#but light heartedly because we're buds
beaubirds · 2 years
WE'RE ONLY A COUPLE VOTES BEHIND WE CAN WIN THIS!!! https://twitter.com/thedmsmp/status/1627464822076936192?t=kQuZc1NHSAEuiAN_4qb6KQ&s=19
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frecklesdefelix · 5 years
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(revised) tutor!felix, badboy!changbin, rapper!chan, frat!straykids
Warning: swearing, sexual innuendos, drinking, drugs
Word count: too many, I didn't count
You trudge into your school library. You're not excited to be here but you're late for your tutoring lesson. You despised that your parents and teachers insisted you got tutoring for something as rudimentary as Russian history; just because you failed one exam by accidentally falling asleep while taking it didn't mean you needed help. You were fine, but no one else thought you were.
You rush into the secluded study room and are met face to face with Felix, the History nerd in school.
He was cute but not in the way that Hyunjin was. It was the type of cute where you would want to squish their cheeks and read them a bedtime story. While everyone else was into shaving, drinking and sex, Felix looked like his mom tucked him into his race car bed every night with a bedtime story that revolved around talking mice and sleeping princesses while he calmly wears his two piece pajamas under his childish spiderman sheets.
Felix was a glass of warm milk, soothing to the soul and familiar to the tongue. You were looking for something that made your throat burn, your skin itch and your heart race. You often described your personality as a lime; you were sour on your own. But together with tequila, you were an iconic balanced duo. You were searching for that tequila, that kiss in the dark. And Felix was not it.
"Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?" You apologized half-heartedly.
"No, it's okay. I just got here too." He smiled softly as he put away his snacks. You sat down and tried to get everything over with quickly. You answered all the questions correctly and sometimes played dumb to indulge him. Before you knew it, it was time to go.
After the tutoring lesson reached it's time limit, you started rushing to put everything away quickly.
"Hey, so I, um, I know this is awkward but my friends, Chan and Jisung, they're having a party and they told me to invite my friends. The thing is, I don't have many other friends unfortunately. Would you be interested in going?" He asked shyly. You chuckled and stood silent when you saw he was being serious.
"A party? Han Jisung and Chris Bang Chan?" You coughed. They were some of the most exclusive parties of the school. You had never gotten the opportunity to go to one since you were never invited. Although you wished you were. Chan, Jisung and Changbin were notoriously popular in school for being troublemakers. Chan and Jisung were the only ones attending school at the moment because Changbin had gotten suspended. The cause was unknown, but the rumors were aplenty and ranged from highly illegal things to petty theft.
"Yeah. Would you be interested in going?"
"Well, I don't know any of the people there." You muttered.
"See, that's okay because I'd be going. And you know me, right?"
"I mean, Felix you're nice and all but you're just my tutor." You smile, apologetically.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry to try to put this on you." He smiles, but you can see the sadness in his eyes. You felt your heart start to hurt with guilt and pity for the poor boy. How he was friends with Han Jisung and Chris Bang Chan was definitely a question for conspiracy theorists everywhere. They were total opposite of Felix. They were the tequila you so desperately desired.
"Okay, I'll go with you." You agree.
"Like a date?" He gulped nervously.
"If that's what you want, sure. I'll keep you company." You shrug, grinning. He nodded and thanked you profusely before walking out. He rushed back in, scratching the back of his neck.
"I should probably let you know what time I'm picking you up, shouldn't I?"
"Yes, you probably should." You chuckle.
"Is 9 okay?" He inquired.
"9 is perfect." You state as he nods, writing stuff down on his agenda. Once a nerd, always a nerd.
The day of the party, you made sure to eat before you left, in case he asked you out to dinner. You didn't feel comfortable eating in front of strangers. You were pulling the last finishing touches on your tameless mane of hair before you heard the doorbell sound. You opened the door and were faced with who you soon realized was Felix. He didn't look like his usual self.
Felix was wearing a piercing, something that you knew you hadn't seen him wear or probably never noticed he owned. You weren't even aware he had the balls to pull a move like getting piercings. He had on a baseball cap that perfectly framed his now blond hair. He had dyed it since the last time I had seen him, from a very cute light scarlet red to a seductive blond that framed his masculine features perfectly. His cheekbones were high and his mouth was curled into a soft smile. His eyes were piercing into your own, the familiar and warm chocolate brown replaced by stormy grey that overflowed with electricity whenever he looked at you.
"Felix?" You asked, smiling.
"Y/N?" He teased.
"What happened to my Russian History Tutor? What did you do to him?" You chuckled.
"He goes into hibernation during the weekends. Ready?" He questioned. You nodded and closed the door behind you.
"I hope you don't mind walking to the party. It's right outside campus in the frat house Jisung and Chan are a part of." He explained, looking at my shoes. You had opted for high top converse this one time.
"Oh, yeah no it's fine. I'm all set for the night." You lifted you foot off the ground and shook it briefly. Felix chuckled and waited for you to catch up with his pace.
"Thanks again for agreeing to come to the party with me. I know we don't know each other too well, so I hope it isn't too awkward." He muttered nervously. You chuckled.
"What?" He asked, curious as to your amusement.
"For a second I saw a bit of my tutor Felix again. I thought he went into hibernation." You joked. He burst out laughing.
"Well, we are still the same person." He stated.
"How did you become friends with Jisung and Chan? I'm sorry, but I still can't believe you guys are friends." You apologized. Felix sighed before chuckling at your question.
