#but just like portraying the topic in general? nah fam calm down
wintershub · 5 months
I've seen other mutuals getting flak and even I got flak from it on some old blogs but I guess just a general disclaimer (even though this is in my rules)
I will of course tag them and keep in mind I never glorify any of them. Abuse, violence, self harm, and various other not so nice stuff is never romantizied, treated as a good thing, etc, etc. Personally I don't see the point of putting in things like that if you're not going to put them in a negative light but that's discussion for another day
And no, there's no fandom truly safe from me putting my own spin on certain characters no matter how dark it may be.
Keep in mind, you're welcome to not participate, not like it, or dodge certain dark materials. I will be as accommodating as I can, I will tag almost anything as long as you properly reach out and talk to me. But for the love of God, no not shame people online for just writing dark topics. If you take issue with it and we're mutuals, talk to me. If we're not mutuals you can always block me and move on. We're all adults, please act like it.
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