#but like i would've got this and the socks and the bike shorts and and and she's putting our some excellent merch and im so sad
Since Dora’s current life in Supernova is throughly depressing me atm(in the best way possible lol), I was wondering- what do you think her childhood was like in canon? Since she was raised by both Ted and Andromeda there, I think she would have gotten to experience parts of being a witch and parts of being a Muggle(and I like imagining Ted teaching her how to ride a bike or watching movies with her). Not to say there wouldn’t be any sort of tension(Bella lol), but I think overall in canon she had a happy childhood.
Well, Dora's childhood in Supernova hasn't been terrible, lol. Granted, it's gotten WORSE as of late, and it will eventually be a total shitshow, but before age 11, it was relatively fine.
Canon Nymphadora Tonks's childhood?
I think it was happy and thoroughly middle class. The first few years of her life would've had more anxiety with the first wizarding world happening - and I can't imagine Bellatrix was happy that her sister not only ran off with a Muggleborn but then had a half-blood child with him. I do HC Bella as making the Tonkses somewhat off-limits to the Death Eaters, however. Bella still recognizes Andromeda as her sister in DH - and I think that one familial bond held through the first war. More or less, my thought is that as long as the Tonkses kept their heads down and didn't make any trouble, Bella would leave them alone but wouldn't interact with them.
That being said, I am sure that Andromeda was worried in those early years over what could happen to her family. I can imagine little Dora seeing her parents' worried faces, perhaps them struggling to make ends meet, and living somewhere smallish and modest while anti-Muggleborn sentiments were strongest. When Voldemort 'died' in '81, I can see Ted being able to break through some of the old barriers in his work, or maybe in society at large, and being more financially stable. At that point, little Tonks is 8-9 years old, so old enough for her to remember the past, but young enough that she had a lot of time left in her childhood.
I imagine Andromeda as being a caring, if sometimes strict, mother. I see this a lot in the way that Tonks talks about her parents in OoTP - she's gushing to Harry, a near-stranger, about her family, good bad and all. Dad's a slob, mum can get socks to fold themselves, etc. I see a warm and loving relationship, albeit with some exasperation on Tonks's part as to Andromeda's strictness or perhaps worry.
Ted is a great father. I see him as being unashamed of being a Muggleborn and he happily did Muggle things with Dora. After all, Tonks seems to be pretty comfortable at the Dursleys, with the caveat that they're especially clean. She doesn't seem to wonder at the appliances in the home or any of Harry's things. She also dresses like a Muggle, so that means she's comfortable in Muggle things too.
I can see Andromeda homeschooling Tonks until she gets to Hogwarts. I've got random HCs for schooling for young witches and wizards, but I think most of them get taught at home and then sent to Hogwarts. Outside of homeschooling, Tonks was probably a precocious child and liked to explore. I can imagine her parents encouraging her to learn, but Andromeda trying to show her to be cautious.
In short, Tonks had a great childhood. She was loved and supported. She didn't want for anything. She wanted to make the world a better place, so she did.
In Supernova, little Dora is going to grow up with similar goals.
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aikoiya · 2 years
How I'd Do Scooby-Doo
Since the introduction of HBO's Velma, I've been thinking about how I'd go about an adult Scooby-Doo show.
For one, Scooby is a must. He's the face of the entire franchise & there is no Scooby-Doo show without him.
Next, I'd keep the gang mostly the same as they've always been. Maybe update their wardrobes. Possibly give Velma a cute bob cut.
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Something like this would be cute & would keep to her general style.
Maybe give her a red vest jacket & a beret? She'd look cute in a beret. Knit orange top with a loose pile collar, long loose, slightly puffy sleeves with buttoned cuffs that go about halfway up the forearms. Modest, but not frumpy. Keep the red skirt, possibly make it plaid; high-waisted, double button. With a pair of black bike shorts or tights underneath. Maybe give her boots with tall orange socks when she's wearing the shorts. No heels. It's impractical when your job involves a lot of walking or running around.
In fact, give them all shoes or boots built for running or hiking. Yes, even Daphne. Just because they're functional doesn't mean they have to look ugly.
Keep the same overall rounded design of Velma's face with freckles.
Other than that, make the whole gang like a mix between What's New Scooby-Doo, Mystery Incorporated, & the episode ScoobyNatural.
Except, make Fred a little less oblivious & maybe less obsessive over traps. Instead, add to his fascination with it by making him also very interested in Rube Goldberg machines, mechanics, & even a little bit of engineering. Not necessarily in a scientific way, more so a 'he can see how it all fits together' way. And the strategizer of the group.
