mihrsuri · 2 years
I got reminded by an @anghraine post but I, a biracial person really do want a biracial actor to play Elrond one day.
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mihrsuri · 2 days
My possibly unpopular salty Legendarium opinion is obviously that Jackson!Elrond is not my Elrond.
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mihrsuri · 2 years
In this essay I will touch on how the exploration of Elrond as biracial makes me, a biracial woman absolutely delighted, especially when we talk about his Maia heritage and the fact that he has several different Elvish and Human roots and the idea that he’d be against say, a dwarf and an elf getting married is Absolutely Not True, let alone the idea that he would be unkind or not welcome dwarves.
(I was saying to a mutual friend that @goshawke and I probably have LOTR feelings in common etc)
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mihrsuri · 2 years
I do really really want a biracial actor to play Elrond one day but I also love what they are doing with Elrond and his biracial identity in the show thank you for coming to my TED post. Like, I absolutely want to see where that goes! I would love to discuss! @isagrimorie @nocompromise-noregrets
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mihrsuri · 8 months
Could you please explain the "Elrond is biracial in canon" thing because I'm really interested?
Disclaimer: I’m biracial and really relate to Elrond in that way so I have bias!
Elrond being specifically identified as half elven* and his own identification specifically as being of the Line of Luthien which is very much about all aspects of his heritage - elven, maia and human.
Being described in text as looking like both of the line of mortal heroes and elves and Something More (Maia).
His arc of loss of culture, reclaiming of culture and essentially being bought up in a series of different worlds and (this is me interpretating) making Rivendell a place that very specifically welcomes everyone when maybe he has felt like he did have to chose/that he didn’t belong entirely anywhere and maybe he could make a place in which he did not have to choose
Yes he makes the choice to go with the elves but he very specifically keeps connections with his brothers people.
We don’t get to see much re his Maia heritage but I do feel like it’s there (FRIENDSHIP WITH GANDALF)
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mihrsuri · 11 days
Caught up on Rings Of Power. My many many (delighted) feels
Charlie Vickers is so terrifyingly good - Sauron is alluring awful! You can absolutely understand how incredibly horribly competent Sauron is as a villain - how much he does get into everyone’s head.
Absolutely believe he’s too terrified to say Luthien’s name fyi because listen, if Luthien returned the war would be over in five seconds at MOST. Sauron just running away begging to be locked in the void, just don’t let HER NEAR HIM SHE MIGHT SING SEND HELP.
I need him to meet Elrond and just be like TERROR.
Celebrimbor is going to break my heart because you can see Sauron manipulating how much he wants to genuinely do good, to create something good, to have the Feanorian Craftsmanship stand for good again and OH SHIT FUCK (me at Sauron STAY AWAY FROM HIM YOU FUCKER).
I’m wondering if we might have actually met Celebrian there (also me at Sauron: GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER).
Tom BOMBADIL. SHIRE ORIGINS. Almost certainly A Gandalf.
Tar-Miriel you are THE BEST and anyway you and Elendil GET MARRIED AND HAVE A LONG LIFE TOGETHER AND EVERYONE IS FINE. (Ar-Pharazon needs to stay away from them both).
You know I hate Ar-Pharazon don’t get me wrong but his fuckass son is The Worst I hope he gets sacrificed first. And I do go between feeling deeply sorry for Elendil’s daughter and also being like You Self Righteous AAAAGH.
Valandil :(((((.
Arondir is the dad who stepped up.
Isildur <333333. I am so attached to him and obviously his BESTEST HORSIE. (Aragorn coming by his horse girl genes honestly).
MY SWEET BABY BIRACIAL ELROND (listen one day I will have my canonically biracial Elrond played by a biracial actor but Robert I love your Elrond). I am so glad we are getting kind as summer and also obviously trauma but tbh I hate the Jackson Elrond depiction I’m so sorry I just, Elrond is not haughty/rude.
Sauron just being a dog guy is Something. He’s really just like ‘who’s my best abomination of darkness? Who’s my sweet devourer of light? IT’S YOU! You are the bestest boy!’
Elendil is The Most Tired DILF.
Sauron (about Galadriel): soon as she unblocks me the wedding is back on (no but seriously, there is a desire there - I mean obviously it’s not like, caring about her, about Celebrimbor but it’s not unattached either. It’s like…possession).
G-d there is so so much gorgeous lore in this show I love it so much and also it’s going to hurt so so much.
