us this now?
Skull: After what happened with Akechi, I think I should tell you now before somethin’ else happens.
>Back in the present.
Adi: I see. He told you.
Joker: He has... But what does this have to do with it?
Adi: I think... I think it was fate that me and Makoto know each other.
Joker: What do you mean?
Jonny: After seeing Adi perform the same trick you did at the club with the billiard table, I thought it was a bit odd. So I asked Tony Stark to do a check. When you were still a baby, your mother and I took you in for a blood test... The doctor who performed it was a Hydra agent.
Adi: The scientists then turned your blood into sperm and gave it to a female agent... The same one who bore me.
Fox: But if that’s true, that would mean...
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No, it’s not possible.
Adi: This is why I asked you two to sit down. Ren Amamiya, a DNA test confirmed. You, in a biological sense... Are my father and I’m your son.
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(A little reminder, this is a fanmade timeline. In reality, there are no actual relations between certain characters... Other than the fact that they were either from ATLUS or share the same English voice actors.)
Adi: I’m sorry. I know this must come as a shock to you. You’ve already been though so much with your friends and don’t need anymore drama in your life.
Joker: I... I know. It’s just so much to absorb. Me? A father? I haven’t even graduated yet.
Adi: I’m not asking you to take me in. The Avengers already claimed that job. I just thought that you should know. And I also wanted to let you know that things don’t have to change because of this. I’ve learned that a hero known as Superman went though a similar situation as you do. However, instead of acknowledging Superboy as his son, they refer to each other as brothers. I don’t know if you’ll do the same with me, but I just wanted you to let you know.
Joker: ... I guess, I still need to time to think it over. But I guess it does mean that we’re related. I’m not sure if I’m ready to call you my son and me your father yet. But I guess I can consider you my brother for now. And maybe someday...
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We would call ourselves parent and child.
Adi: You mean it?
Joker: We’ll see. But if you ever need anything, I'm right here.
Adi: ... (a little more happier) Thank you.
>I can feel Adi’s trust and happiness in me. I feel closer to him now.
I am thou, thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh they chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Crossing Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
Confidant: Codec
Arcana: Crossing (This Arcana is made up for this Confidant.)
Rank: 1
Ability: Technical Act
Adi will help Admin track down more Mementos targets no matter which Mementos it is.
Jonny: I’m glad we got this over with.
Joker: I know. But why would you help him try to talk to me? He can just come to me any time.
Jonny: I was the first person Adi told. In a way, that makes him my grandson, or rather, my son if what you say is true. I guess I just thought I could help him if this gets hard. You’re still a kid after all.
Joker: Actually, I just turned 18. I’m a man now.
Jonny: And a good man indeed. I’m proud of you, son.
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Thanks, Dad.
>I can feel our bond getting stronger.
Rank Up!
Confidant: Chief
Arcana: Daylight
Rank: 3
Ability: Pass with Riding Colors
You will gain a higher score on your Driving Test.
Joker: Will you be staying for the speech?
Jonny: Why not? I better go, I promised your mother I’d show her how a haunted house works.
Adi: Yeah, they probably don’t have those on her homeworld.
>Dad laughs a bit and leaves.
Adi: He really seems like a good father.
Joker: He sure is.
Adi: Though I wish I knew.
Joker: Knew what?
Adi: If his last name is Argia... Why is your last name Amamiya? Is it your mother’s maiden name?
Joker: Technically...
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It’s because I’m the nameless and silent protagonist of a video game where everything about me, including my name, personality, past, interests, and even my love life are decided by the player.
Adi: I... Guess that makes sense.
Fox: Ren, can I ask something?
Joker: What is it?
Fox: If you do decide to take up the role as Adi’s father...
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Do you think he would mind two?
>I laugh. Adi can’t help but crack a smile, too. We then put our hands on each other’s shoulders.
Adi: Don’t worry, I have no problem with that.
Joker: By the way, what made you curious about who your father is?
Adi: Well, I know it sounds strange but... It came to me in a dream. I’ve been dreaming about you ever since... Since the second day of the Dream Festival... Since I heard you sing.
Joker: Me sing?
