#but lately I've been feeling so profoundly sad about how alienated I now feel from all things 'LGBT' as a lesbian
arzner · 1 year
It's Pride this weekend (I don't know why but it's always in August here) and I've skipped every event so far, but I'm still debating about going to the parade. I just am not feeling it... Every year I get more and more irritated about the whole situation and how it's been increasingly catering to everyone but gay people (and at the expense of us), but I've always still gone to at least the parade and maybe another event. It feels really sad to skip it entirely tbh because I've gone every year (aside from the one year it was canceled because of COVID) since I was in high school, but it's just deeply disappointing to see what it has become...and I've been feeling that so acutely lately :(
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