(I can’t recall whether it was Isildur or Elendil who nabs the White Tree sapling before Numenor is sunk I cannot believe we will be seeing that on screen).
(Ar-Pharazon and Elendil as ex boyfriends or something when)
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mihrsuri · 4 months
Thank you saati @nocompromise-noregrets for the tag <3
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I was either six or eight years old and I read The Hobbit for the first time and just kind of imprinted like a small baby duckling. Then I read LOTR/Silmarillion age eleven/twelve and I kept rereading and thus, it has continued.
- Favourite LOTR character? Elrond and Faramir and Luthien and Idril my beloveds. I’m also very fond of Finrod.
- Books or Movies? Books but also I refuse the bullshit judgement about people who prefer the movies/haven’t read the books etc because I am so glad people can find joy in this world I love so much and while yes, I have Notes about the movies they also do amazing incredible things and gave me so so much magic and beauty of a world I have loved since I was a child.
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? I mean Rivendell. I want to live in Rivendell. And then also Minas Tirith during Aragorn and Arwen’s reign. Hobbiton. Gondolin before the fall, definitely. Lorien. Almost certainly also Valinor.
- Favourite Movie? I am very fond of Return of the King.
- Favourite scene? OH GOSH OKAY A LIST. (Books Mostly). Sam seeing a white star in Mordor. The entirety of Beren and Luthien’s everything. Faramir and Eowyn in the Houses of Healing. The Fellowship Bantering Dot Gif.
- Favourite quote?
“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? LINE OF LUTHIEN. Biracial FEELS FOR LIFE.
- Favourite LOTR ship? Faramir/Eowyn, Beren/Luthien, Aragorn/Arwen (books). I don’t really do non canon LOTR ships but I will say that Rings of Power Galadriel/Celeborn/Tar-Miriel/Elendil is VIBES. (Also Fingon/Maedhros)
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mihrsuri · 2 years
Rings Of Power 1X08
Unsurprisingly I have thoughts and a lot of them are Elrond feels.
Hi probably Gandalf Isteri that was delightful early Hobbit associations (and Nori is the most adorable and I need to have her come back to her family)
Sauron is so so on brand - from the fact that yes, Tolkien said he genuinely repented for a time (or at least feigned it but in the show I’m inclined to actually see it as a genuine thing) but was too scared/prideful to go to the Valar for pardon and so he fell back into to the fact that he’s using Seductive Sexiness in his evil plan which like, legit. 
Okay knowing what Ar Pharzon is going to do probably does not help but That Fucker. UGH. Absolute Fuckery. 
Could absolutely do with more Ar Pharzon and Elendil interaction though (EX BOYFRIENDS I swear) because canon says they were ‘best friends’ in their youth but also like, later on he doesn’t [spoilers] Elendil and I feel like Ex Boyfriend Vibes. 
Oh my poor baby horse girl Isildur
I love Galadriel and Elrond’s friendship but I have spent approximately a while trying to work out how Galadriel could have met Elrond as a lonely orphan on a beach because I cannot imagine she was near the Murder Dads. Possibly this is just after Elrond and Elros are sent to Gil-Galahad and tiny baby Elrond is lonely and sad and Galadriel finds him walking on the beach all bewildered. 
Okay look I’m biracial and fixated but one of the things I remember reading in canon was that the only people who do not trust Sauron is Galadriel and Elrond (and someone else who escapes me) and like, I understand in show why people are not listening to Galadriel but I wonder if Sauron!brand is like ‘are we really trusting the half-elven raised partly by Murder Dads’ guy things because like, I can see it. Because they are doing so much stuff with Elrond being half-elven and how that plays out, especially with how and who he was raised by. 
ELROND. KIND AS SUMMER. I do still want a biracial actor to play Elrond but the actor is so good. 
TAR MIRIEL. TAR MIRIEL. Look I don’t read or write fic but other than the ‘Exploring Elrond As Biracial Stories’ I’m also like Galadriel/Tar-Miriel/Elendil is a thing. 
It makes Galadriel’s later rejection of Sauron and the ring so so much more Interesting. So much more. I need discussion. Also how Sauron feels about her at this point - because at this point, at this point he’s still embodied. Still not in constant pain all the time. And like, he’s an evil manipulative mind game player but also…there was a genuine connection with Galadriel. 
There are things I would critique still but also, I had a really really wonderful time watching and also there were many amazing things. 
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