He must also be a himbo, dadfriend, & a gearhead! I will have no arguments!!
Keep Daphne as resourceful with a mind for guerilla science & combat. And the karate muscle. Now, that doesn't mean that she won't get kidnapped every once in a while, because even masters of combat can be caught off guard sometimes.
Fred & Daphne are in a steady relationship, while Shaggy & Velma had tried it for a bit, but instead of it ending in a fight like in Mystery Incorperated where, let's be honest, Velma was being a control freak; here she's a mature adult, so they just broke it off amiably after realizing that they just didn't mesh in a romantic way. They joke about it & rib each other every once in a while.
They also poke fun at Fred & Daphne too when they get shmoopy doopy. Meanwhile, Scoob snickers in the back. There's no shortage of good-natured ribbing in this group. Maybe even have a few episodes where Fred & Daphne just go on a date in the beginning & don't really come back until later. Like, when shit's serious, of course the rest of the Gang calls them & informs them what's happening & Fred & Daphne make a b-line to their location, but if the case doesn't seem to be too dangerous, they'll try to handle it themselves.
Keep Velma the levelheaded momfriend & a lover of mysteries, puzzles, riddles, & all that. Keep her loving mystery novels while maybe Daphne's more a fan of true crime novels.
I like to think that before the Gang got together in high school, they were in their own separate groups. Velma with the academics, Shaggy with the hippie-vegetarian crowd, then Fred & Velma with the popular crew. Fred having been the star quarterback, but it was mostly due to his father's expectations of him. He'd never really been interested in sports to that degree. Meanwhile, Daphe was varsity captain.
Regardless, I think Velma & Daphne's friendship would've really started via them discovering a shared interest in mystery & crime novels. And it sort of evolved into a near sisterhood.
Also, I think the person that Fred dislikes the most would end up being Rufford "Rudy" Herrington. (If you get that reference, then bless you.)
Velma likes broad-shouldered men & let her like them, but absolutely don't make her a simp like in that one movie where she was so dumb over that super villain. *shudders* No.
Maybe she wants to become a detective or private investigator? I'm not sure. I could see her taking classes in the day.
No! A forensics detective! She carries around a waist bag or fanny pack full of investigative supplies such as liminol spray with glasses, a blacklight, finger print powder, a magnifying glass, things like that. Maybe she has a microscope tucked away in the van?
Also, a hacker/programmer. She's the software girl, while Fred & Daphne are the hardware guys. They work together to do some pretty amazing stuff.
And the rest of the group get pretty good at this stuff too just through osmosis. Same with figuring out the mysteries. I don't want it to just be Velma. They've been doing this stuff for years, let them all get good at it. Sure, Velma's the best, but have the others pick up things that she misses just due to their minds working differently.
Shaggy & Scooby are damn near perfect. Shaggy being a skill monkey like in the old show with lots of little talents like ventriloquism & throwing his voice. Also, he & Scooby actually very much enjoy thrills, or what Shaggy in A Scooby-Doo Halloween refers to as "Halloween Scary."
Also, someone had the idea of Shaggy being a war vet & I'm just like??? That's awesome???
Now I'm like, what if Scooby was a K9 Unit? Shaggy could've been his K9 Handler. Like, Scoob has been with Shaggy since he was a puppy, but he enlisted at the same time as Shag.
They're actually both super deadly in a fight, but they've both chosen to avoid it whenever they can. And are super protective.
Dude... what if they're not actually cowards & instead they react the way they do due to PTSD? Hell, maybe Shag has a cannabis prescription to help with his nerves & he's trying to get to a point where he doesn't need it anymore?
That could be a very interesting arc to focus on.
And, yes, I think that Fred, Daphne, & Shag would all have varying types of engineering knowledge. Fred's more the traditionally knowledgeable one while Daphne & Shag are more the ones who can make shit outta anything. Though, Daphne is more so due to just having the head for it. Meanwhile, Shag knows so much because of a combination of redneck engineering & Marines just being absolutely batshit, ya'll. One of their mottos is "If it looks stupid, but works, then it's not really stupid."
I'm serious, man. A redneck marine would likely be borderline mad scientist & I don't know why this absolute reality hack hasn't been exploited the shit out of yet. I've watched redneck engineering vids & it's like, "Why does this work?? Just... HOW?! What kind of technoturgical voodoo is this?!?!"
Moving on, as the show would go on, bring in the Gang's relatives like in the old shows every once in a while.
But more than that, in season 2, bring in Scrappy-Doo as part of the gang.
