#but its mostly junwu
cut-aare · 2 months
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Yas Jun Wu fanart slayyyy
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evcryopeneye · 4 years
@cxndybxstxrd continued from x
♢ - A chuckle left from the deviant’s lips at the sentence the woman stated, oh how true that was. Even Xue Yang, someone who thrived off of chaos, has been falsely accused of things that he didn’t actually do.
“You’ll get used to it, from what I’ve learned, you could choose to embrace it or just ignore it, it really makes them furious when you choose to ignore their accusations. It’s hilarious.”
He folded his arms across his chest and tilted his head to look at the woman, eyes flashing up in interest.
“What did they accuse you of? Falsely speaking, of course.”
Though, Xue Yang didn’t really have any place to judge whether or not the accusations against this particular woman was true. Even if he did, it’s not like he really gave a shit about what the majority of the world was thinking anyway. The deviant never really agreed with the rest of the cultivation world, so anything that this woman was accused of, he was sure she didn’t deserve it.
Wouldn’t be the first time some hot headed assholes accused someone of something absolutely ridiculous yet somehow everyone believed it without thinking with their own two brain cells.
Where was she meant to start with that question, Feng Wu raised an eyebrow, the scarlet clad Cultivator crossed her arms. The red under-robe was embroidered with white blossoms, wrapped in red fabric, even down to her wrists, wrapped to keep the cut sleeves in place during a fight. Hair up in a high ponytail, based wrapped in red, she was dressed for battle, not like the precious heir to a Sect. “Oh you know, murder...the usual go to in the sceming bitch toolbox.” There’s a charming lightness to her voice, to describe such horrendous lies in such a light tone, helped in some way. Not a healthy way, but helped none the less.
She was the one who had been murdered, had her blood stolen, her power ripped from her veins, to be accused of being the murderer, was a step too far even for Feng Wu to put up with. They could bad mouth her, call her all the names they wanted. There was nothing she could do about that, but at least she had got her cultivation back. That bitch might still have her blood, but Feng Wu had her core back, and it wouldn’t be long before she got her Phoenix Blood back too.
A soft laugh left her.
“Funny, the world operates on this idea, of good verses bad. When in reality, its mostly just people vying for power.” That was what this all came down to. Power. Her own Sect didn’t want a woman in charge, her fall and resurrection had been the final shame they could bear no more. The Junwu clan didn’t want her with Yu Mingye, the combined power of his demonic cultivation, and her fire cultivation, would be too large a threat. The Holy Sovereign didn’t want her marrying her step son prince Jun Linyuan either. Too much of a threat to her own seat of power if they surpassed her.
She, and her power, was a threat to both establishments. You couldn’t allow such a small Sect to give birth to such a gifted cultivator. Feng Wu, and those around her, had been the ones who paid the price. Still, she smiled. “Karma will be a bitch.”
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