#but it's so nice to just. simplify n smooth out the code. makes everything so nice n run faster
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
queue ran out yesterday...... truly just lost in the sauce these last few days
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sjrresearch · 4 years
Desperado 3 Captures the Essence of the Wild West
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Games like Sunset Riders, Gun, and Red Dead Redemption solidified the notion that the West was most certainly Wild. Their fast-paced, gun-totin’ gameplay appealed to the romanticized version of the Old West, where cowboys rode off into the sunset and the prairie lands were ripe for adventure. With the release of Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Spellbound and THQ Nordic introduced a different version of the Wild West. It was more tactical, requiring every move to be planned out accordingly. Anyone that went in guns blazing came out in a pine box. 
The real-time strategy of Wanted Dead or Alive took nothing away from the thrill of 19th-century setting. It merely added a new layer that hadn’t really been explored before, and that layer paid off wonderfully. Spellbound reaped the rewards of breaking from the stereotypical Wild West game and released two sequels. Unfortunately, however, it was forced into insolvency before it could continue the series. It may have seemed like the popular Desperados series was dead forever, but THQ Nordic handed development of the third entry to Mimimi Productions, the German developer behind Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. 
Mimimi may not have a long track record, but Shadow Tactics shares similarities with the Desperados series and performed well with reviewers. Fans of Desperados have reason to be skeptical of Mimimi’s capabilities, but those worries should quickly dissipate once they fire up Desperados III. The third entry in near-decade old series lives up to its predecessors and even exceeds them in many aspects. It’s clear Mimimi Productions didn’t want to retread on the strides made by Spellbound, but it also knew it had to appeal to fans drawn in by Wanted Dead or Alive. 
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The series’ signature stealth gameplay is still intact, though Mimimi opted to remove the divisive third-person camera introduced in Desperados II: Coopers Revenge. It’s not a massive loss as it didn’t do much to improve the gameplay, and removing it allowed the development team to focus strictly on the isometric mechanics. The alternative camera is not a feature many will mourn the loss of, especially considering everything else Desperados III brings to the table.
Set in the 1870s, players are taken back to the beginning to explore the infamous John Cooper’s origins. It’s not just Cooper’s story that we rewind, though, as the story also features his long-time companions Doc McCoy and Kate O’Hara. The trio join forces with series newcomers Hector Mendoza, a heavy-hitter with a love for his sawed-off shotgun and bear traps, and Isabelle Moreau, a voodoo practitioner with some pretty nasty tricks up her sleeve.
Cooper, McCoy, and O’Hara are up to their usual tricks, offering a nice blend of gunplay, cunning stealth, and feminine wiles. Mendoza adds a brutish melee component while Moreau is a bit more mystical and can manipulate her enemies with blood magic. Together, the quintet is a deadly force, but their obstacles ensure it’s not a smooth ride through each mission. Desperado III isn’t the type of game where you grow attached to one character and primarily use them until the credits roll. If a hunter is involved in a level, their skills will be needed to reach the objective. 
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The game throws plenty in the player’s path to cater to those looking for in-depth stealth gameplay. Just about every mission can be completed without shedding blood, and in many instances, it’s far more fun to try and accomplish this. Players have plenty of options to tinker with to perfect a stealthy playthrough, from environmental hazards to the unique skills of each character, like O’Hara’s ability to lure men where she pleases and Moreau’s mind control. There is no option for a strict run ‘n gun playthrough, at least not without the frustration of dying over and over. Mimimi even emphasizes the use of a quick save feature so that players can toy around with a variety of methods until they find one that satisfies most. 
Countering the cleverness of the titular gang is an AI that truly elevates the tactical aspects of Desperados III. Enemies aren’t coded to be mindless meat sacks that follow one path to their imminent demise. Any number of things can break them away from their usual patrol route. As is typical with stealth games, players can arouse suspicions by getting caught in a cone of vision or making a little too much noise. Guards will also respond if their partner mysteriously goes missing or if their dogs sniff out a character hiding in the brush. It takes ample planning to complete a mission without being spotted, but Desperados III does provide the tools and the freedom necessary to do so. One just needs to know how to stack their pieces and implement them effectively.
While the gameplay is a remarked improvement from Wanted Dead or Alive and Cooper’s Revenge, the environments and locations may be the stars of this Wild West escapade. When a game is set in such an iconic period, developers have to make sure the locales fit the expected aesthetics. This means a lot of wooden structures, at least one train, and a small town that’s ripe for debauchery. 
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Desperados III has it all, and Mimimi crafted everything beautifully. Rushing waterfalls and lush greenery, unappealing and insect-filled swamps, dusty and isolated frontier towns, and more modernized cities welcome players to regions throughout Colorado, Mexico, and the deep south of Louisiana. Players will be fully immersed in these detailed maps, especially since they’ll be looking closely for opportunities to overcome their enemies. With a simplified HUD locked at the bottom of the screen, it’s easy to admire the work put into each area.  
After Desperado 2 and its sequel Helldorado failed to live up to Wanted Dead or Alive, Desperado III was to be the series’ saving grace. Thankfully, Mimimi Productions knew exactly what it was doing and put forth a real-time strategy game steeped in the delightful antics of the Wild West and strengthened by the mechanics of a well-made stealth experience. 
For a unique look at the historical setting of the Old West, download Desperado III on Steam.
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