"Yeah, I get that a lot. Honestly I don't even know how myself. It really started as a simple tutoring session. Then they asked me if I wanted to attend a party and they kept coming up to me after that. Now we're buds." He shrugged.
"I'm not going to lie, I was shocked the first time I saw all of you together. You just don't fit the mold of what I would assume people like that are like." You breathed out nervously.
Before he could answer, you heard a commotion farther ahead on the block you were walking through. You saw a house, lit up with Christmas lights that flickered and loud heavy music that sounded muffled but deafening.
"So that's it, huh?" You gulped, hiding your excitement. He nodded.
"Before we go inside, because you agreed to come with me, doesn't mean that you have to stay of you don't want to. Just tell me and we will head out."
"But what about you? What if you want to stay?"
"No it's not about me." He shook his head. You nodded slowly, accepting the fact that you were actually nervous too. The idea of partying with some of the school's most notorious players and troublemakers wasn't something you thought through very much. And now that you were here, faced with the reality of the situation, you were nervous.
Felix saw this and grabbed your hand. You instinctively pulled away and he apologized profusely.
"I saw you were nervous. I was going to give you a reassuring squeeze. You're not alone, you know? I'm sorry though. I should've asked." He coughed.
"Sorry, it was instinctive. I don't mean to be rude. Let's just go inside before I make a bigger fool of myself." You sighed, chuckling anxiously. Felix started walking towards the house.
Inside the house, you had discovered that these parties weren't all illegal substances, as you had previously presumed. Sure, there were definitely people who were into the hard stuff, but you could point them out in the crowd and apparently everyone else did too. They steered clear of them. Going through the rumors you had heard in your head, you discovered that apart from it being a mostly drug free zone, Chan and Jisung, along with Changbin, provided the music for the most part. They performed and rapped live. Felix stayed beside you for the most part and didn't try anything else with you.
"You want anything to drink?" He asked, shortly after Chan, Changbin, and Jisung had gotten off the stage.
"Sure. But I get to grab my drink." You joke.
Felix led you to the kitchen, where he ran into Chan.
"Felix! Mate, glad you came! What did you think? Oh fuck, you brought A GIRL?! You fucking rascal!" He exclaimed, putting Felix into a hug before pulling him into a headlock.
"Um, excuse me but I'm right here. I'm not a fucking piece of meat." You glared.
"Feisty! Apologies, I got overexcited. Here, help yourselves to anything you want to drink and then come, let's introduce you around to the crew." He smiled sweetly. You followed him outside, a cooler in hand, to Jisung and Changbin.
"You fuckers, you will not believe who I met in the kitchen! There's Felix here, and he brought a friend! Wait, fuck, I didn't ask your name. What's your name?" He exclaimed.
"Y/N. Nice to meet you guys." You smirked.
"Felix actually brought a friend, who knew?! Welcome Y/N, feel at home. I'm Jisung and that's Changbin." He shook your hand.
"Nice to meet you guys formally. I've heard a lot about all of you." You sip your drink.
"Yeah, everyone says that. Don't believe everything you hear though." Changbin scoffed, smiling.
"Only the good stuff is true." Jisung winked. You scoffed and looked at Felix.
"Where's Hyunjin and Jeongin? They're usually out at things like these." Felix coughed, changing the subject. As if by magic, Jeongin stormed up to Chan and Changbin.
"Your stupid loud music ISN'T letting me sleep! I tried to study but I can't and so I'm trying to sleep but you won't fucking let me!" He yelled at the boys. They burst out laughing and Jeongin grew into a disturbing shade of red.
"I'm trying to fucking sleep! Keep it down!" He yelled, turning to look at every single one of the guys and then his eyes landed on me. His gaze softened before asking me who I was.
"This is Y/N. And she came with Felix." Jisung answered, the smirk plastered on his face.
"Oh, word!" Jeongin smiled, excited and extending his hand out for Felix to high five.
"He invited me and I accepted. It seems you have the wrong idea. We aren't together." You stated, clearing your throat.
"Oh, we know that. We're just excited to see him out with a girl and away from the books." Changbin stated.
"Jeongin, where is Hyunjin? Haven't seen him all night." Chan asked, changing the topic, much to your amusement and appreciation.
"He's tearing up the dance floor." Jeongin sighed, grinning lightly before walking away. They took this as a sign to follow him and started to slither through the crowd. Felix was standing beside you, his ears red and his fingers on his neck.
"Are you okay?" You furrowed your brows.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry about that. They're-" he started before you finished.
"Frat boys. I know."
Before long you were inside the house again, in what would've been the living room if there weren't so many people dancing. In the center, Hyunjin was dancing away and beside him, Minho.
He was another frat boy who majored in dance, along with Hyunjin. They weren't bad at all. Hyunjin looked in your general direction and stopped, hitting Minho's arm and he stopped as well. They approached the guys and they yelled at each other in an unintelligible volume. They all headed into the kitchen where Woojin, the house dad, was throwing empty cups into a huge trash can they were carrying around. Seungmin, the last of the frat boys was mixing drinks and pouring away as if this was a bar. He even had a tip jar set up for people after offering his services.
"Hi Y/N!" Seungmin greeted.
"You know each other?" Hyunjin asked.
"We have biology together." You smiled. He was always helping you with your labs and helping you finish your assignments on time.
"Nice to see you around. Glad you came. Any drink you want?" He asked.
"What does it look like I'm in the mood for?" You teased lightly. He smirked, looking at Felix.
"She's a tequila person." He answered.
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