Adi: Yes. I think that’s what drove to pull that trick you did with the billiard table. I thought it was just a thought. But now I know. I think... I think we’re connected.
Joker: Connected? My song?
Fox: Ren?
>I think about it... I put the pieces together... And I finally get the picture.
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I think I finally know how Ryuji ,Akechi, Harry, Peter, and all those other people became connected... And it’s not just because they share the same voice actors.
Adi: You know? Then tell us.
Joker: I’ll tell you... After the festival. Right now, I’ve still got one more person to check on.
>I check my phone.
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You’re that guy who was with my brother, right? I want to talk to you.
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About what?
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I’ll tell you in person.
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Alright, I’ll listen to what you have to say.
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Thanks. I’ll meet you on the school rooftop.
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Alright. BTW, what kind of icon is that?
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... A falcon. I was originally going to use an eagle, but that sort of hurt. So I went with a falcon.
Adi: I would like to come, too. I have a feeling I know where this is going.
Fox: Same here. I’m coming, too.
>We nod and go to the roof.
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>The school rooftop. The Gardening Club were showing the guests what they have been growing with Noir and Isshiki helping.
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That’s amazing, Haru chan!
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Thank you, Isshi kun.
>We then notice Vincent sitting at one of the desks nearby. Noir notices as well.
Noir: And on that note, that’s all we can demonstrate. Crystal HIme’s sppech will begin soon. But don’t worry, Tokyo University has an open exhibit every Saturday. We’ll see you then.
Isshiki: We will.
>With that, everyone leaves. Now it’s just me, Vincent, Fox, Adi, and Noir.
Joker: Let me guess, you’re here because you’ve been having weird dreams where you’re someone else.
Vincent: So it’s that obvious, huh?
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It’s been going around, lately.
Adi: So, what can you tell us about your dream?
Vincent: Well, depending on what I’ve heard your friends said... Otto Octavius. Or should I say, Doctor Octopus.
Noir: You’ve been dreaming about him?
Vincent: Yes. And when he swapped bodies with Spider- Peter Parker, I started feeling weak.
Noir: I think that was from the swap. But I guess you’re better now that he and Peter are back in the own bodies.
Vincent: Yeah, I am. But it’s not just Doc Oct I’ve been dreaming about. I’ve also been dreaming about a version of Robin, a Planeteer, a grotesque version of Pinnochio, a young man scared of technology, another young man with two swords (though that one’s faint), a boy with a scar, a cloned agent, a shape-changing hero, a super fan of Ben Tennyson as well as Tennyson’s future son (I think), one of the 7D, a student who is also from New York, and bunch else.
Fox: But one of them stuck out the most, didn’t it. Which one?
Vincent: ... Yes... But I don’t think I’m ready to tell you. I need to know you’re legit.
Noir: What do you mean?
Vincent: I know that you’re the Phantom Thieves. Don’t ask how I know. Maybe it was because of the change of heart you gave me two years ago, maybe it was the connection. But don’t worry, Duke didn’t tell me. And if you want to know what I’ve been dreaming about, I need to know that you might be able to help.
Joker: With what?
>Suddenly, I sense something on the fence. We look up and someone comes down.
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Snake Eyes san!? You’re here, too!?
????: Yes, my sensei thinks you might be able to help someone he knows.
>Another appears near him.
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It’s... another Snake Eyes.
Adi: (puzzled) Another Snake Eyes?
Joker: Yes, there are other versions of you Joes.
Fox: And every version of Snake Eyes all know each other. Even before the connection.
Adi: How is that possible? They can’t even talk.
Snake Eyes: ...
Jinx: Just trust him. Actually, it’s someone the other Snake Eyes knows. He’s known as Lt. Stone. He and that Snake Eyes are part of a version of the team known as “Sigma 6″. I would tell you more, but Sensei insists that Snake Eyes tell you himself.
Noir: Are you serious?
Vincent: Just do this. If you do, then I’ll tell why the person I’m dreaming about got my attention.
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Okay, we’ll do it.
Vincent: You will? ... Thanks.
Joker: Does Duke know about this?