He needs to be scrappy & brave, if naive. Remember that he's a puppy. He's going to make dumb decisions & be annoying sometimes. He loves & idolizes his Uncle Scooby, but he quickly has to learn that his uncle isn't exactly how he thought he'd be.
If we go with Scooby & Shaggy having been in the military, we could say that part of the reason that Scrappy looks up to his uncle so much is due to the stories he heard about him. Both as part of the Scooby-Doo Gang & as a K9 Unit/war hero.
But the thing is, both Scooby & Shaggy are traumatized from the experience. (I actually kinda wonder how many confirmed kills they have.) Maybe they're both working through it, but it's just really tough. If something legitimately dangerous happens, then they act instinctively to protect those around them, but if it's just them alone even together, then it triggers their flight response. Like, they do this because they implicitly know they can trust the other to not only be able to handle themselves, but also to protect them should the other need it.
Like, they aren't just best friends. They're brothers-in-arms. Soldiers from the same unit. This is a relationship that's been forged in fire. Thier trust in each other is absolute. And their teamwork is outstanding even when they're running on pure instinct.
Maybe the reason why they rejoined the Gang is a desire to face their issues through exposure? I see the rest of the Gang as being hyperaware of this & are always there for them, frequently giving the pair outs if they don't think they can deal with it & maybe Shag & Scoob actually take it a couple of times, but always come back due to a desire to keep trying?
Anyway, highlight how the creators tried to make Scrappy more like Daphne, Velma, & Fred when they were gone from the group, but make it clear that it's because he's a kid & really admires them & wants to be more like them. He messes some things up acting this way, but the Gang are supportive & start teaching him how to do better.
That way, he can learn how to figure out who he is & what makes him special.
I'd also like to see Scrappy get grounded by Scooby or one of the others for being too reckless & running into things without thinking.
Maybe if he does something really stupid, they threaten to send him back home if he doesn't straighten up? Same when things get really risky.
Like... I just don't want to see anything like what happened in the 1st live action Scooby Doo movie.
The Gang were complete sacks of shit in that for what they did. They didn't even take the kid back home to his mom! They just... left him on the side of the road in the middle of the freaking desert! For getting too excited & peeing on someone!
That pissed me off! Like, dude! He's a puppy!! What's wrong with you!?
Worst part is, I'd never minded Scrappy & never even knew that he was so hated, so when I saw it, it was just... It was very bad, ya'll...
Now, onto the actual show. I'd mostly keep with the old formulae, but do it more like Mystery Inc in that there's an overarching plot. Still some episodic episodes, but also plot.
However, it wouldn't just be guys in masks & thefts & business fraud. It'd also be actual murders where there is no ghost or ghoul to take the blame & also instances where it really is the supernatural causing problems. I mean, it wouldn't all be murders either, but ya know. Just a bit of variety is all I'm asking for. Hell, maybe have a cereal killer or 2?
Don't shy away from the dark stuff or the blood, but don't be overly gruesome either. It feels too much like you're going for shock value if you do that.
This way, it'd have more of a ScoobyNatural & murder mystery feel to it. Initially, the first instance of the gang learning that spooks & spectres are real, they react like they did in ScoobyNatural. (Maybe they speculate a bit at some point about how maybe that's the reason that so many criminals use ghost stories to get away with their crimes? Because there's actually a grain of truth to some of them?)
Anyway, nervous breakdowns, denial, but eventually they realize that people are relying on them & all crying & whining about it does is put more people in danger. Maybe make the episode a direct reference to ScoobyNatural & have hunters there teach them how to fight the baddy?
Like, 1st season, just regular Scooby-Doo shenanigans but with more adult themes, 2nd season, introduce real supernatural activity & monsters.
Make it a REAL making of a hero moment! One of those moments where their decision, right then in that very second, makes them or breaks them! Showing all around exactly what they're made of! Forged in fire! In fact... wouldn't it be the most interesting if, despite everything, it was the most "cowardly" of the bunch that ends up stepping forward first to be the bravest?
After all, courage is not necessarily the absence of fear but the ability to forge ahead to do what's right in spite of it.
Make it sort of a metaphor for growing up & becoming adults. Things aren't always gonna end so well as they're used to. Maybe have some of the perps escape sometimes to come back later? Just to change things up a bit. Maybe... some of them even succeed in their plans...
From then on, they slowly settle into being both freelance private investigators & paranormal investigators. Slowly, over time, they get better at both.
And, yes, I do think that it should be an actual job that they get paid for. Like, most of their cases should be a result of being hired. However, some should also be a result of them walking in & being, like, "We've got a mystery on our hands!" Because they're good people.
