#but kinda busy with work & uni etc etc we'll see
spiderziege · 1 year
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Hermit a day May 1: Etho!
for @hermitadaymay (honestly i dont have too much faith that ill make it through the whole challenge but ill just do as much as i can! <3)
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athousandmorningss · 1 year
I have three bosses across the three universities I teach, and all of them are wonderful. Very kind, supportive, and seem to think often of me for specific tasks eg: can you take on another class? would you like to have an adjunct contract? At one Uni, my boss worked with me so that the upcoming section appears to be one class, but he upped the enrollment for it, so I'll get paid for it as if it's two classes. That kinda stuff. Adjuncting is tough for a variety of reasons. Having good bosses is a salve.
I got word I got a raise at one of the Uni's today: roughly $100 increase per credit hour. It's not much, but it's not nothing.
Idk what compelled me to do it, but last night I re-read my Master's thesis for the first time in many years all the way through. It was a good reminder that damn, I did that. It's not the most rigorous project, but it does serve as a reminder that I'm a good writer in multiple contexts and that yeah, I did that.
Reading it kinda made me miss the experience of being in grad school and (marginally) working thru my PhD. I was so...invested. On committees, writing, navigating my teacher identity, producing research projects, doing so much. I don't miss the workaholic ethos that graduate school encouraged. But, I do sort of miss being so intensely connected to something.
I've often pinned for and thought about teaching English courses. The thought of getting another MA, though...
Tree's got a wellness appointment next week. He continues to be housed in the bathroom and does really well with it. Every few hours he'll let out a Mewl, which signifies he'd like to play, and I'll go hang out with him for a few hours. He continues to sleep soundly through the night, but wakes me up early in the morning before my alarm. It's a bit like having a wee bahbey. I'll say I'm coming Tree, I'm coming! then give him his food and scoop the poop and we'll do play time.
The place I'm taking to said I could "surrender" him, or foster him if need be. I'm going to try and keep him, first: see how he acclimates and if it is feasible. If not, it's good to know the place I contacted will likely be able to take him in if I have to go that route.
Here he is doing today's naughty business. That above the toilet joint housed my makeup and some candles etc, but those were all removed a few days ago. He's really good about not destroying bathroom stuff when I'm not chilling with him, but when we do hang time, he goes a bit mad. Anyways. Turns out the storage is actually meant to be a Kitty Holder.
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In my sleepy exhaustion this morning, I wrapped him tight in his bankie and brought him to my bed. Oli joined us and they both lay near each other, eyeing each other, but not saying a word. Like, hey: I see you. What's up?
That's promising.
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konigbabe · 10 months
moniiiiiii :3 i missed you soossososo much god HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!!! how’s the uni life? i hope it’s not too distressing bc ik it sucks at times 😭
Fae, helloo!!! I'm doing okay; I've been absolutely drained of any motivation to write for the last month thanks to all the work and stress because of uni haha but I want to get back to it (I might want to write more dad!leon as well as some new works for fandoms like tgcf, aot etc...) but I''m kinda scared because I haven't written in a month (not a single word) so I'm afraid how much did my writing regressed haha. We'll see I guess...
I saw you're busy writing (20k holy shit) and I'm really looking forward to see what you've been cooking ♥ And I missed you (all) so MUCH AS WELL!!!
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happy--prince · 13 days
Hello, dear reader. I'm hereby formally inviting you to participate in a small survey for the benefits of an upcoming project of mine, which will drag some characters into a Novel World (if I can make this work. We'll see how it goes. Also never done a survey before sooo... please don't judge me too harshly?).
If you wish to help make this idea come to be, please do answer the following questions, but feel free to take your time!
-Would you enjoy a small event, which you can disengage from and rejoin at any given time?
-Do you enjoy fantasy or realism? The past or the future?
-For an event, would you prefer something more seasonal (for example: Taking Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc. into consideration and using it for the event)?
-Does something completely chill or something with an option for a bit of an adventure sound more appealing?
-Would you prefer a vague world, or something a little more/kinda fleshed out so the characters have something new to see/interact with? Or simply a different universe in form of a different fandom? If a different fandom, can you name two?
-Would you even want to participate in such an event or would you rather not?
-Is there any suggestion you want to make? Opinions, thoughts (prayers/j)?
I thank you for your time in participating in this survey! I wish to add that I might be working on this and have notes and ideas, but I can't promise that I'll end up making this work.
Yours sincerely, The Author
(Questions are aimed at the Mod by the way! I'm trying not to send the same ask to multiple blogs of the same user, but any and all characters are allowed to participate, even if it's a whole different fandom! I'm not linking the account yet due to ✨reasons✨, so I'd be thankful if you could add the tag "#bsd event survey" in case I somehow miss it, since some people don't tag their asks/posts at all-)
- Mhm! I would enjoy that, specially considering how busy uni makes me
- To be honest I don't...really mind any option!! I do seem to enjoy more past fantasy settings though I think
- Not sure tbh I don't particularly like holidays.
- With a bit of adventure but mostly chill!! Like, at least enough to keep things interesting.
- Hmm.. something more fleshed out!!
- I would like to participate!!
- I will pray for you author 🙏/j
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