Vincent: I think he’s a little preoccupied with connection dreams of his own. Something about a firefighter with a giant robot, the second Kid Flash, a squid boy, an anthropomorphic dog, an evil warrior, two young men in wheelchairs, a gay superhero, and a bunch of others I can’t even point out.
Adi: (a bit surprised) That must be a lot.
Announcement: Attention everyone! Our guest speaker will begin her speech soon. After that, we have our cosplay contest and dance party. If you wish to attend, please make your way to the gym. Thank you and we hope to see you all again at next year’s festival.
Noir: We better go, I don’t want to miss Crystal Hime’s speech.
Joker: And I entered the cosplay contest.
Jinx: Yeah, I read it in the program. It’s in three categories: Japanese High School, Halloween, and Superhero.
Joker: I’ve entered in Halloween.
Vincent: ... I’ve entered in... Superhero.
Jinx: (a bit puzzled) You entered?
Vincent: (frustrated) Roadblock and Ripcord conned me into it. It just happened.
>So, we went to the gym.
>in the gymnasium, everyone who is attending the festival gathered as Princess Crystal and President Sugi are on the stage.
Sugi: Attention everyone, Princess Crystal of Attilan is here to address everyone here. Both human and Inhuman. Alright, Crystal sama, the floor’s yours.
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Thank you, President Meishu. (goes up to the podium) Students and staff of Shujin Academy, human, Inhuman, and otherwise, I have come to you this day, the last day of the School Culture Festival, to offer a chance on behalf of my brother-in-law, King Black Bolt, to come to settle in the Inhuman City of Attilan. Now keep in mind, this is your choice alone. I cannot make it for you. Nor can my sister, her husband, or the rest of my family. Since most of the world has already accepted you for who and what you are, but we would like to wish that you could come and experience life with other Inhumans. Of course, you are aloud to visit instead. And if you do wish to move to Attilan, do not be alarmed. You can visit Earth and your loved ones as many times as you like. No matter what species you are, whether you’re visiting or moving, you still need a passport. Our only wish is that we foster peace between us all. We only hope that you will give us your answers. Thank you. Now, does anyone have any questions?
>A lot of hands shoot up.
Princess Crystal: (unimpressed) Any questions that doesn’t talk about how cool my family is or if I’m seeing anyone.
>Some hands came down. Most of them were guys.
Princess Crystal: Yes, you there.
Inhuman Female Student: Yes, about moving to your city, can my boyfriend, my friend, and her boyfriend move in with me? They’re not Inhuman, but they do have powers. My boyfriend is a metahuman, my friend's a mutant, and her boyfriend’s a NEXT. Is that alright?
Princess Crystal: They might move in with you, though, I must caution your mutant friend. The Terrigen Mist we have with us is dangerous to her kind. She might get M-Pox. However, we have a friend who is a mutant scientist, Dr. Hank McCoy. I think he might work on something. And M-Pox has been proven to be treatable. So, yes, they can move in with you. Who else has a question? How about you?
Inhuman Male Teacher: How is the employment rate in your city? I’ve been a teacher for four years and I’m not about to quit just yet.
Pricness Crystal: You don’t need worry about that. If you still wish to teach, we have plenty of learning facilities to choose from. Of course, for other employment, well, we Inhuman do not use money much, but you can still work if you so desire. Most of the goods in Attilan are either given away or traded. Now anymore questions?
>Meanwhile, backstage...
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She makes a compelling argument.
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Are you thinking of taking up her offer?
Kei: That depends, will Makoto be coming with me? And my kaiju?
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I guess I can go with. Just remember, we are still from Earth. But I’m happy wherever I am as long as the people I love are there... Especially you, Kei.
Kei: (smiling) That’s true.
>The two boys shared a short hug.
Princess Crystal: Well, that’s all the questions I can answer. Thank you for your time. Now I return you to your student council president.
Sugi: Thank you, Crystal sama. Now, for the cosplay contest! We have three categories: Japanese High School, Halloween, and Superhero. Now, could our contestants for Japanese High School, please come forward.
>The cosplayers come on stage. I could tell Mariko is the most excited as she’s hoping to win.