But in the cases where they just sort of walk in without being hired, their policy is to do it pro bono. Because it's not fair to charge someone for a service that they didn't ask for. On the other, other hand, there would still be people who'd insist on paying their service fee, if for no other reason than because they are very grateful for their help.
Moving on, it turns out that Shaggy has a mind for languages & research, especially old languages. This helps them with researching whatever they need to. And I wanna go deep into culture & mythology & folklore & legends.
Just different, but the same.
I also kinda want there to be an arc where Shaggy is turned into a werewolf a la Scooby-Doo & the Reluctant Werewolf. So, the Gang spends, like, a season trying to find a way to turn him back & it's about Shaggy's character growth. He goes through some things, trying to get used to all these new instincts, especially the predator ones & the not being able to be a vegetarian anymore without dying slowly thing.
Because wolves are carnivores with werewolves being obligate omnivores in human form. They also absolutely require meat. Especially, red meat. Red meat once a day to keep healthy. In the end, Shag settles on mostly pescatarianism, only indulging in other meats on occasion beyond daily red meat.
At the same time, maybe the Gang meets another werewolf who's going through an even tougher time than Shaggy & they join the gang for a while in hopes of finding a cure, but when they do, there's only enough for one of them & Shaggy, realizing that being a werewolf isn't so bad for him, he gives the cure to the other character & accepts that this is just part of his life now. Maybe it's Shaggy's girlfriend, Googie, from the movie & she ends up joining the gang!?
And maybe it turns out that he had a dormant werewolf gene & then something happened to activate it. Maybe something like a full reboot of Scooby Doo & the Reluctant Werewolf? Like, 1st generation werewolves always slowly go crazy over time & can't control themselves, eventually becoming feral, but Legacy werewolves are born with the gene & so their bodies & minds are better built to handle it. So, technically, Shaggy is a Legacy werewolf with a dormant werewolf gene, while Googie was a new 1st generation werewolf who only recently got bitten & that's why she's having so much worse of a time of it than Shaggy.
Shaggy actually thinks it's pretty cool because he finds that he has an even closer connection to nature than he ever had before & understands it in a way that he'd been unwilling to beforehand. Like, he'd been unwilling to accept that nature needed predators & death & that it could be as cruel as it was beautiful. He now totally gets the whole hunter vs poacher argument that his southern cousins used to have with him.
He also understands Scoob on a fraternal level now & that's super cool, man.
He still has issues with his PTSD, but not as much as before as being a werewolf makes him feel more protected & secure. More prepared to handle things. Not to mention his instincts.
So, the next season's sideplot would be about Shaggy learning about what it really means for him to be a werewolf. All the history & culture, & all the baggage that comes with being a werewolf. Like, do not sugarcoat, but also do not demonize. Perhaps being a werewolf opens up the world a bit for them? Giving them a new perspective? Like, supernatural society.
It isn't until, like, mid season that he realizes that he considers the Gang his pack & Fred as alpha, which is just wild for him to consider, but he quickly acclimates to the new line of thinking & becomes comfortable with it.
Yes, he's more aggressive than before & he's learning how to handle that & he tends to wolf out a little bit when he gets angry, but overall, he's still the same chill, laid back dude he always was, just seen through a new lens.
Also, going full wolf on the full moon, he turns into the wolfed out form from Wednesday. I really like how they did it in that show.
At the same time, any other time besides the full moon, he just grows claws & canines to show his wolfish side.
Which, BTW, it'd be super cool to have crossovers like with Guess Who Scooby Doo. Including a Wednesday crossover where they meet Wednesday & possibly the other Addamses after several years.
Or Ghostbusters (original recipe) or Batman or, to mix things up a bit, Danny Phantom!
Which, btw, I feel obligated to remind people that Scooby-Doo & Batman canonically exist within the same universe...
Let that sink in. (Also, it means a possible Constantine crossover.)
Cool would also be an introduction to monster/supernatural society like I mentioned before, where there is a monster underground. That not all monsters are evil beasts. That the ones they fight are generally rogues or special cases or criminals or radicals or have other extenuating circumstances.
There's still a lot of these rogues, mind, but that's just the way of it sometimes.
Also, reboots of Ghoul School, 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, & stuff like that.
These, of course, would only take place after the ScoobyNatural reference episode.
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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For the love of all that is holy someone please find a dupe ASAP for us poor bastards who couldn't get this glorious merch
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mtfstuff · 3 years
Becoming the stud
Chris drove onto the driveway and turned off the engine of his motorcycle as Steve already opened the front door.
