#but jesus christ yall. can you think critically about things for a second
elevenquietseas ยท 2 years
this is not to say that the moderation reaction to it was a good move or justified or w/e but claiming with no nuance that someone posting ab HP is unambiguously a t/rf, that posting a picture of aged-up kid characters who already canonically have crushes standing next to each other is concrete evidence of supporting pedophilia and/or grooming, and somehow most baffling of all, especially that putting "opinions are my own" or the like on an account connected to your professional identity is indicative of shady stuff instead of literally a completely standard thing to do if you have a personal account that could be associated with your employer (this seems to be a recent addition to the "evidence"?) is jumping to conclusions and conspiratorial thinking to an absolutely ludicrous degree. Do I agree that liking hp/aot is something that makes me go ehhh idk if i like this person? sure. but everything else i've seen is total hogwash and basing the totality of your opinion of someone & assuming the worst possible interpretation of their support for some still very popular pieces of media, as distasteful as their creators are, is dangerous as hell.
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davenylane ยท 5 years
Basically, life
So life has been random lately.
Basically I'm realizing how much I get jewed, some peoples petty game is really I could say too strong but really I'm like lol wow....all yall really fuckin dedicating your existences to making others hell.
Well. That doesnt seem like 2 weak or anything.
And I'm honestly over it, so I'm like where am I really? It pisses me off that I gave so much of my time and energy and focus to this reptilian sumerian validation and literally I am ready to fuxkin punch all of them, especially if niggas are out here pretending the Cross is theres.
Uh its Joe's cross he took it and he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it. Who the fuck are you random fuckin lames pretending the King and consciousness and nature isnt all powerful. K. You all have a fun fuckin time being miserable and commiseratng. Like this cannot be who I let myself become.
Jake is so strong. He said hes gonna see Jake and Joe in New York and this is crazy but awesome that it went from Joe and I in this eneryy body to Jake and Joe and I and apparently Hilary.
Some people are incredibly rude, mean, ignorant and I'm like k honestly I'm not that bad. I'm not really ugly, I gained weight and I'm losing it and I'm curvy and not fat. I'm an aware person. I would never walk around SCREAMING random negative horseshit about someone random into the multiverse. Like lollllll all these fucks that are obsessed with 3D....kayyyyyy you have fun with that cuz really, you all seem to be and be having a lot of fun.....with your CONSTANT frowns and negative dispositions.
Pat said "big chief" bike is a cheap product. Like lol yeah. The native Americans were real cheap. As all you sold your soul so who is really cheap. Dont fuxking talk shit about my best friend, try to fuckin coexist dude. Dig after endless dig, I'm like yeah. Actually I'm an incredibly strong, faithful, loyal, sweet and happy, creative and nice person. I LIKE to be nice. I hate being mean but uh yeah I'm not gonna be in a fuckin hospital with my vaginal area out to the world like yeah I'll settle for this for myself and my family and my husband. Who the fuck are you things? Elite? K. You continue hiding in your human suits. You're all submissive to diable and baphomet and I personally dont really care nor is it really any of my business but I am a cute ass woman helping and healing and I babe have done a lot to help raise consciousness as has my whole soul family so whoever the fuck you are calling me a random chicken in the physical realm. Lol bitch no I'm not, 2nd I dont need to physically open my trap for you to hear me. 3rd of all, theres like a trillion of you who all say- do - act - walk- talk - exist - have the same personality / style / sense of humor....lemme guess it's at the expense of someone else? Wow. Doesnt make you funny. Make you a douche!!!!! Whoops. Not sorry for being honest and real, and if I'm ugly to you. Good. All your fuckin definition of beauty is a fuxkin joke. Wow. Nice contoour. Nice rack. Nice face. By the way your personality and fuckin soul is black as hell and ugly. Bye. I got better things to do but I'm like. I'm the dog..lol k no I'm not. I'm important and I matter and I connect to all that is conscious- extraterrestrials, Angel's, reptilians, animals, planets, weather, the cosmos, nature, yeah. I'm kinda Mary so who. are you again? Ob someone trying to negatively condition. K go jew yourself with your middle fingers up all your own ass I'm sick of all of you, you all are mad at me. Kay. You dont think I and all of us arent pissed as fuckinhell but we all manage to not fuckin walk around as a cantankerous fuckin killjoy. Get fucked. My life has been fuxkin hellish and I experience half the conscious stream of the satanic realm and underworld. So fuck off. Cuz this shit is hard and I'm still having a nice conscious intentional conversation with some asshole who pretends my best friends crucifix is his personal property, experience and was taken by his back.who are you brother? Ohhhh. Your satanic bible told you yall gettin into heaven. Yeah. Seems to be what's going to happen. As none of you repent, all of you project, none of you have knowledge of self or what truly matters in uh how about realisty and eternity? No? Sont wanna focus on it? K. Well whoever the fuck you are why dontu have a middle finger up your own ass pretending the Ascension of Mary and the Union of Christ and Mary and Nature and Natural Evolution of Consciousness is something that is suddenly going to just be thwarted and end with what? Ooh a little hex? A voodoo doll? A beneditionen of maledictus? Wht a bunch of fuckin ignorant and rude fuckin pieces of honest to God fuckin shit. Like I dont have time for this anymore. First off, I took too much shit. Second of all, I'm pretty and a VERY loyal wife and I really only care about Joe because he already been thru too much and if my so called reputation is shit I could give a fuck cuz he deserves to have the respect and awareness of who he is, what hes Done and all his power and experience.anyways
People I mean reptiles are gonna keep being highkey mad, pissy, rude, basic, ignorant and trying to make me seem like the ugliest, laziest, nastiest, fattest, trashiest, most worthless being ever. But even still k. This whole soul journey was a conscious intention of mine to climb. I'll ascend it all. This took a lot of hard work. It's always hard to transcend rude judgment and constant hatred and criticism as if all I am here for is to suck a cock- but regardless, I find my worth in Christ. As I am dating him, InRi- I mean IN Rey- the king himself seems to find me as worthy of being a Queen. So seeing as how what I really and truly am is a Queen, Goddess, Mother Nature, Mother Mary, Phoenix, Warrior Priestess + fuckin good person. I'm gonna focus on that. Cuz one thing is for sure- the day of reckoning is coming. I know who waits at the gate, its Joe. That's jesus and I know I'll be in the gates and next to him when Judgment day comes as his wife. And honestly, if I was a piece of shit and knew I wouldnt Ascend to heaven I might be a stay mad bitch too. But really I'd repent and change my actions. But then again. That's just not ever gonna happen for those that are 2 week. So peace out 3D. It's been, everything but real.
Watch my actions, not my words. Cuz intent and action is all that matters. Oh. And if we forgive, repent and choose to see we are all subordinate to the cosmic order of the cosmos. Which I personally, will always be humbled by.
But a bunch of bitches are gonna stay mad, they always been mad and theyll continue to be mad. Still bitches- I'm in their consciousness and they arent in mind so that fact and undeniable truth really says it all. Apparently I'm more important than they deemed. And its pretty apparent because God himself gave me this gift of consciousness. So now I shift into gratitude and the awareness that anyone who is hating and rude is what they always been, jealous. Ha. And still not me. They never took a knife nor jumped. And they certainly arent the caliber woman, being, soul and heart I am. So they can all get fucked and suck it. Cuz honestly. Ha. They already do!!!! Time to celebrate@ glad I chose to rise. And still. As always. I do.
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