Mariko: (smirking) I’ve got this one in the bag.
Sugi: And the winner is... A late entry... Teddie Teddison?
Mariko: (shocked) WHAT!?
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I’m so glad you all chose little ol’ moi. I haven’t been this honored at a school festival since Yasogami did its cross-dressing pageant. Thank you all!
Mariko: (angry) Why that little- I’ll have to find out where he’s staying and give him a good haunting.
Akine: (smiling threat) Do you want me to exorcise you?
Noir: How is Teddie san even here?
Mona: I invited him. Something about “us mascots sticking together”. Especially now I have a human form just like him. Way to go, Teddie senpai!
Sugi: Now, on to Halloween. Will the contestants please come forward?
>The cosplayers, including myself, come forward.
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To set the record straight, I’m not Harry Potter.
>I notice that Panther is in the contest, too.
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(This is as much of her costume as we’ll show to avoid being flagged.)
(whisper) Good luck, Ren.
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(also whispering) You, too.
Sugi: And the winner is... Ann Takamaki!
>The audience cheered as Panther got her prize.
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Thank you all!
Male Student: You go, Takamaki! That costume makes you look-
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Don’t even go there.
Sugi: Now on to our final category. Will our Superheroes come up, please.
>The cosplayers come up. I see Crow still dressed like a Featherman.
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Think what you like, this is the best I could come up with. And using anything webby would feel like cheating.
Female Student as Dragon Kid: (blushing) I don’t know what you mean, but you really look cool in that Featherman costume.
Sugi: And the winner is... Yest another late entry...
>A spotlight turns on... What the...
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Duke: (shocked) Vince?
Sugi: (amazed) That is a real great costume! What are you?
Vincent: (thinking to himself) I can’t believe I’m doing this. Ripcord, Roadblock, you owe me. (out loud in a heroic voice) The name’s Stretch, leader of the Flex Fighters, and one of the stretchiest heroes in Charter City!
Sugi: Really? Like Plastic Man, Elongated Man, Mr. Fantastic, and Ms. Marvel?
Vincent: Those are his main powers.
Sugi: There you have it, everyone, our contest winner!
>Everyone applauded.
Sugi: Well, that it for the cosplay contest. We will begin our dance party and the closing ceremony shortly.
Duke: Wow, Vince, I didn’t think you could do something like that.
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(Vincent insisted we use this picture to remind us it’s not what you think)
(groans) Ripcord did the wig and Roadblock gave me the suit he had his grandmother made. They said, “If you can do this, we’ll get Tunnel Rat off my back about turning you guys in for a month.”
Ripcord: Actually, since you won, we’ll make it a year.
Duke: (unimpressed) So you’re saying you conned my brother into doing this.
Ripcord: Hey, it’s Tunnel Rat’s fault he still won’t let go.
Tunnel Rat: He has a point. I know you’re tired of hearing this, but... Seriously, Duke, your kid brother?
Duke: I already made it clear, he just wanted to protect our folks.
Vincent: Besides, isn’t getting my heart taken by the Phantom Thieves enough?
Tunnel Rat: ... I’ll get back to you on that.
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(back in uniform) Tunnel Rat, a happy ball of sunshine, you are most definitely not.
Tunnel Rat: Tch. Whatever.
Sugi: Now, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time for the yearly...
Shujin After Party!
Eveyone: (cheering)
Sugi: We prepared a surprise event! Members of the dance group! C’mon!
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Wait, that guy on the far left of the stage... Sakamoto senapi!?
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Hey, guys! Betcha you didn’t see this comin’!
Vincent: (back in his regular clothes) You’re in idol, so we kind of did see this coming!
Sugi: Alright, everyone, dance against them like you want to win!
Violet: At times like this, you stand out if you’re the only one isn’t dancing. Let’s dance as well!
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Looks like it’s show time!
>Before I knew it, Violet, Roadblock, and even Flint are dancing.
Flint: (looking nervously at Lady Jaye) What? It’s a catchy song.
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Violet: (smiling) You’re good, senpai!