"Really man?", Steve said. "First boys night in 3 years and you are driving? I wanted to drink with you..."
"I had to drive as I didnt want to walk all the way to you as my flatmate isnt home. Driving 4 hours to you with a motorcycle is already long, I dont even want to know how long walking would've took.", Chris answered, already taking off his helmet and gloves. After a short pause. "We can drink, but then I have to sleep somewhere in your house."
"Thats no problem. You can sleep on my couch.", Steve wanted to get back inside as he noticed something. "Oh, hey! Look at that. You got a new bike. Thats awesome!"
"Yeah, bought it two days ago. I love it.", Chris slapped the seat after hanging his gloves and helmet onto the handlebar. "You wanna drive it around for a little bit?"
Chris looked at Steve and saw that he was thinking about it.
"I'd love to, but...- "
"But what? I know you have the license to drive a bike.", Chris said.
"Yeah, I have it. But I wont drive without protective clothes. And I have none.", Steve said, looking down.
Chris took off his motorcycle leather jacket and threw it to Steve. Steve catched the jacket by surprise, he looked at Chris. Without his biker jacket, Steve was able to see Chris' muscles beneath a tight shirt. Chris had worked out more, Steve noticed.
"You can take mine for the short time.", Chris said, walking towards Steve. "Maybe a bit too big for you, but it should work."
Steve put on Chris' jacket and was surprised how damp and warm it was on the inside. He was definitely hot inside his clothes while driving, Steve thought, kinda turns me on.
"But the jacket isnt enough, if something happens. Isnt it?", Steve asked, hoping to get more from Chris.
"You need the helmet and gloves too.", Chris points towards the handlebar.
"And something for beneath the waist?"
Chris leaned down and opened his boots. He pulled them off and placed them in front of Steve.
Chris put his arms on his hips.
"Do you want to put on my pants too?"
"No, no. Thats it, thanks.", Steve said, trying not to stare at Chris' huge bulge that appeared in his leather pants after getting back up.
Chris walked next to Steve and sat down onto the step in front of the door. His white wool socks left wet footprints on the driveway.
Nice, wet and sweaty boots, Steve thought.
Steve kicked off his sneakers and took Chris' boots closer. A whiff of leather and sweat reached Steves nose, turning him on. He slipped his foot into the first boot and got goose bumps. He never felt this way towards Chris before. Or was it his biker attire? Steve wasnt sure. He slipped his other foot into the second boot and failed to close them.
"Let me help you.", Chris said, kneeling in front of Steve to close his motorcycle boots.
Steve stood up after Chris finished. The boots are incredibly comfy, Steve thought.
He got onto the motorcycle, put on gloves and helmet and drove for 20 minutes. Chris sat back down on the step again. He felt that Steve was kind of weird while putting his boots on. But Chris found weirder, that he kind of liked seeing someone walking around in his clothes. He layed down onto the step and waited for Steve to return.
Steve returned with a big smile on his face.
"This was incredible. I should get a bike too!", he said.
"It gives a sense of freedom, doesnt it?", Chris answered.
"Yeah, it really does."
He got off the bike and handed Chris the jacket back. Steve opened the front door again and Chris put the jacket back on.
"Lets go inside."
"I'm right behind you."
Chris entered the house and closed the door. He followed Steve through the house into the living room and sat down on the chair in front of Steve.
"You drink scotch,  right?", Steve asked.
Chris nodded and Steve poured him a drink and pushed it over to Chris.
Both started to drink.
After some hours, many drinks, games and smalltalk, Steve streched out his legs and placed them between Chris'. As Chris looked down, he saw that Steve was still wearing his motorcycle boots.
"I know they're comfy, but you're still wearing my boots.", Chris said.
"Oh, yeah. I really didnt notice them.", Steve answered, slightly sad that he has to take them off now.
Chris took Steve's legs and laid them onto his lap. He slowly opened the boots and removed them one by one from Steve's feet. The smell of Steve's sweaty feet coming out of his boots was stinging in Chris' nose, kind of turning him on as his dick got hard. Steve noticed it and wiggled with his toes.
"You like this?", he asked.
He gently pushed his smelly feet against Chris' crotch. He loved the feeling of the leather against his feet.
Chris tried to suppress a slight moan but failed.
"Steve, no. This is - ungh - this is wrong. Mmhhh - fuck... I'm so horny since I saw you in my clothes. Especially in my boots.", Chris said.
"Then why dont we go a step further and you'll let me wear everything.", Steve said, still massaging Chris' crotch with his feet.
Chris is torn.
"No, that wouldnt be right. I have a girlfriend."
