#but itd be interesting yknow like in bn/ha
cheemken · 1 year
I remember having this lil hc that Drasna kinda raised Diantha when Dia just became champion and it's all soft and all but imagine that in the villain au tho
Fourteen year old Dia, in her own private room in the league, the day was over and she was tired as fuck, and Drasna is there helping her put some ointment on the burn scars on her back, and Drasna's tracing out the cursive C engraved on Dia's back so gently, afraid that she might hurt her, and then she hears Diantha cry, asking "Drasna.. why are people so mean..?"
Drasna didn't know, or rather she's not sure what kinda answer Diantha wanted, but, Dia is a smart kid yknow, even at a tender age of fourteen she knows a lot abt everything, and it's quite telling that she taught herself those things. So she sighed, taking Dia's shirt and helping her put it on, "I've no idea, my dear," she quietly said, pulling Diantha close to her after she's done dressing up, "perhaps they're just greedy, perhaps they didn't get the attention they wanted, perhaps they're just.. like that." She sighed, she wasn't good with all this, then she says, "but, I know that you're better than them, my angel. One day I'm sure that you'll be the light in this world filled with darkness, and then with the help of your friends, you'll defeat all the bad people." And hey, that made Diantha smile, and for Drasna that was enough, then Drasna was telling her that she might even become smth like a hero.
"like LucarioMan?" Diantha asked, wide eyed innocence, and Drasna chuckled at that, Dia always loved those cheesy action movies.
"no, you'll be better than LucarioMan." Then she kissed Dia's head, bidding her goodnight, and she left to head to her own room
But yknow, Drasna already having that sinking feeling after that tho, there was a glint within Diantha's eyes, cyan spirals swirl within the once warm sky blue eyes, and Drasna didn't like it. But she decided to ignore it for now, Diantha was still a child, she was just a scared little girl who just broke free from an abusive household, she was still getting used to being treated like an actual person, Drasna shouldn't even overthink abt that.
Then years passed, Diantha was eighteen, and the signs were starting to show. How anti social she was, how observant she was, how for some reason she knows a lot about people that messed w her or the league. But everything was okay, well Drasna likes to believe it is, until one of her friends, a psychic who was known to foresee the future, came to her
"our champion.. there's something wrong with her. She will cause eternal darkness in our world."
But Drasna didn't want to believe it, "that can't be. That must be a lie. I know some of you don't like Diantha, but this has gone too far."
"this isn't a lie, Drasna. Diantha will doom us all. That child will cause the ruin of this world, and she'll recreate it in her own image. She has to be stopped before it's too late."
And shit man that feeling was stirring up within her again, but she so desperately denied it, "no, nothing is wrong with our champion, nothing is wrong with my daughter. I raised her well, I didn't raise her to be like the people she hates, I raised her better than that."
And the psychic sighed, knowing they couldn't win this arguement, "if you will not heed my warning, so be it. Let your daughter kill us all."
Imagine how much that'd fuck her up tho, cause like, she really believed there's nothing wrong w Diantha, but there is, and she became a bit paranoid that she always made sure Diantha was being treated right by everyone she comes across w, lest they pull the trigger and Diantha actually starts to be the catalyst of eternal darkness that the psychic had warned her of
And now present time, imagine how broken she'd feel knowing what happened in Unova, knowing all the things Diantha had done, and her daughter is there standing before her, standing before her elites, body covered in gashes and bruises and her clothes were stained with blood. Then there's that manic look in her eyes, glowing the brightest cyan hue they've ever seen, and she's there, dragging herself towards them, choking out a sob, but that sordid smile was still on her face
"Drasna.. am I a hero now?" She asked, coughing up blood, reaching out to her, "I'm.. I'm purging this world of all the bad people. The weak, the broken, the ones who aren't fit to live in our world.. am I a hero now, mom?" And God that fucked her up so fucking much, seeing Diantha still blinded by her belief that what she's doing is right, that it's her Arceus given right to be the world's hero, to be the world's salvation, but she wasn't
Diantha wasn't destined to be a hero, and it broke Drasna to know that no matter how much love she gave Diantha, it wasn't enough to get rid of the darkness within her, that she ended up becoming the reason their world is falling apart, she became the villain of the story instead.
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