#but its fondant I got to take advantage of those bright colors often used
Fondant Mahou Me
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So this has been stuck in my head since @popatochisssp​ posted about Mahou Au. Sadly I can’t draw and both these don’t quite capture my idea but they come close. The top image is more casual normal villain outfit. Second is more heroic/ actually making effort outfit
So Here is the breakdown of me in Poppy’s AU
Name: Sass (yes same Sass from Discord)
Villain/Hero Name: Decor
Power: Creation of items and shapeshifting
Status: Is a minor Villain
Food: Fondant
So Sass mainly just uses her powers to make items and sell them. Thing is while Sass can make literally anything it is technically made of fondant, very strong fondant, but still fondant. So usually Sass sells the item, takes the money, and leave before the person can figure out what their holding is basically fancy edible clay. 
Sass is sure she can shapeshift but it to scared to use that power. The first time she tried shapeshifting was her finger into a key. It worked but felt weird and took more effort than her other power. Main reason she didn’t try after that was that it took 2 hours for her to finally get her finger to go back to normal. Kind of had a full panic attack and developed a fear that if she shapeshift she would get stuck or if she did master it that over time she would forget what she really looked like.
Story wise Sass kind of does her own thing and is ok being more of a crook then a villain. Sass doesn’t really do fighting and only really does so if she can’t flee. When Scorch starts trying to organize villains obviously Sass was approached. While she doesn’t really have much in terms of reputation she is known enough that smart villains will try to recruit her occasionally because her powers could definitely be used in much better ways then scamming people. 
Sass said no.
The scamming is Sass’s livelihood. If she lose her powers that means getting a normal person job. Which is work and effort that Sass rather not do. 
However Sass can be bought. If Scorch could guarantee that Sass would be set for life. That she wouldn’t have to worry about money when she losses her power she might be willing to help out his cause.
Under Scorch Sass is encouraged to use her shapeshifting powers under the idea that if anything happened then she would revert to normal when all the Mahou are taken away. Sass still isn’t very comfortable with the power by the time Scorch’s plan falls apart.
When Scorch flees he keeps in contact with Sass. After all they basically made a deal that Scorch would be Sass’s sugar daddy (not sexual lol unless 👀...). Scorch helps Sass become more comfortable with her shapeshifting until she uses it just as much as her other power. 
Lol eventually Sass ends up with a job anyway as one of Scorches most useful allies/minions. Sass also has played messenger enough too that Slate and Papy probably can identify her even when she is transformed.
In season 2 Sass probably gets the redesign in the second image and is a bit of a hero but is still working for Scorch in some kind of B plot of the series that is used to reintroduced him toward the end of the season. Many fans argue over Sass. Things like how OP Sass could be if the writers weren’t terrible. About how ugly her outfits are for how much potential there is for her powers. Ship arguments. How while she wasn’t in the first season much there was enough there that the writers of season two are totally messing up her characterization. There is a handful of fans who calm the fandom with a fanfic that explains difference between season 1 and 2 and a few people who use her as a base to explore fashion ideas.
Drawings are made using : 
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