"Hmm, okay.", Steve said removing his feet from Chris' crotch.
Chris put his boots back on and took a sip from his drink.
"I think I'll go to bed now. You can sleep here on the couch.", Steve said, getting up from the table. "I'll get you a blanket."
"Are you angry now, just because I didnt consent?"
"No, no. I'm just a bit tired."
Chris walked over to the couch and made himself comfortable. Steve handed him a blanket.
Chris listened to Steve walking up the stairs and closing the bedroom door. After that he pushed the blanket to the side and took off his jacket and shirt.
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It's so hot, I dont know how I can fall asleep, Chris thought. Shortly after he fell asleep deeply.
Steve waited some hours and carefully walked down the stairs again. He tried to make as little noise as possible. He took out a rag drenched in chloroform and got closer to the sleeping Chris. He carefully placed his legs on each side of the couch and laid the rag onto Chris' face. At first he didnt react but after some seconds Chris started to wake up from the smell. Steve, completely naked, let himself fall onto Chris' chiseled stomach and now pressed his hands with the rag onto Chris' nose and mouth. Chris felt Steves dick against his abs and tried to fight him but was already weakened. They struggled some minutes until Chris went unconscious.
Steve left the rag on Chris' face but got off of his body. He went to the end of the couch and started to remove Chris boots. He loved to see Chris' white socks beneath. He removed them with his teeth and enjoyed every second of it. After that he opened Chris' pants and stripped them off of him. He threw them onto the rest of Chris clothes and admired both, the pile and Chris' muscular unconscious body.
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He tied up Chris and waited till morning for him to be conscious again. It was already dawn as he woke up.
Chris noticed how he wasnt able to move and opened his eyes. In front of him was Steve putting on his biker attire.
"Good, you're awake. You like what you see? Do I turn you on?", Steve said.
"Steve, what the fuck? Untie me right now! I wont play this kinky shit.", Chris shouted angrily.
"Well, your member sees this differently."
Chris looked down at his erect dick and calmed down. Innerly he knew that this was turning him on, he just didnt want to admit it.
Steve was now wearing all of Chris' clothes but his underpants. He took out his phone and snapped a selfie.
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"Damn, I look good in this.", Steve said, grabbing his erect dick beneath the tight leather pants. "You know, I could use a slight relief. But first, you'll gonna admire your boots on my feet."
Steve put his feet directly next to Chris' face.
"Lick it buddy."
Without any hesitation, Chris started to work on his boots. It turned Chris on, not to be the hunky alpha male he normally is. It was even more arousing for him that Steve was wearing his biker attire. He cleaned the soles completely and took the whole tip into his mouth to play around it with his tongue.
The look of his hunky best friend licking his own biker clothes while Steve is wearing it made his dick even harder, causing him to shoot a load into Chris' suit.
He opened the zipper of his pants and pulled out his hard dick. He put his foot back down, grabbed Chris by his ankles and pulled him closer. He placed Chris tied feet on his shoulders and tried to enter Chris' hole with his hard dick.
"Wait, no! I dont want to be fuuuu-. My god, that feels crazy!", Chris exclaimed as Steve pushed his throbbing dick inside him. It was a difficult fit, even though Steve's dick wasnt the biggest. What a firm ass, Steve thought.
"Looks like your body doesnt want to give up your virginity easily.", Steve said.
Chris could only let out a groan. Steve crammed his flesh deeper inside Chris and started grinding. The pace of Steves thrusts was picking up. Chris started to move uncomfortably, moaning and whining.
"Pleeeaase, stop! It hurts!", Chris exhaled, trying to untie himself.
"Oh shit! I'll gonna cum.", Steve said, awkwardly caressing Chris' pecks and abs down to his thick cock.
"Then please pull it out. Fuck! Dont cum in me, please!", Chris whimpered.
Steve further stroked Chris' dick, causing it to get hard.
"No! I'll shoot my load right into your tight, virgin ass. Now you'll feel what it is like to be a bottom like me!", Steve said feeling that he's coming.
Chris screamed in agony as his ass filled with Steve's semen. He whimpered.
"Now, you'll shoot your load!", Steve said in a low, lustful tone.
Steve pulled out his dick, still stroking Chris'. He leaned down and took Chris' fat dick into his mouth. He almost gagged because of it's size. Chris started to moan between his whimpering. He still tried to release himself from the ties and from Steve's grip.
Steve sucked in a rhythmic manner and looked like he's enjoying it.
"I hope you are enjoying this as much as I do.", Steve mumbled, still having Chris' dick in his mouth.
