#but let's not pretend that zuko and katara aren't really close
tea-and-la · 3 years
Here’s my sentiments...
I was inspired by this post to write this semi-salty meta that i’ve been sitting on for a while. 
So... extremely hot take: I don't think Z/ukka fits the enemies-to-lovers trope. ...Hear me out though. 
I often see Z/ukkas make the unfair comparison of who forgave Zuko first as “evidence” of the better ship. And not only does that statement become invalid due to the fact that both Katara and Sokka are his friends at the end of the show, it ignores the intentional set-up and meaningful resolve of conflict between Katara and Zuko. It also overestimates how soon Sokka actually forgave him.  I’ve seen people say Sokka was the first one who accepted him (canonically disproven by the fact that it was Toph.) Not even to mention that the majority of harsh comments about Zuko in The Western Air Temple can be quoted from Sokka himself. Sokka is very pragmatic. He doesn’t immediately warm up to Zuko because of a perceived goodness or because he’s dying to be buddies with him. He accepts that Zuko is joining because of what it means for the war:
 Sokka: "Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord. If you think this is the way to do it, then, I'm all for it.”
If we’re really going to be technical, Sokka doesn’t forgive or trust him until The Boiling Rock. Zuko pointed out that sneaking off on Appa isn’t very feasible, and suggested his war balloon (which only he can operate.) So in a practical sense, Sokka agreed to let him tag along because it improves the probability of the mission’s success.
When he talks to Hakoda about Zuko: 
Sokka: Actually, he's on our side now. [Cut to Hakoda, who gives his son a suspicious look.] I know. I had the same reaction. After all he's done, it was hard to trust him. But he's really proven himself, and I never would've found you without his help.
In bold that is Sokka canonically saying he had the same reaction (suspicion) when Zuko first joined. So again, Sokka’s trust wasn’t immediate. 
But back to the Enemies-to-Lovers trope, the narrative just doesn’t place much weight on developing Zuko and Sokka’s relationship in an implied romantic or even friend-like way. Contrasted to Zuko and Katara, whose relationship progression had very subtle build up from the first season onward, with thematically significant scenes (most significantly, them fighting in every season finale together. S1 and S2 were against each other, but S3 they fought together, as allies.) 
It’s like this quote I found: 
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to hurtful betrayal 
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to slow reconciliation with a greater understanding of each other
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to strange but solid friendship 
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THAT’S Zutara. 
Z/ukka can be a fun dynamic, but outside of The Boiling Rock, there isn’t any focus into deepening their bond, even after TBR. 
Compared to, for example:
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Katara: Get over here Zuko! Being Part of the group also means being part of the group hugs. (this line could’ve easily been said by any other member of the group)
Or this scene:
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Actor!Zuko: [Pushes Actor Iroh over and walks to Actress Azula.] I hate you, Uncle! You smell, and I hate you for all time!
Katara: “You didn’t really say that, did you?” (again, any character could’ve had this line and reached out to him) This also speaks to how far their bond has come, that now, Katara can even imagine him saying something that horrible (or see him in that light.) 
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And how that scene leads up to this one is SO important: 
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(Again, anyone could’ve walked over and talked with Zuko, but it is Katara who actually does.) 
She is the one that ultimately ends up convincing him that Iroh will forgive him and that he’s deserving of it. That’s particularly meaningful because she is the person whose forgiveness he worked the hardest to earn, the person who previously made him believe that his actions were unforgivable. It’s narratively relevant that she is there, when he is faced with a similar doubt, and it is her support that gives him the courage to enter the tent.
My point is that the enemies-to-lovers trope has narrative conflict and it has compelling angst and betrayals. It shows the progression of a bond, how the characters’ opinion of one another change from animosity to mutual trust and respect. It is seeing the other person at their best and their worst and not thinking any less of them because you see them as their whole self. 
To me, the only ship that fits this criteria is Zutara. 