Sugi: Alright, now that the assembly’s gotten warmed up, let’s change the song! At a festival at JTB, he blew everyone’s minds, now let’s see him do it again! Let’s give a big welcome to...
Naomi Chiaki!
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This should be interesting. Let’s see if Inaba was right.
>What happens next can only be described in this post by Bishonenlover☆.
Sugi: Thank you, Chiaki sensei!
Inhuman Male Student: I should totally transfer to JBT if I’m not going to the moon!
Sugi: And now for our last dance the the evening! So, will Sumire Yoshizawa come to the center of the dance floor!
Violet: (surprised) Me?
Sugi: Who better to dance the big finale than the one who killed it at Dream FES? And to make it better... Vincent kun will be dancing with you?
Vincent: (shocked) Me!?
Sugi: Right, that’s the prize for best Superhero cosplay. A dance with one of the school’s most popular students.
Vincent: I don’t have a choice, do I? ... Fine. But if I look ridiculous...
Violet: (reassuring) Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen. Now come on!
>Violet takes Vincent by the hand and drags him out to the dance floor... Is he blushing?
(Insert song: Colors Flying High)
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>Then, I notice someone on a balcony... Guess Roxie Richter hasn’t learned her lesson from last time... But I don’t think we have to worry. At that moment, Snake Eyes, Jinx, and, who I can only guess is Storm Shadow, surround her.
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You Arashikage trash better back off! This is between me and that slut down there.
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As if we take orders from someone whose clan is as broken as yours.
Roxie Richter: Well sorry if I’m only Half-Ninja! Fine, I’m leaving. But this isn’t over!
>With that, she leaves... We really need to keep an eye out for her.
Violet: (finishing her dance) I have to say, you’re not so bad on your feet.
Vincent: (also finished) Well, playing football and my training at West Point made me quite nimble.
Violet: (a bit surprised) Oh, you’ve already started going there?
Vincent: Yeah, I got in on a football scholarship. They say I’m doing well and that I might have a place... with the Green Berets.
Violet: (smiling happily) That’s good to hear. I hope you make it.
Vincent: (blushing a bit) Th- Thanks.
Lady Jaye: (a little happy) Looks like Vince made a new friend.
Duke: (happy for his little brother) Yeah, I guess he did.
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As long as he doesn’t try anything funny, I’m okay with it.
Duke: I take it you’re her dad.
Admin’s Notes
We don’t know much about how this works. Has anyone who graduated from West Point ever become a Green Beret? Please let us know at our sister page.
P.S. No, we’re not with Cobra or terrorists. We’re just making sure we haven’t made any mistakes.
Sugi: And now we come to the end of another School Festival. To close us off, Principal Owen Burnett will give us his announcement.
Owen: Thank you, Mr. Meishu. I am glad I got to be here in time for the festival. And thank you, Princess Crystal for that speech. Now, I know most of you have never known who your principal is since the ‘departure’ of your previous one, but now, here I am. And I promise, in the time I have here, I will try to make things here at Shujin Academy better than they were before. I will not disappoint.
>A decent amount of applauding can be heard.
Owen: Now for a couple of changes that I wish to announce that will only be in effect while I am here. We will be adding two more to the staff. They should be no strangers as they have part of this staff before. First off, let us welcome back... Takuto Maruki.
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It’s so good to be back here at Shujin. After a bit of soul searching, I’m back in action. I’m ready to help you all... In the real way.
>The crowd, especially the girls, all cheered loudly.
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(This gif is originally from angelnanime. Sorry, but it would just be criminal not to include this scene.)
>The crowd, especially the girls, all giggled, but are happy that Takuto (he insisted we not hide his name for personal reasons) is back... I hope he keep his promise.
Owen: And last, but now least, and you will probably will be very unhappy for allowing this, but apparently, he’s be declared rehabilitated and they convinced me to give him back his old position. But I promise you, during this time, he will be on probation. If he repeats his crime or performs any other illegal action, I have orders to report him to the police.
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A teacher on probation? Wait...
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Skull: Relax, Ann. I don’t think it’s actually-
?????????: Heads up!
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>The volleyball is quickly cough by Owen, effortlessly.
Shocked Male Student: No way, what’s he doing here!?