Steve sucked further while running his hands over Chris' abs. Chris on the other hand started to notice that something changed in his body. He saw that it looked like something was getting sucked from his body through his dick.
"Steve. Please, stop! I feel weird! Just look.", Chris shouted. "Please!"
Steve didnt care to look, he was completely focused on getting Chris to cum. He wanted to swallow this thick seed of his hunky friend. Steve felt that he needed it to find to himself. He played with Chris' dick in his mouth with his tongue and felt how pre-cum started to drip from Chris' dick. One hard suck and Chris had a huge orgasm. Steve made sure to swallow every bit of it.
Chris saw in horror how his muscles started to disappear, his chest and belly were starting to grow hair. Grey hair! He felt how he started to grow a beard quickly and that he lost some of his hair. And as if losing his muscles wasnt enough he saw how his legs and belly started to grow. His skin became wrinkled and Chris felt that he got weaker every time Steve swallowed his cum.
At the same time, Chris saw how Steve started to fill out his biker attire more. Not in a fat way. In a muscular way.
He is stealing my muscles, my body, my features!, Chris thought.
Steve sucked Chris' dick dry and spat it out. It was nothing compared to what it was before, it has shrunken so much.
Steve licked his lips and looked up for the first time again. Steve and Chris looked each other terrified in the eye.
"Shit! What happened to you?!", Steve shouted.
"You happened! I told you that something was off when you started sucking. You fucker, stole my muscles even your face has now similarities to my old one!", Chris shouted in anger. He noticed that his voice cracked like an old man.
"Fuck, I didnt know this would happen. Sorry!", Steve exclaimed. He looked down at his body and was amazed. "Damn, this feels awesome! I feel so strong."
"Thats my body! Give it back!"
"I will find a way to reverse this Chris. I swear! But first I have to test this body out!"
Steve walked towards the door.
"You cant just leave me here!", Chris shouted.
"I'm coming back 'grandpa'. This is something I've dreamed off. I'll get every hunk into my bed with this body!", Steve said. "And after I've finished,  I'll find a way to give your muscles back."
"No! You can not do this to me!", Chris started to whimper. Tears ran down his cheeks. "Those are my muscles. My features. Stay and give them back. Please!"
Steve opened the door and left without saying another word. He could hear Chris scream and cry from the inside.
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Steve sat down on Chris' motorcycle and admired his body again.
"This is amazing. I dont know if want to go back.", he said to himself. "These clothes also fit perfectly. I should take some more from Chris' home as my old ones wont fit until we know how this happened."
He put on the helmet and gloves and drove away.
Commissioned by @weisnichts
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mtfstuff · 4 years
'Why didnt I thought of this...' I said to myself. I forgot to refuel my motorcycle... now I sit here and my tank is empty.
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I got off and started pushing it down the street. Still 147 miles to the next gas station.
After some time I've heard a truck coming closer. It stopped next to me and the window got let down. A fat man with beard revealed himself.
"Everything okay?", he asked.
"My tank is empty.", I replied.
"I was on my way to the next gas station. Hop in, I can take you with me.", he said smiling.
I was a bit hesitant.
"What about my bike?", I asked.
"We can secure your motorcycle in the trailer."
"That would be great!"
"Allright, you can meet me at the parking spot in front of us."
He drives away and parks about 150 meters in front of me. I push my bike towards it. The trailer is already open as I arrive and the driver gets out of his cabin.
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He was a head shorter and definitely older than me.
We stowed my bike and entered the driver cabin again.
"Thank you for taking me with you.", I said when he started the truck.
"It's always a pleasure to help young men in dificult situations.", he replied.
What a wierd response, I thought.
We drove a short time when he started to do small talk.
"I'm Pete. What is your name?", he asked.
"I'm Jordan.", I replied.
"Nice to meet you Jordan. May I ask if you are from around here? I dont see people on a bike her often. Oh, and how old are you? You seem pretty young."
I was getting suspicious of him. Who would ask such things a stranger? Maybe he just doesnt like silence. I shrug.
My testicle started to itch, what an inopportune time, I thought. Maybe I shouldnt have worn my jockstrap today. I pulled on the tight leather around the area to stop the itching.
From the corner of my eye I saw how he was watching me. To distract him I answered.
"No, I'm not from around here. I'm driving through the whole country right now. And I'm 26."
"You could be my son with that age. I'm twice as old as you.", he said and chuckled. "So you're doing a roadtrip. Alone?"
"I started with a friend but he left. Now I'm doing it alone."
Some minutes of silence again. I enjoyed it.
"You can put your feet up if you want.  Or take your boots off if they are too uncomfortable or too warm.", he said out of nowhere.