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miyanom · 4 years
Sweet Tea in the Summer
MASTERLIST | REQUESTED BY: @goodandevil18 
GENRE: fluff
PROMPT: “Did you seriously just climb through my window?”
NOTES: I’m so sorry for the long wait! But here is the Zuko oneshot that was requested, I’m hoping to be able to get the Sokka one out soon, but the words for this were just flowing out. 
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Zuko sat in front of the pond, though his back was turned to the turtle ducks that usually took up all his free time in the afternoon. Instead, his attention was entirely focused on the girl sitting across from Aang and Katara as they all drank tea together in the garden.
During the war, when he was training Aang, it was easier to ignore his blossoming feelings for his old friend as she spent most of her time with Katara or Sokka. But now that she was practically living at the palace with her father as one of his council members, it was harder to ignore that she existed.
Y/N threw her head back in laughter, but Zuko couldn't hear what Aang said. Not that it mattered much to him, not when Y/N looked like an absolute angel with the sun shining down on her like that.
"Zuko, why don't you come join us?" Katara called out, finally snapping the boy out of his thoughts. The Water Tribe girl - who had refused to call him by his official title ever since his coronation - stared at him with a knowing look in her eyes.
"I-" His voice came out fairly squeaky, causing him to quickly avert his gaze as a blush crept onto his cheeks. He cleared his throat with a quiet cough before attempting. "I can't. I have a meeting to get to."
"Oh, come on," Y/N rolled her eyes, a grin taking over her features. "You're Fire Lord Zuko. I believe that means you can stay for one cup of your uncle's new Tea, without your council getting too annoyed."
Zuko's eyes flickered to her for just a second, before he stood up and turned around to head inside. The simple phrase "I'm already late" leaving his lips as he left.
Y/N stared at Zuko's retreating figure with a frown. A sigh escaped her lips as she lifted her cup back up, taking a small sip of the sweet tea Uncle Iroh had prepared for them.
Katara crossed her arms. "I seriously don't know how you put up with him all the time," she grumbled. "I've only been here for two days and I already-"
"Sweetie," Aang spoke up sweetly, his soft smile immediately relaxing Katara.
Y/N's eyes flickered between the young couple, they had been dating for 2 years now. Ever since the war ended. Y/N found their relationship cute, even if Sokka had gotten to the point where hearing "sweetie" one more time would make him jump into Unagi infested waters.
"I don't understand how it was so easy for you two," Y/N muttered. "Going from friends to- to this!" She waved her hand in the direction of the couple who had just shared a kiss right in front of her. "I want it to be that easy for me and-"
Y/N suddenly cut herself off with a fake cough, looking down in embarrassment.
"For you and Zuko," Aang finished for her. "Is that what you wanted to say before you coughed?"
"Yeah, thanks, Aang," Y/N rested her forehead against the palm of her hand, not wanting to look at her friends.
"Oh, come on, Aang. Who else would she be talking about?" Katara giggled.
"I can't believe you two are making me wish that Sokka was here right now."
"What would he do that we can't?" Katara asked, sounding annoyed that her best friend would even suggest wanting her brother's company more than her own. "Sokka gives the worst relationship advice! Just ask Zuko!"
"Zuko asked Sokka for advice?" Y/N lifted her head. "Why? About who?"
"Sweetie!" Aang glanced at Katara, whose eyes widened as she realised what she had said. "No one, Y/N. It was a looong time ago. Right, Katara?"
"Right!" Katara squeaked, nodding her head a few times.
Y/N stared at the two with a raised brow, not believing them for even a second. "You two are the worst liars I have ever met. And I know Sokka!"
"We aren't supposed to say. I'm sorry, Y/N," Aang frowned. "He made us promise."
"Why though? Please, give me something to work off here," Y/N begged.
Realising this might be the only chance she had to convince Y/N to say something, Katara quickly spoke up. "You should tell him how you feel tonight! Before he gets advice from someone better than Sokka."
Y/N visibly deflated at that. "Why would I do that if he likes somebody else?" She let out a sigh as she stared down into her tea cup. "I guess it makes sense, he has been avoiding me recently, and just brushes me off when I do get the chance to speak to him."