Appalled Female Student: Great, does this mean I’m going to be groped by him?
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I know what you’re thinking. Don’t worry, I promise those days are over. I’ve learned my lesson and I won’t be doing anymore abuse or harassment while I’m here. And I also promise that the remainder of this school year will be the best. And by the end of it...
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You might never want me to leave again.
>We all couldn’t believe it. Our first target is back at Shujin... Something tells me things are about to get more interesting.
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Really the same challenges and which male enhancement pills work opportunities, survival and death co pxl male enhancement exist.At this crucial juncture, Beijing s big economists put forward two big ideas, one called joint stock reform and one called asset restructuring. Finally, the partnership business dividends, engineers have a design fee, he insisted not. For the older generation, it has passed half a century and has accumulated too much www.realdealview.com suffering and thoughts of flesh separation. I can only say to you, take the road well.sister.In addition, I would like to tell you an important decision.Although it has already been enrolled, I think it will be considered again and again this year. Xiao Qin found this empty site, only extenze male enhancement reviews she and the pilot face to face when they are a little helpless, see him walking closer to himself, even more anxious and which male enhancement pills work anxious, over time, you please sit, you please sit. 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New Year s Eve, prospective young couple to create a which male enhancement pills work festive atmosphere.Xiao Wu to personally do the northern flavor of food, but unfortunately sit even sit still not good for a which male enhancement pills work long time, had to let celery cook, close the group year, she gave man feeding. Her return to live in the mothers house, such as sentenced to death prisoners, waiting for the arrival of that hour. 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Really the same challenges and which male enhancement pills work opportunities, survival and death co pxl male enhancement exist.At this crucial juncture, Beijing s big economists put forward two big ideas, one called joint stock reform and one called asset restructuring. Finally, the partnership business dividends, engineers have a design fee, he insisted not. For the older generation, it has passed half a century and has accumulated too much http://www.realdealview.com suffering and thoughts of flesh separation. I can only say to you, take the road well.sister.In addition, I would like to tell you an important decision.Although it has already been enrolled, I think it will be considered again and again this year. Xiao Qin found this empty site, only extenze male enhancement reviews she and the pilot face to face when they are a little helpless, see him walking closer to himself, even more anxious and which male enhancement pills work anxious, over time, you please sit, you please sit. Xiao Qin heard unrestrained heart dangling bursts of ripples, eager to meet with a small north, then tell his uncle. To do as I say, to me, to which male enhancement pills work you, to him, and to your unforgettable goodness, are all which male enhancement pills work good. There is just a senior car is entering the gate, the security door for the release of the car, it is too late to close the iron gate to stop the trailing of the crowd, inadvertently leave a big gap. Article IV, the company built a new home mortgage repayment of funds.They do not consider it, because they do not need a house, they need a which male enhancement pills work banknote, and they can not sell it and sell it, even if they get the house over. He first cast his nepotar into an empty shell, then immediately to the price of four million yuan of land, the real estate company is actually acquired by the government acquisition. To this monster of capitalism is fierce auspicious, in the early winter of 1995 AD, Li Jiaocheng and all his relatives, friends, no one can help him best supplements for men out of a surefire idea. Show children had to pull the phone line was able to escape the cream couple turns abusive, but my heart is always on the top, it is difficult to sleep peacefully. Jia Cheng and Xiao Qin have been sent to the car Zhen.Holding the steering wheel in stamina male enhancement one hand and shaking the door glass in which male enhancement pills work the other, he waved them away. Xiu er sister himself is a alpha maxx male enhancement mess, but also expect to borrow money from her, Moreover, mens enlargement people are not in the local, even if cheeky begged her, she also made kind hearted behavior, but can not be far from thirsty. Xiao Qin such thinking, they immediately aware of their gaffe, can realdealview not help but red face, said busy, come in and sit. New Year s Eve, prospective young couple to create a which male enhancement pills work festive atmosphere.Xiao Wu to personally do the northern flavor of food, but unfortunately sit even sit still not good for a which male enhancement pills work long time, had to let celery cook, close the group year, she gave man feeding. Her return to live in the mothers house, such as sentenced to death prisoners, waiting for the arrival of that hour. 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sizzlingprinceheart · 6 years