That was strange, but a nice offer.
"Thanks, but they are in fact really comfortable.", I answered.
Silence again, I hope this time for longer.
His phone rang and he picked it up. From his responses it sounded like it was a friend.
"Is it okay for you if we do a small stop soon? I have to pick up a friend?", he asked me after hanging up.
I looked around to find out where he should fit in this cabin. Pete noticed that.
"If you pull the curtains behind you to the side you can see a bed. It would be nice if you stay there until I put him down again.", he said.
"Alright, I'll do it.", I answered.
I pulled the curtains to the side and a gross looking bed got revealed. It had so many stains and chips leftovers. I took a step towards it as I thought that it wouldnt take long but then I felt a sting in my right ass cheek. As I turn around I see how Pete empties a syringe into my butt. I tried to get away but I already started to stumble and fell mostly onto the bed.
Pete parked the truck at the side of the road and closed the window curtains.
"I'm sorry Jordan, but you are really my type.", he said with a dark grin.
I tried to move but I couldnt. i tried to scream but I could only get out a whimper.
"I injected you with my own creation. It paralyzes every muscle except the heart.", he said.
He now took my legs and put them onto the bed so that I laid straight on it. He run his fingers all over my body. From my pecks to my feet. He took the zipper from my one-piece-racing-suit and pulled it down till he reached my belly button. He stared for a long time at my abs and then he started to massage and lick them. It kinda felt good, I didnt had such intimate body contact in a long time. I tried to imagine my girlfriend licking my six pack instead of an old creepy guy but it didnt really work.
As he was finished he grabbed my left foot and pulled my boot off. It kinda turned me on. The second it came off I could smell my feet and it was a strong smell. Hey, I never took them or the suit off the whole last week as they were super comfortable and the motels I stayed at never had a shower.
He raised it to his nose and took some deep breaths. I noticed how his dick raised in his jeans and he noticed too. Ho opened his pants and put his dick out. It was pretty small.
"I'll clean it up. I promise.", he said as he took my gloved hand to wank while sniffing my boot. He shot his load all over my abs. When he finished he took a wet warm rug to clean my body. It felt great. Then he put my boot back on. I hoped that he would make me able to move again as he pulled out another syringe.
"You know Jordan, now that I played with and observed your body,  I came to the conclusion that you'll be the new me.", he said.
I was shocked. What does he want? Does he have a body swap machine somewhere? Dear god, I hope not.
"You'll be my first body suit. I got this serum from the black market.", he told me. I tried to move but nothing even twitched. He put the syringe on my neck and with the other hand pressed my cock the last time.
"Dear god, thats huge!", he shouted as he emptied the syringe.
He took a step back to look at me nervously.
I started to feel my body tingle and then it started. I saw how my chest started to deflate, followed by my legs, arms and head. Pete cheered.
As the transformation finished he lifted me, well my empty skin from the bed, causing my biker clothes to slip completely off.
He sniffed my armpit and groaned. After that he took his clothes of and started to feel for my asshole. He went head first into me. At first it hurt but it felt good shortly after. I felt how his chubby legs filled out my muscular legs, how his fat belly pressed against my well formed abs, how his small dick grew to fill up my huge cock and how his beard tingled for a short time as he slipped his head inside mine.
As he finished he let out a loud moan, but it was my voice.
"I cant wait to put all of this on. I'm sorry Jordan that you had to be it but you were totally my type: tall, good looking, muscular and wearing a racing suit.", I heard my voice saying.
So he knew that I'd be conscious after he put me on. I dont want this life as a suit.
He took my jockstrap and my thick wool socks and put them on. The socks were wet and cold. Probably because I wore them non stop even at these high temperatures. He took the suit and put it on. After that he lifted my, now his feet, to smell them one last time before he put my boots on. He finished with my gloves and went back behind the steering weel.
He drove close to the gas station, took my bike, filled it up and drove as myself away.
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Now almost 2 months later, I almost got used to being worn. At first it felt really weird, as if I'm the boot but after a while I enjoyed it. I had no duties anymore. Pete only took me off once since that day and I can feel how he enjoys being inside me. He loves wearing my clothes, especially the racing suits and normal suits. He loves driving with the motorcycle through the whole country.
Sometimes, when he feels alone he even talks to me. He knows that I cant answer but he just wants to get things off his chest while knowing that someone is listening.
He took me off at my birthday, maybe because of sympathy or because he didnt know how to act that day if he would've met someone from my old life that day.
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Now he is making money off of instagram by posting pictures of him in my body suit to finance his motorcycle trips.
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