Aang and Katara shared a look. Y/N wasn't just overthinking things here. Zuko had been brushing her off recently, but that was because of Sokka's stupid advice. It had nothing to do with Y/N.
"You have to try, Y/N," Katara told her. "You'll only be more heartbroken if you don't. And... and if it doesn't work out, then I guess you can come live with me in the South."
Y/N let out a quiet laugh. She had been pestering Katara about that for weeks now, saying that if her best friend in the Fire Nation had gotten sick of her then perhaps it was time to go visit Katara and Sokka's home for awhile. It didn't hurt that it was currently summer in the Fire Nation, and a refreshing break to the snow would be nice this time of year.
"Okay, but when he rejects me and tells me he never wants to see my face again, then I hope you know that I will never leave the South Pole."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Katara smiled softly.
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Zuko sat his desk, his head in his hands. He didn't even have any meetings today, he didn't know why he said that. Honestly, he would've loved nothing more than to join them for tea, to hear Y/N's laugh up close. But Sokka's squeaky voice had weaselled its way into his head, telling him to play hard to get.
So now here he was, wasting the evening away in his office in an attempt to avoid Y/N's judging eyes. Surely by now she would've realised he was lying about the meeting.
Maybe she was too busy with Aang and Katara to remember that she practically had his entire schedule memorised like the back of her hand - he had forgotten one meeting with one of the Fire Nation officials, so Y/N had taken it upon herself to make sure he would never do it again. When he had asked her about it, she told him that it was so he could have at least one stressful thing taken off his shoulders.
It meant more to him than he would ever admit.
Zuko's eyes widened as he lifted his head just in time to see Y/N halfway through the window, obviously having climbed inside.
When their eyes met, a sheepish smile appeared on the girl's face. "So... you come here often?" She asked awkwardly.
Though her stupid question wasn't what he was focused on. "Did you seriously just climb through my window?"
With her feet now touching the ground inside the office, she dusted off her pants. "Yes..." She noticed the dead-pan look her was giving her. "But you gave me no choice!"
"I gave you no choice?" His brows furrowed in confusion as he stood up and pointed at the door. "There's a door right there, Y/N!"
"If the guards announced me, you would've come up with a stupid excuse to leave," Y/N pointed out.
Zuko went silent at that, knowing she was probably right. "I-"
"No. Stop talking," she held her hand out in his direction, signalling for him to stop. "I need to talk. And then I'm gonna climb back out the window and we'll pretend this never happened-"
"Zuko, what did I just say?" She whined. He couldn't help but smile, though instead of replying, he simply nodded. "Thank you. Now, anyways... Zuko, I think - at least, I hope - I'm not the only one who feels this way. But I really like you, okay? Wait, no... No, I mean I do but it feels like more than that! Maybe- I think I'm in love with you. Wow was that weird to say, how do Katara and Aang do it all the t-"
"You love me?" Zuko stared her in shock, only able to watch as Y/N stopped rambling and took a hesitant step back toward the window.
"Y- yeah, so... so I think I'm gonna climb back out now," she whispered. "Sorry."
Just as she was about to throw her leg over the side of the railing, he quickly rushed forward. Taking her hand into his own, he effortlessly pulled her away from the window until she stood facing him.
They both stared at each other for just a moment, before Zuko whispered. "I love you, too."
Without a second of hesitation, Y/N slowly pulled Zuko's face down closer to hers, their lips pressing together gently as they kissed.
Zuko was beginning to realise something else, he should have never listened to Sokka's advice. If he hadn't, then maybe he could've been kissing her for much longer.
As they pulled away, Zuko found himself saying the first thing that came to his mind. "Is that Uncle's new sweet tea?"
Y/N blinked, before letting out a laugh. "Yeah, I had more before I came. Surprisingly, it helped my nerves."
Zuko smiled softly. "Good. I'm glad you came and told me."
"Me too."
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