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When he talks about a post mortem study of his postmodernist which male enhancement pills work time space viewpoints which male enhancement pills work after he himself was inexplicably meticulously fulfilled, he decompressed, tension relaxed and terror was eliminated. I wanted to have him included, so safe and natural male enhancement Ye Hao, a corpse rotted in my hometown.I did not expect him to be alive. She could not help but say a poem.He looked at her in which male enhancement pills work astonishment, and that meant black ant male enhancement to say how you felt and expressed, and I did not understand it. Her distraught, not eating, no sleep, Rui Juan earnestly persuaded, broken beads like shed tears of sympathy. So, he dialed Xiaoqinzi s duty room phone, ask her to ask.Small which male enhancement pills work celery readily agreed, the blind purchase of the phone also hasty hang up, top male enhancements pills he did not even ask which male enhancement pills work Xiao Qin good, which makes her too sad. This time seriously, I flew to Shanghai tomorrow night and you thought so well.I waited for your reply. Gold baby flowed a lot of blood, breath, ask me to go to the hospital to save him a life, later repay. Ochomaki also go down from that hill, far see him fell a limbs overturned, holding a sweat for him. However, he may not remember you Blind suddenly frustrated.Xiao Qin quickly blocked You which male enhancement pills work do not blind idea, to be nonsense, not to which male enhancement pills work say what, I find again Zhen total. Really the same challenges and which male enhancement pills work opportunities, survival and death co pxl male enhancement exist.At this crucial juncture, Beijing s big economists put forward two big ideas, one called joint stock reform and one called asset restructuring. Finally, the partnership business dividends, engineers have a design fee, he insisted not. For the older generation, it has passed half a century and has accumulated too much http://www.realdealview.com suffering and thoughts of flesh separation. I can only say to you, take the road well.sister.In addition, I would like to tell you an important decision.Although it has already been enrolled, I think it will be considered again and again this year. Xiao Qin found this empty site, only extenze male enhancement reviews she and the pilot face to face when they are a little helpless, see him walking closer to himself, even more anxious and which male enhancement pills work anxious, over time, you please sit, you please sit. Xiao Qin heard unrestrained heart dangling bursts of ripples, eager to meet with a small north, then tell his uncle. To do as I say, to me, to which male enhancement pills work you, to him, and to your unforgettable goodness, are all which male enhancement pills work good. There is just a senior car is entering the gate, the security door for the release of the car, it is too late to close the iron gate to stop the trailing of the crowd, inadvertently leave a big gap. Article IV, the company built a new home mortgage repayment of funds.They do not consider it, because they do not need a house, they need a which male enhancement pills work banknote, and they can not sell it and sell it, even if they get the house over. He first cast his nepotar into an empty shell, then immediately to the price of four million yuan of land, the real estate company is actually acquired by the government acquisition. To this monster of capitalism is fierce auspicious, in the early winter of 1995 AD, Li Jiaocheng and all his relatives, friends, no one can help him best supplements for men out of a surefire idea. Show children had to pull the phone line was able to escape the cream couple turns abusive, but my heart is always on the top, it is difficult to sleep peacefully. Jia Cheng and Xiao Qin have been sent to the car Zhen.Holding the steering wheel in stamina male enhancement one hand and shaking the door glass in which male enhancement pills work the other, he waved them away. Xiu er sister himself is a alpha maxx male enhancement mess, but also expect to borrow money from her, Moreover, mens enlargement people are not in the local, even if cheeky begged her, she also made kind hearted behavior, but can not be far from thirsty. Xiao Qin such thinking, they immediately aware of their gaffe, can realdealview not help but red face, said busy, come in and sit. New Year s Eve, prospective young couple to create a which male enhancement pills work festive atmosphere.Xiao Wu to personally do the northern flavor of food, but unfortunately sit even sit still not good for a which male enhancement pills work long time, had to let celery cook, close the group year, she gave man feeding. Her return to live in the mothers house, such as sentenced to death prisoners, waiting for the arrival of that hour. 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